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Red, Hot Outer Ears ?

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Hello All,

Is anyone familiar with the symptom of very red outer ears, hot to the

touch? This happens intermittently with my boys. It might provide a

big clue for us if we could trace exactly what it is related to. Any

ideas? Probably some type of vasodilation, like facial blushing, but

what is it connected to, in terms of specific disorders?



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My son had this thoughout childhood and has it at times as an adult.

He could be outside in the cold for hours and come in with hot red

ears or they would get that way all of a sudden when indoors. We were

told it was due to dysautonomia. He also gets white as a sheet and his

blood pressure drops to an extreme if he is in pain.


> Hello All,


> Is anyone familiar with the symptom of very red outer ears, hot to the

> touch? This happens intermittently with my boys. It might provide a

> big clue for us if we could trace exactly what it is related to. Any

> ideas? Probably some type of vasodilation, like facial blushing, but

> what is it connected to, in terms of specific disorders?


> Thanks,


> MF







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My daughter used to get this when she was younger. We were told it was

a component of her dysautonomia I believe.

maryfrances123 wrote:

>Hello All,


>Is anyone familiar with the symptom of very red outer ears, hot to the

>touch? This happens intermittently with my boys. It might provide a

>big clue for us if we could trace exactly what it is related to. Any

>ideas? Probably some type of vasodilation, like facial blushing, but

>what is it connected to, in terms of specific disorders?











>Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein are

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responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with their

physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


>Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

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I mentioned to you on the kid mito list my 13 yr old son also gets this. After

thinking about it and hearing all the responses dysautonomia makes sense for him

also as he sleeps with a fan on even in the winter. I never really pursued it

with docs as they did not really hurt him.

Janet Sample

Re: Red, Hot Outer Ears ?


My son had this thoughout childhood and has it at times as an adult.

He could be outside in the cold for hours and come in with hot red

ears or they would get that way all of a sudden when indoors. We were

told it was due to dysautonomia. He also gets white as a sheet and his

blood pressure drops to an extreme if he is in pain.


> Hello All,


> Is anyone familiar with the symptom of very red outer ears, hot to the

> touch? This happens intermittently with my boys. It might provide a

> big clue for us if we could trace exactly what it is related to. Any

> ideas? Probably some type of vasodilation, like facial blushing, but

> what is it connected to, in terms of specific disorders?


> Thanks,


> MF







> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

> are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail

> is entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

> responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with

> their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

> automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.







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Thanks very much Janet and Laurie and . I knew I would

probably get some good replies from the various mito lists --you'll

have to excuse me for posting the question on several! Yes,

dysautonomia is a good idea to pursue; does make sense. The red

ears are just getting so severe and much more frequent with all

three of my boys that I thought it should be pursued. When I was

younger, I had very heated and intense facial blushing from even a

little bit of physical exertion or a little bit of unexpected

attention; wander if it came from the same cause?


> > Hello All,

> >

> > Is anyone familiar with the symptom of very red outer ears,

hot to the

> > touch? This happens intermittently with my boys. It might

provide a

> > big clue for us if we could trace exactly what it is related

to. Any

> > ideas? Probably some type of vasodilation, like facial

blushing, but

> > what is it connected to, in terms of specific disorders?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > MF

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements

contained herein

> > are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author

of this e mail

> > is entirely responsible for its content. List members are

reminded of their

> > responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and

consult with

> > their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.

> >

> > Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who

sends one is

> > automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity

of the attack.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi MF,

The outer portion of my ears also get red, and hot. Sometimes only one ear will

get red and hot, and sometimes both ears!! Strange!!

Like Janet's son I also sleep with a fan or the air conditioner on all winter

long. I have always done this.

I never really looked into why, but as I got older and then got the Mito dx I

figured it was due to dysautonomia.



Red, Hot Outer Ears ?

Hello All,

Is anyone familiar with the symptom of very red outer ears, hot to the

touch? This happens intermittently with my boys. It might provide a

big clue for us if we could trace exactly what it is related to. Any

ideas? Probably some type of vasodilation, like facial blushing, but

what is it connected to, in terms of specific disorders?



Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail is

entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with their

physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.

Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.

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