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Re: Dave's health

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Hi Kim,

My son who just turned 20 has a lot of problem's with dehydration and we are

not sure why. We have a nurse come in once a month to start an IV for 3 days

which I change the bags. I am not sure if it is mito related but he looks like

a new person after he also has severe Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome which seems to be

under control as long as he receives hydration and he has severe Postural

Orthostatic Taycardia Syndrome also known as POTS and/ Dysautonomia. I hope

that Dave is feeling better I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.


Donna K

---- kj24012 doyoucook@...> wrote:

> we spent 6 hours in hospital for dehydration and Dave seems to be

> losing weight and confusion has increased. also I noticed he speaks

> softer now and I have trouble hearing him. are these some of the

> effects of Mito?

> Kim









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Hi Kim, sorry about Dave. I have issues with hydration, some of which

have been the result of poor swallowing. I have since been given a

feeding tube so I can better hydrate and insure consistent nutritional

needs are met. The real question is why is Dave getting dehydrated ?

Does he have an infection, kidney, liver or pancreatic issues, poor

intake etc... Could his weight loss be solely from dehydration, or is

he having poor intake of food, chronic diarhea or poor absorption ?

Is he getting dehyrated from vomiting or diarhea ? It's important to

work through the questions with his doc and try to find out what

happend. Best of luck !


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> Good questions to ask. Dave does have a feeding tube and does have swollowing

problems and does have bowel problems. dehydration is a new issue for us. he did

have plenty of liquids but it just didn't help him.this seems to be a new stage

for us to deal with. he is also losing his memory and getting confused more

lately. sometimes I just get so tired of this sicking disease.



> Date: 2005/08/26 Fri PM 10:15:26 EDT

> To:

> Subject: Re: dave's health



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Kim, the memory / concentration problems can be from dehydration and

also fatigue. Depression can also cause cognitive difficulties. It's

important to get any bowel problems under control. Otherwise, chronic

diarrhea can lead to electrolyte imbalances and dehydration, both of

which are dangerous. Conversely, constipation can create toxic

conditions in the bowel and may also cause obstruction and / or

perforation of the bowel. These are some of my issues too, so I'm

quite familiar with them.

I use laxatives and even enimas when necessary for constipation, and

imodium for diarrhea. For days when I need better hydration, I have

Propel ( like Gatorade with much less sugar ) and it helps to replace

the electrolytes. Water isn't enough on a day when you're

particularly dehydrated. I also noticed when I changed formulas that

I had to start taking in more fluids since the new formula is more

concentrated than the last one I used.


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Hi just an idea or two, my gastro doctor has recommended that I take one to six

Colace or generic brand daily depending on how my IBS is doing that particular

day and this seems to be working with me and hopefully it will continue that

way. Just an idea but with gastro problems, who knows as it all depends on how

things are going that day. When I was at my cousin's in Washington State over

the holidays I didn't have enough stool softeners with me and she had me try

some of the Liquid Fleet she has used when they were testing for her colon

cancer a year ago and one teaspoon in a small amount of juice worked fine.


venomvw pamcroy@...> wrote:Kim, the memory / concentration problems can

be from dehydration and

also fatigue. Depression can also cause cognitive difficulties. It's

important to get any bowel problems under control. Otherwise, chronic

diarrhea can lead to electrolyte imbalances and dehydration, both of

which are dangerous. Conversely, constipation can create toxic

conditions in the bowel and may also cause obstruction and / or

perforation of the bowel. These are some of my issues too, so I'm

quite familiar with them.

I use laxatives and even enimas when necessary for constipation, and

imodium for diarrhea. For days when I need better hydration, I have

Propel ( like Gatorade with much less sugar ) and it helps to replace

the electrolytes. Water isn't enough on a day when you're

particularly dehydrated. I also noticed when I changed formulas that

I had to start taking in more fluids since the new formula is more

concentrated than the last one I used.


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My husband (Gos Rest His Soul) used to tell me that of all the people he talked

to I was the only person he couldn't hear well and when I was still able to work

I would get so embarrased when a Provider that I was talking to on the phone

would ask me what I said but I muddled thru so it could be one of the symptoms??


kj24012 doyoucook@...> wrote:we spent 6 hours in hospital for dehydration

and Dave seems to be

losing weight and confusion has increased. also I noticed he speaks

softer now and I have trouble hearing him. are these some of the

effects of Mito?


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physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.

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Hi Kim,

Sorry to hear that Dave isn't doing well. Even though Dave has a feeding

tube, he may still need additional hydration, you might want to ask his

doctor about hooking him up to an IV for extra fluids. I have noticed that

this summer has really played hardball on my body, I was always dehydrated

and couldn't take in enough fluids orally.

Also bowel problems, confusion, and memory loss can all be related to his


I have a severe case of gastric emptying delay and I am always constipated.

I started TPN over a month ago and it started to get better, or so I

thought it was, but I am back in the same boat I was before starting the

TPN. I am not suggesting that he start TPN, just explaining my situation.

My Mito doc started me on TPN so that I can gain some weight and get

stronger so my body can handle the J tube surgery it needs.

Hope Dave improves soon....



At 07:46 PM 8/27/2005, you wrote:

> > Good questions to ask. Dave does have a feeding tube and does have

> swollowing problems and does have bowel problems. dehydration is a new

> issue for us. he did have plenty of liquids but it just didn't help

> him.this seems to be a new stage for us to deal with. he is also losing

> his memory and getting confused more lately. sometimes I just get so

> tired of this sicking disease.




> >

> > Date: 2005/08/26 Fri PM 10:15:26 EDT

> > To:

> > Subject: Re: dave's health

> >

> >



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I am sorry about Dave's health, I will keep you in my prayers

As for the voice getting softer I just had a speech therapist out to the

house to evaluate Duane and his voice is getting very high pitched and soft

also I asked why,

The answer is Dave is dehydrated his energy goes kaput and it takes energy

to get the voice to make noise when there is no energy you cant make the

vocal cords move so they move in the high region of the cords and that is

what makes it sound soft and you cant hear that.

Duane gets high pitched and very breathy that is how I explain it it is

worse at night better in the morning, once I thought about it.

It made since more energy in the morning less at night

I am sure I could have explained this better but I have been up since 5:00

am and I am pooped.

hugs Jan

dave's health

> we spent 6 hours in hospital for dehydration and Dave seems to be

> losing weight and confusion has increased. also I noticed he speaks

> softer now and I have trouble hearing him. are these some of the

> effects of Mito?

> Kim









> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained

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their responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult

with their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.



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  • 4 months later...

Hi Kim,

I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I know what a hard decision

this is. I lost 2 grandmothers this past year and both were in Hospice. My

grandma who I grew up with and was very close to had congestive heart

failure for years but continued to hang on. She went from a senior apartment

to my

mom's house because she could no longer live safely by herself. That worked

for awhile because her medical care was limited and she could still take

care of herself. Then things began to progress and we brought hospice to the

house for the medical care my mom couldn't do. It was extremely difficult for

my mom and she was physically and mentally exhausted. It became obvious that

something had to be done. My parents live in a rural area also and it would

take at least 15 minutes for rescue to get in. The decided to put my

grandma in a hospice home. It was wonderful. They are usually very small with

only a few patients and things are done differently than with a nursing home.

My grandma wore pretty gowns instead of hospital gowns. She was clean and

well fed. If she was in pain she was treated immediately. My family could

visit anytime and even have dinners or parties in a special room there. Her

Medicare and supplemental insurance covered everything. My grandma was there

about 6 months and was very happy and comfortable to the end. My mom was able

to get the away time for her well being and wasn't responsible for care she

couldn't handle. We know we made the right decision. She felt extremely guilty

at the beginning letting such a beloved family member go into a " home " . It

turned out to be the best thing. My other grandma only had hospice care at

home because her cancer spread very quickly so a decision was never needed in

that case. I realize that my cases are very different than yours. You and

Dave are young and this isn't suppose to happen. Dave is your husband. I

just wanted to tell you that in our case, placing my grandmother turned out to

be the best solution. Mom tried being superwoman and it didn't work.

Although it was a very difficult decision to make it was the most realistic one


the correct one. I'm glad that you are taking time for yourself with school

and your therapist. That is very important. Don't beat yourself up about

this. It isn't your fault. You didn't ask for this. Do what you feel is

best for you and Dave.

Gentle hugs............your former roomie,

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It's good to hear from you and thank you for the update. I'm sorry

that things are not getting better. You have been a wonderful

support for Dave and you are still doing that, but I understand what

you are feeling. I suspect that Dave is receiving good care and

being monitored for his medical needs on a daily basis now that

Hospice is involved. Hospice care is an excellent to a point. Now

you seem to be faced with another decision. The doctor is

recommending a placement where Dave can get more mental stimulation

and you can get more rest. At the same time, there will be people to

care for him 24/7 - that means shifts. No one can hold up 24/7 on

their own as the human body is not meant to go without proper rest.

When we are forced to do this, it's impossible not to feel some

resentment. I have had to make a similar decision 3 times in my life

mand although I felt terrible when I was doing it, once done, I knew

it was the best for everyone, including the patient.

Hugs! I know this is difficult and I am sure that you will make the

right decision after considering everything involved. My thoughts and

prayers are with you.


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> thanks for your warm thoughts. It has been so stressful but thank God

my sister in law (Dave's sister) has been my comfort. her girlfriend died last

year of breast cancer and she went through Hospice. she said everything I'm

experiencing is the same thing she went through. I do have a great support

system but not many understand the Mito aspect of it.


> From: JSchwartzo@...

> Date: 2006/01/21 Sat AM 11:24:26 EST

> To:

> Subject: Re: Dave's health



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I am so sorry that things are so difficult. I don't have any personal

experience with Hospice, but I wanted you to know that I am thinking of

you and Dave.


doyoucook@... wrote:

>Hi everyone,

>It's been a while since I have posted. Dave went on Hospice in December, and

things are not't looking good.

>He mostly sits in a recliner during the day and sleeps at night. The doctor

feels I should place Dave so he can get more mental stimulation and she can see

that I'm worn out in care giving. I started college for my social science

degree. I'm trying to prepare myself for life without Dave. my courses are done

from home so I can be with Dave. I' ve been seeing a therapist to help me deal

with this loss, she calls it anticipatory grief. my head says on thing my heart

says another. I feel like I'll be betraying Dave by placing him but I know I

can't continue on doing this daily by myself. Has anyone else been through this?



>P.S. Hi a Koch




>Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein are

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I am so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with all of

this. I know you are doing all you can for Dave, but you also have to

take care of yourself. I could see the love in your eyes when you talked

about him and can see your love for him in your e-mails. I can't imagine

what you are going through right now. I just want to let you know you

are in my thoughts and prayers always.



On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:09:05 -0500 doyoucook@...> writes:

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I have posted. Dave went on Hospice in December,

and things are not't looking good.

He mostly sits in a recliner during the day and sleeps at night. The

doctor feels I should place Dave so he can get more mental stimulation

and she can see that I'm worn out in care giving. I started college for

my social science degree. I'm trying to prepare myself for life without

Dave. my courses are done from home so I can be with Dave. I' ve been

seeing a therapist to help me deal with this loss, she calls it

anticipatory grief. my head says on thing my heart says another. I feel

like I'll be betraying Dave by placing him but I know I can't continue on

doing this daily by myself. Has anyone else been through this?


P.S. Hi a Koch

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