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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide I.V.

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In a message dated 11/7/2005 1:07:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

tbnkatie@... writes:

Shortt, M.D., who practices " longevity

medicine " in Greenville, South Carolina, is being sued

by the survivors of Ann Kurtz-Bibeau, a

53-year-old Minnesota woman who died in March 2004

after undergoing intravenous hydrogen peroxide

Hi Carmen,

I saw a show on 20/20 or Prime Time about this doctor and how people had

died because of the IV hydrogen peroxide treatments. I would also be very, very

hesitant to undergo this form of therapy. It would be worth a very long

discussion with your doctors who you know you and your disease process before

letting anyone do this to you.


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--- goodnessriver goodnessriver@...> wrote:

> I am scheduled to have a Hydrogen Peroxide I.V. and

> wondered if anyone

> out there has had this procedure? It is to help rid

> my body of all

> virus and bacteria. Carmen


Where are you going to have this done? I can't find

hydrogen peroxide in my drug book. It is usually

considered toxic to living tissues. I'd be very

hesitant to undergo this. There is no way that I'd

believe that you can kill all all viruses and

bacteria. This has also killed some people. There is

no way that you can (or would want to) kill all

bacteria and viruses.


Shortt, M.D., who practices " longevity

medicine " in Greenville, South Carolina, is being sued

by the survivors of Ann Kurtz-Bibeau, a

53-year-old Minnesota woman who died in March 2004

after undergoing intravenous hydrogen peroxide

treatment for multiple sclerosis. The clinic where

Shortt works and the pharmacy that supplied the

product are also named as defendants. The lawsuit


* Shortt had told the woman that her disease was

caused by an unknown bacteria or virus and that

" oxidative therapy " was good at killing it.

* Following the first treatment session, she

complained of abdominal pain and nausea. Two days

later, she informed Shortt that she had bruises on her

arm, blood in her urine, and vaginal bleeding, but he

neither evaluated her nor referred her for evaluation


* On the following day, she sought emergency care for

widespread bruising and was found to have a profoundly

low platelet count and multiple organ failure. (A

shortage of platelets causes abnormal bleeding.) She

died two days later.

* The autopsy report attributed her death to

complications caused by the hydrogen peroxide

infusion, which the pathologist said " had no

legitimate use . . . in the medical literature. "

On September 30, 2004, the South Carolina State Board

of Medical Examiners filed a motion to suspend

Shortt's medical license on grounds of unprofessional


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I would be very,very cautious in pursuing this. Who is suggesting you have this?

I don't see how you could rid the body of all viruses and bacteria. The body has

normal flora that helps protect you-would this eradicate this as well? Is this a

type of alternative medicine?

goodnessriver goodnessriver@...> wrote:

I am scheduled to have a Hydrogen Peroxide I.V. and wondered if anyone

out there has had this procedure? It is to help rid my body of all

virus and bacteria. Carmen

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Can they provide you with published studies showing

that this works? This is not generally accepted

treatment for these illnesses. Candida is a fungal

infection, not a virus or bacteria. Have you tested

positive by another health professional for these



Lots of alternative medicine people tout their own

research but this is often not double blind research

but reports from individuals. That's not the same

thing. This can be dangerous.

Mom to the two best kids in the world!



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Carmen, I found this on google.com Please be careful with this!

Sounds good, but what doctor is recommending this? Anyway, I hope

this article helps..............Good Luck, Donna

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

by Ron Kennedy, M.D., Santa , California

Bio-oxidative medicine is the addition of oxygen directly to the

tissues of the body in the form of singlet oxygen (lone oxygen

atoms) in a highly reactive state. To more fully understand the

chemistry involved, review: Bio-oxidative Medicine.

In living systems oxygen (as O2) is transported by hemoglobin, a

protein found in red blood cells. This is a highly efficient way of

conducting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body and

insuring it does not react with anything along the way. Because it

is bound by hemoglobin, it is unable to react to anything else until

it is released by the hemoglobin (which then picks up carbon dioxide

and transports it to the lungs).

In bio-oxidative medicine, oxygen is introduced directly into the

body as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or as ozone (O3). Although ozone is

used safely and with great benefit throughout Europe and in many

other parts of the world, the medical establishment in the United

States refuses to recognize it as a valid therapy and actively

persecutes doctors who use it. Luckily, hydrogen peroxide is not

treated in this way, even though it is an equally powerful oxidative


The chemical reaction looks like this:

H2O2 _ H2O + O-

This is chemical shorthand to indicate that in the body, hydrogen

peroxide is converted to water and singlet oxygen. This singlet

oxygen located at the end of this reaction is a powerful oxidizing

agent. It is the active agent in hydrogen peroxide therapy.

In IV H2O2 therapy, Hydrogen peroxide is infused into the

circulatory system through a vein in the arm. It drips in over a

ninety-minute period. Five cc of pharmaceutical-grade, three-percent

hydrogen peroxide are put in 500 cc five percent glucose in water as

a carrier solution. Two grams of magnesium chloride are added alon

gwith a small amount of manganese to prevent vein sclerosis.

In the blood, it encounters two enzymes: catalase and cytochrome-C.

Catalase drives the above reaction to completion immediately. That

part of the hydrogen peroxide that binds with cytochrome-C, however,

is not allowed to become water and singlet oxygen for a period of

forty minutes. After forty minutes of being bound to cytochrome-C

this enzyme begins to act like catalase and breaks down the hydrogen

peroxide to water and singlet oxygen. By this time, the hydrogen

peroxide/cytochrome-C complex has been spread throughout the body.

In this way the benefits of hydrogen peroxide are made available to

all cells.

The effect of singlet oxygen in the human body is twofold. It kills,

or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms (bacteria

and viruses that use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxygen as a

by-product). This action is immediate, on contact with the anaerobic

organism. Anaerobic bacteria are pathogens, the organisms which

cause disease. All viruses are anaerobic.

Aerobic bacteria (those that burn oxygen for fuel and leave carbon

dioxide as a by-product — as humans do) found in the human intestine

are friendly bacteria, which aid in digestion. These organisms

thrive in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.

The second effect of hydrogen peroxide is that it provides singlet

oxygen, which, in turn, transforms biological waste products and

industrial toxins into inert substances by oxidizing them. This

makes them easy to handle for the kidneys and liver. It doubles the

rate of enzymatic metabolism in the mitochondria within each cell,

thus enabling the body to cleanse itself of toxins and still have

plenty of energy to handle the business of living from moment to

moment. This increase in metabolism probably accounts for some of

the antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects of hydrogen


Hydrogen peroxide is a part of normal metabolism. Your body produces

it constantly. There are units in certain white blood cells

called " peroxisomes, " which produce H2O2. These white cells then

engulf bacteria which cause disease and mix them together with these

peroxisomes. They both then disappear as the singlet oxygen from

H2O2 destroys the bacteria or virus. This happens naturally, without

any help from outside sources of hydrogen peroxide.

When an infective disease becomes obvious to the person who has the

infection the hydrogen peroxide defense mechanism already has been

overwhelmed by the number of viruses or bacteria involved, and the

immune system is into its secondary line of defense: the tedious

process of analyzing the invading organism and making antibodies,

which deal specifically with that organism.

The invention of man-made antibiotics, beginning in the 1920s, was a

revolution in medical science. However, as a strategy for fighting

infection it is clearly second best, as the body itself

demonstrates. When the body is challenged with an infection, it

first turns to hydrogen peroxide. Only when this fails does it turn

to its own antibody production.

Conditions which can be treated with H2O2 include those conditions

which can be treated with antibiotics, but without the serious

toxicity often associated with laboratory produced synthetic

antibiotics. Some of these conditions are candidiasis (yeast), viral

infections, influenza, the common cold, sinus infection, Epstein-

Barr virus and gangrene.

Hydrogen peroxide also has been found to dissolve cholesterol and

calcium deposits associated with atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is a

good treatment for vascular disorders. This can result in lessening

or disappearance of angina, leg pain and transient ischemic attacks

to the brain, which cause dizziness. It also can help reverse some

of the damage left over by a stroke, if treatment is instituted

early enough.

Research in the 1960s at Baylor University showed conclusively that

intra-arterial hydrogen peroxide dissolves plaque in large arteries.

This makes H2O2 a wonderful complement to EDTA in the treatment of

vascular disease, as EDTA has been shown to clear small vessels and

create collateral circulation around large vessel blockages. This

combination is called " Chelox Therapy. "

It also clears the lungs, in cases of emphysema, by producing oxygen

bubbles in the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs), literally

lifting the mucus deposits up, so they can be coughed out.

Hydrogen peroxide has a remarkable clearing effect on the skin.

After only a few intravenous treatments the skin takes on a

translucent clarity usually seen only in children. In addition,

hydrogen peroxide benefits asthma, leukemia, multiple sclerosis,

degenerative spinal disc disease and high blood pressure. It is

particularly effective with asthma, arthritis and back disorders.

All of these illnesses have a component of toxicity from accumulated

pesticides, preservatives and organic industrial pollutants. Often

the clearing of these toxins is enough to allow the body to heal, or

at least partially repair itself. Obviously, where there is anatomic

change such as in disc disease, this anatomic change will not be

altered. However, what the person with disc disease, arthritis and

other such illnesses is interested in is the disappearance of pain

and the return of function. This often is possible with hydrogen


Some doctors believe AIDS and cancer can be helped with hydrogen

peroxide. The theory which explains benefits enjoyed by people with

these conditions is that the cancer cell and the AIDS virus both are

anaerobic and do not do well when exposed to singlet oxygen supplied

by the hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen reaction.

Much more research needs to be done in this area. Claims of cure

should not be made unless they can be rigorously substantiated with

cause and effect proven beyond any reasonable doubt. At the present

time, we can say only that the oxidative therapies are valuable,

arresting disease processes, but not necessarily curative.

Who will make use of hydrogen peroxide, and who will write it off as

a hoax and pay for far more expensive, less effective, perhaps even

damaging therapies? I saw a bumper sticker on a car at my son's

school a few days ago: which read: " DO YOU THINK EDUCATION IS

EXPENSIVE? TRY IGNORANCE! " People who will benefit from any of the

therapies which are simple, effective and yet downplayed by the

medical establishment, are those people who have educated


Those who refuse to educate themselves, never read, never try

anything out of the mainstream of thought and insist on

thoughtlessly following the " expert's advice, " will pay through the

nose for therapies which drain their resources and deliver half-

baked results. It may be there is a segment of the population which

is capable of nothing more. God bless those folks. Here is this

doctor's advice: think for yourself.

If hydrogen peroxide is so effective, why is it not made use of

in " modern " medicine? The reason is simple. Hydrogen peroxide cannot

be patented. It is present in the ocean, it is present in rainwater,

it is present in vegetables, it is present in every cell of your

body right now. It must be classified as a food, because it is part

of all fresh food of plant origin. Because it is produced in the

human body, it is undeniably safe. Since it is a food and cannot be

patented, there is no big profit to be made on it.

Pharmaceutical companies slave away to develop drugs which, although

they may be less effective, can be patented. When a company can

patent a drug it has a monopoly on the production and sales of that

drug for seventeen years, time enough to make a fortune, as well as

pay back the multiple millions of dollars it costs to produce the

research to satisfy the FDA the drug is " safe. "

By the way, approximately 125,000 Americans die yearly from drugs

approved for safety by the FDA. Some of these deaths are due to

individual unique ( " idiopathic " ) reactions. Bruce Lee, a martial

artist without equal, and a promising actor with a brilliant career

in front of him, died in 1973 in the prime of life at age 32 from

taking an FDA-approved headache pill, Equagesic. Any time a drug is

synthesized in the laboratory and not derived from nature, this kind

of reaction is a possibility.

There are uncounted hundreds of thousands of lives lost each year

from toxicity well-known to the FDA, toxicity which is printed right

on the package insert which comes with the drug. Most of these drugs

are " chemotherapeutic agents, " like AZT and Tamoxifen, designed to

treat (not really) terminal conditions. They do not work to cure

these conditions, but they do treat the conditions, getting rid of

the patient by destroying the immune system — no more disease, but

no more patient either.

What happens after a new drug is developed, tested and approved is

that an advertising blitz is aimed at doctors to persuade them to

prescribe this new " miracle " drug. Doctors do listen to this sort of

thing. They cannot avoid listening, because drug company sales

representatives by the thousands fan out across the country

delivering literature on the new " miracle " drug to doctors' offices.

They leave free samples to get doctors in the habit of prescribing

this drug. They make appointments with doctor to bend his/her ear

with a high- pressured sales speech.

Doctors hate this, and they love it. They hate to give up their time

to the drug reps, they hate the high pressured presentations, and

they love the free samples. This transaction between drug reps and

doctors is a major source of the continuing medical education which

doctors receive. This is their main line to learning what is " new, "

and what is new is considered to be what is better! Such folly!

So how does hydrogen peroxide work? How can something so simple and

so common as H2O2 be responsible for the outlandish claims made for

it and the outrageous results reported by people suffering from such

diverse disorders?

There has been much written about the possible benefits of shark

cartilage in the treatment of cancer recently. The reasoning goes

that because sharks do not get cancer they must have a secret, which

may be contained in their cartilage. It is conveniently overlooked

that whales don't get cancer, dolphins don't get cancer, starfish

don't get cancer, octopi don't get cancer. In fact, none of the

creatures of the sea (except those living in polluted water) get

cancer. There may be something to shark cartilage. Sharks can live

in polluted water and still are cancer resistant. The most common

denominator is that all these creatures swim in sea water, which is

rich in H2O2.

Were it not for industrial pollutants, herbicides, pesticides and

food additives, we might be able to add " and human beings do not get

cancer. " However, even if we stopped polluting the environment and

ourselves right now, we still would have environmental contaminants

in our air and food chains for hundreds of years, so the diseases

caused by these things likely are to be around for at least that

long. The task now is to see if we can find some means of treatment

and protection from this disaster until we can finally clean up our


The most fundamental feature of a cancer cell is that it is

relatively anaerobic. It needs sixty percent less oxygen than a

normal healthy cell. It does very poorly in the presence of excess

oxygen. All of this points toward the oxidative therapies as a

decent treatment for cancer and a decent preventive measure as well.

Apparently, cancer is the cell's attempt to survive under conditions

of a low supply of oxygen. If your cells are well oxygenated, they

may have no reason to transform into cancer cells. It may be that

the way toxins promote cancer is by interfering with the use of

oxygen by cells.

Most diseases we assume inherent to being human are results of the

polluted chemical soup we all live in during this modern industrial

age. Anything which allows the body to cleanse itself of these

toxins will deliver you to the pristine condition of health you were

meant to enjoy. Fasting will help, a pure diet of plant origin will

help, vitamin supplementation will help, EDTA will help, intestinal

cleansing programs and colon therapy will help, and so will hydrogen

peroxide. Any of these approaches will help cleanse your body of

toxins such as pesticides and preservatives, which are laced into

the food you buy off the grocery store shelf.

When toxins are released from the cells of the body, they must cross

the space between those cells and the outside. Ultimately, they exit

the body through the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, and the pores of

the skin. Detoxification can feel temporarily worse than the

disease. It may be accompanied by headache, fatigue, grouchiness,

insomnia and body pains for days or even, in very diseased states,

weeks. Hydrogen peroxide is no exception. Be prepared for these

kinds of results on your trip to a clear state of health.

People have been traveling to the baths at Lourdes, in southwest

France at the base of the Pyrenees Mountains, since 1858 when a girl

is said to have seen there a vision of the Virgin . The waters

at the baths in Lourdes are believed by many people to have miracle

healing powers. Perhaps it is no coincidence these waters are loaded

with, you guessed it, hydrogen peroxide. People go there to bathe in

and drink the water.

How does one take hydrogen peroxide? You can go to Lourdes, or you

can go to a good organic grocery store and buy a bottle of food

grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide, dilute it and drink it, or bath in

it. If you go to Lourdes, be prepared to shell out thousands of

dollars. If you go to the grocery store, be prepared to pay a few

dollars. Be sure to dilute it, because the 35% solution will cause

burning of the skin on application, or internal damage, if you try

to drink it.

If you take it orally, you should dilute it approximately ten drops

in an eight ounce glass of water, two or three times each day, on an

empty stomach (three hours after your last meal). If you take it

with food in your stomach, the hydrogen peroxide will react with the

food, and you will not get the benefit from it. Even if you take it

on an empty stomach it reacts to the cells of the stomach wall, as

well as whatever food fragments still are present, and you receive

not only hydrogen peroxide into your circulation, but also oxidation

products of H2O2 plus sluffed off cells from the lining of your

stomach and miscellaneous food.

Because of these considerations I cannot, and I do not, recommend

you take H2O2 by mouth. I believe intravenous H2O2 to be far

superior to the oral route of administration. However, because

people do report good results with the oral route, I cannot

recommend you absolutely do not take it by mouth. This is a gray


To benefit your body, the H2O2 must reach your circulation, where it

can be broken down by catalase and bound by cytochrome-C for

distribution throughout your body in the following forty minutes.

You should not eat anything for at least twenty minutes after taking

the H2O2.

You will notice hydrogen peroxide, even in this very dilute state,

tastes terrible. It makes many people nauseated. You may be able to

mask this effect by taking it with fresh lemon or berry juice or

with aloe vera juice.

You also can bathe in hydrogen peroxide by putting a pint in your

bath water. Be sure to stir it up well before getting in to avoid

burning your skin. Many people with arthritis swear by this


If you are confronting a serious illness, or if oral and topical

applications are not getting the job done, you can turn to

intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide. Intravenous H2O2 is far

more powerful than the oral ingestion or topical application. For

this form of treatment, you must find a physician who is familiar

with the proper preparation of pharmaceutical grade H2O2 in a bottle

of sterile, isotonic intravenous fluid.

The infusion lasts ninety minutes. You will notice a warm feeling

during treatment, not much more. The main effect of hydrogen

peroxide infusions is that you regain your health through the

increased ability of your blood to carry a high concentration of

oxygen. In this sense, IV hydrogen peroxide therapy is an oxygen

therapy. Treatments are one to three times per week, occasionally

five times per week for an acute illness and, just as with chelation

therapy with EDTA, the number of treatments needed depends on the

nature of the illness with which you are dealing. From ten to fifty

treatments will get the job done in most cases, and you should be

able to maintain on oral hydrogen peroxide or the occasional

intravenous infusion after that.

As I alluded to above, there is an exciting new development in the

treatment of vascular disease, Chelox Therapy, which involves the

combination of treatment with EDTA and H2O2, not in the same

infusion however as they would oxidize/reduce each other. These two

therapies work in different ways and cross react with each other,

causing a thirty percent incidence of intravenous thrombosis. They

can be given in combination to the same patient but not on the same

day. The combination of these two therapies, given correctly, has

been found to be more powerful than either one used alone.

To find a doctor who can offer you intravenous hydrogen peroxide

therapy, consult Bio-oxidative Medicine.


Oliver TH, Cantab BC, DV, Influenzal pneumonia: the

intravenous injection of hydrogen peroxide. Lancet 1920;1:432-433.

Root RK, Metcalf J, Oshino N, et al. H2O2 release from human

granulocytes during phagocytosis. J Clin Invest 1975;55:945-955.

Finney JW, Jay BE, Race GJ, et al. Removal of cholesterol and other

lipids from experimental animals and human atheromatous arteries by

dilute hydrogen peroxide. Angiology 1966;17:223-228.

Urschel HC, Finney JW, Morale AR, et al. Cardiac resuscitation with

hydrogen peroxide. Circ 1965;31 (suppl II);II-210.

Urschel HC, Finney JW, Balla GA, et al. Protection of the ischemic

heart with DMSO alone or with hydrogen peroxide. Ann NY Adad. Sci.

1967; 151:231-241.

Gorren AC, Dekker H, Wever R Kinetic investigations of the reaction

of cytochrome C oxidase by hydrogen peroxide. Biochem Biophys Acta

1986; 852(1):81-92.

CF, Cohn ZA Antitumor effects of hydrogen peroxide in vivo. J

Exp Med 1981;154:1539-1553.

Manakata T, Semba U, Shibuya Y, et al. Induction of interferon-gamma

production by human natural killer cells stimulated by hydrogen

peroxide. J Immunol 1985;134(4):2449-2455.

Lebedev LV, Levin AO, Romankova MP, et al. Regional oxygenation in

the treatment of severe destructive forms of obliterating diseases

of the extremity arteries. Vestn Khir 1984;132:85-88.





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> I am scheduled to have a Hydrogen Peroxide I.V. and wondered if


> out there has had this procedure? It is to help rid my body of all

> virus and bacteria. Carmen


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Carmen and Donna,

I saw your article and just laughed. I know Dr. Kennedy personally. I went

to him for a short while. In my opinion he is a quack. I went to him for

treatment of my thyroid condition. I must say that he was willing to treat

me when no one else would. Of course I got the impression that he was

willing to do just about anything. He pretty much let me determine my own

treatment. I later was diagnosed with Thyroid Hormone Resistance through

UCSF. I quit going to him because He was really scary and I didn't trust

him. He was the dr. who told me that " it was better to have a low body

temperature. That way you last longer. " (And sometimes my temp was down to

94 degrees F.) He told me also that it was my fault that I was overweight.

Being hypothyroid had nothing to do with it. I really wouldn't put much

stock in anything that he says.


Re: Hydrogen Peroxide I.V.

Carmen, I found this on google.com Please be careful with this!

Sounds good, but what doctor is recommending this? Anyway, I hope

this article helps..............Good Luck, Donna

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

by Ron Kennedy, M.D., Santa , California

Bio-oxidative medicine is the addition of oxygen directly to the tissues of

the body in the form of singlet oxygen (lone oxygen

atoms) in a highly reactive state. To more fully understand the chemistry

involved, review: Bio-oxidative Medicine.

In living systems oxygen (as O2) is transported by hemoglobin, a protein

found in red blood cells. This is a highly efficient way of conducting

oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body and insuring it does not

react with anything along the way. Because it is bound by hemoglobin, it is

unable to react to anything else until it is released by the hemoglobin

(which then picks up carbon dioxide and transports it to the lungs).

In bio-oxidative medicine, oxygen is introduced directly into the body as

hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or as ozone (O3). Although ozone is used safely and

with great benefit throughout Europe and in many other parts of the world,

the medical establishment in the United States refuses to recognize it as a

valid therapy and actively persecutes doctors who use it. Luckily, hydrogen

peroxide is not treated in this way, even though it is an equally powerful

oxidative approach.

The chemical reaction looks like this:

H2O2 _ H2O + O-

This is chemical shorthand to indicate that in the body, hydrogen peroxide

is converted to water and singlet oxygen. This singlet oxygen located at the

end of this reaction is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is the active agent

in hydrogen peroxide therapy.

In IV H2O2 therapy, Hydrogen peroxide is infused into the circulatory system

through a vein in the arm. It drips in over a ninety-minute period. Five cc

of pharmaceutical-grade, three-percent hydrogen peroxide are put in 500 cc

five percent glucose in water as a carrier solution. Two grams of magnesium

chloride are added alon gwith a small amount of manganese to prevent vein


In the blood, it encounters two enzymes: catalase and cytochrome-C.

Catalase drives the above reaction to completion immediately. That part of

the hydrogen peroxide that binds with cytochrome-C, however, is not allowed

to become water and singlet oxygen for a period of forty minutes. After

forty minutes of being bound to cytochrome-C this enzyme begins to act like

catalase and breaks down the hydrogen peroxide to water and singlet oxygen.

By this time, the hydrogen peroxide/cytochrome-C complex has been spread

throughout the body.

In this way the benefits of hydrogen peroxide are made available to all


The effect of singlet oxygen in the human body is twofold. It kills, or

severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms (bacteria and viruses

that use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxygen as a by-product). This

action is immediate, on contact with the anaerobic organism. Anaerobic

bacteria are pathogens, the organisms which cause disease. All viruses are


Aerobic bacteria (those that burn oxygen for fuel and leave carbon dioxide

as a by-product - as humans do) found in the human intestine are friendly

bacteria, which aid in digestion. These organisms thrive in the presence of

hydrogen peroxide.

The second effect of hydrogen peroxide is that it provides singlet oxygen,

which, in turn, transforms biological waste products and industrial toxins

into inert substances by oxidizing them. This makes them easy to handle for

the kidneys and liver. It doubles the rate of enzymatic metabolism in the

mitochondria within each cell, thus enabling the body to cleanse itself of

toxins and still have plenty of energy to handle the business of living from

moment to moment. This increase in metabolism probably accounts for some of

the antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is a part of normal metabolism. Your body produces it

constantly. There are units in certain white blood cells called

" peroxisomes, " which produce H2O2. These white cells then engulf bacteria

which cause disease and mix them together with these peroxisomes. They both

then disappear as the singlet oxygen from

H2O2 destroys the bacteria or virus. This happens naturally, without any

help from outside sources of hydrogen peroxide.

When an infective disease becomes obvious to the person who has the

infection the hydrogen peroxide defense mechanism already has been

overwhelmed by the number of viruses or bacteria involved, and the immune

system is into its secondary line of defense: the tedious process of

analyzing the invading organism and making antibodies, which deal

specifically with that organism.

The invention of man-made antibiotics, beginning in the 1920s, was a

revolution in medical science. However, as a strategy for fighting infection

it is clearly second best, as the body itself demonstrates. When the body is

challenged with an infection, it first turns to hydrogen peroxide. Only when

this fails does it turn to its own antibody production.

Conditions which can be treated with H2O2 include those conditions which can

be treated with antibiotics, but without the serious toxicity often

associated with laboratory produced synthetic antibiotics. Some of these

conditions are candidiasis (yeast), viral infections, influenza, the common

cold, sinus infection, Epstein- Barr virus and gangrene.

Hydrogen peroxide also has been found to dissolve cholesterol and calcium

deposits associated with atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is a good treatment

for vascular disorders. This can result in lessening or disappearance of

angina, leg pain and transient ischemic attacks to the brain, which cause

dizziness. It also can help reverse some of the damage left over by a

stroke, if treatment is instituted early enough.

Research in the 1960s at Baylor University showed conclusively that

intra-arterial hydrogen peroxide dissolves plaque in large arteries.

This makes H2O2 a wonderful complement to EDTA in the treatment of vascular

disease, as EDTA has been shown to clear small vessels and create collateral

circulation around large vessel blockages. This combination is called

" Chelox Therapy. "

It also clears the lungs, in cases of emphysema, by producing oxygen bubbles

in the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs), literally lifting the mucus

deposits up, so they can be coughed out.

Hydrogen peroxide has a remarkable clearing effect on the skin.

After only a few intravenous treatments the skin takes on a translucent

clarity usually seen only in children. In addition, hydrogen peroxide

benefits asthma, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, degenerative spinal disc

disease and high blood pressure. It is particularly effective with asthma,

arthritis and back disorders.

All of these illnesses have a component of toxicity from accumulated

pesticides, preservatives and organic industrial pollutants. Often the

clearing of these toxins is enough to allow the body to heal, or at least

partially repair itself. Obviously, where there is anatomic change such as

in disc disease, this anatomic change will not be altered. However, what the

person with disc disease, arthritis and other such illnesses is interested

in is the disappearance of pain and the return of function. This often is

possible with hydrogen peroxide.

Some doctors believe AIDS and cancer can be helped with hydrogen peroxide.

The theory which explains benefits enjoyed by people with these conditions

is that the cancer cell and the AIDS virus both are anaerobic and do not do

well when exposed to singlet oxygen supplied by the hydrogen peroxide to

water and oxygen reaction.

Much more research needs to be done in this area. Claims of cure should not

be made unless they can be rigorously substantiated with cause and effect

proven beyond any reasonable doubt. At the present time, we can say only

that the oxidative therapies are valuable, arresting disease processes, but

not necessarily curative.

Who will make use of hydrogen peroxide, and who will write it off as a hoax

and pay for far more expensive, less effective, perhaps even damaging

therapies? I saw a bumper sticker on a car at my son's school a few days


People who will benefit from any of the therapies which are simple,

effective and yet downplayed by the medical establishment, are those people

who have educated themselves.

Those who refuse to educate themselves, never read, never try anything out

of the mainstream of thought and insist on thoughtlessly following the

" expert's advice, " will pay through the nose for therapies which drain their

resources and deliver half- baked results. It may be there is a segment of

the population which is capable of nothing more. God bless those folks. Here

is this doctor's advice: think for yourself.

If hydrogen peroxide is so effective, why is it not made use of in " modern "

medicine? The reason is simple. Hydrogen peroxide cannot be patented. It is

present in the ocean, it is present in rainwater, it is present in

vegetables, it is present in every cell of your body right now. It must be

classified as a food, because it is part of all fresh food of plant origin.

Because it is produced in the human body, it is undeniably safe. Since it is

a food and cannot be patented, there is no big profit to be made on it.

Pharmaceutical companies slave away to develop drugs which, although they

may be less effective, can be patented. When a company can patent a drug it

has a monopoly on the production and sales of that drug for seventeen years,

time enough to make a fortune, as well as pay back the multiple millions of

dollars it costs to produce the research to satisfy the FDA the drug is

" safe. "

By the way, approximately 125,000 Americans die yearly from drugs approved

for safety by the FDA. Some of these deaths are due to individual unique

( " idiopathic " ) reactions. Bruce Lee, a martial artist without equal, and a

promising actor with a brilliant career in front of him, died in 1973 in the

prime of life at age 32 from taking an FDA-approved headache pill,

Equagesic. Any time a drug is synthesized in the laboratory and not derived

from nature, this kind of reaction is a possibility.

There are uncounted hundreds of thousands of lives lost each year from

toxicity well-known to the FDA, toxicity which is printed right on the

package insert which comes with the drug. Most of these drugs are

" chemotherapeutic agents, " like AZT and Tamoxifen, designed to treat (not

really) terminal conditions. They do not work to cure these conditions, but

they do treat the conditions, getting rid of the patient by destroying the

immune system - no more disease, but no more patient either.

What happens after a new drug is developed, tested and approved is that an

advertising blitz is aimed at doctors to persuade them to prescribe this new

" miracle " drug. Doctors do listen to this sort of thing. They cannot avoid

listening, because drug company sales representatives by the thousands fan

out across the country delivering literature on the new " miracle " drug to

doctors' offices.

They leave free samples to get doctors in the habit of prescribing this

drug. They make appointments with doctor to bend his/her ear with a high-

pressured sales speech.

Doctors hate this, and they love it. They hate to give up their time to the

drug reps, they hate the high pressured presentations, and they love the

free samples. This transaction between drug reps and doctors is a major

source of the continuing medical education which doctors receive. This is

their main line to learning what is " new, "

and what is new is considered to be what is better! Such folly!

So how does hydrogen peroxide work? How can something so simple and so

common as H2O2 be responsible for the outlandish claims made for it and the

outrageous results reported by people suffering from such diverse disorders?

There has been much written about the possible benefits of shark cartilage

in the treatment of cancer recently. The reasoning goes that because sharks

do not get cancer they must have a secret, which may be contained in their

cartilage. It is conveniently overlooked that whales don't get cancer,

dolphins don't get cancer, starfish don't get cancer, octopi don't get

cancer. In fact, none of the creatures of the sea (except those living in

polluted water) get cancer. There may be something to shark cartilage.

Sharks can live in polluted water and still are cancer resistant. The most

common denominator is that all these creatures swim in sea water, which is

rich in H2O2.

Were it not for industrial pollutants, herbicides, pesticides and food

additives, we might be able to add " and human beings do not get cancer. "

However, even if we stopped polluting the environment and ourselves right

now, we still would have environmental contaminants in our air and food

chains for hundreds of years, so the diseases caused by these things likely

are to be around for at least that long. The task now is to see if we can

find some means of treatment and protection from this disaster until we can

finally clean up our planet.

The most fundamental feature of a cancer cell is that it is relatively

anaerobic. It needs sixty percent less oxygen than a normal healthy cell. It

does very poorly in the presence of excess oxygen. All of this points toward

the oxidative therapies as a decent treatment for cancer and a decent

preventive measure as well.

Apparently, cancer is the cell's attempt to survive under conditions of a

low supply of oxygen. If your cells are well oxygenated, they may have no

reason to transform into cancer cells. It may be that the way toxins promote

cancer is by interfering with the use of oxygen by cells.

Most diseases we assume inherent to being human are results of the polluted

chemical soup we all live in during this modern industrial age. Anything

which allows the body to cleanse itself of these toxins will deliver you to

the pristine condition of health you were meant to enjoy. Fasting will help,

a pure diet of plant origin will help, vitamin supplementation will help,

EDTA will help, intestinal cleansing programs and colon therapy will help,

and so will hydrogen peroxide. Any of these approaches will help cleanse

your body of toxins such as pesticides and preservatives, which are laced

into the food you buy off the grocery store shelf.

When toxins are released from the cells of the body, they must cross the

space between those cells and the outside. Ultimately, they exit the body

through the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, and the pores of the skin.

Detoxification can feel temporarily worse than the disease. It may be

accompanied by headache, fatigue, grouchiness, insomnia and body pains for

days or even, in very diseased states, weeks. Hydrogen peroxide is no

exception. Be prepared for these kinds of results on your trip to a clear

state of health.

People have been traveling to the baths at Lourdes, in southwest France at

the base of the Pyrenees Mountains, since 1858 when a girl is said to have

seen there a vision of the Virgin . The waters at the baths in Lourdes

are believed by many people to have miracle healing powers. Perhaps it is no

coincidence these waters are loaded with, you guessed it, hydrogen peroxide.

People go there to bathe in and drink the water.

How does one take hydrogen peroxide? You can go to Lourdes, or you can go to

a good organic grocery store and buy a bottle of food grade (35%) hydrogen

peroxide, dilute it and drink it, or bath in it. If you go to Lourdes, be

prepared to shell out thousands of dollars. If you go to the grocery store,

be prepared to pay a few dollars. Be sure to dilute it, because the 35%

solution will cause burning of the skin on application, or internal damage,

if you try to drink it.

If you take it orally, you should dilute it approximately ten drops in an

eight ounce glass of water, two or three times each day, on an empty stomach

(three hours after your last meal). If you take it with food in your

stomach, the hydrogen peroxide will react with the food, and you will not

get the benefit from it. Even if you take it on an empty stomach it reacts

to the cells of the stomach wall, as well as whatever food fragments still

are present, and you receive not only hydrogen peroxide into your

circulation, but also oxidation products of H2O2 plus sluffed off cells from

the lining of your stomach and miscellaneous food.

Because of these considerations I cannot, and I do not, recommend you take

H2O2 by mouth. I believe intravenous H2O2 to be far superior to the oral

route of administration. However, because people do report good results with

the oral route, I cannot recommend you absolutely do not take it by mouth.

This is a gray area.

To benefit your body, the H2O2 must reach your circulation, where it can be

broken down by catalase and bound by cytochrome-C for distribution

throughout your body in the following forty minutes.

You should not eat anything for at least twenty minutes after taking the


You will notice hydrogen peroxide, even in this very dilute state, tastes

terrible. It makes many people nauseated. You may be able to mask this

effect by taking it with fresh lemon or berry juice or with aloe vera juice.

You also can bathe in hydrogen peroxide by putting a pint in your bath

water. Be sure to stir it up well before getting in to avoid burning your

skin. Many people with arthritis swear by this treatment.

If you are confronting a serious illness, or if oral and topical

applications are not getting the job done, you can turn to intravenous

infusion of hydrogen peroxide. Intravenous H2O2 is far more powerful than

the oral ingestion or topical application. For this form of treatment, you

must find a physician who is familiar with the proper preparation of

pharmaceutical grade H2O2 in a bottle of sterile, isotonic intravenous


The infusion lasts ninety minutes. You will notice a warm feeling during

treatment, not much more. The main effect of hydrogen peroxide infusions is

that you regain your health through the increased ability of your blood to

carry a high concentration of oxygen. In this sense, IV hydrogen peroxide

therapy is an oxygen therapy. Treatments are one to three times per week,

occasionally five times per week for an acute illness and, just as with

chelation therapy with EDTA, the number of treatments needed depends on the

nature of the illness with which you are dealing. From ten to fifty

treatments will get the job done in most cases, and you should be able to

maintain on oral hydrogen peroxide or the occasional intravenous infusion

after that.

As I alluded to above, there is an exciting new development in the treatment

of vascular disease, Chelox Therapy, which involves the combination of

treatment with EDTA and H2O2, not in the same infusion however as they would

oxidize/reduce each other. These two therapies work in different ways and

cross react with each other, causing a thirty percent incidence of

intravenous thrombosis. They can be given in combination to the same patient

but not on the same day. The combination of these two therapies, given

correctly, has been found to be more powerful than either one used alone.

To find a doctor who can offer you intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy,

consult Bio-oxidative Medicine.


Oliver TH, Cantab BC, DV, Influenzal pneumonia: the intravenous

injection of hydrogen peroxide. Lancet 1920;1:432-433.

Root RK, Metcalf J, Oshino N, et al. H2O2 release from human granulocytes

during phagocytosis. J Clin Invest 1975;55:945-955.

Finney JW, Jay BE, Race GJ, et al. Removal of cholesterol and other lipids

from experimental animals and human atheromatous arteries by dilute hydrogen

peroxide. Angiology 1966;17:223-228.

Urschel HC, Finney JW, Morale AR, et al. Cardiac resuscitation with hydrogen

peroxide. Circ 1965;31 (suppl II);II-210.

Urschel HC, Finney JW, Balla GA, et al. Protection of the ischemic heart

with DMSO alone or with hydrogen peroxide. Ann NY Adad. Sci.

1967; 151:231-241.

Gorren AC, Dekker H, Wever R Kinetic investigations of the reaction of

cytochrome C oxidase by hydrogen peroxide. Biochem Biophys Acta 1986;


CF, Cohn ZA Antitumor effects of hydrogen peroxide in vivo. J Exp Med


Manakata T, Semba U, Shibuya Y, et al. Induction of interferon-gamma

production by human natural killer cells stimulated by hydrogen peroxide. J

Immunol 1985;134(4):2449-2455.

Lebedev LV, Levin AO, Romankova MP, et al. Regional oxygenation in the

treatment of severe destructive forms of obliterating diseases of the

extremity arteries. Vestn Khir 1984;132:85-88.





C 2005 The Doctors' Medical Library, All Rights Reserved All Documents

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inquiries of a medical


> I am scheduled to have a Hydrogen Peroxide I.V. and wondered if


> out there has had this procedure? It is to help rid my body of all

> virus and bacteria. Carmen


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