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Soy milk and other things..

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Hi folks,

I'm mainly a lurker on the list and appreciate all of the info. My son

have been gf/cf for about a year now and has done well with the diet.( I

and the teachers seem a dramatic, positive change) I also supplement him

based on the many testing we have had. He is currently chelating with ALA

and will eventually chelate with DMSA as well under guidance of Dr. Kartzinel.

3 months ago, we discovered Plain White wave silk milk. My son had consumed

white wave milk before, but it was the chocolate or vanilla kind. He didn't

like them too well. When the plain came about, I began to add Quick to it

and eventually stopped with the quick and now he loves it plain.

I began to send it to school and he had it at home during the time I was at

work and the babysitter would give it to him anytime he wanted it. Before I

could gain control of his intake, he was consuming about a gallon a day!

I now monitor his intake with the babysitter and the schools help. But

during the time of him consuming alot, his breath and body had a unreal

smell to it, almost like spoiled milk but different. It seemed to be coming

out of his pores but the smell was mainly concentrated from his breath. I

tried to brush his teeth and even mouth wash, but nothing would take the

smell away other than giving him gatoraid and not allowing him to consume

so much. I thought this was interesting and thought I would share the info.

in case someone's child is out there smelling like my son did and they

don't know why. The smell seemed to be coming mainly from his stomach, out

through his mouth.

Every now and then he will get too much and the smell comes back and I cut


I am fortunate that he does as well as he does with soy. I was having a

hard time keeping him healthy and he would get sick and begin to bang his

head. Since the soy milk, I haven't had any head banging. I have had

nothing but positive outcome with soy milk. I hope it will last for a long


I have considered alternating his diet, but there's not much there to

alternate as he limits his self so. He has never had a problem with foods

to where he consumed something for awhile, and then became allergic or

intolerant of it.(except for wheat and dairy, but we all understand this).

His stools have turned a light brown though, but he doesn't have any loose

bowels.( kinda scared me, I thought about yeast). has never had a

yeast problem and has been tested for it three times now with different

testing in different years...always comes out " no yeast " . His bowels don't

have that yeast smell either, and I know the smell cause I know a autistic

child that suffers from yeast. You don't forget the smell.

's diet doesn't consist of much. I can get him to eat dried cereal,

Gorilla Munch, Frosted flakes, and gf/cf cookies I order through mail. He

will eat the natural popcorn I buy from walmart. Layes potato chips...and

that about sums it up other than certain candy that is gf/cf. I try to get

him to eat veggies and meats, but he will not....maybe one day.

I assume Frosted Flakes are gf/cf?? He doesn't have any negative reaction

to it. Looks fine from the ingredients label.( I wondering about flour on

the conveyor belts with frosted flakes.)

Well, I guess that's it. If anyone out there knows how I can get to

try veggies and meats, please give me some input. I have tried the

mouth desensitizing therapy with no luck.

Thanks all,

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