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Hi everyone, here is a list of abbreviations I got from another site. I

printed it and keep it here so I can look them up (cause I keep

forgetting them). Sometimes I forget where the list is though so I have

to find this on the compu (if I remember what folder I stored it in).


Hope it is useful - on Long Island New York


List Of Abbreviations And Their Meanings (Mostly Autism Related) and a

little more

This is a list of some of the abreviations that you will frequently see


autism lists and chat groups. This list was posted to a list and Ray Kopp

(previous listowner) compiled it, Ray has also included at the end a

couple of definitions that he thought might

help some people.



ABA............Applied Behavior Analysis (therapy method)

AC.............Autistics and Cousins

ADD............Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD...........Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADVISE.........(definition requested)

AEA............Area Education Agency, provides support services (ed

consultation, psych, social work, nursing, speech

and language, etc.) to local education agencies.

AIT............Auditory Integration Therapy

ANI............Autism Network International

ANI-L..........The listserv (mailing list) for Autism Network


APD............Auditory Processing Disorder

AS.............Asperger's Syndrome

AS.............Autistic Spectrum

ASA............Autism Society of America

ASPIE..........A person with Asperger's Syndrome

BOCES..........Board of ative Educational Services

BRB............(on-line chat related) Be Right Back

BTW............By The Way

CAN............An organization " Cure Autism Now "

CDC............Center For Disease Control and Prevention

COUSIN.........Someone who has some autistic-spectrum characteristics to

the extent that he/she can identify with autistic folks

even if not formally diagnosed.)

CSE............Committee for Special Education

DD.............Development Disorder

DH.............Developmentally Handicapped

DSM............Diagnostic Statistical Manual

DSMR...........Diagnostic Statistical Manual (Revised)


ECT............ElectroConvulsive Therapy (electroshock)

ED.............Emotionally Disturbed



ESD............Educational Service District

FADD...........Feline Attention Deficit Disorder -- High-dysfunctioning

autistic cat can't get enough attention

FAS............Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FBO............Fuzzy Box Office (feline home entertainment system)

FC.............Facilitated Communication

FDA............Food and Drug Administration

FNS............Fuzzy Neuron Syndrome

FWIW...........For What It's Worth

GFCF...........Gluten Free / Casein Free (Gluten is wheat free/casein


dairy free-suspected issue with a number of autistics)

HFA............High Functioning Autism

IBS............Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IEP............Individual Education Plan

IFLACA.........I Feel Like A Complete Ass..(used as an apology)

IIRC...........If I Recall Correctly

IMHO...........In My Humble Opinion

IMMV...........Individual Mileage May Vary

(your experiences might be different)

IMNSHO.........In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO............In My Opinion

IOW............In Other Words

IQ.............Intelligence Quotient

IRCA...........Indiana Resource Center for Autism

InLv...........Independent Living (support group)

LD.............Learning Disability

LLD............Language-based Learning Disability

LOL............Laugh Out Loud

LOLROF.........Laugh Out Loud, Roll On Floor

M-D............Manic Depression (Bipolar depression)

MAAP...........More Able Autistic Persons (Support group)

MDT............Multidisciplinary Team (teacher, SLP, OT, psych and


Used in reference to the group of individuals who


a part of development and implementation of an IEP).

MR.............Mental Retardation, Mentally Retarded (IQ less than 70)

MRI............Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NDA............Not Diagnosed with Anything

NICHCY.........National Information Center for Children and Youth with


NOD............Not Otherwise Defined, Often appears alot with DX by


NOS............Not Otherwise Specified, usually seen as PDD-NOS

NOS............Not of Specific Origin

NS.............Noonan's Syndrome

NT.............Neurologically Typical


OB.............Specific to

OCD............Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder

ODD............Oppositional Defiant Disorder

OIC............Oh, I see

OT.............Occupational Therapist

OT.............Occupational Therapy

OTOH...........On The Other Hand

P&A............Protection & Advocacy

PAVE...........Parents Are Vital in Education

....a Washington State parents advocacy group.

PDD............Pervasive Developmental Disorder

PDR............Physician's Desk Reference

PET............Positron Emission Tomography

PITA...........Pain In The A__

PPA............Parent of a Person with Autism

PPA............PPA (PhenylPropanolAmine: A D-amphetamine analogue)

very mild stimulant and more.


PT.............Physical Therapist

PTSD...........Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

RPITB..........Royal Pain in the Butt

ROFL...........Rolling On Floor Laughing

ROFLMAO........ROFL My Arse Off

SBH............(?) Severe Behavior Handicap

SED............Severely Emotionally Disturbed

SID............Sensory Integration Disorder

SLK............Severely Labeled Kid

SLP............Speech Language Pathologist

SNT............Super NuThera


TEACCH.........Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related

Communication Disorders

TOM............Theory of Mind

TS.............Tourette Syndrome

TS.............Tuberous Sclerosis

TTFN...........Ta-Ta For Now!

YMMV...........Your Mileage May Vary..(meaning, individual experiences

could be different)

YO.............Year Old


hyper..........Having too much of something such as hyperactivity which

refers to extremely enegetic activity

hypo...........Having too little of something such as hypoactivity which

refers to not being very active


In reference to special education, refers to schools or classrooms

containing only special needs population.

Another good site for abbreviations and acronyms:





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