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shortness of breath

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The way I " use " to remember the order, is to realize that glucose is a simple

sugar, that burns first (like kindling, fast but not producing a lot of energy).

The metabolic route that fatty acids take, in order to get burned in the

mitochondria, is fraught with hazards, because the fat molecule is much larger,

and also needs lipid solubility (at least) for transport. Worse, the long chain

fatty acids need carnitine assist. All worth it of course, because (a) the body

can store a LOT of fat, and (B) burning fat is high energy. But of course,

Barbara is inserting into the order an even-earlier source of energy, whereas

the order we're discussing is between two substance categories, both

blood-borne. If I understand it, muscle glycogen is converted to glucose at some

point before cellular utilization, so the " hazards " should be similiar for blood


I guess it's safe to say that there are a wide variety of metabolic " locations "

for the breakage when mito function goes wrong, either IN the mitochondria

(resp. chain) or in various transportation across membranes. That's why I'm so

interested in the specific clusters for SOB reports. And why I'm describing my

own cluster, i.e. looking for similiarities and differences amongst us, that

might especially lead to better coping.

I've always assumed that I have a FAOD, partly because of my " second wind "

symptoms and partly because I also have MSL whose physical presentation is large

lipomas (filled with brown-fat cells, as currently understood, I think). Not

much is known as to why these cells " sequester " so, instead of the usual body

storage patterns (i.e. more muscle-interspersed), in fact I guess that's the

central issue. These are proliferating but not " cancer " because it doesn't

metastatize. But they certainly enlarge, and even start in new places, so I

question the VALUE of making that distinction. After all, it DOES kill by mass

effect, just like many cancers.

But back to another point, for me this second wind could be due to FAO working

correctly, but the " easier " glucose metabolism could be broken, if I put your

comments together correctly. So perhaps my lipomas are the result of glucose

problems after all? Hmmm. I also have " unexplained " syndrome X (is that the

right word? aka the metabolic syndrome?) and questionable glucose tolerance

numbers. And fatty liver (hepatic steatosis), and high blood triglycerides.

CLEARLY it's all related, but I don't understand enough of HOW.

By the way, this reported second-wind behavior is for someone with MERRF (me).

Seems that the ME (myoclonus epilepsy) part of MERRF implies some problem with

nerve conduction, either sensory or motor. Sensory problems would relate to PN,

and motor problems would be the single body jerks. These happen for me every

once in a while, typically once at night when very relaxed. Funny, when I was

little (and the jerks were rare) I thought everyone had these. Does anyone know

more about PN causation in mito, as compared to diabetic PN? I think I read

somewhere about demyelinating action, related to certain fats (as in the

" Lorenzo's Oil " disease). For ME, I would suppose it's the same underlying

mechanism, but in motor nerves.

Please anyone, comment on above if inaccurate, or you have more information,


Steve D.

Some questions

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi, I just joined your group. I received your welcome letter and

> > > responded. I would like to know if anyone can answer some questions?

> > > Is this where I would go and ask them? One of my questions is about

> > > breathing. Any suggestions. My doctors say, my lungs are clear and

> my

> > > heart is not causing this shortness of breath. But upon reading some

> > > sites about this mito disease it affects breathing. I feel short of

> > > breath upon any type of exertion. I have not seen my neurologist yet

> > > to discuss this disease. We just got back the biopsy and blood work

> to

> > > determine this is what I have. I also have trouble getting around

> when

> > > walking, between the breathing and the stiffness and hurting

> muscles,

> > > even pushing the shopping cart kills me. Any ideas?

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