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Re: Digest Number 2307

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Hi ,

I did a little happy dance here when I read that is doing so

much better with his shots! Charissa had/has alot of the same behavior

issues as (including OCD) and we also had some rough times

during GHT. She *always* wiggled to some extent, and she was on GHT for

over 11 years! She usually cooperated pretty well, but she seemed to go

through some cycles that she protested the shots more for a period of

time, then was more cooperative again. As for complaining of

burning with the shots sometimes, it could be the dilutant in the GH.

Let the doctor know & maybe you can use something else.

I agree that you should probably have checked for bladder

infection and also to make sure that his blood sugar is o.k. But I had

another thought too. If nothing is found to be wrong medically & he

continues to need to go potty, it could be his OCD. Charissa had this

problem off & on for years, starting at around age 6 (she started GHT at

30 months) until maybe age 10 or later. It started when we were on a 10

day drive from California to Alaska. On day 4 she *had* to pee every 15

minutes, starting 30 minutes after we started our drive each day. We

would stop & she would pee just a tablespoon or so (just enough to

" prove " she had to go). This was before Pull-ups were invented, and we

were in some pretty remote country by this time & there were no diapers

to be found. We tried everything - long or frequent breaks from driving,

starting earlier/later in the day, driving less/more miles - nothing

helped. I'll *never* forget that trip, it was awful. Anyway, with

Charissa it was a combo of her OCD, reaction to stress, and a control

issue. She continued to behave in this manner when we were doing

something she didn't want to do (like shopping). You might want to

document the frequency and if it is happening more at certain times of

the day, or during/before/after certain activities. Did he do this at

all before he started GHT, or did it " just happen " to start shortly

after the GHT started?!?

in Alaska

mom to Charissa, age 19

< Growth Hormone and

Hi all, here, I was just going to give an update on how

is doing on the G H ,Things finally are calming down a

little, it has been a rough 2 weeks!!! He all of sudden is calming

down and asking me different times of the day, he asks can I take it

after dinner I say sure! I think when I was mentioning it at night

like it is time to get ready for your shot, he was freaking out, so

now he will ask when do I get my shot? I ask him when do u want it?

he tells me then we go in the kitchen and he gives me his arm!!! Can

you believe this I am so proud of him, I am having a couple of

concerns though, he is frequently going to the bathroom alot! His

teacher is concerned as well. Does Growth Hormones make the kids go

potty like every 5 to 10 minutes???? is doing this and has

peed in his underwear 2 times now he has never done this, he is

hypospadias and has had 2 surgery

' so far his second hole is still streams when he potty's ? I was

just needing to know if it is the meds or something else? I did have

to take him to the emergency room Sunday and he has broken out in a

rash they say it is poision oak ??? Well if any advice please help

and hugs to all of yal'll 5 yrs prevacid Nutropin Q

Q PS --- do the shots burn sometimes he is saying it is


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