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Re: 5 weeks post op and now the hard part comes.....

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In a message dated 7/14/2000 3:42:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

dackley@... writes:


still using carafate or prilosec? I'm not. I do find it hard to get

the vitamins in also because it seems to be hard to get them down the

old tube.


Dean, Try flinstones chewables.

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In a message dated 7/14/2000 4:02:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ybuzzy@... writes:


Or, in case of your husband, perhaps he is getting insecure and is afraid

you will change so much that you won't want him anymore. Joanne in



You can say that again!!!! And the way he has been acting I don't. I want a

cowboy to play whit ..LOL cover you ears Bill & Dave.


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Dear Deena,

First off, congrats on your weight loss! I'm also 5 weeks post-op

(MGB 06-08-00) and I'd be tickled pink to be able to say I've lost

that much. Keep up the good work.

As for the comment made by your husband, I'm finding a similar

situation in my house as well. My husband is still very supportive

but occasionally he makes a comment that hurts. He's not the only

one. I've experienced it from a few members of my family as well as

my best friend. I think perhaps the comments are just an avenue for

them to vent their own frustrations.

Suddenly their wife, friend, loved one has changed. No longer do they

have a junk food compadre with whom to socialize. This new person is

eating healthier, exercising and (if she/he is smart) finding new

sources of comfort and happiness in something other than food. While

they may not have a weight problem, it could be that their own

lifestyle could use revamping.

Be patient but don't allow his comments to sabotage your efforts.

Just keep in mind this might be a difficult time for him as well.

Best of Luck,


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-Gosh Beth we had our surgery on the same day. I had mine at 4:00 or

somewhere around there....when did you have yours done?

Thanks for the encouragement and also sharing with me that I'm not


only one going through these same things with friends/family. I think

that you hit the " nail on the head " when you suggested that they no

longer have anyone to eat the junk with. The night before we had gone

out to dinner with my sister and her husband and everyone order prime

rib except for me of course, then they went to the ice cream parlor

afterwards.....I had a lick of ice cream! And surprisingly I was " ok "

with it.

I do find that I still like Babyfoods better than " real foods " ....how

about you. Well, except for oatmeal, that really tastes good.

My biggest thing to get over is soda pop. I of course have not had

any since june 7....ugh! What meds are you still taking? are you

still using carafate or prilosec? I'm not. I do find it hard to get

the vitamins in also because it seems to be hard to get them down the

old tube.


Deena-- your littermate!

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Or, in case of your husband, perhaps he is getting insecure and is afraid

you will change so much that you won't want him anymore. Joanne in


Beth in Raleigh wrote:

> Dear Deena,


> First off, congrats on your weight loss! I'm also 5 weeks post-op

> (MGB 06-08-00) and I'd be tickled pink to be able to say I've lost

> that much. Keep up the good work.


> As for the comment made by your husband, I'm finding a similar

> situation in my house as well. My husband is still very supportive

> but occasionally he makes a comment that hurts. He's not the only

> one. I've experienced it from a few members of my family as well as

> my best friend. I think perhaps the comments are just an avenue for

> them to vent their own frustrations.


> Suddenly their wife, friend, loved one has changed. No longer do they

> have a junk food compadre with whom to socialize. This new person is

> eating healthier, exercising and (if she/he is smart) finding new

> sources of comfort and happiness in something other than food. While

> they may not have a weight problem, it could be that their own

> lifestyle could use revamping.


> Be patient but don't allow his comments to sabotage your efforts.

> Just keep in mind this might be a difficult time for him as well.


> Best of Luck,


> Beth


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> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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In a message dated 7/14/2000 8:44:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

LaraAkin033100@... writes:




------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>

Really why?

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In a message dated 07/14/2000 8:44:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

LaraAkin033100@... writes:





Why not? I thought several post ops here took Flinstone Vitamins?

Sharon In KY

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Thanks for saying that Lara, I wanted to give the warning about Flinstone

vitamins, but didn't get around to it soon enough.. it was nice meeting you

and Tuesday.. What did Dr. R. say? I hope you get your date soon!

Deb in IL

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Lara, do you remember why post ops can't take Flinstone vitamins? Debbie was

very strict about that, she said that if you take them, you will be suffering

from some vitamin deficiencies. I'm not sure which, maybe not enough iron??

But for whatever reason, Debbie said at clinic that we are NOT supposed to

take them, and that if we hear of anyone taking them, to have them call her


Deb in IL

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The subject was brought up that Flinstones vitamins are a children's vitamin

not for an adult especially an adult that has had major surgery. Debbie

advised everyone at clinic not to take them and to tell others who are to

call her and she will explain why.

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The subject of Flinstones vitamins came up into discussion at clinic. Debbie

says Flintstones are for children not adults especially an adult that had

just had major abdominal surgery. Please call Debbie and she can explain


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Yeah that is what I was trying to say to the post ops. Hey thanks for saying

it for me. I knew she said no but I was having a brain fart as to why other

than it is made for children not adults. :):)



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In a message dated 07/15/2000 1:53:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

dackley@... writes:

<< I don't have anyone close to talk to about this, but boy does it hurt

my feelings.

Deena >>

Dear Deena,

I can relate to you when you say you don't have anyone

close to talk to about things cause I don't know anyone where I live except

my husband, and I know how hard that is. I think it is really tuff, not

having a Girlfriend to talk to that can relate. Like I said My husband is

supportive to me, but, he has said things like He thought that Littermate

word was immature, and he didn't understand why I acted like I was going to a

ballgame with my friends instead of a life threatning surgery. So see I do

understand how you feel. Sometimes I think they don't understand Point Blank.

I do have to say he Does think I need the MGB, and He will do anything for

anyone, But, To me it is different having girlfriends to talk to. I will

probably have to deal with the same as you as far as, Him watching what I eat

for awhile and making comments, but as you get older, you can think of alot

of things to say back! tee hee. I can stop him in his tracks most of the

time! LOl It will get better and if you ever need to chat, my e-mail is

MCypher31@..., (864)284-6060. Good Luck and I will pray for him too! xoxo

Margie SC :)

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In a message dated 7/14/00 10:53:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dackley@...


<< Actually I have been doing quite well. I am down 27 pounds.....yeah.

My husband has always been supportive until last night. I was so

starving for some fruit, so I started eating some raspberries.....

has anyone ever experienced this?....He said I should be eating all

protein, not that crap, after all I got 3/4 of my stomach redone and

then I said, " hey, look what you are eating, pizza " .....he said I

don't weigh double of what I should....

I don't have anyone close to talk to about this, but boy does it hurt

my feelings.



Hi Deena,

I could hear the pain in your post and wanted to let you know that I

understand what you are feeling, even though I am blessed with a husband who

is a prince. Did your husband go with you to clinic? It sounds like he

needs to be educated on the value of fruits, as I can't imagine anyone

calling it " crap. " Yes, you need a lot of protein, but have him look at the

education manual--fruit is an important piece of the puzzle and is still

" God's perfect food, " IMO. Now, look at the positive, you were craving

fruit-- not sweets or fat--that's pretty good, eh? In the past you would

have been wolfing down the pizza right along with him, right?

Perhaps your husband is feeling frustrated or threatened by your weight loss.

Whatever is his problem, you do have a right to expect to be treated with

respect. Not knowing the 2 of you or what your relationship is like, it's

hard to offer specific advice, except to say that you should let him know

that his words hurt you and why, and that you need positive, constructive

help. You are worthwhile and deserving of a happy life at a " normal size. "

Keep moving forward in the right direction, as you have been doing. You are

doing great, sweetie!!


Debbie in IL

Cigna approved on 3rd appeal for daughter (BMI 45)

Counting on Cigna for Debbie (BMI 40) ins letter sent 7/14

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Lara, what vitamins does Debbie recommend that we take?


> The subject was brought up that Flinstones vitamins are a

children's vitamin

> not for an adult especially an adult that has had major surgery.


> advised everyone at clinic not to take them and to tell others who

are to

> call her and she will explain why.

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In a message dated 7/15/00 12:16:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lindat@... writes:

<< Not to beg the obvious, but everyone acts like that pizza is forbidden,

and it isn't at five weeks post-op, plus it's nutritious and high in


Just my 2 cents.


Pizza nutritious? Not the kind that I like. LOL And it goes down like

sticky chunks of brick-- a mangle of cheese-lumped-dough. Just my opinion,

of course, and yes, I like pizza! :0)


Debbie in IL

Daughter MGB 8/9 Cigna (3rd appeal)--BMI 45

Counting on Cigna for Debbie (BMI 40) ins letter sent 7/14

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I order the thin crust pizza, I ask them to put a little bit of cheese on

one small piece (because that is all I can eat)and veggies of course. then

it is easy going down. I can't eat bread but I can eat toast. Same with

pizza the thin crust is very thin and crispy,,yummy. just my 2 cents. Im 6

weeks post-op. LOL

BTW Lobster goes down the best.


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Not to beg the obvious, but everyone acts like that pizza is forbidden,

and it isn't at five weeks post-op, plus it's nutritious and high in


Just my 2 cents.


DebLaMan@... wrote:


> In a message dated 7/14/00 10:53:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> dackley@...

> writes:


> << Actually I have been doing quite well. I am down 27

> pounds.....yeah.

> My husband has always been supportive until last night. I was so

> starving for some fruit, so I started eating some raspberries.....

> has anyone ever experienced this?....He said I should be eating all

> protein, not that crap, after all I got 3/4 of my stomach redone and

> then I said, " hey, look what you are eating, pizza " .....he said I

> don't weigh double of what I should....


> I don't have anyone close to talk to about this, but boy does it hurt

> my feelings.


> Deena

> >>

> Hi Deena,

> I could hear the pain in your post and wanted to let you know that I

> understand what you are feeling, even though I am blessed with a

> husband who

> is a prince. Did your husband go with you to clinic? It sounds like

> he

> needs to be educated on the value of fruits, as I can't imagine anyone


> calling it " crap. " Yes, you need a lot of protein, but have him look

> at the

> education manual--fruit is an important piece of the puzzle and is

> still

> " God's perfect food, " IMO. Now, look at the positive, you were

> craving

> fruit-- not sweets or fat--that's pretty good, eh? In the past you

> would

> have been wolfing down the pizza right along with him, right?


> Perhaps your husband is feeling frustrated or threatened by your

> weight loss.

> Whatever is his problem, you do have a right to expect to be treated

> with

> respect. Not knowing the 2 of you or what your relationship is like,

> it's

> hard to offer specific advice, except to say that you should let him

> know

> that his words hurt you and why, and that you need positive,

> constructive

> help. You are worthwhile and deserving of a happy life at a " normal

> size. "

> Keep moving forward in the right direction, as you have been doing.

> You are

> doing great, sweetie!!


> Regards,

> Debbie in IL

> Cigna approved on 3rd appeal for daughter (BMI 45)

> Counting on Cigna for Debbie (BMI 40) ins letter sent 7/14

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at

> Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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In a message dated 7/15/2000 6:10:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lindat@... writes:


TRISH! Lobster pizza??!!! Your taste buds left for the moon, right?!


I Meant LOBSTER PERIOD goes down the best..not lobster on pizza

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In a message dated 7/15/2000 5:38:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

DebLaMan@... writes:


Pizza nutritious? Not the kind that I like. LOL And it goes down like

sticky chunks of brick-- a mangle of cheese-lumped-dough. Just my opinion,

of course, and yes, I like pizza! :0)


Not the Kind one of the guys on the list eats either. Remember the grease

running down his arm..gross..LOL

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In a message dated 7/15/00 2:43:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

metrishal@... writes:

<< Debbie,

I order the thin crust pizza, I ask them to put a little bit of cheese on

one small piece (because that is all I can eat)and veggies of course. then

it is easy going down. I can't eat bread but I can eat toast. Same with

pizza the thin crust is very thin and crispy,,yummy. just my 2 cents. Im 6

weeks post-op. LOL

BTW Lobster goes down the best.



Hi Trisha,

Sounds palatable even :0)

Now would that be lobster pizza? (Don't get a Connecticut girl started on

lobster!! YUMMMMMMM!!!!!)


Debbie in IL

Daughter MGB 8/9 Cigna (3rd appeal)--BMI 45

Counting on Cigna for Debbie (BMI 40) ins letter sent 7/14

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In a message dated 7/15/00 4:15:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

metrishal@... writes:

<< >>

Not the Kind one of the guys on the list eats either. Remember the grease

running down his arm..gross..LOL


I guess this was before my time! LOL


Debbie in IL

Daughter MGB 8/9 Cigna (3rd appeal)--BMI 45

Counting on Cigna for Debbie (BMI 40) ins letter sent 7/14

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TRISH! Lobster pizza??!!! Your taste buds left for the moon, right?!


(just ribbing ya'. Umm, ribs, yeah, that's the ticket! Off in search of

some baby back ribs. See ya' later, bye!)

metrishal@... wrote:


> Debbie,


> I order the thin crust pizza, I ask them to put a little bit of cheese

> on

> one small piece (because that is all I can eat)and veggies of course.

> then

> it is easy going down. I can't eat bread but I can eat toast. Same

> with

> pizza the thin crust is very thin and crispy,,yummy. just my 2

> cents. Im 6

> weeks post-op. LOL

> BTW Lobster goes down the best.

> Trisha

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In a message dated 7/15/00 6:13:01 PM Central Daylight Time,

metrishal@... writes:



MMM.. I think I will try making pizza with Langastinos, you can get them in

the frozen section at Super Wal-Mart ( at least I can get them at mine)..

they are tiny little lobsters, I bet that will be great! They are very good

on nachos, but I think the chips might be hard for me to digest after MGB, or

am I wrong??

Deb in IL

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