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Although Doctors are not that nice to me, my patients more than make up for



On Wed. July 14, I had my 6 week anniversary (surgery May 31,00) and I went

to the doctor's office to weigh and I am pleased to let you know that I have

lost 24 1/2 pounds in 42 days. I feel better than I have felt in 3 years


I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the right hip. My level of energy is

superb and I am much more active than before.

Our family took a week long cruise from July 2-9 and I am probably one of


few people that lost 4 pounds on a cruise. I was thrilled and did very well.

I am taking all of the meds and supplements.

Please know that I am willing to serve as a reference any time. God bless


of you.

Francine M. in AL

Dr. Rutledge,

I just wanted to let you know that I am doing great following my surgery on

Monday, July 10. I have followed all of your orders and have had no problems

at all. My husband and sister are just amazed at how well I have done.

If you remember, when I talked with you at clinic on May 16, I told you my

husband was dead set against me having this surgery. He was there with me

even though he was still against it the day of surgery. After coming home on

Tuesday he said, " Well I have made a decision. I am going to try to loose

weight on my on (he is over 400 pounds), and if by the first of the year I

am not successful I am going to have this surgery. " I was blown away. He did

a complete turn around. I was hoping he would, but I did not think it would

happened this fast!

I have been out to eat 3 times and ordered soup and went to a party last

night. I plan to be in church tomorrow and I will be back at work on Monday

July 17.

Thanks for all you have done. You are the best!!!


Hi Dr. R.,

Just for your info, I have a new e-mail address. I think you changed it on

your list of 260 or so patients to contact, but not on your " new on-line "

patient data records. It is betbyron@... Also you might want to change

my weight loss at 4 months---it is 46 pounds (Yippee!!!), unless this will

cause a problem with your website. The 40 pounds weight loss was for 3

months. I get usually 5-7 inquiries a week for new patients, so you must be

very busy. I just don't know how you keep up with everything!

I am feeling wonderful!! Better than I've felt for 10-15 years. More energy,

well more of everything except weight. I just wanted to thank you again. My

blood sugars are at an average of 138 now instead of 220 right after

surgery. Most morning glucose readings are 73-120. I am very pleased. I can

eat about anything I want, to a point that is, even steak and prime rib!

Regular ice cream is about the only thing that I've tried that seems to

cause me a problem, so I stay away from it! The hair loss seems to be

tapering down since I added my Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc combo and a B

Complex to my other vitamins.

I've dropped from a size 24-26 to an 18 dress now in 4 months time and lost

11 inches off my waist alone! I recently cleaned out my closet---what a

panic it was to see all my clothes going out the door, never to return

again! I go to see my primary physician next week, will he ever be

surprised!!---and pleased! I think I read that you had been on vacation--and

a well deserved one to I might add! Hope it was wonderful, and again, the

presentation for the Bariatric Society was outstanding! Keep up the good


In Christ,

Betty P

Hey Dr R,

This is Margie B., I had my MGB on 3/30/00 my starting weight was 254lbs and

today 7/15/00 I weigh 192lbs. I have had no problems at all and I fell

great, I have lost a total of 62lbs since surgery. I do have problems with

meat but not veggies. But that is fine with me, and I have lost the taste

for all my favorite foods. But I like the fact food don't control me anymore

and I control it instead.

Well that is all for now and I will send some pictures soon. Thanks a

million for what you have done for me and everyone else. My friend will be

seeing you soon I hope! She is working on her package now, I sent her your

picture and all the information, and she is very impressed with you and with

my results!!!!




Dear Dr. Rutledge,

I spoke last with you early this morning, seeking permission to return to

Alabama today. Well, just wanted to let you know that (my Daughter)

and I made it safely back home about 2 hours ago, and I am feeling great, so

far, except for a little gas, however no nausea any longer, and haven't

taken no pain meds. since I was released from the hospital yesterday. Isn't

that great? I've remained on clear fluids throughout, however my mind seems

to be fighting me to want to eat more solid, and I know that I must not give

in, especially for the fear of the " dumping syndrome " that I don't want to

experience. Oh yeah, I've already lost 10 LBS!!!

Thank you so much for helping me with this obesity that I'm very confident

now of seeing eventual elimination of having, and the joy and hope that I

can now await to seeing my life being completely changed now, all on account

of you. was quite impressed with you and the entire experience went

along very smoothly. Thanks again, Dr. R., and to all of your supportive

staff, the same. I shall keep you updated regularly on my prognosis. Just in

case you want to telephone me, you may reach me by calling.

Best regards,

Donna C

Hi Dr. Rutledge:

Just reporting in. I am almost 7 weeks post-op. May 29, 2000 was my


date, and my life has changed so much in such a short amount of time. I


lost 34 pounds. No more hypertension, no more swelling ankles or feet, no

more headaches, more sex. (sorry 'bout that, but I just had to throw that

in, I am certain that is more than you wanted to know). I am so happy about

my success so far from the MGB. You are definitely an Angel sent from God

for folks like me. Thanks again for what you do. You will be rewarded

greatly in Heaven. I hope my mansion is beside yours on the banks of the

crystal sea. I am forever grateful to you.

With love

Pamela G. C.

Hi Dr. R,

Hope all is well with you. I was hoping you can give me

some advise on what I can take for this horrible head

cold. I have had it for about 4 days now, and I am

really uncomfortable with it. I was checked to see if I

had a sinus infection and strep throat, but I do not. I

did take some benadryl, but is there anything else?


Now to the good part. I am now at six months post op,

and proud to say that I have lost 101 lbs. I have been

feeling great, and letting all the pre-ops know that.

thanks again for giving me beck my life.



Rutledge, M.D., F.A.C.S.

The Center for Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery

4301 Ben lin Blvd.

Durham, N.C. 27704

Telephone #:

Fax #:

Email: DrR@...


Please Visit our Web site: http://clos.net


Durham Regional Hospital:

Also, Please consider joining the

Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List

at http://www.onelist.com

MiniGastricBypass is a general discussion of the Mini-Gastric Bypass

( http://www.onelist.com/community/MiniGastricBypass )

Talk with lots of other Pre and Post Op

patients and friends.

Keep up to date on the latest news about

the Mini-Gastric Bypass.

The Mini-Gastric Bypass

> Hi Laurie in Ohio,


> Thanks for your nice post.


> I will summarize:


> No one now criticizes the MGB about weight loss, leak rates, pulmonary

> embolus rates, hospital stay, operative times, costs mortality rate...


> Let me tell you that in the beginning I was criticized for concerns about

> all of these things and we have now clearly demonstrated that in every


> the MGB results are as good or better than any other operation.


> So what can an uninformed physician complain about?


> Well how about Bile reflux?


> First let me correct you we have, as far as I am aware, no patient that is

> over 3 months after surgery with any bile reflux esophagitis.


> In the old loop gastric bypass up to 40% of patients had bile reflux

> esophagitis soon after surgery.


> Mr. Lindstrom and I have been having a nice friendly dialog privately and

> here is some of what I wrote to him:




> *****

> " Hi again Mr. Lindstrom,


> I just finished my print outs for tomorrow's surgery. 9 cases, yikes.


> Let me again try to apologize for the strong comments that have been

> directed at you from some of the people on my lists.


> I earnestly hope that you can find it in your heart to be forgiving.


> I think you are very right to do what you have done.


> You asked your trusted friends and colleagues their opinions about an


> that is their expertise and they said that the MGB is bad. You

> did what can only seem to be right in your eyes.


> I honestly respect you for that.


> Now as to me.


> I could do a VBG or RNY or even a BPD if I wanted to.


> Why would I dare to do something different?


> What if I honestly felt it was better?


> Let's look at the concerns about the MGB.


> Short term, well since my people have done so well, the raft of short term

> complaints and concerns have been silenced.


> Long term, bariatric surgeons feel that the loop leads to bile reflux and

> esophagitis (inflammation and irritation of the esophagus) and this then

> leads to cancer!


> Sounds bad.


> They feel that they know this will happen because of the 20 year old

> experience of the Mason " Loop Gastric Bypass " as you heard at the meeting


> to 40% of patients developed esophagitis.


> Hmmm...


> But None of my patients have esophagitis. None.


> But 40% of the old loop patients did.


> None of mine do.


> In fact many of my patients had severe esophagitis preop and it, the MGB,

> has cured their esophagitis.


> But how can that be?


> The obvious answer 1) I am fibbing (I am not, find one of my patients with

> esophagitis) or 2) the MGB is not the old loop.


> Now lets go at this same question from another tack.


> Billroth II, loop gastrojejunostomies are done at a rate of ~12,000 cases

> per year by general surgeons in America for ulcers, cancer and trauma.


> Is their a similar crusade by nonbariatirc General surgeons against this

> very high rate of Billroth II gastrojejunostomies?


> Are the bariatirc surgeons creating a petition to stop loop

> gastrojejunostomies?


> No of course not, but why not?


> If your colleagues were concerned about cancer why not get wound up and

> criticize all of these other surgeons?



> Basically there is a difference between the " old loop " gastric bypass and

> the Billroth II done by most general surgeons for ulcers etc.



> My MGB is designed to be like the usual Billroth II loop and to avoid the

> problems of the " Old Loop " gastric bypass.


> It is easy to do.


> The difference is that in the old loop bypass the loop was close to the

> esophagus and in the usual Billroth II loop gastrojejunontomy done by the

> average general surgeon the loop is placed far from the esophagus.


> In the MGB the loop is far away from the esophagus.


> It is not close to the esophagus it is far away. "





> *****

> " Hi again Mr. Lindstrom,

> RE: your comments on my note.


> First I have only given you a very small part of the argument that makes


> favor the MGB.


> There are at least 4 other major factors that I would be happy to detail


> you more of the apologia for the MGB that I have in my mind.


> Briefly let me just say " failure " : i.e. what to do after any other surgery

> if

> the operation fails, to much to little or something else. In an MGB

> revision is a 60 minute laparoscopic procedure. That is not true with any

> other surgery as you well know.


> Also think about a 20-30 minute surgical cure of diabetes. On Wed. of


> week I did 9 cases from 8:30 to 4:30. All had an overnight stay in the

> hospital...


> What if I were to be right?


> and there is more...


> Re: my colleagues, I do not think that they have had a chance to hear what


> am saying.They " know " the Mason Loop was bad and it is hard to get over


> " knowledge " .


> I think it will take time.


> There have been two surgeons here to visit and learn and watch the



> One has done 10-15 so far.


> Another has expressed an interest in coming down to spend

> the day.


> I think as you imply if a few people get to think about it I may get more


> chance to explain my procedure.


> I think people are very right to be skeptical but look at the evidence


> I have.


> I have almost 700 patients that I follow meticulously and are available


> anyone else with any real interest to investigate themselves.


> Never in the history of Bariatric surgery has an operation appeared with

> such strong supporting data.


> Peace. "


> RR


> Rutledge, M.D., F.A.C.S.

> The Center for Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery

> 4301 Ben lin Blvd.

> Durham, N.C. 27704

> Telephone #:

> Fax #:

> Email: DrR@...


> ************************************************

> Please Visit our Web site: http://clos.net

> ************************************************


> Durham Regional Hospital:


> Also, Please consider joining the

> Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List

> at http://www.onelist.com


> MiniGastricBypass is a general discussion of the Mini-Gastric Bypass

> ( http://www.onelist.com/community/MiniGastricBypass )


> Talk with lots of other Pre and Post Op

> patients and friends.

> Keep up to date on the latest news about

> the Mini-Gastric Bypass.

> ----- Original Message -----



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