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Vacation Bible School Snacks

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I have volunteered for a really big job and would like prayer from

anyone that may be so inclined.

We have Vac. Bible School every summer at our church and the ladie

that has headed up the snacks the last few years doesn't want to do

it this year.

In the past the snacks have been sugar stacked on sugar or

sandwiched between sugar. They are always something really creative

and cute also. Something that follows the theme for that day.

Some people in our church are very supportive of what we are doing

with our kids and others think that we are REALLY fanatical. I

really don't care what they think but it does make it hard when they

offer or give them something that they should not have.

At any rate I had been thinking about the snacks and wondering where

the gal that heads up VBS really stands, wondering if it would be

possible to do the treats with veggies, fruit, cheese, meats etc.

I talked to her breafly yesterday and asked if she had anyone for

that slot yet. She didn't and said that she had been thinking about

my kids and making the snacks SCD. YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I told

her that if she was interested in doing that and wanted me I would

head it up.

It is a BIG job as each class has something differant every day. I

am thrilled to find out that she is this much in support though and

willing to give it a try.

The biggy will be if the lady that is in charge of the childrens

ministery in our church will approve. There are also others that

have signed up to help with food that I know do not like the way we

are 'depriving' our children. They have never experienced our son

in the middle of a rage going from ripping things off the walls to

kicking you to biting you to slugging you to knocking thinks off the

table to........... They have not seen the big difference in him

that we have experienced.

Sorry this is so long. Please pray for me for wisdom, energy, time

and for those that need to get on board to do so.

Sandy M.

Whole family SCD in support of son who raged.

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I don't see the feasibility in serving each group of children a

different snack each day. It's just too much trouble.

I'd say make up a menu for the week and show it to the director in

it's completed form. I think that people say NO more often when they

think that something is impossible.

But if you've already made up a working plan, then you may have more


Money is often an issue as well. So, I'd go someplace like

Sam's/Costco and price out how much your plan will cost. Usually

places that serve snacks to that many kids try to conserve money by

serving inexpensive foods that can be bought in bulk. But if you can

show that your plan is feasible, cost-effective and healthy- you might

just be able to pull it off.

Strawberries, bananas, grapes, apples, watermelon, raisins, carrots...

most kids like these things.

They could be served with cream cheese dip each day. You can bring in

your own dip for your kids and use regular cream cheese for the other

kids. I'd serve water to drink. It cuts down on drink

disasters/cleaning problems and it saves money.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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