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are stomach cramps die-off or new food that's not tolerated?

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I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and on for

the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once every

other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if something

I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several fruits and

vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the introduction of

new foods, though.

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I am sorry to hear about the cramps. It might be die off or it might

be a sign that you are not tolerating new foods. I would discontinue

the nut butters and see if you feel better. Many beginners cannot

tolerate the nut butter or flour.



> I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and on


> the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once every

> other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if


> I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several fruits


> vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

> butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the introduction


> new foods, though.


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Hi SCD friend,

I have learned that it can take up to thre days or so to respond to

a food sensitivity. Maybe go back to the foods you use to eat

before the pain....and keeping a journal add those other foods

slowly back. This is the only way you are truly going to know.

Die off did cause me stomach cramps and flue like symptoms too. A

warm soak in a tub full of Epson Salts helps. Some days was in the

tub much. Even had a low grad fever, felt miserable. Dizzy,

nausuea, irritability, cried easy, yelled easy...it was fun.

Take some activated charocal too, this may help if the cramping is

being caused by the toxins being released and irritating the linning

of your gut...causing the cramps.

Also don't eat too many nut goods. I think Elaine said only three

muffins a day...please read BTVC to make sure I am right. The

phenols in them can get the gut down too. Rotate your nuts, may

have to cut out almond for a while (highest in phenol).

May want to experiment with Houston's enzymes and if you are doing

SCD dairy yogurt, if you are like us...this may be the cuprit too.

We are cutting it out for a while before we experiement with this

one again.

When the gut finnaly heals many food sensitivities, allergy and

intolerances vanish or become better. THANK GOD! So hang in

there. I feel for you. The first three weeks are like a roller

coaster! Weeeeeee! up down up down....some parts of the day better

than others, but you will live and your gut will love you for it!

Get a funny movie to get your mind off your cravings and your ickey

feeling! SCD is worth it....or I wouldn't still be here!

But realize that the first year is the hardest! Whats a year to a

life time of staying sick?

THIS TOO SHALL PASS! I say much of this for me too...thank you for

letting me share, because it helped me to remember for my own

support...it is tough...I know.

Sincerely, Antoinette (2 mo SCD entire family, also healing from

celiac and have ASD...most of us!)


> I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and on for

> the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once every

> other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if


> I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several fruits


> vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

> butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the introduction of

> new foods, though.


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How on earth can I do the SCD w/o nuts? I can't do dairy (EBF 4 month

DD was reacting to dairy) and I don't see how I can get enough

calories without nuts, either...fruits & veggies are just too low in


The cramps aren't very bad, maybe 10 minutes every couple of days. I

just started Enzymedica enzymes so we'll see if that helps or not.

Antoinette--did you or your DC have food allergies pre-SCD? Did you

have to eliminate the offending foods for a while or did you just do

the diet with them and the symptoms went away on their own? My DD

still has all her allergy symptoms that I thought were dairy related

even though I haven't had any dairy for 4 weeks, so I don't know if

she is still reacting to something on the diet or if it just hasn't

had enough time to work yet.

> >

> > I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and on for

> > the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once every

> > other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if

> something

> > I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several fruits

> and

> > vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

> > butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the introduction of

> > new foods, though.

> >


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typically when i have introduced a new food for my 2 boys i wait to

see if there is a reaction. I know you said the cramps dont coincide

with the introduction of a new food but could it be possible that

you are adding the foods too quickly and have a reaction to a new


if i have any symptoms i can explain with my boys i take a day of

intro diet and it seems to help. i also will give them enzymes as

soon as i realize there is a problem. . . sort of as a cleaner upper

precaution in case there is some undigested material in need of

digestion help.



> I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and on for

> the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once every

> other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if


> I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several fruits


> vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

> butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the introduction of

> new foods, though.


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i dont think you necessarily need to plan not to use nuts but you

might need to wait until you some healing takes place and you feel

ready to test it. that could be in about 2 weeks to a month. also

nut milk is more digestable than nut butter, and nut butter is more

digestable than nut flour, with the least digestable being whole

nuts. so you might want to test these different forms to see how

they effect you.

i usually assume that the symptoms or damage is proportional to the

size of the portion of the test food. so for my boys when offering a

new food we do it very slowly - with a minicule size portion and

then if all goes well we do a normal portion 1-2 days later.

have you been following the stages of food addition listed at

www.pecanbread.com? that is a great site and i have found those

foods listed to be an excellant order of how foods were tolerated by

my boys.

i have always assume that any bad symptoms are from bad organisms in

the gut in this case forming gas & cramps. i wouldnt ignore the

symptoms and hope they go away. i think of SCD as working because

you are only eating the foods your body can digest and that way your

are keeping the bad organisms from getting their food, ie starving

them. if you are eating something that you cant yet digest and

feeding the bad guys i dont think you will make the same progress.


> > >

> > > I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and

on for

> > > the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once


> > > other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if

> > something

> > > I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several


> > and

> > > vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

> > > butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the

introduction of

> > > new foods, though.

> > >

> >


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I am using the Enzymedica Digest Gold but I just started them again a

couple of days ago so the cramps are not related to them.

What did you eat the first few weeks (what foods and what recipes did

you use)? I can only eat so many eggs and so much applesauce...

How much are you supposed to limit honey in the beginning? I've been

eating 1-1 1/2 Tbsp. of honey per day.


> Last message: How on earth can I do the SCD w/o nuts? I

> just started Enzymedica enzymes so we'll see if that helps or




> Those enzymedica's are strong from what I am told and from personal

experience. Make sure they have no bifidus...Elaine didn't want us to

have this. If safe and you don't have to take them back, take less of

the capsule...gave me cramps and upset stomach too! Once gut heals

won't need them anyways! Only for short term use in the beginning.

Gut heals fast on strict SCD. Been told, maybe 3 months most, if you

have no screw ups. Screw ups make the gut take longer to heal! Those

sneaky illegals are a pain in the GUT.....literally!


> We used Digest Gold Enzymedica...nothing bad in them/scd safe.



> Also, yes in the beginning you will not starve without nuts. I am

proof of it. I am writing this. You may be able to just cut back a

little without cutting out all the way. Experiment. We are eating

more nut flour these days and only 2 months along.


> Sadly to say none of us on SCd should be substituting the breads and

cakes and cookies made of things from our old ways.... It is not

healthy. Plus Elaine tells us in BTVC that in the beginning we need

to be careful not to over do the nuts or the honey. To cut it back.

The reassures a good die off and keeps us from getting sick from the

proteins and things in too many nuts.


> WE ALL EAT SIX TO EIGHT TIMES A DAY! We are always buying fruits

and vegetables and meats! I am gaining weight because my gut is

healing...my daughter is doing better too....so yes you can get enough

calories, but you may be grazing the entire day! Brag to your friends

that you get to eat all day...most will be jealous! " If they only knew! "


> Takes time to heal...be patient.


> Hope this helps, sure others will help too, Antoinette (2 mo SCD

entire family, celiac and ASD problems)






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I have done SCD with out nuts dairy and for a period of time eggs. You can

do anything you want to


>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread

>Subject: Re: are stomach cramps die-off or new food that's not


>Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:54:03 -0000


>How on earth can I do the SCD w/o nuts? I can't do dairy (EBF 4 month

>DD was reacting to dairy) and I don't see how I can get enough

>calories without nuts, either...fruits & veggies are just too low in



>The cramps aren't very bad, maybe 10 minutes every couple of days. I

>just started Enzymedica enzymes so we'll see if that helps or not.


>Antoinette--did you or your DC have food allergies pre-SCD? Did you

>have to eliminate the offending foods for a while or did you just do

>the diet with them and the symptoms went away on their own? My DD

>still has all her allergy symptoms that I thought were dairy related

>even though I haven't had any dairy for 4 weeks, so I don't know if

>she is still reacting to something on the diet or if it just hasn't

>had enough time to work yet.



> > >

> > > I've been doing the SCD for two and a half weeks and off and on for

> > > the past week and a half I've had stomach cramps (maybe once every

> > > other day). I'm not sure if they're a sign of die-off or if

> > something

> > > I'm eating isn't agreeing with me. I've introduced several fruits

> > and

> > > vegetables (cooked except for avocado) and almond and pecan

> > > butter...the cramps don't seem to coincide with the introduction of

> > > new foods, though.

> > >

> >






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