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probiotic inquiry

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On Pecanbread, it say that Elaine believed that an individual should

take a maximum of 3 billion strains of acidophilus a day. This

should be given in a divided dose 30 minutes before a meal. Does

anyone know if it makes a significant difference if you just give the

whole 3 billion once instead of 1.5 twice a day?

My kids supplement schedule has so many things that are supposed to

be given on an empty stomach that I am truly giving them some

supplement almost every half hour of the day (except during meal

times). And when a meal happens to last longer than the allotted

timeframe . . . my day is shot because I can't gain that " empty

stomach " time back without keeping them up very late in the night.

I would be relieved to just do the probiotic in one dose if it

doesn't matter very much. However, if it does make a difference, I

will make it work. Can anyone tell me if the divided dose is worth

the trouble?

Jeni Lynn (gastrointestinal problems)

mom to Margeaux, 6 yr. (ADD, heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal


, 4 yr. (risk for ADD, heavy metal toxicity, gatrointestinal


Elle, 20 mo. (leaky gut, heavy metal toxicity, little bit of eczema)

SCD 5 months

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I have a similiar Question???

> On Pecanbread, it say that Elaine believed that an individual should

> take a maximum of 3 billion strains of acidophilus a day. This

> should be given in a divided dose 30 minutes before a meal. Does

> anyone know if it makes a significant difference if you just give the

> whole 3 billion once instead of 1.5 twice a day?

How does one get legal dairy free acidophilus in yogurt if you are

using a non dairy starter in ProGurt with L. Casei, Bulgaricus, and

Thermophilus With Goat Yogurt?

Thanks for any input.


Ella soon to be 5 with Crohns. SCD 7mo

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" How does one get legal dairy free acidophilus in yogurt if you are

using a non dairy starter in ProGurt with L. Casei, Bulgaricus, and

Thermophilus With Goat Yogurt? "


Elaine approved the L. Casei strain in the yogurt starter, but if you

still want to use L. Acidophilus as well, you can order the

SCDophilus, which is dairy free acidophilus.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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Thank you for your response Jody. I'm a bit curious as to why they

don't include it for the non dairy starter. Instead its just in the

pill form. I plan on contacting them.



> " How does one get legal dairy free acidophilus in yogurt if you are

> using a non dairy starter in ProGurt with L. Casei, Bulgaricus, and

> Thermophilus With Goat Yogurt? "


> Brent,


> Elaine approved the L. Casei strain in the yogurt starter, but if you

> still want to use L. Acidophilus as well, you can order the

> SCDophilus, which is dairy free acidophilus.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03


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