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Direct Quotes from Dr. Natasha -McBride

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Hi guys wanted to share (this is a long one):

This information may or may not help everyone, but may help some. I

wanted to share in light of our daughter an myself having a horrible

experience with the use of enzymes, and even some of the supplements

and deciding to not do the chelation or other expensive and

questionable interventions or expensive DAN! testing.

This was taken directly out of " Gut and Psychology Syndrome " By Dr.

Natasha -McBride M.D. who promotes the SCDiet for those

with ASD, learning disability and mental illness. She calls

us " GAP " patients. I list pages so accuracy can be checked if I am

questioned don't come to me please go to her book:

On page 163 " I cannot emphasize enough that an appropriate diet

has to be the number one intervention in successful nutritional

management of the GAPS child or adult. No pill in the world is

going to come close to the effect of the diet on your patient's

condition. When it comes to digestive disorders in particular, and

GAP Syndrome is essentially a digestive disorder, we have to be very

careful what we introduce into the gut of the patient. Why?

Because some supplements may irritate an already inflamed and

damaged gut lining and interfere with the healing process. You do

not want to put a lot of effort into implementing the diet and then

spoil the whole process by a pill. " She goes on to explain what

supplements that she feels are beneficial…and says " A majority of my

patients progress very well with the use of diet and these essential

supplements without adding anything else. "

She goes on to explain in depth those only supplements needed being:

Probiotics, Essential fatty acids, vitamin A, HCL and pepsin to

balance out the PH of the stomach (no pancreatic enzymes/including

protease, amylase, lipase and such needed), vitamin and mineral

supplements (but even here suggests that a vitamin supplement can

never that of the quality of good foods) that food not supplements

are the most important.

Further she expresses her concerns about Chelation Therapy. Pg 202-


" The first and most obvious thing to do is to remove the main source

of toxicity, which means cleaning up and healing the gut. However,

removing the major source of toxicity is not enough. What we do

with all the toxins stored over the years in these patient's

bodies? What do we do with all the heavy metals, which GAPS

children and adults test positive for? In recent years a new

treatment has emerged—chelation of heavy metals with chelating

drugs……..It is a hot topic at the moment……There are a number of

practitioners, mainly in the USA, who will administer these drugs to

autistic children…….However, there are a number of issues here,

which a lot of people including me, do not fell comfortable about.

Chelating drugs are drugs. Like any drug they come with side

effects and complications. These are not benign substances. I have

great concerns at the idea of using these drugs……Lets have a look at

some known problems: "

1. " DMSA and other chelating drugs cause dose-related bone

marrow suppression……. "

2. " Chelating drugs cause an explosion of pathological fungal

and bacterial growth in the gut, probably due to the immune system

suppression. This is why doctors who practice chelation advice

their patients to dealt with their gut dysbiosis first before trying

to chelate……..all the experience in treating it we still cannot say

whether you can completely get rid of it. "

3. " Apart from taking out heavy metals chelating drugs and

essential minerals as well and take them out of the body. They

chelate zinc for example, this is why sing has to be supplemented in

very high doses prior and during chelaton. However, doctors who

have an experience with supplementing zinc know that it has a very

complex absorption mechanism, which requires normal stomach

acidity. GAPS patients do not have normal stomach acidity, which

impairs absorption of supplemented zinc. On top of this we know

that GAPS patients are already deficient in this essential mineral

quite severely. Apart from zinc chelating drugs chelate other

essential minerals, which these patients are already deficient in……. "

4. " Patients on chelating drugs who high amounts of enzymes

called transaminases in their blood, which is and indication of

liver damage, specifically damaged to hpetocytes (liver cells). "

5. " Chelating drugs contraindicated in people with any renal

problems because they have a damaging effect on kidneys…… "

6. " During chelation a long list of side effects are reported

by the parents of autistic children: regression in autistic

symptoms, anorexia, fatigue, irritability, nausea, sleep

disturbances, diarrhea, flautulence, macular-papular skin rash. I

some cases such serious complications were observed…….severe toxic

reaction with high fever, diarrhea, plyarthritis, erosive skin rash,

myalgia, pneumonitis,…..hymolysis (red blood cell destruction)

…..neturopenia (low count of blood cells….and thrombocytopenia (low

count of thrombocytes,….responsible for blood clotting). "

7. " A number of autistic children are reported to be better

while taking chelation drugs, but regress back to the previous state

as soon as chelation stops. One explanation for this phenomenon may

be that these children just re-accumulate heavy metals from the

environment as soon as chelation stops, because their own detox

system is unable to deal with these metals. "

Pg. 204 " There is no hard or soft data available yet that chelation

really works, only anecdotal evidence…………………Well, there is a time-

driven way of detoxifying, taking out of the body not just the heavy

metals but a lot of other poisons as well without any side-effects

or harmful complications. And is very tasty way too. Children

particular love it! This way is JUICING. "

She goes on to explain the benefits and how to do natural chelation

with SCD safe juices and foods. And further gives in depth

discussion about how SCDiet alone ultimately heals the gut and

allows the liver and kidneys to go back to normal function so that

the body can chelate itself like nature intended.

This GAPS book is truly a must read to any parent of a person on the

autism spectrum, battling learning disability or mental illness. A

wonderful addition to Elaine's BTVC book. I have truly enjoyed our

decisions to " keep it simple " validated by this doctor. I pray that

we continue to have success by " keeping it simple " and do not judge

others with their choices, and truly want to same respect now for


Antoinette and her Silly Yaks at the Bunce Zoo.

(2.5 month SCD entire family of five and finally healing when no

other way worked…and we wasted valuable time fro 15 months.)

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Guest guest

what were the enzymes and how did you use them?


> Hi guys wanted to share (this is a long one):


> This information may or may not help everyone, but may help some. I

> wanted to share in light of our daughter an myself having a horrible

> experience with the use of enzymes, and even some of the supplements

> and deciding to not do the chelation or other expensive and

> questionable interventions or expensive DAN! testing.


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