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Thanks..and more questions!!

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Thanks to those that have responded to me so far!!

I have spent the last few hours reading through just about all of the

Breakingtheviciouscycle site, SCdiet Site and the pecanbread site and

now feel completely overwhelmed like it will take me weeks to get all

the foods and equipment and everything i need to get Luke started on

this diet. SIGH!!!

A few questions!! Is it ok for him to have a goat milk yogurt? hes

been off dairy for 6 mos. I think he has a casein intolerance. I did

read what Elaine had to say about how the casein in the goats milk

isnt exactly the same and that is safe for MOST autistic children.

But, honestly i am a nervous wreck about trying the goats milk yogurt

on him. Then on the other hand i am afraid of NOT giving it to him

because it seems so beneficial. So let me ask...those with autistic

children do they do the goat milk yogurt or not?? are they able to

handle it ok?? i noticed i have to order a goat milk starter off one

of these websites as well as find a place that sells goats milk,

which might be difficult. Does anyone know if whole foods sells a

goat milk thats acceptable, or trader joes?? Would it be hard to cook

the goatsmilk in the oven till i can afford a yogurt maker?

Would the SCD diet benefit my 17 yr old son Joey that is

bipolar/schizophrenic?? He has been on the Atkins diet for a few

months now per his psychiatrist. He had gained 70 lbs in 6 mos due to

the meds he takes and they were worried about him getting diabetes.

Anyone know if SCD would help him??

i noticed ALOT of the SCD recipes have BUTTER in them! What to you

all use in place of butter for these muffins and bread recipes??

Butter has Casein. I was using the fleishmanns unsalted marg for Luke

on the GFCF diet, it is acceptable on SCD. So far i havent read an

answer to that anywhere on these sites! i have coconut oil from

tropical traditions, its expensive and it has a coconutty taste..so

dont know how it would fare in some of these recipes!

Luke has sensory issues and wont touch alot of foods, chicken and

ground beef are two of the things he wont eat..this intro diet makes

me nervous..i feel like he wont eat any of that stuff. To be honest

the only way he eats veggies is babyfood style ..i still use the

gerber veggies for him! Is that ok??

i really hope i can wrap my mind around all this. I was just getting

used to the GFCF diet rules..and now such changes. Somethings he was

eating is now not allowed till stage 3 or 4, like he loves pecans,

cashews and almonds Whole, and natural peanutbutter right off the

spoon! Since there are so many foods he WONT eat, to take away the

few foods he WILL eat really makes me a nervous wreck to be honest.

Does anyone know where i am coming from? What should i do if he wont

accept any of thes intro foods? im scared!! help!

i am sure ill have tons more questions over these next few days..so

please bear with me! thanks so much..i need all your support!!


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You wrote:

<<A few questions!! Is it ok for him to have a goat milk yogurt?>>

Yes, most ASD kids can safely eat the yogurt, but it's not generally started

right at the beginning (so you have some time to aquire a yogurt maker, starter

and a milk source... and to practice making it). Then you introduce it in VERY,

VERY small amounts.

<<Does anyone know if whole foods sells a

goat milk thats acceptable, or trader joes??>>

Yes, they both do.... at least they do in my area (Pacific NW).

<<Would the SCD diet benefit my 17 yr old son Joey that is


Absolutely.... yes.

<<i noticed ALOT of the SCD recipes have BUTTER in them!>>

Many kids tolerate butter just fine. Coconut oil is good... but Tropical

Traditions does have a stronger taste than some others. I like the one from

Omega Nutrition.... practically no taste.... and the refined (yes, refined is

okay in this case) one from Spectrum. I believe Spectrum's palm shortening is

okay, too. Added fats and oils are used sparingly in the beginning.

<<Luke has sensory issues and wont touch alot of foods, chicken and

ground beef are two of the things he wont eat..this intro diet makes

me nervous..i feel like he wont eat any of that stuff.>>

Very common. There are some great " sneaky " pancake and muffin recipes.

<<To be honest the only way he eats veggies is babyfood style ..i still use the

gerber veggies for him! Is that ok?? >>

To be honest, this might be mostly a behavioral/sensory issue right now. I think

the easiest way to get around that is to save some of the Gerber jars, cook and

puree your own food, then just put in in the jar. Commercial baby foods are NOT


<<i really hope i can wrap my mind around all this. I was just getting

used to the GFCF diet rules..and now such changes.>>

A good reason to take your time, think it through and come up with a strategy

that won't sabotage your efforts. You need to be more prepared.... not so

anxious to jump in with both feet. Create a life-preserver for yourself first!

<<Somethings he was

eating is now not allowed till stage 3 or 4, like he loves pecans,

cashews and almonds Whole, and natural peanutbutter right off the

spoon! Since there are so many foods he WONT eat, to take away the

few foods he WILL eat really makes me a nervous wreck to be honest.>>

Your concerns are very common.... many, MANY parents here can relate, I'm sure.

For one thing, remember that the " intro " phase only lasts for a couple of days.

Some parents skip it, " ease " in to the diet.... then go back and do it later.

You really WILL get a better jump start on healing by doing intro, so it's worth

it. I know we've had some kids here that would eat nothing but the jello for

those two days.... and even at least one kid that I remember who basically ate

NOTHING.... only drank a little dilute juice.... for those two days. Enough to

make a parent go into a panic... but not the end of the world. It's only two

days. You need to be prepared with some Luke-friendly versions of legal beginner

foods though.

<< im scared!! help!>>

Take a deep breath..... and don't worry so much. It's okay... this is do-able.

Your concerns are the same ones shared by oh-so-many new SCD parents. One step

at a time!

Patti, interim list moderator, and mom to Katera, age 9.

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Mimi told us that not all of us have to start it eating it in very very small

amounts. That this is recommended on Pecan Bread just because of the horrible

die off it causes. The small amounts keep the die of more manageable.

We didn't know this...we ate a bowl full to start with...horrible die off but

our daughter started to talk for the first time after it. lol! I don't know if

I would suggest this though. It was a horrible die off! If I could go back in

time...I probably would have gone a little bit slower.

Antoinette (mom to KiKi-2 years old celiac/autistic)

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> Mimi told us that not all of us have to start it eating it in very very small

amounts. That

this is recommended on Pecan Bread just because of the horrible die off it

causes. The

small amounts keep the die of more manageable.


> We didn't know this...we ate a bowl full to start with...horrible die off but

our daughter

started to talk for the first time after it. lol! I don't know if I would

suggest this though. It

was a horrible die off! If I could go back in time...I probably would have gone

a little bit



> Antoinette (mom to KiKi-2 years old celiac/autistic)


It's fascinating to see the immune system in action. It goes into self attack


sometimes even when nothing is wrong which is why, if I haven't had yogurt in a

few days,

I start small. Sometimes all goes well, and other times my leg itches and my

nose gets

stuffed up. But, never thave I had anything more severe so always persist in


increases and prefer the yogurt dripped as the galactose bothers me much more

than the


Carol F.

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