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Photoderm results- please respond

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Hello everyone,

I am considering having photoderm done and I wanted to hear from anyone who has

had the procedure done. Any positive or negative feedback would be greatly




iblanki wrote: Hi everyone,

first of all thanks to those who emailed me after my sob story

yesterday. i feel your comments as well as your empathy really helps

to strengthen my spirit during this time. you guys are what makes

this board a true rosacea " Support " group. thanks =)

i thought i might tell eveyrone about my day at the derm... first

off, i ALWAYS flush whenever i see him (this being only the third

time), it is so annoying..im sitting there wtih my mom trying to do

deep breathign techniques to relax myself..i guess they help somewhat

but in the end i still flush after talking to him for a bit. i had

Dr. nase's book in my backpack but i chickened out and couldnt show

it to him, because i KNEW he would question his credibility and then

pass it off as another sign of my desperation/obsession(!) with

rosacea. once i showed him this demodex cream that someoene sent me

for free but he sort of ignored it as well. maybe ill work up the

nerve later to tell him about dr. nase's book by phone..that way i

wont turn red! (hoepfully..then again,no guarantees with these damned

vessels!) every time i see him i mention this support group on the

net and he seems to brush it off when i tell him about other ppl's

experiences and reactions to certain products. but he does seem to

acknowledge the fact that i spend a great deal of time researching

this. he really doesnt seem to understand the vascular component at

all .if anything, he kept avoiding all the questions i asked about

flushing,inflammation and dryness...he really couldnt even offer any

advice about flaking except to moisturize within 3 minutes of washing

my face. (sigh..) and at the end he asked, " oh and youre wearing

sunscreen right? " (bigger sigh) really, i know he's just being

helpful but i wish he'd give me more credit than that. he basically

just ended the visit by giving me 10 sameples of Plexion TS...the

topical version of the face wash. he kept telling me i also had acne

which i obviously KNEW without him having to tell me. mind you, i

have some little bumps on my forheead that arent even very red, and

one on my chin but aside fromt hat the rest of my face was clear for

the moment. i think we both came to the conclusion that he really

can't do much more to help me even though he's not giving up on me

just yet (supposedly if the plexion does nothing he might try elidel

or one of the eczema lotions that i've been reading so much about.)

he's a nice guy but i just dont feel like he's open to these things.

i remember reading in the archives about someone one's derm even

wanted to order his own copy of dr. nase's book. where are you? i

want your derm!!! =) if anyoen else has a wonderful ,open and

accepting derm who lives in NJ or PA pleeeeease tell me his/her name.



Please read the list highlights before posting to the whole group

(http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html). Your post will be delayed if you don't give a

meaningful subject or trim your reply text. You must change the subject when

replying to a digest !

See http://www.drnase.com for info on his recently published book.

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