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Re: Nonchew cookbook

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Hi Yvonne,

My name is Jean and I am caregiver to my sister Chrissie. She is on a pureed

food diet and I have often wondered if the nonchew cookbook is

worthwhile.Does it have a lot of ideas? It really is a test of my creativity

trying to make meals that don't resemble mush. I know what you mean about

meals taking so long. It seems all I do is heat and reheat.

My best to you and Pete.


Jean & Chrissie

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Hi Yvonne,

My name is Jean and I am caregiver to my sister Chrissie. She is on a pureed

food diet and I have often wondered if the nonchew cookbook is

worthwhile.Does it have a lot of ideas? It really is a test of my creativity

trying to make meals that don't resemble mush. I know what you mean about

meals taking so long. It seems all I do is heat and reheat.

My best to you and Pete.


Jean & Chrissie

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Hi Yvonne,

Yes, I would love for you to forward a couple of recipes to me. Feel free to

e-mail me off list.

That is interesting about having the hamburg ground twice. I had given up on

hamburg because Chrissie just couldn't move it around in her mouth. I will

try this.

This group is so wonderful. It's all about people helping people. Thank you

so much for the helpful hints.


Jean & Chrissie

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Hi Yvonne,

Yes, I would love for you to forward a couple of recipes to me. Feel free to

e-mail me off list.

That is interesting about having the hamburg ground twice. I had given up on

hamburg because Chrissie just couldn't move it around in her mouth. I will

try this.

This group is so wonderful. It's all about people helping people. Thank you

so much for the helpful hints.


Jean & Chrissie

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I, too, am very interested in this book - can you put a couple of recipes on

line for everyone to share? This is great - I was just getting to the point

of feeling guilty about the lack of " creativity " in my cooking lately. Bob

is so good about eating his vegetables, but how much steamed spinach,

brocolli and asparagus spears can one eat? The twice-ground hamburger is

such a good idea, as this is one meat that usually works well. We are

learning - it has only been a few months (well, seven) since we've had to

completely adjust our cooking, and I, too, eat what he does. Ideas with

fruit would be great, also. So much he can't eat. Costco has a great jar of

mangoes that go down well - I don't like to use canned fruits, but put in a

blender there's not much choice (bananas and strawberries are good.) The

speech pathologist is concerned that with many fruits the juice will run down

his throat while he is still chewing - he's a " silent " aspirator. Thanks so

much for the cookbook idea!

Elaine Grimmesey


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I, too, am very interested in this book - can you put a couple of recipes on

line for everyone to share? This is great - I was just getting to the point

of feeling guilty about the lack of " creativity " in my cooking lately. Bob

is so good about eating his vegetables, but how much steamed spinach,

brocolli and asparagus spears can one eat? The twice-ground hamburger is

such a good idea, as this is one meat that usually works well. We are

learning - it has only been a few months (well, seven) since we've had to

completely adjust our cooking, and I, too, eat what he does. Ideas with

fruit would be great, also. So much he can't eat. Costco has a great jar of

mangoes that go down well - I don't like to use canned fruits, but put in a

blender there's not much choice (bananas and strawberries are good.) The

speech pathologist is concerned that with many fruits the juice will run down

his throat while he is still chewing - he's a " silent " aspirator. Thanks so

much for the cookbook idea!

Elaine Grimmesey


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Hi Elaine,

My sister, too, is a silent aspirator. I was told not to give strawberries,

blueberries or anything that has a seed.

Did your SP tell you that? I have found some things that I am amazed that she

can eat and others that I can't figure out why she can't swallow them. She

loves scallops and I have tried all kinds of way to prepare them and she just

can't move them around in her mouth.

Maybe we can exchange some ideas, as this whole diet thing gets old pretty

fast. I have been doing it for a year and a half. What is even worse, she has

been eating it!

Hang in there,

Jean & Chrissie

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Hi Elaine,

My sister, too, is a silent aspirator. I was told not to give strawberries,

blueberries or anything that has a seed.

Did your SP tell you that? I have found some things that I am amazed that she

can eat and others that I can't figure out why she can't swallow them. She

loves scallops and I have tried all kinds of way to prepare them and she just

can't move them around in her mouth.

Maybe we can exchange some ideas, as this whole diet thing gets old pretty

fast. I have been doing it for a year and a half. What is even worse, she has

been eating it!

Hang in there,

Jean & Chrissie

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That's so interesting....our ST said he could eat strawberries, but didn't

mention any other type of berry that would be acceptable. Also, no

rice.....unless I mash it well or have it with a sauce. Bob's half Japanese

and loves his rice, and I couldn't believe what a time he had with it when I

first tried it. That means no sushi, of course, either! I agree with what

you said - some things they cannot eat make no sense. I'm wondering if the

scallops are because of the " rubbery " consistency. I tried ham, cut very

small, and Bob absolutely had the worst time with it. I think that is why

ground beef (or turkey) works well - already broken down.

Let me know of any great new ideas you come up with! Lasagna, etc., type of

things work best - but Bob can have no added salt, either, so much watch the

cheeses, sauces, etc. We're getting better at it, but could surely use some

new ideas!

Elaine Grimmesey

Elaine Grimmesey

Insurance Coordinator

Student Health Service

UC, Santa Barbara


805 893-2086

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That's so interesting....our ST said he could eat strawberries, but didn't

mention any other type of berry that would be acceptable. Also, no

rice.....unless I mash it well or have it with a sauce. Bob's half Japanese

and loves his rice, and I couldn't believe what a time he had with it when I

first tried it. That means no sushi, of course, either! I agree with what

you said - some things they cannot eat make no sense. I'm wondering if the

scallops are because of the " rubbery " consistency. I tried ham, cut very

small, and Bob absolutely had the worst time with it. I think that is why

ground beef (or turkey) works well - already broken down.

Let me know of any great new ideas you come up with! Lasagna, etc., type of

things work best - but Bob can have no added salt, either, so much watch the

cheeses, sauces, etc. We're getting better at it, but could surely use some

new ideas!

Elaine Grimmesey

Elaine Grimmesey

Insurance Coordinator

Student Health Service

UC, Santa Barbara


805 893-2086

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i am greek anndd they make a greek orzo thttt is easy 4 me to

sswwwwwallow. also, cream soups r good a carrot one ismy fav. let me

know if want the rreecipe. i can also swallow egg salad (plain)

avoccado, andd capers. i alsoo eaat weedgees of brie cheeeese.

sophia dohm

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i am greek anndd they make a greek orzo thttt is easy 4 me to

sswwwwwallow. also, cream soups r good a carrot one ismy fav. let me

know if want the rreecipe. i can also swallow egg salad (plain)

avoccado, andd capers. i alsoo eaat weedgees of brie cheeeese.

sophia dohm

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