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Re: gold bond (with results from people that have tried it)

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I tried it and it didn't seem to help. I think rosacea is a very

individualized condition. It would not surprise me if it worked

for some people. Especially when you consider that many

skin conditions seem to go hand in hand....like seb derm

and rosacea.


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Guest guest

I tried it and it didn't seem to help. I think rosacea is a very

individualized condition. It would not surprise me if it worked

for some people. Especially when you consider that many

skin conditions seem to go hand in hand....like seb derm

and rosacea.


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Guest guest

I tried it and it didn't seem to help. I think rosacea is a very

individualized condition. It would not surprise me if it worked

for some people. Especially when you consider that many

skin conditions seem to go hand in hand....like seb derm

and rosacea.


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Guest guest

I tried it and it didn't seem to help. I think rosacea is a very

individualized condition. It would not surprise me if it worked

for some people. Especially when you consider that many

skin conditions seem to go hand in hand....like seb derm

and rosacea.


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Guest guest

I'm trying not to be too sarcastic because I've been through this before

with someone trying to play arm-chair doctor (with this group). Are you

saying I don't have cea because I have actually found something that

works. I did mention that it hasn't worked for everyone. Maybe you don't

have rosacea and that's why it (Gold Bond) doesn't work for you (that makes

about as much sense as your comment). I have been diagnosed with rosacea.

Here is some of the feedback I have received from people that have tried my

remedy followed by my original post:

“Hello! Just want to report my progress with Gold Bond (green bottle with

red cap cost $4.99 at CVS drugstore). I read about GB here and bought a

bottle several weeks ago. I apply it morning and night. It tingles when I

apply it, but stops after a few minutes. It does not make me more read. I

have been and continue to be VERY happy with the results. I have had

rosacea for 10 years (on my face) and it went to my neck and chest much

later. The derm(s) tried every thing (for my neck/chest) and nothing

worked. I read about GB and within a week and had dramatic improvement on

my neck. Now several weeks later, my neck and chest are TOTALLY clear of

redness, bumps, pustules, etc. The skin looks the same as before rosacea.

I use GB on my face too and have noticed nice changes. I think because I

have had rosacea on my face for sooooooooo long the result is not as perfect

as my neck/chest. I do have less redness and bumps, postulates on my face

but it is not totally clear like my neck/chest. I am very, very, very

happy. Oh and by the way, I just returned from a week vacation in Florida

with my husband and 2 young children. I had no troubles with my chest/neck

using GB and 30 spf suntan lotion. I also played tennis in very, very hot

weather and my face did not get as read as usual. I was very pleased.

Thank you skiman for posting about Gold Bond. ”

I've been using light

yellow bottle of gold bond- for sensative skin - for a week with good


“…Well, I started using the Gold Bond (White Bottle Red Cap) four days ago

as a mousturizer under my foundation and after I wash my face at night

before I go to bed. I apply it in the morning before I get dressed, to give

it time to be absorbed, then after I get dressed I put my makeup on. Then I

head off to my usual day. Let me tell you, I have seen the results after

only 4 days of using it. My face is less red, I dont flush so easily and

the best part, yesterday at a baby shower, all my friends asked me what was

I doing

now since my face looks so much better!! Thank you Mike.”

From: Stuknyuk@...

“I have been recently diagnosed as a rosacea sufferer. I have been using

the green bottle daily on keratosis pilarsis (bumps on my upper arms) and in

just 2 weeks time they are almost all gone! I had tried many lotions

including those that contain lactic acid for this condition for many years

none with such great results as Gold Bond….”

From: Lhighstrom@...

“Hi, I just bought some gold bond (green bottle) and I have been using it

for two days. It seems to be helping, less bumps and reddness…”

“As far as the Gold Bond product that I picked up (the green bottle, Extra

Strength Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry

& Itchy Skin.. whew that's a long name!).. it does have menthol (.5%). I

haven't had any reactions to it so far at all. It has taken down swelling,

cooled any burning and removed redness when I've applied it.”

“Hi. I've been using the Gold Bond lotion for sensitive skin (in the white

bottle) for over a month now and am very pleased with the results. I have

mild rosacea with very large pores, oily skin and flakes on one cheek. My

pores seem smaller, my complexion is much

smoother and less greasy and the flakes have decreased. I use it in the

morning and before I go to bed. I also wash with Phisoderm at night and


cleansing bar in the morning.”

“I am still using the Gold bond. Many of you talk about your face burning

from the rosacea. I have experienced that myself occasionally but it was

not an everyday thing for me. However, I do have a sensation (mostly around

my nose) that I can only describe as

being like the feeling of water evaporating from my face. It doesn't " hurt "

but causes me to unconsciously reach up and touch my nose and cheeks

frequently. This sensation has been present probably at least 75% of any

day. Since I started the Gold Bond I don't notice the sensation nearly as

much. I sometimes go several hours without it. Today I helped my husband

wash a vehicle in sunny weather of about 76- 80 degrees. I flushed real

good from that. The Gold Bond cooled me right down and took the red out

immediately. However, the red and the heat returned later so I used it

again. Sitting here in front of the computer I can tell that I'm red again.

Still, I like

using it….”

“I was skeptical, but after using the Gold Bond lotion for a week now, my

flakiness is under control. Who knew! Thanks, snoskiman! I love the cooling

effect of the menthol, which I truly thought would aggravate the redness,

but it doesn't. And it absorbs quickly and isn't greasy. I'm using the

yellow bottle rather than green to start with since it

has lower concentrations of the two active ingredients, dimethicone and

menthol. CVS also has its own brand of this for a dollar less a bottle,

which I haven't tried yet…”

“Have been trying the Gold Bond for about five days now and at the very

least this a very good, un-greasy mosturizer--goes on thick but absorps in

less than five minutes with no shine like most moturizers-anyone using the

Cetaphil lotions will probably like this better--hey it's $4.99 at any

drugstore. I think it also may be helping a bit with the oily skin--too

soon to tell but it does not seem to clog pores. On the sensitivity scale

of 1 to 10 (10 being extremely sensitive) my skin is about a six and it only

burned just a little the first two days and the last few days I have been

putting it on three times daily with no reaction at all, just benefits--skin

also looks a little paler, flakes are decreasing, but the pores are still

enlarged. For someone who has been using hydrocortisone (Westcort) for two

years as a mosturizer because everything else made me brake out in acne or

was just too greasy, this Gold Bond is an answer for every day use. Thanks

snoskiman for sharing this experience.”

“I have tried this gold bond green bottle, and it actually does help. It

cools your face down immediately and for a little while. I started using it

on the 14th of this month, and my flares have subsided. I have mild rosacia.

I usually get really intense flairs around 3-4pm daily. for some reason

this gold bond seems to help them…”

“…So I decided to try the Gold Bond (green). The first time I put it on my

face was feeling hot and was about as pink as it gets (I had been reading

the posts to this list).

It was amazing-- my face immediately cooled down and I watched the pink go

away! I continue to get the cooling effect. I can see why he applies it

more than once a day…”

From: Gertygert@... ( Shaheen)

“…My skin feels wonderful after I apply the Gold bond. I really think this

is going to work for me. I have tryed Desoen, Metrolotion, Plexion face

wash, Cleocen t gel, minocyclyne, doxycyclyne, Cetaphil, Proactive Solution,

you name it I have tryed it. Plus I spent a ton of money on all sorts of

expensive face creams. Oh yeah I also tryed Protopic. I just keep hoping I

don't flare up. If this works for me I am going to be so grateful. I just

turned 30 and really don't want to deal with this for the next 50 years. My

husband says our bathroom looks like a pharmacy. How long did It take you to

really notice results? I just drank my first beer in months without flaring

up. God I love a cold beer after the day is done. Again, thank you…”

Here's my post:

I have a remedy that has 99.9999% supressed rosacea for me. I hope it helps

you. I can say it has helped others but I've noticed that the people that

it does not help are those who combine my remedy with other lotions or those

people that suffer from acne. Keep me posted if you try it. Here is my


I read all these posts and it brings back all the memories I have of

cea. For over 2 years, I had the bumps, red cheeks, red chin, flaky

skin and burning sensation. I was embarassed to go to work or go out in

public sometimes. I would get questions like " what did you do this weekend,

go skiing? " or " Looks like you went to the beach " (sunburn look). I tried

many treatments. I paid for all of the doctor visits and the prescriptions

as the doctors guess and give me drug after drug. I tried different diets,

different soaps, different shampoos and different vitamins. I stumbled

across my treatment that works 99.9999% of the time. I haven't seen any

symptoms of rosacea in over 6 months and have been using this treatment for

over a year. The last time I had symptoms was the last time I forgot to

apply the lotion. This solution costs less than $5.00 and the $5 supply

lasts for months. I have had some people email me back saying that it

worked for them also. I am on a mission to let everyone know. By reading

all of these posts, I can see that these doctors really don't know what to

do with cea.

I was a long time sufferer of cea (for over 2 years). I had many

different types of treatments from a dermatologist. These treatments

included MetroGel, Nizoral, Cordizone shots and radiation treatment (xrays).

All of these treatments were UNSUCCESSFUL! I experimented with many

creams and lotions until I found a solution. So if your tired of the

comments of “did you go skiing this weekend” or “your sunburn looks bad”,

try my remedy.

Here is my home remedy:

Every night before bed and in morning after shower, I apply Gold Bond Lotion

in the affected areas (cheeks, eyebrows, nose and chin area). I carry Gold

Bond in small tube or bottle so I can apply to affected areas during day if


This routine has worked very well for me as the only flare-ups I have are

when I forget to apply the Gold Bond. When it does flare up, I apply the

Gold Bond and it goes away in a matter of minutes. If you try my remedy, I

would like to hear if it works for you. My email is snowskiman@....

You can buy Gold Bond lotion (http://www.goldbond.com/lotion.asp) at Walmart

or I guess any place that sells body lotion. I use the green bottle (for

itchy skin).


>To: rosacea-support

>Subject: Re: gold bond

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:58:34 -0000




>I think the reason Gold Bond helped you is that you don't suffer from

>rosacea at all. I have found Gold Bond really helps with inflammation

>due to sunburn or contact dermatitis, but makes all my rosacea

>symptoms worse.


>I suspect you have eczema or a related condition.





>Please read the list highlights before posting to the whole group

>(http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html). Your post will be delayed if you don't

>give a meaningful subject or trim your reply text. You must change the

>subject when replying to a digest !


>See http://www.drnase.com for info on his recently published book.


>To leave the list send an email to




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Guest guest

I'm trying not to be too sarcastic because I've been through this before

with someone trying to play arm-chair doctor (with this group). Are you

saying I don't have cea because I have actually found something that

works. I did mention that it hasn't worked for everyone. Maybe you don't

have rosacea and that's why it (Gold Bond) doesn't work for you (that makes

about as much sense as your comment). I have been diagnosed with rosacea.

Here is some of the feedback I have received from people that have tried my

remedy followed by my original post:

“Hello! Just want to report my progress with Gold Bond (green bottle with

red cap cost $4.99 at CVS drugstore). I read about GB here and bought a

bottle several weeks ago. I apply it morning and night. It tingles when I

apply it, but stops after a few minutes. It does not make me more read. I

have been and continue to be VERY happy with the results. I have had

rosacea for 10 years (on my face) and it went to my neck and chest much

later. The derm(s) tried every thing (for my neck/chest) and nothing

worked. I read about GB and within a week and had dramatic improvement on

my neck. Now several weeks later, my neck and chest are TOTALLY clear of

redness, bumps, pustules, etc. The skin looks the same as before rosacea.

I use GB on my face too and have noticed nice changes. I think because I

have had rosacea on my face for sooooooooo long the result is not as perfect

as my neck/chest. I do have less redness and bumps, postulates on my face

but it is not totally clear like my neck/chest. I am very, very, very

happy. Oh and by the way, I just returned from a week vacation in Florida

with my husband and 2 young children. I had no troubles with my chest/neck

using GB and 30 spf suntan lotion. I also played tennis in very, very hot

weather and my face did not get as read as usual. I was very pleased.

Thank you skiman for posting about Gold Bond. ”

I've been using light

yellow bottle of gold bond- for sensative skin - for a week with good


“…Well, I started using the Gold Bond (White Bottle Red Cap) four days ago

as a mousturizer under my foundation and after I wash my face at night

before I go to bed. I apply it in the morning before I get dressed, to give

it time to be absorbed, then after I get dressed I put my makeup on. Then I

head off to my usual day. Let me tell you, I have seen the results after

only 4 days of using it. My face is less red, I dont flush so easily and

the best part, yesterday at a baby shower, all my friends asked me what was

I doing

now since my face looks so much better!! Thank you Mike.”

From: Stuknyuk@...

“I have been recently diagnosed as a rosacea sufferer. I have been using

the green bottle daily on keratosis pilarsis (bumps on my upper arms) and in

just 2 weeks time they are almost all gone! I had tried many lotions

including those that contain lactic acid for this condition for many years

none with such great results as Gold Bond….”

From: Lhighstrom@...

“Hi, I just bought some gold bond (green bottle) and I have been using it

for two days. It seems to be helping, less bumps and reddness…”

“As far as the Gold Bond product that I picked up (the green bottle, Extra

Strength Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry

& Itchy Skin.. whew that's a long name!).. it does have menthol (.5%). I

haven't had any reactions to it so far at all. It has taken down swelling,

cooled any burning and removed redness when I've applied it.”

“Hi. I've been using the Gold Bond lotion for sensitive skin (in the white

bottle) for over a month now and am very pleased with the results. I have

mild rosacea with very large pores, oily skin and flakes on one cheek. My

pores seem smaller, my complexion is much

smoother and less greasy and the flakes have decreased. I use it in the

morning and before I go to bed. I also wash with Phisoderm at night and


cleansing bar in the morning.”

“I am still using the Gold bond. Many of you talk about your face burning

from the rosacea. I have experienced that myself occasionally but it was

not an everyday thing for me. However, I do have a sensation (mostly around

my nose) that I can only describe as

being like the feeling of water evaporating from my face. It doesn't " hurt "

but causes me to unconsciously reach up and touch my nose and cheeks

frequently. This sensation has been present probably at least 75% of any

day. Since I started the Gold Bond I don't notice the sensation nearly as

much. I sometimes go several hours without it. Today I helped my husband

wash a vehicle in sunny weather of about 76- 80 degrees. I flushed real

good from that. The Gold Bond cooled me right down and took the red out

immediately. However, the red and the heat returned later so I used it

again. Sitting here in front of the computer I can tell that I'm red again.

Still, I like

using it….”

“I was skeptical, but after using the Gold Bond lotion for a week now, my

flakiness is under control. Who knew! Thanks, snoskiman! I love the cooling

effect of the menthol, which I truly thought would aggravate the redness,

but it doesn't. And it absorbs quickly and isn't greasy. I'm using the

yellow bottle rather than green to start with since it

has lower concentrations of the two active ingredients, dimethicone and

menthol. CVS also has its own brand of this for a dollar less a bottle,

which I haven't tried yet…”

“Have been trying the Gold Bond for about five days now and at the very

least this a very good, un-greasy mosturizer--goes on thick but absorps in

less than five minutes with no shine like most moturizers-anyone using the

Cetaphil lotions will probably like this better--hey it's $4.99 at any

drugstore. I think it also may be helping a bit with the oily skin--too

soon to tell but it does not seem to clog pores. On the sensitivity scale

of 1 to 10 (10 being extremely sensitive) my skin is about a six and it only

burned just a little the first two days and the last few days I have been

putting it on three times daily with no reaction at all, just benefits--skin

also looks a little paler, flakes are decreasing, but the pores are still

enlarged. For someone who has been using hydrocortisone (Westcort) for two

years as a mosturizer because everything else made me brake out in acne or

was just too greasy, this Gold Bond is an answer for every day use. Thanks

snoskiman for sharing this experience.”

“I have tried this gold bond green bottle, and it actually does help. It

cools your face down immediately and for a little while. I started using it

on the 14th of this month, and my flares have subsided. I have mild rosacia.

I usually get really intense flairs around 3-4pm daily. for some reason

this gold bond seems to help them…”

“…So I decided to try the Gold Bond (green). The first time I put it on my

face was feeling hot and was about as pink as it gets (I had been reading

the posts to this list).

It was amazing-- my face immediately cooled down and I watched the pink go

away! I continue to get the cooling effect. I can see why he applies it

more than once a day…”

From: Gertygert@... ( Shaheen)

“…My skin feels wonderful after I apply the Gold bond. I really think this

is going to work for me. I have tryed Desoen, Metrolotion, Plexion face

wash, Cleocen t gel, minocyclyne, doxycyclyne, Cetaphil, Proactive Solution,

you name it I have tryed it. Plus I spent a ton of money on all sorts of

expensive face creams. Oh yeah I also tryed Protopic. I just keep hoping I

don't flare up. If this works for me I am going to be so grateful. I just

turned 30 and really don't want to deal with this for the next 50 years. My

husband says our bathroom looks like a pharmacy. How long did It take you to

really notice results? I just drank my first beer in months without flaring

up. God I love a cold beer after the day is done. Again, thank you…”

Here's my post:

I have a remedy that has 99.9999% supressed rosacea for me. I hope it helps

you. I can say it has helped others but I've noticed that the people that

it does not help are those who combine my remedy with other lotions or those

people that suffer from acne. Keep me posted if you try it. Here is my


I read all these posts and it brings back all the memories I have of

cea. For over 2 years, I had the bumps, red cheeks, red chin, flaky

skin and burning sensation. I was embarassed to go to work or go out in

public sometimes. I would get questions like " what did you do this weekend,

go skiing? " or " Looks like you went to the beach " (sunburn look). I tried

many treatments. I paid for all of the doctor visits and the prescriptions

as the doctors guess and give me drug after drug. I tried different diets,

different soaps, different shampoos and different vitamins. I stumbled

across my treatment that works 99.9999% of the time. I haven't seen any

symptoms of rosacea in over 6 months and have been using this treatment for

over a year. The last time I had symptoms was the last time I forgot to

apply the lotion. This solution costs less than $5.00 and the $5 supply

lasts for months. I have had some people email me back saying that it

worked for them also. I am on a mission to let everyone know. By reading

all of these posts, I can see that these doctors really don't know what to

do with cea.

I was a long time sufferer of cea (for over 2 years). I had many

different types of treatments from a dermatologist. These treatments

included MetroGel, Nizoral, Cordizone shots and radiation treatment (xrays).

All of these treatments were UNSUCCESSFUL! I experimented with many

creams and lotions until I found a solution. So if your tired of the

comments of “did you go skiing this weekend” or “your sunburn looks bad”,

try my remedy.

Here is my home remedy:

Every night before bed and in morning after shower, I apply Gold Bond Lotion

in the affected areas (cheeks, eyebrows, nose and chin area). I carry Gold

Bond in small tube or bottle so I can apply to affected areas during day if


This routine has worked very well for me as the only flare-ups I have are

when I forget to apply the Gold Bond. When it does flare up, I apply the

Gold Bond and it goes away in a matter of minutes. If you try my remedy, I

would like to hear if it works for you. My email is snowskiman@....

You can buy Gold Bond lotion (http://www.goldbond.com/lotion.asp) at Walmart

or I guess any place that sells body lotion. I use the green bottle (for

itchy skin).


>To: rosacea-support

>Subject: Re: gold bond

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:58:34 -0000




>I think the reason Gold Bond helped you is that you don't suffer from

>rosacea at all. I have found Gold Bond really helps with inflammation

>due to sunburn or contact dermatitis, but makes all my rosacea

>symptoms worse.


>I suspect you have eczema or a related condition.





>Please read the list highlights before posting to the whole group

>(http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html). Your post will be delayed if you don't

>give a meaningful subject or trim your reply text. You must change the

>subject when replying to a digest !


>See http://www.drnase.com for info on his recently published book.


>To leave the list send an email to




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Guest guest

I'm trying not to be too sarcastic because I've been through this before

with someone trying to play arm-chair doctor (with this group). Are you

saying I don't have cea because I have actually found something that

works. I did mention that it hasn't worked for everyone. Maybe you don't

have rosacea and that's why it (Gold Bond) doesn't work for you (that makes

about as much sense as your comment). I have been diagnosed with rosacea.

Here is some of the feedback I have received from people that have tried my

remedy followed by my original post:

“Hello! Just want to report my progress with Gold Bond (green bottle with

red cap cost $4.99 at CVS drugstore). I read about GB here and bought a

bottle several weeks ago. I apply it morning and night. It tingles when I

apply it, but stops after a few minutes. It does not make me more read. I

have been and continue to be VERY happy with the results. I have had

rosacea for 10 years (on my face) and it went to my neck and chest much

later. The derm(s) tried every thing (for my neck/chest) and nothing

worked. I read about GB and within a week and had dramatic improvement on

my neck. Now several weeks later, my neck and chest are TOTALLY clear of

redness, bumps, pustules, etc. The skin looks the same as before rosacea.

I use GB on my face too and have noticed nice changes. I think because I

have had rosacea on my face for sooooooooo long the result is not as perfect

as my neck/chest. I do have less redness and bumps, postulates on my face

but it is not totally clear like my neck/chest. I am very, very, very

happy. Oh and by the way, I just returned from a week vacation in Florida

with my husband and 2 young children. I had no troubles with my chest/neck

using GB and 30 spf suntan lotion. I also played tennis in very, very hot

weather and my face did not get as read as usual. I was very pleased.

Thank you skiman for posting about Gold Bond. ”

I've been using light

yellow bottle of gold bond- for sensative skin - for a week with good


“…Well, I started using the Gold Bond (White Bottle Red Cap) four days ago

as a mousturizer under my foundation and after I wash my face at night

before I go to bed. I apply it in the morning before I get dressed, to give

it time to be absorbed, then after I get dressed I put my makeup on. Then I

head off to my usual day. Let me tell you, I have seen the results after

only 4 days of using it. My face is less red, I dont flush so easily and

the best part, yesterday at a baby shower, all my friends asked me what was

I doing

now since my face looks so much better!! Thank you Mike.”

From: Stuknyuk@...

“I have been recently diagnosed as a rosacea sufferer. I have been using

the green bottle daily on keratosis pilarsis (bumps on my upper arms) and in

just 2 weeks time they are almost all gone! I had tried many lotions

including those that contain lactic acid for this condition for many years

none with such great results as Gold Bond….”

From: Lhighstrom@...

“Hi, I just bought some gold bond (green bottle) and I have been using it

for two days. It seems to be helping, less bumps and reddness…”

“As far as the Gold Bond product that I picked up (the green bottle, Extra

Strength Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry

& Itchy Skin.. whew that's a long name!).. it does have menthol (.5%). I

haven't had any reactions to it so far at all. It has taken down swelling,

cooled any burning and removed redness when I've applied it.”

“Hi. I've been using the Gold Bond lotion for sensitive skin (in the white

bottle) for over a month now and am very pleased with the results. I have

mild rosacea with very large pores, oily skin and flakes on one cheek. My

pores seem smaller, my complexion is much

smoother and less greasy and the flakes have decreased. I use it in the

morning and before I go to bed. I also wash with Phisoderm at night and


cleansing bar in the morning.”

“I am still using the Gold bond. Many of you talk about your face burning

from the rosacea. I have experienced that myself occasionally but it was

not an everyday thing for me. However, I do have a sensation (mostly around

my nose) that I can only describe as

being like the feeling of water evaporating from my face. It doesn't " hurt "

but causes me to unconsciously reach up and touch my nose and cheeks

frequently. This sensation has been present probably at least 75% of any

day. Since I started the Gold Bond I don't notice the sensation nearly as

much. I sometimes go several hours without it. Today I helped my husband

wash a vehicle in sunny weather of about 76- 80 degrees. I flushed real

good from that. The Gold Bond cooled me right down and took the red out

immediately. However, the red and the heat returned later so I used it

again. Sitting here in front of the computer I can tell that I'm red again.

Still, I like

using it….”

“I was skeptical, but after using the Gold Bond lotion for a week now, my

flakiness is under control. Who knew! Thanks, snoskiman! I love the cooling

effect of the menthol, which I truly thought would aggravate the redness,

but it doesn't. And it absorbs quickly and isn't greasy. I'm using the

yellow bottle rather than green to start with since it

has lower concentrations of the two active ingredients, dimethicone and

menthol. CVS also has its own brand of this for a dollar less a bottle,

which I haven't tried yet…”

“Have been trying the Gold Bond for about five days now and at the very

least this a very good, un-greasy mosturizer--goes on thick but absorps in

less than five minutes with no shine like most moturizers-anyone using the

Cetaphil lotions will probably like this better--hey it's $4.99 at any

drugstore. I think it also may be helping a bit with the oily skin--too

soon to tell but it does not seem to clog pores. On the sensitivity scale

of 1 to 10 (10 being extremely sensitive) my skin is about a six and it only

burned just a little the first two days and the last few days I have been

putting it on three times daily with no reaction at all, just benefits--skin

also looks a little paler, flakes are decreasing, but the pores are still

enlarged. For someone who has been using hydrocortisone (Westcort) for two

years as a mosturizer because everything else made me brake out in acne or

was just too greasy, this Gold Bond is an answer for every day use. Thanks

snoskiman for sharing this experience.”

“I have tried this gold bond green bottle, and it actually does help. It

cools your face down immediately and for a little while. I started using it

on the 14th of this month, and my flares have subsided. I have mild rosacia.

I usually get really intense flairs around 3-4pm daily. for some reason

this gold bond seems to help them…”

“…So I decided to try the Gold Bond (green). The first time I put it on my

face was feeling hot and was about as pink as it gets (I had been reading

the posts to this list).

It was amazing-- my face immediately cooled down and I watched the pink go

away! I continue to get the cooling effect. I can see why he applies it

more than once a day…”

From: Gertygert@... ( Shaheen)

“…My skin feels wonderful after I apply the Gold bond. I really think this

is going to work for me. I have tryed Desoen, Metrolotion, Plexion face

wash, Cleocen t gel, minocyclyne, doxycyclyne, Cetaphil, Proactive Solution,

you name it I have tryed it. Plus I spent a ton of money on all sorts of

expensive face creams. Oh yeah I also tryed Protopic. I just keep hoping I

don't flare up. If this works for me I am going to be so grateful. I just

turned 30 and really don't want to deal with this for the next 50 years. My

husband says our bathroom looks like a pharmacy. How long did It take you to

really notice results? I just drank my first beer in months without flaring

up. God I love a cold beer after the day is done. Again, thank you…”

Here's my post:

I have a remedy that has 99.9999% supressed rosacea for me. I hope it helps

you. I can say it has helped others but I've noticed that the people that

it does not help are those who combine my remedy with other lotions or those

people that suffer from acne. Keep me posted if you try it. Here is my


I read all these posts and it brings back all the memories I have of

cea. For over 2 years, I had the bumps, red cheeks, red chin, flaky

skin and burning sensation. I was embarassed to go to work or go out in

public sometimes. I would get questions like " what did you do this weekend,

go skiing? " or " Looks like you went to the beach " (sunburn look). I tried

many treatments. I paid for all of the doctor visits and the prescriptions

as the doctors guess and give me drug after drug. I tried different diets,

different soaps, different shampoos and different vitamins. I stumbled

across my treatment that works 99.9999% of the time. I haven't seen any

symptoms of rosacea in over 6 months and have been using this treatment for

over a year. The last time I had symptoms was the last time I forgot to

apply the lotion. This solution costs less than $5.00 and the $5 supply

lasts for months. I have had some people email me back saying that it

worked for them also. I am on a mission to let everyone know. By reading

all of these posts, I can see that these doctors really don't know what to

do with cea.

I was a long time sufferer of cea (for over 2 years). I had many

different types of treatments from a dermatologist. These treatments

included MetroGel, Nizoral, Cordizone shots and radiation treatment (xrays).

All of these treatments were UNSUCCESSFUL! I experimented with many

creams and lotions until I found a solution. So if your tired of the

comments of “did you go skiing this weekend” or “your sunburn looks bad”,

try my remedy.

Here is my home remedy:

Every night before bed and in morning after shower, I apply Gold Bond Lotion

in the affected areas (cheeks, eyebrows, nose and chin area). I carry Gold

Bond in small tube or bottle so I can apply to affected areas during day if


This routine has worked very well for me as the only flare-ups I have are

when I forget to apply the Gold Bond. When it does flare up, I apply the

Gold Bond and it goes away in a matter of minutes. If you try my remedy, I

would like to hear if it works for you. My email is snowskiman@....

You can buy Gold Bond lotion (http://www.goldbond.com/lotion.asp) at Walmart

or I guess any place that sells body lotion. I use the green bottle (for

itchy skin).


>To: rosacea-support

>Subject: Re: gold bond

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:58:34 -0000




>I think the reason Gold Bond helped you is that you don't suffer from

>rosacea at all. I have found Gold Bond really helps with inflammation

>due to sunburn or contact dermatitis, but makes all my rosacea

>symptoms worse.


>I suspect you have eczema or a related condition.





>Please read the list highlights before posting to the whole group

>(http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html). Your post will be delayed if you don't

>give a meaningful subject or trim your reply text. You must change the

>subject when replying to a digest !


>See http://www.drnase.com for info on his recently published book.


>To leave the list send an email to




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I'm trying not to be too sarcastic because I've been through this before

with someone trying to play arm-chair doctor (with this group). Are you

saying I don't have cea because I have actually found something that

works. I did mention that it hasn't worked for everyone. Maybe you don't

have rosacea and that's why it (Gold Bond) doesn't work for you (that makes

about as much sense as your comment). I have been diagnosed with rosacea.

Here is some of the feedback I have received from people that have tried my

remedy followed by my original post:

“Hello! Just want to report my progress with Gold Bond (green bottle with

red cap cost $4.99 at CVS drugstore). I read about GB here and bought a

bottle several weeks ago. I apply it morning and night. It tingles when I

apply it, but stops after a few minutes. It does not make me more read. I

have been and continue to be VERY happy with the results. I have had

rosacea for 10 years (on my face) and it went to my neck and chest much

later. The derm(s) tried every thing (for my neck/chest) and nothing

worked. I read about GB and within a week and had dramatic improvement on

my neck. Now several weeks later, my neck and chest are TOTALLY clear of

redness, bumps, pustules, etc. The skin looks the same as before rosacea.

I use GB on my face too and have noticed nice changes. I think because I

have had rosacea on my face for sooooooooo long the result is not as perfect

as my neck/chest. I do have less redness and bumps, postulates on my face

but it is not totally clear like my neck/chest. I am very, very, very

happy. Oh and by the way, I just returned from a week vacation in Florida

with my husband and 2 young children. I had no troubles with my chest/neck

using GB and 30 spf suntan lotion. I also played tennis in very, very hot

weather and my face did not get as read as usual. I was very pleased.

Thank you skiman for posting about Gold Bond. ”

I've been using light

yellow bottle of gold bond- for sensative skin - for a week with good


“…Well, I started using the Gold Bond (White Bottle Red Cap) four days ago

as a mousturizer under my foundation and after I wash my face at night

before I go to bed. I apply it in the morning before I get dressed, to give

it time to be absorbed, then after I get dressed I put my makeup on. Then I

head off to my usual day. Let me tell you, I have seen the results after

only 4 days of using it. My face is less red, I dont flush so easily and

the best part, yesterday at a baby shower, all my friends asked me what was

I doing

now since my face looks so much better!! Thank you Mike.”

From: Stuknyuk@...

“I have been recently diagnosed as a rosacea sufferer. I have been using

the green bottle daily on keratosis pilarsis (bumps on my upper arms) and in

just 2 weeks time they are almost all gone! I had tried many lotions

including those that contain lactic acid for this condition for many years

none with such great results as Gold Bond….”

From: Lhighstrom@...

“Hi, I just bought some gold bond (green bottle) and I have been using it

for two days. It seems to be helping, less bumps and reddness…”

“As far as the Gold Bond product that I picked up (the green bottle, Extra

Strength Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry

& Itchy Skin.. whew that's a long name!).. it does have menthol (.5%). I

haven't had any reactions to it so far at all. It has taken down swelling,

cooled any burning and removed redness when I've applied it.”

“Hi. I've been using the Gold Bond lotion for sensitive skin (in the white

bottle) for over a month now and am very pleased with the results. I have

mild rosacea with very large pores, oily skin and flakes on one cheek. My

pores seem smaller, my complexion is much

smoother and less greasy and the flakes have decreased. I use it in the

morning and before I go to bed. I also wash with Phisoderm at night and


cleansing bar in the morning.”

“I am still using the Gold bond. Many of you talk about your face burning

from the rosacea. I have experienced that myself occasionally but it was

not an everyday thing for me. However, I do have a sensation (mostly around

my nose) that I can only describe as

being like the feeling of water evaporating from my face. It doesn't " hurt "

but causes me to unconsciously reach up and touch my nose and cheeks

frequently. This sensation has been present probably at least 75% of any

day. Since I started the Gold Bond I don't notice the sensation nearly as

much. I sometimes go several hours without it. Today I helped my husband

wash a vehicle in sunny weather of about 76- 80 degrees. I flushed real

good from that. The Gold Bond cooled me right down and took the red out

immediately. However, the red and the heat returned later so I used it

again. Sitting here in front of the computer I can tell that I'm red again.

Still, I like

using it….”

“I was skeptical, but after using the Gold Bond lotion for a week now, my

flakiness is under control. Who knew! Thanks, snoskiman! I love the cooling

effect of the menthol, which I truly thought would aggravate the redness,

but it doesn't. And it absorbs quickly and isn't greasy. I'm using the

yellow bottle rather than green to start with since it

has lower concentrations of the two active ingredients, dimethicone and

menthol. CVS also has its own brand of this for a dollar less a bottle,

which I haven't tried yet…”

“Have been trying the Gold Bond for about five days now and at the very

least this a very good, un-greasy mosturizer--goes on thick but absorps in

less than five minutes with no shine like most moturizers-anyone using the

Cetaphil lotions will probably like this better--hey it's $4.99 at any

drugstore. I think it also may be helping a bit with the oily skin--too

soon to tell but it does not seem to clog pores. On the sensitivity scale

of 1 to 10 (10 being extremely sensitive) my skin is about a six and it only

burned just a little the first two days and the last few days I have been

putting it on three times daily with no reaction at all, just benefits--skin

also looks a little paler, flakes are decreasing, but the pores are still

enlarged. For someone who has been using hydrocortisone (Westcort) for two

years as a mosturizer because everything else made me brake out in acne or

was just too greasy, this Gold Bond is an answer for every day use. Thanks

snoskiman for sharing this experience.”

“I have tried this gold bond green bottle, and it actually does help. It

cools your face down immediately and for a little while. I started using it

on the 14th of this month, and my flares have subsided. I have mild rosacia.

I usually get really intense flairs around 3-4pm daily. for some reason

this gold bond seems to help them…”

“…So I decided to try the Gold Bond (green). The first time I put it on my

face was feeling hot and was about as pink as it gets (I had been reading

the posts to this list).

It was amazing-- my face immediately cooled down and I watched the pink go

away! I continue to get the cooling effect. I can see why he applies it

more than once a day…”

From: Gertygert@... ( Shaheen)

“…My skin feels wonderful after I apply the Gold bond. I really think this

is going to work for me. I have tryed Desoen, Metrolotion, Plexion face

wash, Cleocen t gel, minocyclyne, doxycyclyne, Cetaphil, Proactive Solution,

you name it I have tryed it. Plus I spent a ton of money on all sorts of

expensive face creams. Oh yeah I also tryed Protopic. I just keep hoping I

don't flare up. If this works for me I am going to be so grateful. I just

turned 30 and really don't want to deal with this for the next 50 years. My

husband says our bathroom looks like a pharmacy. How long did It take you to

really notice results? I just drank my first beer in months without flaring

up. God I love a cold beer after the day is done. Again, thank you…”

Here's my post:

I have a remedy that has 99.9999% supressed rosacea for me. I hope it helps

you. I can say it has helped others but I've noticed that the people that

it does not help are those who combine my remedy with other lotions or those

people that suffer from acne. Keep me posted if you try it. Here is my


I read all these posts and it brings back all the memories I have of

cea. For over 2 years, I had the bumps, red cheeks, red chin, flaky

skin and burning sensation. I was embarassed to go to work or go out in

public sometimes. I would get questions like " what did you do this weekend,

go skiing? " or " Looks like you went to the beach " (sunburn look). I tried

many treatments. I paid for all of the doctor visits and the prescriptions

as the doctors guess and give me drug after drug. I tried different diets,

different soaps, different shampoos and different vitamins. I stumbled

across my treatment that works 99.9999% of the time. I haven't seen any

symptoms of rosacea in over 6 months and have been using this treatment for

over a year. The last time I had symptoms was the last time I forgot to

apply the lotion. This solution costs less than $5.00 and the $5 supply

lasts for months. I have had some people email me back saying that it

worked for them also. I am on a mission to let everyone know. By reading

all of these posts, I can see that these doctors really don't know what to

do with cea.

I was a long time sufferer of cea (for over 2 years). I had many

different types of treatments from a dermatologist. These treatments

included MetroGel, Nizoral, Cordizone shots and radiation treatment (xrays).

All of these treatments were UNSUCCESSFUL! I experimented with many

creams and lotions until I found a solution. So if your tired of the

comments of “did you go skiing this weekend” or “your sunburn looks bad”,

try my remedy.

Here is my home remedy:

Every night before bed and in morning after shower, I apply Gold Bond Lotion

in the affected areas (cheeks, eyebrows, nose and chin area). I carry Gold

Bond in small tube or bottle so I can apply to affected areas during day if


This routine has worked very well for me as the only flare-ups I have are

when I forget to apply the Gold Bond. When it does flare up, I apply the

Gold Bond and it goes away in a matter of minutes. If you try my remedy, I

would like to hear if it works for you. My email is snowskiman@....

You can buy Gold Bond lotion (http://www.goldbond.com/lotion.asp) at Walmart

or I guess any place that sells body lotion. I use the green bottle (for

itchy skin).


>To: rosacea-support

>Subject: Re: gold bond

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:58:34 -0000




>I think the reason Gold Bond helped you is that you don't suffer from

>rosacea at all. I have found Gold Bond really helps with inflammation

>due to sunburn or contact dermatitis, but makes all my rosacea

>symptoms worse.


>I suspect you have eczema or a related condition.





>Please read the list highlights before posting to the whole group

>(http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html). Your post will be delayed if you don't

>give a meaningful subject or trim your reply text. You must change the

>subject when replying to a digest !


>See http://www.drnase.com for info on his recently published book.


>To leave the list send an email to




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