Guest guest Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Wow. THat's some trip. Can't say I would have wanted to be in a car for 12 hrs one week post op at ALL. Where are you in NY and what's your special situation? I was not a simple case, as was another poster I met and have since learned that we shared the same in NY and her case was opposite of mine but severe also. Maybe I can share his name for a second opinion. How does your OR feel about sending you to someplace SO far away? I will tell you that while I have been healing well (until my recent overuse sweeling)and I have been in weekly for check ups. Was banded to 3 wks...and had upper and genio...and still tonight I go in and today is 8wks to the day. concerning....tell me more please. JO > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been reading > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you must see > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in North > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning on > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often do you > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can I > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone feel > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, or for > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often I'd > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had complications. > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give me due > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go against his > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are closer. > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Wow. THat's some trip. Can't say I would have wanted to be in a car for 12 hrs one week post op at ALL. Where are you in NY and what's your special situation? I was not a simple case, as was another poster I met and have since learned that we shared the same in NY and her case was opposite of mine but severe also. Maybe I can share his name for a second opinion. How does your OR feel about sending you to someplace SO far away? I will tell you that while I have been healing well (until my recent overuse sweeling)and I have been in weekly for check ups. Was banded to 3 wks...and had upper and genio...and still tonight I go in and today is 8wks to the day. concerning....tell me more please. JO > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been reading > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you must see > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in North > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning on > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often do you > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can I > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone feel > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, or for > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often I'd > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had complications. > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give me due > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go against his > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are closer. > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Hi ! Just thought I would share my experience with you, for whatever it is worth. I am almost 3 weeks post op (will be 3 weeks on tuesday) and I traveled about 11 hours to have my surgery. I had upper advanced 3mm, lower advanced 10mm and had mitek anchors & artificial ligaments put in to repair my tmj. My ortho in St. Louis recommended a surgeon in Dallas and was adamant that this surgeon was top notch especially for all three surgeries combined and felt very strongly that I only go to him. I was very frustrated like you for several months wondering why there was not a surgeon closer I could go to. The thought of having a major surgery so far from home was scary. Anyhow, to make a very long story short, after many months of being frustrated, I finally decided that I truly trusted my ortho and wanted " the best " surgeon working on me even though it meant traveling. I also did my homework and found that with my tmj problems, this surgeon was considered top notch for repairing them. My surgeon initially told me I would be hospitalized 3 nights and would need to stay in Dallas at least another week. My surgery went very smooth. I ended up without a splint (was so very happy about that) and only a few rubber bands. I was out of the hospital after 2 nights and was even able to come back home 7 days after surgery. I will say that the car ride was rough, but the pain medication made it bearable. My husband and I first decided we would split up the drive and only go about 5 1/2 hours each day. However, as we got closer to home, the thought of my own bed was very appealing and we ended up driving the whole way in one day. I will not need to go back to Dallas until Feb. (right around the 5 month post op mark). This is only because I didn't need the splint though. With the splint I would have gone back at 6 weeks post op. My ortho here in St. Louis is monitoring my bite weekly, checking for infection, etc. I only tell you all of this so that you know it is do-able! You can make it through the surgery so far from home. Good luck with your decision. > > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been reading > > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you must > see > > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in North > > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning on > > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often do you > > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can I > > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone feel > > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, or for > > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often I'd > > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had complications. > > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give me due > > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go against > his > > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are closer. > > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Hi ! Just thought I would share my experience with you, for whatever it is worth. I am almost 3 weeks post op (will be 3 weeks on tuesday) and I traveled about 11 hours to have my surgery. I had upper advanced 3mm, lower advanced 10mm and had mitek anchors & artificial ligaments put in to repair my tmj. My ortho in St. Louis recommended a surgeon in Dallas and was adamant that this surgeon was top notch especially for all three surgeries combined and felt very strongly that I only go to him. I was very frustrated like you for several months wondering why there was not a surgeon closer I could go to. The thought of having a major surgery so far from home was scary. Anyhow, to make a very long story short, after many months of being frustrated, I finally decided that I truly trusted my ortho and wanted " the best " surgeon working on me even though it meant traveling. I also did my homework and found that with my tmj problems, this surgeon was considered top notch for repairing them. My surgeon initially told me I would be hospitalized 3 nights and would need to stay in Dallas at least another week. My surgery went very smooth. I ended up without a splint (was so very happy about that) and only a few rubber bands. I was out of the hospital after 2 nights and was even able to come back home 7 days after surgery. I will say that the car ride was rough, but the pain medication made it bearable. My husband and I first decided we would split up the drive and only go about 5 1/2 hours each day. However, as we got closer to home, the thought of my own bed was very appealing and we ended up driving the whole way in one day. I will not need to go back to Dallas until Feb. (right around the 5 month post op mark). This is only because I didn't need the splint though. With the splint I would have gone back at 6 weeks post op. My ortho here in St. Louis is monitoring my bite weekly, checking for infection, etc. I only tell you all of this so that you know it is do-able! You can make it through the surgery so far from home. Good luck with your decision. > > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been reading > > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you must > see > > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in North > > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning on > > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often do you > > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can I > > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone feel > > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, or for > > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often I'd > > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had complications. > > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give me due > > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go against > his > > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are closer. > > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2004 Report Share Posted October 5, 2004 Cammie - thanks for your opinion on travelling to NC for surgery. It's nice to know that if I HAD to travel that far, I could stay there longer and just drive myself home whenever I felt up to it. - It sounds like I'm in the same situation that you were in. Is it necessary for you to see another surgeon near where you live for check-ups, or is your ortho doing a good enough job monitoring you? It seems like most people need to see their surgeon on a weekly basis, but that would be impossible for those having surgery far away from home. Perhaps it's also possible to have a video conference instead of travelling so far to meet with the surgeon. I definitely want to be in the best hands...your experience has given me confidence that this can be done. Thanks! - > > > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > > > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been reading > > > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you must > > see > > > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in > North > > > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning on > > > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > > > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often do > you > > > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can I > > > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone > feel > > > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, or > for > > > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often I'd > > > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had > complications. > > > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give me > due > > > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go against > > his > > > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are > closer. > > > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2004 Report Share Posted October 5, 2004 Cammie - thanks for your opinion on travelling to NC for surgery. It's nice to know that if I HAD to travel that far, I could stay there longer and just drive myself home whenever I felt up to it. - It sounds like I'm in the same situation that you were in. Is it necessary for you to see another surgeon near where you live for check-ups, or is your ortho doing a good enough job monitoring you? It seems like most people need to see their surgeon on a weekly basis, but that would be impossible for those having surgery far away from home. Perhaps it's also possible to have a video conference instead of travelling so far to meet with the surgeon. I definitely want to be in the best hands...your experience has given me confidence that this can be done. Thanks! - > > > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > > > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been reading > > > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you must > > see > > > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in > North > > > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning on > > > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > > > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often do > you > > > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can I > > > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone > feel > > > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, or > for > > > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often I'd > > > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had > complications. > > > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give me > due > > > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go against > > his > > > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are > closer. > > > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2004 Report Share Posted October 5, 2004 , My only concern about this would be post-op complications. You never know what can happen, some of us, including myself, have had complications and you want to be near your surgeon if that happens, I saw my surgeon every week up unit 9 weeks due to the problems I had. Then again you may breeze though without a hitch. I hate to be the pessimist, but there is no way of knowing. Marsha > > > > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > > > > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been > reading > > > > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you > must > > > see > > > > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in > > North > > > > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning > on > > > > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > > > > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often > do > > you > > > > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can > I > > > > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone > > feel > > > > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, > or > > for > > > > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often > I'd > > > > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had > > complications. > > > > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give > me > > due > > > > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go > against > > > his > > > > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are > > closer. > > > > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2004 Report Share Posted October 5, 2004 , My only concern about this would be post-op complications. You never know what can happen, some of us, including myself, have had complications and you want to be near your surgeon if that happens, I saw my surgeon every week up unit 9 weeks due to the problems I had. Then again you may breeze though without a hitch. I hate to be the pessimist, but there is no way of knowing. Marsha > > > > Hi all! I've asked this question before but I didn't get any > > > > responses, so I thought I'd ask one more time. I've been > reading > > > > over the posts a lot, and I can see that after surgery, you > must > > > see > > > > your surgeon quite a bit. I'm considering having surgery in > > North > > > > Carolina, which is 12 hours from my home in NY. I'm planning > on > > > > staying there for a week to recover initially (and to see the > > > > surgeon after a week), and then drive home. About how often > do > > you > > > > have to visit your surgeon after surgery? i.e. how often can > I > > > > expect driving to North Carolina for check-ups? Would anyone > > feel > > > > comfortable seeing a different surgeon for simple check-ups, > or > > for > > > > complications? I am concerned about the distance, how often > I'd > > > > have to drive there, and what would happen if I had > > complications. > > > > This surgeon was the only recommendation my ortho would give > me > > due > > > > to my condition. I'm not sure if it would be wise to go > against > > > his > > > > strong advice and do my own research of surgeons that are > > closer. > > > > I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! - O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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