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Re: Re: To and those who are grieving with God.

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>>> ,

I kept this message when you first sent this to the group on July 7, 2002.

I thought that I would read at a later date, primarily concerning my brother

who was born and died, at 38 years old, on July 7, 1942-1980.

Little did I know how much it would mean to me only a few short months later

with Speedy's death. I thank you for sharing with all of us.

Generally when I reply to messages, I do not return the original message,

but I will this message so that others might read.

Marilyn in TN

>>> Grieving With God

>>> ==================


>>> One of the hardest things to accept is that life as we know it

>>> does not go on.


>>> Relationships are often difficult to establish and maintain. And

>>> on rare, wonderful occasions, some just fall into place so

>>> easily and run so smoothly from both ends.


>>> Losing one we're close to, feels unfair and so sad. Those we

>>> just fell in love with from the start, that were there for us

>>> whatever our circumstances, whatever our pain, no matter how we

>>> lost our humor, those we could wrap our arms around and receive

>>> comfort from, we find it impossible to release them to death.


>>> Once we relax in knowing they are there, will never reject us,

>>> will always return our love and affection, how can we plan a

>>> future without them?


>>> How can the memories be enough when our hearts seem to slow, yet

>>> pound so loudly in our throats, when our joy is crushed, when

>>> our eyes cloud and will never view things the same again?


>>> How should we behave? Why should we just walk back into life as

>>> though nothing ever happened? How can we ever be expected to

>>> smile again? How can we let go?


>>> Amazingly enough, long before we were conceived, long before we

>>> participated in life, God had a plan........a perfect plan.


>>> He foresaw the need for this life to have a beginning as well as

>>> an end. He created and thoroughly understood the complexities of

>>> relating to others. He gave us the ability to love and draw

>>> close. He knew the path our lives would take and how deeply we

>>> would feel pain. He left nothing out.


>>> He built within us the abilities to grieve without dying, to let

>>> go without forgetting, to cope without quitting, to continue to

>>> love those who have gone on, yet grow to love others more

>>> strongly and even to add new love to our hearts.


>>> He even gave us time......time to grieve.....time to heal and

>>> time to grow from our new understanding.


>>> Beyond our awesome creation, He knows exactly when we suffer

>>> loss and how hard it is for us.


>>> We are among those He just fell in love with from the start, He

>>> is there for us no matter what our circumstances, what our pain,

>>> no matter how we've lost our humor, He wants to wrap us in His

>>> arms and receive comfort from Him.


>>> We can relax in knowing He has always been there, will never

>>> reject us, will always return our love and affection, and will

>>> help us plan our future.


>>> He will rejoice with us in our memories and restore our joy and

>>> make our hearts pound loudly in our throats in anticipation of a

>>> glad future.


>>> We should not walk the same roads over again. He devised that

>>> when our eyes have clouded with tears we should never view

>>> things the same way again. We could grow bitter from sadness, or

>>> we can grow and learn compassion. We should never behave as

>>> though nothing ever happened. We should fondly remember that

>>> knowing, then missing someone has changed us, that we were

>>> blessed with the company of angels while they were here.


>>> This amazingly perfect plan that God has, of which He mapped out

>>> every possible outcome, leads us always back into His very

>>> capable, loving arms.


>>> It's not that He wants us to suffer, not that He wants us to

>>> cry, not that He wants us to lose those we love dearly. God just

>>> wants us to remember that while we were happily on our journey

>>> with our loved one, He was happy too.


>>> He leads us to know that after losing our loved one, when we

>>> return to life more lonely, He steps up closer to us and not

>>> only understands our loneliness, but helps us hold our head up.


>>> When emptiness invades your sleep, He offers what no other

>>> friend can..... serenity as deep as the emptiness and hope as

>>> promising as the sunrise.


>>> He is the one friend that cannot and will not die, and will

>>> never leave our side.


>>> He is the almighty creator who gave you forever your friend or

>>> relative.


>>> By Carla J.


>>> Thank you for inviting Mountain Wings in your mailbox.

>>> See you tomorrow.


>>> _____________________________________________



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>>> ,

I kept this message when you first sent this to the group on July 7, 2002.

I thought that I would read at a later date, primarily concerning my brother

who was born and died, at 38 years old, on July 7, 1942-1980.

Little did I know how much it would mean to me only a few short months later

with Speedy's death. I thank you for sharing with all of us.

Generally when I reply to messages, I do not return the original message,

but I will this message so that others might read.

Marilyn in TN

>>> Grieving With God

>>> ==================


>>> One of the hardest things to accept is that life as we know it

>>> does not go on.


>>> Relationships are often difficult to establish and maintain. And

>>> on rare, wonderful occasions, some just fall into place so

>>> easily and run so smoothly from both ends.


>>> Losing one we're close to, feels unfair and so sad. Those we

>>> just fell in love with from the start, that were there for us

>>> whatever our circumstances, whatever our pain, no matter how we

>>> lost our humor, those we could wrap our arms around and receive

>>> comfort from, we find it impossible to release them to death.


>>> Once we relax in knowing they are there, will never reject us,

>>> will always return our love and affection, how can we plan a

>>> future without them?


>>> How can the memories be enough when our hearts seem to slow, yet

>>> pound so loudly in our throats, when our joy is crushed, when

>>> our eyes cloud and will never view things the same again?


>>> How should we behave? Why should we just walk back into life as

>>> though nothing ever happened? How can we ever be expected to

>>> smile again? How can we let go?


>>> Amazingly enough, long before we were conceived, long before we

>>> participated in life, God had a plan........a perfect plan.


>>> He foresaw the need for this life to have a beginning as well as

>>> an end. He created and thoroughly understood the complexities of

>>> relating to others. He gave us the ability to love and draw

>>> close. He knew the path our lives would take and how deeply we

>>> would feel pain. He left nothing out.


>>> He built within us the abilities to grieve without dying, to let

>>> go without forgetting, to cope without quitting, to continue to

>>> love those who have gone on, yet grow to love others more

>>> strongly and even to add new love to our hearts.


>>> He even gave us time......time to grieve.....time to heal and

>>> time to grow from our new understanding.


>>> Beyond our awesome creation, He knows exactly when we suffer

>>> loss and how hard it is for us.


>>> We are among those He just fell in love with from the start, He

>>> is there for us no matter what our circumstances, what our pain,

>>> no matter how we've lost our humor, He wants to wrap us in His

>>> arms and receive comfort from Him.


>>> We can relax in knowing He has always been there, will never

>>> reject us, will always return our love and affection, and will

>>> help us plan our future.


>>> He will rejoice with us in our memories and restore our joy and

>>> make our hearts pound loudly in our throats in anticipation of a

>>> glad future.


>>> We should not walk the same roads over again. He devised that

>>> when our eyes have clouded with tears we should never view

>>> things the same way again. We could grow bitter from sadness, or

>>> we can grow and learn compassion. We should never behave as

>>> though nothing ever happened. We should fondly remember that

>>> knowing, then missing someone has changed us, that we were

>>> blessed with the company of angels while they were here.


>>> This amazingly perfect plan that God has, of which He mapped out

>>> every possible outcome, leads us always back into His very

>>> capable, loving arms.


>>> It's not that He wants us to suffer, not that He wants us to

>>> cry, not that He wants us to lose those we love dearly. God just

>>> wants us to remember that while we were happily on our journey

>>> with our loved one, He was happy too.


>>> He leads us to know that after losing our loved one, when we

>>> return to life more lonely, He steps up closer to us and not

>>> only understands our loneliness, but helps us hold our head up.


>>> When emptiness invades your sleep, He offers what no other

>>> friend can..... serenity as deep as the emptiness and hope as

>>> promising as the sunrise.


>>> He is the one friend that cannot and will not die, and will

>>> never leave our side.


>>> He is the almighty creator who gave you forever your friend or

>>> relative.


>>> By Carla J.


>>> Thank you for inviting Mountain Wings in your mailbox.

>>> See you tomorrow.


>>> _____________________________________________



>> If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may

>> unsubscribe by sending a blank email to


>> shydrager-unsubscribe






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