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Finding a Good Derm.

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I need to find a good rosacea/kp experienced md in my area... the last one i

had was a quack

I live in western, NY - near bfufalo - I am willing to travel to NOrthern PA,

OH, and mid NY (i.e. syracuse, rochester)


About me:

I'm 19, Male, I've had rosy cheeks ever since I remember, but over the last 5

years or so they have gotten more noticeable and flushing has started. I

went to my GP and she prescribed Metrocream. Used it for about a month -

month and a half with no noticeble difference. I went to a dermatologist who

spent all of 10min. with me between two appointments. She told me I had

cea & Keratosis Pilarus (sp?) She decided I have K.P. by feeling under

my chin and saying it felt like sandpaper (well, duh -- I just shaved...) At

any rate, she had me try Retin-A Micro - After a month and a half I had no

noticeable difference either. She sent me to Dr. Buscaglia and he performed

a laser treatment with a pulsed light laser to treat " Facial Telangiectasia "

- I had 3 treatments - I felt i had about a 20% improvement overall and it

removed some " cherry spots " as he called them (small red blood vessels

visible) It's been about 6 months and I have gotten no better. I tried

Tetracycline 500MG twice daily (on my own, I didn't get an RX - I was tired

of paying co-pays) After about 3weeks I seemed to be flushing less, however,

with the horrid humid hot weather we've had lately it began back with a

vengeance. I'm still taking the Tetracycline but I don't feel it is helping

anymore (even on cooler days) Overall now when I wake up in the morning my

face has its pink/blush red in the cheeks ( i have like two small patches of

white normal skin thats doesnt blush for some reason)

I am very self-concious about my face and the redness and it's starting to

get to me more and more. That's why I am hoping to find a good Derm. (the

one i went to, I am convinced, was a quack) I have read about treatment

using things such as Mirtazapine (Remeron, an anti-depressant,) Clonidine

(Clorpres, Duraclon,) and last-resort - Isotretinoin (Accutane.)

Has anyone heard anything more detailed as to what the Remeron does? I am

curious as to how it works to decrease flushing & redness. The clonidine I

understand reduces blood overall blood pressure and flow. The Accutane works

with the acne properties of it and apparently has strong Anti-Inflammatory

properites, but i know it has a lot of risks.

ANyrate, thanks for anyhelp and suggestions - and I hope to get to know u all



I can feel so unsexy, for someone so beautiful - so un_love_ed for someone so

fine, I can feel so boring for someone so interesting, so ignorant

for someone of sound mind ... all these little defenses,

how they fail to comfort me - your hand pulling away and im devastated...

~alanis, so unsexy

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Guest guest


I need to find a good rosacea/kp experienced md in my area... the last one i

had was a quack

I live in western, NY - near bfufalo - I am willing to travel to NOrthern PA,

OH, and mid NY (i.e. syracuse, rochester)


About me:

I'm 19, Male, I've had rosy cheeks ever since I remember, but over the last 5

years or so they have gotten more noticeable and flushing has started. I

went to my GP and she prescribed Metrocream. Used it for about a month -

month and a half with no noticeble difference. I went to a dermatologist who

spent all of 10min. with me between two appointments. She told me I had

cea & Keratosis Pilarus (sp?) She decided I have K.P. by feeling under

my chin and saying it felt like sandpaper (well, duh -- I just shaved...) At

any rate, she had me try Retin-A Micro - After a month and a half I had no

noticeable difference either. She sent me to Dr. Buscaglia and he performed

a laser treatment with a pulsed light laser to treat " Facial Telangiectasia "

- I had 3 treatments - I felt i had about a 20% improvement overall and it

removed some " cherry spots " as he called them (small red blood vessels

visible) It's been about 6 months and I have gotten no better. I tried

Tetracycline 500MG twice daily (on my own, I didn't get an RX - I was tired

of paying co-pays) After about 3weeks I seemed to be flushing less, however,

with the horrid humid hot weather we've had lately it began back with a

vengeance. I'm still taking the Tetracycline but I don't feel it is helping

anymore (even on cooler days) Overall now when I wake up in the morning my

face has its pink/blush red in the cheeks ( i have like two small patches of

white normal skin thats doesnt blush for some reason)

I am very self-concious about my face and the redness and it's starting to

get to me more and more. That's why I am hoping to find a good Derm. (the

one i went to, I am convinced, was a quack) I have read about treatment

using things such as Mirtazapine (Remeron, an anti-depressant,) Clonidine

(Clorpres, Duraclon,) and last-resort - Isotretinoin (Accutane.)

Has anyone heard anything more detailed as to what the Remeron does? I am

curious as to how it works to decrease flushing & redness. The clonidine I

understand reduces blood overall blood pressure and flow. The Accutane works

with the acne properties of it and apparently has strong Anti-Inflammatory

properites, but i know it has a lot of risks.

ANyrate, thanks for anyhelp and suggestions - and I hope to get to know u all



I can feel so unsexy, for someone so beautiful - so un_love_ed for someone so

fine, I can feel so boring for someone so interesting, so ignorant

for someone of sound mind ... all these little defenses,

how they fail to comfort me - your hand pulling away and im devastated...

~alanis, so unsexy

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