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Re: Medscape Article on cea

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Guest guest

Matija, I'm always uncomfortable commenting upon articles you

generously go out of your way to read and post, wishing not to

discredit the quality filtering you already bring to the group. And I

don't mean to over-react to a phrase. But " Marjorie-approved " is

absolutely not the spirit with which I'm sharing my impressions of

the articles posted in this group.

Regarding this article, I'm not familiar with this particular

journal, but if it's from the Board then it is probably for

physicians training or trained in family practice, to study for

Boards certification/recertification. If so, it wouldn't be expected

to be cutting edge accurate or be useful in patient education or even

clinical practice. Its goal is to communicate a great deal of

information succinctly and (this is key) include information likely

to be on the Boards test -- as opposed to wasting the studiers' time

with material that's important for clinical practice. We all know how

it is when cramming for a standardized test. <g>

Certainly this group needs and DESERVES the best foundation of

factual knowledge, so each can evaluate their own health care needs,

easily distinguish between known fact and theory on rosacea, and

judge the appropriateness of new therapies, conventional and

alternative. For example, I'm struck by recent posters asking for

basic information on Eidel, on the differences among the various

laser therapies, and on how to take tetracycline. If objective

information were everpresent and available to address the core

aspects of rosacea, then posters could freely share their personal

experiences knowing that they will be put in the the most useful

perspective and context.

In this group, posts that share core information get lost in the

shuffle or are forgotten a day later, and not easily recoverable. How

is someone who lurks or joins next week with the same question

regarding facial edema going to know that today you had your question

answered below unless they post, you answer, and you remember? That's

not efficient at all, and other methods are even less satisfying: the

Yahoo search engine isn't very powerful or well-filtered, and the

very laudable efforts put into the group's FAQs and archives as

information database is, frankly, marred as dated, incomplete, and



Marjorie Lazoff, MD

> Hi,


> I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002. It's

> geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news and


> stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical Retin A

> and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at least)


> the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article will

> be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.


> Take care,

> Matija



> Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> Abstract and Introduction

> Abstract

> Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-aged

> and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early


> is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective treatments

> exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin changes.

> Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the


> diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using the

> key search

> terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by physician

> observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of rosacea

> treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea includes

> avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy, both

> topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy, and

> cosmetic surgery.

> Introduction

> As the general population ages and the baby boomers increasingly

> dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red face.


> the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the diagnosis for

> approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial redness

> and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-


> and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature of

> advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with alcoholism,


> caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea patients.


> survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of rosacea

> patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69% report

> frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure or

> happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can be

> easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> Methods

> We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology, diagnosis,

> and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> Diagnosis

> cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they suffer

> from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent


> flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind burn,


> normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early treatment of

> rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3] cea


> a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that follows


> remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally involves


> cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the nose


> men.[4]

> There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage I can


> described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by frequent

> blushing, especially in those who have a family history of rosacea.

> Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood, although


> typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There might


> increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of burning,

> redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At


> point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of midfacial

> areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4] In


> third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules begin

> to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as


> and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the region

> above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is continued

> and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular inflammation can

> progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is at this

> point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin


> the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> Several skin conditions share some clinical features with rosacea.

> Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and localized

> inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea. Seborrheic

> dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus can


> cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce the

> characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules of

> rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing red

> papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest itself


> other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> granulomas.[7]


> Pathophysiology

> Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the


> process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by

> dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is


> that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop as a

> result of the increased blood flow in the superficial vasculature.

> This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally implicated as

> the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been associated with

> urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren syndrome. In a

> 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no benefit


> the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the treatment


> rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced


> in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea


> uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> Treatment

> The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is the

> avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and situations

> that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea patients


> be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block when

> outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also increase


> flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself, can

> aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation. Spicy


> can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those facial

> cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to


> progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line of

> therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily due


> anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]


> metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II rosacea

> and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered first-

> line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily 1.0%

> formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has been


> between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily 0.75%

> medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place of

> metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be less

> irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment with

> simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial prominent

> symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued, and

> maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally continued

> until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever comes

> first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic prescribed


> rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2 to 4

> daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an acceptable

> alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative,

> although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg once

> daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer


> side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin, 250 mg


> 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as


> but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> New Therapies

> Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid possessing

> antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris. In


> Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid with

> topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of papulopustular

> rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally


> in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the associated

> signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians' rating of

> the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic acid


> considered to be considerably more effective. The patients involved

> in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial effect on

> the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of retinoic


> therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin, erythema,

> burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in the

> natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic acid,

> and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application of a

> 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield positive

> and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those patients

> undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were found in

> erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of rosacea.

> Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in the

> reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an over-the-

> counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation was

> used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study. Nine of


> 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective


> in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical


> might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea, and that

> the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be responsible for

> its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to be

> confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> Treatment of Advanced Disease

> Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin therapy. In a

> recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea, major

> reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were noted by

> the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the size of

> sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant cases of

> rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-


> most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective birth

> control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for cosmetic

> surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical effects,


> prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> alleviated by the primary care physician.


> F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family Physicians


> Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

Matija, I'm always uncomfortable commenting upon articles you

generously go out of your way to read and post, wishing not to

discredit the quality filtering you already bring to the group. And I

don't mean to over-react to a phrase. But " Marjorie-approved " is

absolutely not the spirit with which I'm sharing my impressions of

the articles posted in this group.

Regarding this article, I'm not familiar with this particular

journal, but if it's from the Board then it is probably for

physicians training or trained in family practice, to study for

Boards certification/recertification. If so, it wouldn't be expected

to be cutting edge accurate or be useful in patient education or even

clinical practice. Its goal is to communicate a great deal of

information succinctly and (this is key) include information likely

to be on the Boards test -- as opposed to wasting the studiers' time

with material that's important for clinical practice. We all know how

it is when cramming for a standardized test. <g>

Certainly this group needs and DESERVES the best foundation of

factual knowledge, so each can evaluate their own health care needs,

easily distinguish between known fact and theory on rosacea, and

judge the appropriateness of new therapies, conventional and

alternative. For example, I'm struck by recent posters asking for

basic information on Eidel, on the differences among the various

laser therapies, and on how to take tetracycline. If objective

information were everpresent and available to address the core

aspects of rosacea, then posters could freely share their personal

experiences knowing that they will be put in the the most useful

perspective and context.

In this group, posts that share core information get lost in the

shuffle or are forgotten a day later, and not easily recoverable. How

is someone who lurks or joins next week with the same question

regarding facial edema going to know that today you had your question

answered below unless they post, you answer, and you remember? That's

not efficient at all, and other methods are even less satisfying: the

Yahoo search engine isn't very powerful or well-filtered, and the

very laudable efforts put into the group's FAQs and archives as

information database is, frankly, marred as dated, incomplete, and



Marjorie Lazoff, MD

> Hi,


> I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002. It's

> geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news and


> stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical Retin A

> and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at least)


> the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article will

> be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.


> Take care,

> Matija



> Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> Abstract and Introduction

> Abstract

> Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-aged

> and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early


> is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective treatments

> exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin changes.

> Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the


> diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using the

> key search

> terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by physician

> observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of rosacea

> treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea includes

> avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy, both

> topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy, and

> cosmetic surgery.

> Introduction

> As the general population ages and the baby boomers increasingly

> dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red face.


> the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the diagnosis for

> approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial redness

> and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-


> and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature of

> advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with alcoholism,


> caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea patients.


> survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of rosacea

> patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69% report

> frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure or

> happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can be

> easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> Methods

> We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology, diagnosis,

> and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> Diagnosis

> cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they suffer

> from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent


> flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind burn,


> normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early treatment of

> rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3] cea


> a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that follows


> remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally involves


> cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the nose


> men.[4]

> There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage I can


> described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by frequent

> blushing, especially in those who have a family history of rosacea.

> Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood, although


> typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There might


> increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of burning,

> redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At


> point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of midfacial

> areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4] In


> third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules begin

> to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as


> and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the region

> above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is continued

> and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular inflammation can

> progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is at this

> point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin


> the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> Several skin conditions share some clinical features with rosacea.

> Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and localized

> inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea. Seborrheic

> dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus can


> cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce the

> characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules of

> rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing red

> papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest itself


> other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> granulomas.[7]


> Pathophysiology

> Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the


> process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by

> dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is


> that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop as a

> result of the increased blood flow in the superficial vasculature.

> This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally implicated as

> the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been associated with

> urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren syndrome. In a

> 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no benefit


> the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the treatment


> rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced


> in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea


> uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> Treatment

> The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is the

> avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and situations

> that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea patients


> be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block when

> outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also increase


> flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself, can

> aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation. Spicy


> can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those facial

> cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to


> progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line of

> therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily due


> anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]


> metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II rosacea

> and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered first-

> line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily 1.0%

> formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has been


> between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily 0.75%

> medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place of

> metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be less

> irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment with

> simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial prominent

> symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued, and

> maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally continued

> until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever comes

> first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic prescribed


> rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2 to 4

> daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an acceptable

> alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative,

> although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg once

> daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer


> side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin, 250 mg


> 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as


> but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> New Therapies

> Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid possessing

> antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris. In


> Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid with

> topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of papulopustular

> rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally


> in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the associated

> signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians' rating of

> the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic acid


> considered to be considerably more effective. The patients involved

> in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial effect on

> the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of retinoic


> therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin, erythema,

> burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in the

> natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic acid,

> and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application of a

> 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield positive

> and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those patients

> undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were found in

> erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of rosacea.

> Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in the

> reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an over-the-

> counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation was

> used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study. Nine of


> 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective


> in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical


> might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea, and that

> the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be responsible for

> its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to be

> confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> Treatment of Advanced Disease

> Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin therapy. In a

> recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea, major

> reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were noted by

> the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the size of

> sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant cases of

> rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-


> most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective birth

> control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for cosmetic

> surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical effects,


> prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> alleviated by the primary care physician.


> F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family Physicians


> Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

Hi Marjorie,

I know you realize I was kidding about " Marjorie-approved. " I value

your insight about these articles, and want to know whether the info

is fluff or old hat. About cutting edge research on rosacea, I didn't

think there was much going on, besides those studies stated by the


I realize that the search feature on our group message archive isn't

very quick though you can have a more complex search string than you

can at http://www.escribe.com/health/rosacea-support/index.html

which is quick but you have to use it just one word per search.

I don't know if Elidel or Protopic for that matter has been studied

as being helpful for relieving some of the symptoms of rosacea. I

know it's supposed to help relieve skin sensitivity and is approved

for use for people with eczema. Here's a package insert I found on

the Novartis site (manufacturer of Elidel) about the product:

http://www.pharma.us.novartis.com/product/pi/pdf/elidel.pdf . I know

that both these topical meds have had mixed reviews from some members.

is the person who is in charge of the group faq. I don't know

if he would consider redoing it. What kind of suggestions do you have

to change it?

Take care,


> > Hi,

> >

> > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002. It's

> > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news and

> some

> > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical Retin


> > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at


> on

> > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article will

> > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> >

> > Take care,

> > Matija

> >

> >

> > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > Abstract and Introduction

> > Abstract

> > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-


> > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early

> rosacea

> > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective


> > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin


> > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> pathophysiology,

> > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using


> > key search

> > terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by physician

> > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of rosacea

> > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea includes

> > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy, both

> > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy, and

> > cosmetic surgery.

> > Introduction

> > As the general population ages and the baby boomers increasingly

> > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red face.

> Of

> > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the diagnosis


> > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial


> > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-

> esteem

> > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature of

> > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with alcoholism,

> as

> > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea


> A

> > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of


> > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69% report

> > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure or

> > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can be

> > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > Methods

> > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,


> > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > Diagnosis

> > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they


> > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent

> facial

> > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind burn,

> or

> > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early treatment of

> > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]


> is

> > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that


> a

> > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally involves

> the

> > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the


> in

> > men.[4]

> > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage I


> be

> > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by frequent

> > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of


> > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood, although

> the

> > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There


> be

> > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of burning,

> > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At

> this

> > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of


> > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4] In

> the

> > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules


> > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> conjunctivitis

> > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the region

> > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is


> > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular inflammation


> > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is at


> > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin

> produces

> > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with


> > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and localized

> > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.


> > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus can

> all

> > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce the

> > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules


> > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing


> > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest itself

> in

> > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> > granulomas.[7]

> >

> > Pathophysiology

> > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> pathologic

> > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by

> > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is

> thought

> > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop as


> > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial


> > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally implicated


> > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been associated


> > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren syndrome. In


> > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no benefit

> in

> > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the


> of

> > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> improvement

> > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea

> remains

> > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > Treatment

> > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is the

> > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and situations

> > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea patients

> must

> > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block when

> > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also increase

> the

> > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself, can

> > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation. Spicy

> foods

> > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those facial

> > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> mitigate

> > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line of

> > therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily due

> to

> > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]

> Topical

> > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II


> > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered


> > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily 1.0%

> > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has been

> found

> > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily 0.75%

> > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place of

> > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be less

> > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment


> > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial prominent

> > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued, and

> > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally


> > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever comes

> > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic prescribed

> for

> > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2 to


> > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an


> > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative,

> > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg once

> > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> gastrointestinal

> > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin, 250 mg

> to

> > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> doxycycline

> > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > New Therapies

> > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid


> > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris. In

> 1999

> > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid with

> > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of papulopustular

> > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> effective

> > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the associated

> > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians' rating


> > the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic acid

> was

> > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients


> > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial effect


> > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of retinoic

> acid

> > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,


> > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in the

> > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic


> > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application of a

> > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield


> > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those patients

> > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were found


> > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of rosacea.

> > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in the

> > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an over-


> > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation was

> > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study. Nine of

> the

> > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> improvement

> > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> production

> > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea, and


> > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be responsible


> > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to be

> > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin therapy. In


> > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea, major

> > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were noted


> > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the size of

> > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant cases of

> > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> effects,

> > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective birth

> > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for


> > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical effects,

> the

> > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> >

> > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family


> of

> > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

Hi Marjorie,

I know you realize I was kidding about " Marjorie-approved. " I value

your insight about these articles, and want to know whether the info

is fluff or old hat. About cutting edge research on rosacea, I didn't

think there was much going on, besides those studies stated by the


I realize that the search feature on our group message archive isn't

very quick though you can have a more complex search string than you

can at http://www.escribe.com/health/rosacea-support/index.html

which is quick but you have to use it just one word per search.

I don't know if Elidel or Protopic for that matter has been studied

as being helpful for relieving some of the symptoms of rosacea. I

know it's supposed to help relieve skin sensitivity and is approved

for use for people with eczema. Here's a package insert I found on

the Novartis site (manufacturer of Elidel) about the product:

http://www.pharma.us.novartis.com/product/pi/pdf/elidel.pdf . I know

that both these topical meds have had mixed reviews from some members.

is the person who is in charge of the group faq. I don't know

if he would consider redoing it. What kind of suggestions do you have

to change it?

Take care,


> > Hi,

> >

> > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002. It's

> > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news and

> some

> > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical Retin


> > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at


> on

> > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article will

> > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> >

> > Take care,

> > Matija

> >

> >

> > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > Abstract and Introduction

> > Abstract

> > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-


> > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early

> rosacea

> > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective


> > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin


> > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> pathophysiology,

> > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using


> > key search

> > terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by physician

> > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of rosacea

> > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea includes

> > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy, both

> > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy, and

> > cosmetic surgery.

> > Introduction

> > As the general population ages and the baby boomers increasingly

> > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red face.

> Of

> > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the diagnosis


> > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial


> > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-

> esteem

> > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature of

> > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with alcoholism,

> as

> > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea


> A

> > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of


> > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69% report

> > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure or

> > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can be

> > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > Methods

> > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,


> > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > Diagnosis

> > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they


> > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent

> facial

> > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind burn,

> or

> > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early treatment of

> > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]


> is

> > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that


> a

> > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally involves

> the

> > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the


> in

> > men.[4]

> > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage I


> be

> > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by frequent

> > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of


> > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood, although

> the

> > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There


> be

> > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of burning,

> > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At

> this

> > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of


> > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4] In

> the

> > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules


> > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> conjunctivitis

> > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the region

> > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is


> > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular inflammation


> > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is at


> > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin

> produces

> > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with


> > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and localized

> > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.


> > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus can

> all

> > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce the

> > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules


> > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing


> > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest itself

> in

> > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> > granulomas.[7]

> >

> > Pathophysiology

> > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> pathologic

> > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by

> > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is

> thought

> > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop as


> > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial


> > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally implicated


> > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been associated


> > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren syndrome. In


> > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no benefit

> in

> > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the


> of

> > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> improvement

> > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea

> remains

> > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > Treatment

> > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is the

> > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and situations

> > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea patients

> must

> > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block when

> > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also increase

> the

> > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself, can

> > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation. Spicy

> foods

> > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those facial

> > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> mitigate

> > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line of

> > therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily due

> to

> > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]

> Topical

> > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II


> > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered


> > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily 1.0%

> > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has been

> found

> > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily 0.75%

> > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place of

> > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be less

> > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment


> > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial prominent

> > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued, and

> > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally


> > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever comes

> > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic prescribed

> for

> > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2 to


> > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an


> > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative,

> > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg once

> > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> gastrointestinal

> > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin, 250 mg

> to

> > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> doxycycline

> > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > New Therapies

> > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid


> > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris. In

> 1999

> > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid with

> > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of papulopustular

> > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> effective

> > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the associated

> > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians' rating


> > the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic acid

> was

> > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients


> > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial effect


> > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of retinoic

> acid

> > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,


> > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in the

> > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic


> > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application of a

> > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield


> > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those patients

> > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were found


> > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of rosacea.

> > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in the

> > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an over-


> > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation was

> > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study. Nine of

> the

> > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> improvement

> > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> production

> > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea, and


> > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be responsible


> > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to be

> > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin therapy. In


> > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea, major

> > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were noted


> > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the size of

> > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant cases of

> > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> effects,

> > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective birth

> > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for


> > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical effects,

> the

> > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> >

> > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family


> of

> > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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I know you didn't mean anything negative by it, Matija, but it really

isn't the spirit with which I contribute to the group.

By " cutting edge accuracy " (not cutting edge research) I meant to

convey that Board review articles routinely contain many

inaccuracies -- some due to dated material such as old theories on H.

pylori, others due to careless information such as counting pre-

rosacea as its own stage in three-staged rosacea, and still more due

to over-emphasizing one research article rather than provide a more

insightful review such as the information given on topical Vitamin C.

Board review article are not written to educate but to remind those

already well familiar with the material to prepare them for questions

most likely to be asked for the Boards exam.

This is 's group. I expressed my thoughts to him privately well

over a month ago and he never responded. My suggestion to him, as in

the post below, is to make the information clearer, more accurate,

less biased, and complete.


Marjorie Lazoff, MD

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002. It's

> > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news


> > some

> > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical


> A

> > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at

> least)

> > on

> > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article will

> > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > >

> > > Take care,

> > > Matija

> > >

> > >

> > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > Abstract

> > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-

> aged

> > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early

> > rosacea

> > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> treatments

> > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin

> changes.

> > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > pathophysiology,

> > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using

> the

> > > key search

> > > terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by


> > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of


> > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea


> > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy,


> > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy,


> > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > Introduction

> > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers


> > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red


> > Of

> > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the diagnosis

> for

> > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial

> redness

> > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-

> > esteem

> > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature of

> > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with


> > as

> > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> patients.

> > A

> > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of

> rosacea

> > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69%


> > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure or

> > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can


> > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > Methods

> > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> diagnosis,

> > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > >

included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > Diagnosis

> > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they

> suffer

> > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent

> > facial

> > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind


> > or

> > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early treatment


> > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]

> cea

> > is

> > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that

> follows

> > a

> > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally


> > the

> > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the

> nose

> > in

> > > men.[4]

> > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage I

> can

> > be

> > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by


> > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of

> rosacea.

> > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,


> > the

> > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There

> might

> > be

> > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of


> > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At

> > this

> > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> midfacial

> > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4]


> > the

> > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules

> begin

> > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > conjunctivitis

> > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the


> > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> continued

> > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular inflammation

> can

> > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is at

> this

> > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin

> > produces

> > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> rosacea.

> > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and


> > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> Seborrheic

> > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus


> > all

> > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce the

> > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules

> of

> > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing

> red

> > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest


> > in

> > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> > > granulomas.[7]

> > >

> > > Pathophysiology

> > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> > pathologic

> > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by

> > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is

> > thought

> > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop


> a

> > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> vasculature.

> > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally


> as

> > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been associated

> with

> > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren syndrome.


> a

> > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no


> > in

> > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> treatment

> > of

> > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > improvement

> > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea

> > remains

> > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > Treatment

> > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is


> > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and


> > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea


> > must

> > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block


> > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also


> > the

> > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself, can

> > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation. Spicy

> > foods

> > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those


> > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> > mitigate

> > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line


> > > therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily


> > to

> > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]

> > Topical

> > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II

> rosacea

> > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered

> first-

> > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily


> > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has been

> > found

> > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily 0.75%

> > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place of

> > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be less

> > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment

> with

> > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial prominent

> > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued,


> > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> continued

> > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever


> > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic


> > for

> > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2


> 4

> > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> acceptable

> > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative,

> > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg


> > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > gastrointestinal

> > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin, 250


> > to

> > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > doxycycline

> > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > New Therapies

> > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> possessing

> > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.


> > 1999

> > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid


> > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of


> > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> > effective

> > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the


> > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'


> of

> > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic


> > was

> > > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients

> involved

> > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial


> on

> > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of


> > acid

> > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> erythema,

> > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in the

> > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic

> acid,

> > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application of


> > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> positive

> > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those patients

> > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were found

> in

> > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of


> > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in


> > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an over-

> the-

> > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation


> > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study. Nine


> > the

> > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > improvement

> > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > production

> > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea, and

> that

> > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be responsible

> for

> > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to


> > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin therapy.


> a

> > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea,


> > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were noted

> by

> > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the size


> > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant cases


> > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> > effects,

> > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective


> > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for

> cosmetic

> > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical


> > the

> > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > >

> > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> Physicians

> > of

> > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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I know you didn't mean anything negative by it, Matija, but it really

isn't the spirit with which I contribute to the group.

By " cutting edge accuracy " (not cutting edge research) I meant to

convey that Board review articles routinely contain many

inaccuracies -- some due to dated material such as old theories on H.

pylori, others due to careless information such as counting pre-

rosacea as its own stage in three-staged rosacea, and still more due

to over-emphasizing one research article rather than provide a more

insightful review such as the information given on topical Vitamin C.

Board review article are not written to educate but to remind those

already well familiar with the material to prepare them for questions

most likely to be asked for the Boards exam.

This is 's group. I expressed my thoughts to him privately well

over a month ago and he never responded. My suggestion to him, as in

the post below, is to make the information clearer, more accurate,

less biased, and complete.


Marjorie Lazoff, MD

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002. It's

> > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news


> > some

> > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical


> A

> > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at

> least)

> > on

> > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article will

> > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > >

> > > Take care,

> > > Matija

> > >

> > >

> > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > Abstract

> > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-

> aged

> > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early

> > rosacea

> > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> treatments

> > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin

> changes.

> > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > pathophysiology,

> > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using

> the

> > > key search

> > > terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by


> > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of


> > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea


> > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy,


> > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy,


> > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > Introduction

> > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers


> > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red


> > Of

> > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the diagnosis

> for

> > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial

> redness

> > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-

> > esteem

> > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature of

> > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with


> > as

> > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> patients.

> > A

> > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of

> rosacea

> > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69%


> > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure or

> > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can


> > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > Methods

> > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> diagnosis,

> > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > >

included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > Diagnosis

> > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they

> suffer

> > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent

> > facial

> > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind


> > or

> > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early treatment


> > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]

> cea

> > is

> > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that

> follows

> > a

> > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally


> > the

> > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the

> nose

> > in

> > > men.[4]

> > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage I

> can

> > be

> > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by


> > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of

> rosacea.

> > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,


> > the

> > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There

> might

> > be

> > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of


> > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At

> > this

> > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> midfacial

> > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4]


> > the

> > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules

> begin

> > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > conjunctivitis

> > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the


> > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> continued

> > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular inflammation

> can

> > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is at

> this

> > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin

> > produces

> > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> rosacea.

> > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and


> > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> Seborrheic

> > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus


> > all

> > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce the

> > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules

> of

> > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing

> red

> > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest


> > in

> > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> > > granulomas.[7]

> > >

> > > Pathophysiology

> > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> > pathologic

> > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by

> > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is

> > thought

> > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop


> a

> > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> vasculature.

> > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally


> as

> > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been associated

> with

> > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren syndrome.


> a

> > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no


> > in

> > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> treatment

> > of

> > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > improvement

> > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea

> > remains

> > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > Treatment

> > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is


> > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and


> > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea


> > must

> > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block


> > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also


> > the

> > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself, can

> > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation. Spicy

> > foods

> > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those


> > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> > mitigate

> > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line


> > > therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily


> > to

> > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]

> > Topical

> > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II

> rosacea

> > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered

> first-

> > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily


> > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has been

> > found

> > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily 0.75%

> > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place of

> > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be less

> > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment

> with

> > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial prominent

> > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued,


> > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> continued

> > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever


> > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic


> > for

> > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2


> 4

> > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> acceptable

> > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative,

> > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg


> > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > gastrointestinal

> > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin, 250


> > to

> > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > doxycycline

> > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > New Therapies

> > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> possessing

> > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.


> > 1999

> > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid


> > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of


> > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> > effective

> > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the


> > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'


> of

> > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic


> > was

> > > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients

> involved

> > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial


> on

> > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of


> > acid

> > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> erythema,

> > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in the

> > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic

> acid,

> > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application of


> > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> positive

> > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those patients

> > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were found

> in

> > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of


> > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in


> > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an over-

> the-

> > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation


> > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study. Nine


> > the

> > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > improvement

> > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > production

> > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea, and

> that

> > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be responsible

> for

> > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to


> > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin therapy.


> a

> > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea,


> > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were noted

> by

> > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the size


> > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant cases


> > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> > effects,

> > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective


> > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for

> cosmetic

> > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical


> > the

> > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > >

> > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> Physicians

> > of

> > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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I see what you mean by cutting-edge accuracy in medicine since

knowledge evolves or even changes direction in that field every few

years. I never heard of that term before.

One of the reasons I brought up that Medscape article because they

suggested that atrophy of the papillary dermis may be a reason why

rosacea occurs in some people. I never heard of that and thought that

others might find that interesting too.

Here's some links to information about the papillary dermis:




It's just a hypothesis at this point, so we don't know for certain if

it is the cause, one of the causes or has nothing to do with it.

About the lack of cutting-edge accuracy in that article, that's not

good for those who do see their primary care physicians for rosacea,

especially since the article was published in May 2002. (Some

insurance companies make it extremely difficult for some subscribers

with rosacea to see a dermatologist who, hopefully, will be on the

cutting edge of accuracy. Who knows if they are?) I guess that's why

many make the point that their physicians don't have current

knowledge of the disorder. In a roundabout way, you've confirmed that.

Take care,


> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002.


> > > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news

> and

> > > some

> > > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical

> Retin

> > A

> > > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at

> > least)

> > > on

> > > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article


> > > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Matija

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > > Abstract

> > > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting


> > aged

> > > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early

> > > rosacea

> > > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> > treatments

> > > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin

> > changes.

> > > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > > pathophysiology,

> > > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched


> > the

> > > > key search

> > > > terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by

> physician

> > > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of

> rosacea

> > > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea

> includes

> > > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy,

> both

> > > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy,

> and

> > > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > > Introduction

> > > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers

> increasingly

> > > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red

> face.

> > > Of

> > > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the


> > for

> > > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial

> > redness

> > > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-

> > > esteem

> > > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature


> > > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with

> alcoholism,

> > > as

> > > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> > patients.

> > > A

> > > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of

> > rosacea

> > > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69%

> report

> > > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure


> > > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> > > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can

> be

> > > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > > Methods

> > > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> > diagnosis,

> > > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > > >

> included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > Diagnosis

> > > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they

> > suffer

> > > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent

> > > facial

> > > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind

> burn,

> > > or

> > > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early


> of

> > > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> > > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]

> > cea

> > > is

> > > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that

> > follows

> > > a

> > > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally

> involves

> > > the

> > > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the

> > nose

> > > in

> > > > men.[4]

> > > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage


> > can

> > > be

> > > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by

> frequent

> > > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of

> > rosacea.

> > > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,

> although

> > > the

> > > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There

> > might

> > > be

> > > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of

> burning,

> > > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> > > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular.


> > > this

> > > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> > midfacial

> > > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4]

> In

> > > the

> > > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> > > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules

> > begin

> > > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > > conjunctivitis

> > > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the

> region

> > > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> > continued

> > > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular


> > can

> > > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> > > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is


> > this

> > > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin

> > > produces

> > > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> > rosacea.

> > > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and

> localized

> > > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> > Seborrheic

> > > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus

> can

> > > all

> > > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce


> > > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and


> > of

> > > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by


> > red

> > > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest

> itself

> > > in

> > > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> > > > granulomas.[7]

> > > >

> > > > Pathophysiology

> > > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> > > pathologic

> > > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused


> > > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is

> > > thought

> > > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop

> as

> > a

> > > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> > vasculature.

> > > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> > > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> > > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally

> implicated

> > as

> > > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been


> > with

> > > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren


> In

> > a

> > > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no

> benefit

> > > in

> > > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> > treatment

> > > of

> > > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > > improvement

> > > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea

> > > remains

> > > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > > Treatment

> > > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is

> the

> > > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and

> situations

> > > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> > > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea

> patients

> > > must

> > > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block

> when

> > > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also

> increase

> > > the

> > > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself,


> > > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation.


> > > foods

> > > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> > > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those

> facial

> > > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> > > mitigate

> > > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> > > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line

> of

> > > > therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily

> due

> > > to

> > > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]

> > > Topical

> > > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II

> > rosacea

> > > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered

> > first-

> > > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> > > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily

> 1.0%

> > > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has


> > > found

> > > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily


> > > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place


> > > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be


> > > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment

> > with

> > > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial


> > > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued,

> and

> > > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> > continued

> > > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever

> comes

> > > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic

> prescribed

> > > for

> > > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2

> to

> > 4

> > > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> > acceptable

> > > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable


> > > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg

> once

> > > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > > gastrointestinal

> > > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin,


> mg

> > > to

> > > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > > doxycycline

> > > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > > New Therapies

> > > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> > possessing

> > > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> > > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.

> In

> > > 1999

> > > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid

> with

> > > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of

> papulopustular

> > > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> > > effective

> > > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the

> associated

> > > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'

> rating

> > of

> > > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic

> acid

> > > was

> > > > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients

> > involved

> > > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial

> effect

> > on

> > > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of

> retinoic

> > > acid

> > > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> > erythema,

> > > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in


> > > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic

> > acid,

> > > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application


> a

> > > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> > positive

> > > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those


> > > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were


> > in

> > > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of

> rosacea.

> > > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in

> the

> > > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an


> > the-

> > > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation

> was

> > > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study.


> of

> > > the

> > > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > > improvement

> > > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > > production

> > > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea,


> > that

> > > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be


> > for

> > > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to

> be

> > > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin


> In

> > a

> > > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea,

> major

> > > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were


> > by

> > > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the


> of

> > > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant


> of

> > > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> > > effects,

> > > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective

> birth

> > > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> > > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> > > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for

> > cosmetic

> > > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> > > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical

> effects,

> > > the

> > > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> > > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> > > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > > >

> > > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> > Physicians

> > > of

> > > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest


I see what you mean by cutting-edge accuracy in medicine since

knowledge evolves or even changes direction in that field every few

years. I never heard of that term before.

One of the reasons I brought up that Medscape article because they

suggested that atrophy of the papillary dermis may be a reason why

rosacea occurs in some people. I never heard of that and thought that

others might find that interesting too.

Here's some links to information about the papillary dermis:




It's just a hypothesis at this point, so we don't know for certain if

it is the cause, one of the causes or has nothing to do with it.

About the lack of cutting-edge accuracy in that article, that's not

good for those who do see their primary care physicians for rosacea,

especially since the article was published in May 2002. (Some

insurance companies make it extremely difficult for some subscribers

with rosacea to see a dermatologist who, hopefully, will be on the

cutting edge of accuracy. Who knows if they are?) I guess that's why

many make the point that their physicians don't have current

knowledge of the disorder. In a roundabout way, you've confirmed that.

Take care,


> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002.


> > > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old news

> and

> > > some

> > > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical

> Retin

> > A

> > > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at

> > least)

> > > on

> > > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article


> > > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Matija

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > > Abstract

> > > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting


> > aged

> > > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early

> > > rosacea

> > > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> > treatments

> > > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin

> > changes.

> > > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > > pathophysiology,

> > > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched


> > the

> > > > key search

> > > > terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by

> physician

> > > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of

> rosacea

> > > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea

> includes

> > > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy,

> both

> > > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy,

> and

> > > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > > Introduction

> > > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers

> increasingly

> > > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red

> face.

> > > Of

> > > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the


> > for

> > > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial

> > redness

> > > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's self-

> > > esteem

> > > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature


> > > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with

> alcoholism,

> > > as

> > > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> > patients.

> > > A

> > > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of

> > rosacea

> > > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69%

> report

> > > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of pleasure


> > > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it adversely

> > > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that can

> be

> > > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > > Methods

> > > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> > diagnosis,

> > > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > > >

> included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > Diagnosis

> > > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that they

> > suffer

> > > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent

> > > facial

> > > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind

> burn,

> > > or

> > > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early


> of

> > > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea can

> > > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]

> > cea

> > > is

> > > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that

> > follows

> > > a

> > > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally

> involves

> > > the

> > > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the

> > nose

> > > in

> > > > men.[4]

> > > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea. Stage


> > can

> > > be

> > > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by

> frequent

> > > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of

> > rosacea.

> > > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,

> although

> > > the

> > > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5] There

> > might

> > > be

> > > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of

> burning,

> > > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products or

> > > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is vascular.


> > > this

> > > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> > midfacial

> > > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.[4]

> In

> > > the

> > > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and

> > > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules

> > begin

> > > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > > conjunctivitis

> > > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the

> region

> > > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> > continued

> > > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular


> > can

> > > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision. Multiple

> > > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is


> > this

> > > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin

> > > produces

> > > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> > rosacea.

> > > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and

> localized

> > > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> > Seborrheic

> > > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus

> can

> > > all

> > > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce


> > > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and


> > of

> > > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by


> > red

> > > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest

> itself

> > > in

> > > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show sarcoid

> > > > granulomas.[7]

> > > >

> > > > Pathophysiology

> > > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> > > pathologic

> > > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused


> > > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It is

> > > thought

> > > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can develop

> as

> > a

> > > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> > vasculature.

> > > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia and

> > > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori

> > > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally

> implicated

> > as

> > > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been


> > with

> > > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren


> In

> > a

> > > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no

> benefit

> > > in

> > > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> > treatment

> > > of

> > > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > > improvement

> > > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in rosacea

> > > remains

> > > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > > Treatment

> > > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is

> the

> > > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and

> situations

> > > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes in

> > > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea

> patients

> > > must

> > > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block

> when

> > > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also

> increase

> > > the

> > > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself,


> > > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation.


> > > foods

> > > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through autonomic

> > > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those

> facial

> > > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> > > mitigate

> > > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis.

> > > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first line

> of

> > > > therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily

> due

> > > to

> > > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.[4]

> > > Topical

> > > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II

> > rosacea

> > > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered

> > first-

> > > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily

> > > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily

> 1.0%

> > > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has


> > > found

> > > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily


> > > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in place


> > > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be


> > > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting treatment

> > with

> > > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial


> > > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is discontinued,

> and

> > > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> > continued

> > > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever

> comes

> > > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic

> prescribed

> > > for

> > > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2

> to

> > 4

> > > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> > acceptable

> > > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable


> > > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg

> once

> > > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > > gastrointestinal

> > > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin,


> mg

> > > to

> > > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > > doxycycline

> > > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > > New Therapies

> > > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> > possessing

> > > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is

> > > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.

> In

> > > 1999

> > > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid

> with

> > > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of

> papulopustular

> > > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> > > effective

> > > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the

> associated

> > > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'

> rating

> > of

> > > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the azelaic

> acid

> > > was

> > > > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients

> > involved

> > > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial

> effect

> > on

> > > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of

> retinoic

> > > acid

> > > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> > erythema,

> > > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in


> > > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and retinoic

> > acid,

> > > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily application


> a

> > > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> > positive

> > > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those


> > > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were


> > in

> > > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of

> rosacea.

> > > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in

> the

> > > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an


> > the-

> > > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation

> was

> > > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study.


> of

> > > the

> > > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > > improvement

> > > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > > production

> > > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea,


> > that

> > > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be


> > for

> > > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need to

> be

> > > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin


> In

> > a

> > > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea,

> major

> > > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were


> > by

> > > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the


> of

> > > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant


> of

> > > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> > > effects,

> > > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective

> birth

> > > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible fibrotic

> > > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to medical

> > > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for

> > cosmetic

> > > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly common

> > > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical

> effects,

> > > the

> > > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea is

> > > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be readily

> > > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > > >

> > > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> > Physicians

> > > of

> > > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

> One of the reasons I brought up that Medscape article because they

> suggested that atrophy of the papillary dermis may be a reason why

> rosacea occurs in some people. I never heard of that...

Matija, are you referring to, " It is thought that atrophy of the

papillary dermis provides for easier visualization of the dermal

capillaries. " If so, they aren't talking about a reason for rosacea,

just explaining why spiders and blood vessels might been seen through

the epidermis.

Atrophy means thinning, weakening, and it's not unique to rosacea.

The papillary dermis isn't a new term or concept, it's just one of

the two layers of the dermis (as the stratum corneum is one of the

five layers of the epidermis).

> It's just a hypothesis at this point, so we don't know for certain

> if it is the cause, one of the causes or has nothing to do with it.

What hypothesis? Now I'm totally confused. Where specifically in the

article is the hypothesis that atrophy of the dermis causes rosacea?

> About the lack of cutting-edge accuracy in that article, that's not

> good for those who do see their primary care physicians for


> especially since the article was published in May 2002.

But primary care physicians know these Board review articles aren't

sources of scholarly information; they're fine for what they are

intended. We don't insist that the latest version of the Cliff Notes

on Hamlet be a cutting edge scholarly examination of Hamlet.

> (Some

> insurance companies make it extremely difficult for some


> with rosacea to see a dermatologist who, hopefully, will be on the

> cutting edge of accuracy. Who knows if they are?) I guess that's

> why

> many make the point that their physicians don't have current

> knowledge of the disorder. In a roundabout way, you've confirmed


Oh, I have not! Gimme a break!


Marjorie Lazoff, MD



> > > > > Hi,

> > > > >

> > > > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002.

> It's

> > > > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old


> > and

> > > > some

> > > > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical

> > Retin

> > > A

> > > > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at

> > > least)

> > > > on

> > > > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article

> will

> > > > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > > > >

> > > > > Take care,

> > > > > Matija

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > > > Abstract

> > > > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting

> middle-

> > > aged

> > > > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that


> > > > rosacea

> > > > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> > > treatments

> > > > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin

> > > changes.

> > > > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > > > pathophysiology,

> > > > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched

> using

> > > the

> > > > > key search

> > > > >

terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by

> > physician

> > > > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of

> > rosacea

> > > > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea

> > includes

> > > > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy,

> > both

> > > > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C


> > and

> > > > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > > > Introduction

> > > > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers

> > increasingly

> > > > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red

> > face.

> > > > Of

> > > > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the

> diagnosis

> > > for

> > > > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > > > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial

> > > redness

> > > > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's


> > > > esteem

> > > > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature

> of

> > > > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with

> > alcoholism,

> > > > as

> > > > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> > > patients.

> > > > A

> > > > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of

> > > rosacea

> > > > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69%

> > report

> > > > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of


> or

> > > > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > > > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it


> > > > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that


> > be

> > > > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > > > Methods

> > > > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> > > diagnosis,

> > > > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > > > >

> > included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > Diagnosis

> > > > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that


> > > suffer

> > > > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the


> > > > facial

> > > > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind

> > burn,

> > > > or

> > > > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early

> treatment

> > of

> > > > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea


> > > > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]

> > > cea

> > > > is

> > > > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that

> > > follows

> > > > a

> > > > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally

> > involves

> > > > the

> > > > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for


> > > nose

> > > > in

> > > > > men.[4]

> > > > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea.


> I

> > > can

> > > > be

> > > > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by

> > frequent

> > > > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of

> > > rosacea.

> > > > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,

> > although

> > > > the

> > > > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5]


> > > might

> > > > be

> > > > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of

> > burning,

> > > > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products


> > > > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is


> At

> > > > this

> > > > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> > > midfacial

> > > > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.


> > In

> > > > the

> > > > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper


> > > > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and


> > > begin

> > > > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > > > conjunctivitis

> > > > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the

> > region

> > > > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> > > continued

> > > > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular

> inflammation

> > > can

> > > > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision.


> > > > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is

> at

> > > this

> > > > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the


> > > > produces

> > > > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> > > rosacea.

> > > > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and

> > localized

> > > > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> > > Seborrheic

> > > > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of


> > can

> > > > all

> > > > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce

> the

> > > > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and

> pustules

> > > of

> > > > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by

> producing

> > > red

> > > > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest

> > itself

> > > > in

> > > > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show


> > > > > granulomas.[7]

> > > > >

> > > > > Pathophysiology

> > > > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> > > > pathologic

> > > > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is


> by

> > > > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It


> > > > thought

> > > > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can


> > as

> > > a

> > > > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> > > vasculature.

> > > > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia


> > > > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter


> > > > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally

> > implicated

> > > as

> > > > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been

> associated

> > > with

> > > > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren

> syndrome.

> > In

> > > a

> > > > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no

> > benefit

> > > > in

> > > > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> > > treatment

> > > > of

> > > > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > > > improvement

> > > > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in


> > > > remains

> > > > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > > > Treatment

> > > > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea


> > the

> > > > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and

> > situations

> > > > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes


> > > > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea

> > patients

> > > > must

> > > > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block

> > when

> > > > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also

> > increase

> > > > the

> > > > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself,

> can

> > > > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation.

> Spicy

> > > > foods

> > > > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through


> > > > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those

> > facial

> > > > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> > > > mitigate

> > > > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible


> > > > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first


> > of

> > > > > therapy, although their success is considered to be


> > due

> > > > to

> > > > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.


> > > > Topical

> > > > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II

> > > rosacea

> > > > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is


> > > first-

> > > > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-


> > > > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily

> > 1.0%

> > > > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has

> been

> > > > found

> > > > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily

> 0.75%

> > > > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in


> of

> > > > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be

> less

> > > > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting


> > > with

> > > > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial

> prominent

> > > > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is


> > and

> > > > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> > > continued

> > > > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever

> > comes

> > > > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic

> > prescribed

> > > > for

> > > > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into


> > to

> > > 4

> > > > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> > > acceptable

> > > > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable

> alternative,

> > > > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg

> > once

> > > > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > > > gastrointestinal

> > > > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin,

> 250

> > mg

> > > > to

> > > > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > > > doxycycline

> > > > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > > > New Therapies

> > > > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> > > possessing

> > > > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and


> > > > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne


> > In

> > > > 1999

> > > > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid

> > with

> > > > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of

> > papulopustular

> > > > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> > > > effective

> > > > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the

> > associated

> > > > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'

> > rating

> > > of

> > > > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the


> > acid

> > > > was

> > > > > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients

> > > involved

> > > > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial

> > effect

> > > on

> > > > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of

> > retinoic

> > > > acid

> > > > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> > > erythema,

> > > > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in

> the

> > > > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and


> > > acid,

> > > > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > > > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily


> of

> > a

> > > > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> > > positive

> > > > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those

> patients

> > > > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were

> found

> > > in

> > > > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of

> > rosacea.

> > > > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied


> > the

> > > > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an

> over-

> > > the-

> > > > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)


> > was

> > > > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study.

> Nine

> > of

> > > > the

> > > > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > > > improvement

> > > > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > > > production

> > > > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea,

> and

> > > that

> > > > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be

> responsible

> > > for

> > > > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need


> > be

> > > > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin

> therapy.

> > In

> > > a

> > > > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea,

> > major

> > > > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were

> noted

> > > by

> > > > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the

> size

> > of

> > > > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant

> cases

> > of

> > > > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > > > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> > > > effects,

> > > > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > > > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective

> > birth

> > > > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible


> > > > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to


> > > > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for

> > > cosmetic

> > > > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly


> > > > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical

> > effects,

> > > > the

> > > > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > > > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea


> > > > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be


> > > > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > > > >

> > > > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> > > Physicians

> > > > of

> > > > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

> One of the reasons I brought up that Medscape article because they

> suggested that atrophy of the papillary dermis may be a reason why

> rosacea occurs in some people. I never heard of that...

Matija, are you referring to, " It is thought that atrophy of the

papillary dermis provides for easier visualization of the dermal

capillaries. " If so, they aren't talking about a reason for rosacea,

just explaining why spiders and blood vessels might been seen through

the epidermis.

Atrophy means thinning, weakening, and it's not unique to rosacea.

The papillary dermis isn't a new term or concept, it's just one of

the two layers of the dermis (as the stratum corneum is one of the

five layers of the epidermis).

> It's just a hypothesis at this point, so we don't know for certain

> if it is the cause, one of the causes or has nothing to do with it.

What hypothesis? Now I'm totally confused. Where specifically in the

article is the hypothesis that atrophy of the dermis causes rosacea?

> About the lack of cutting-edge accuracy in that article, that's not

> good for those who do see their primary care physicians for


> especially since the article was published in May 2002.

But primary care physicians know these Board review articles aren't

sources of scholarly information; they're fine for what they are

intended. We don't insist that the latest version of the Cliff Notes

on Hamlet be a cutting edge scholarly examination of Hamlet.

> (Some

> insurance companies make it extremely difficult for some


> with rosacea to see a dermatologist who, hopefully, will be on the

> cutting edge of accuracy. Who knows if they are?) I guess that's

> why

> many make the point that their physicians don't have current

> knowledge of the disorder. In a roundabout way, you've confirmed


Oh, I have not! Gimme a break!


Marjorie Lazoff, MD



> > > > > Hi,

> > > > >

> > > > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May 2002.

> It's

> > > > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old


> > and

> > > > some

> > > > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like topical

> > Retin

> > > A

> > > > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me, at

> > > least)

> > > > on

> > > > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this article

> will

> > > > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > > > >

> > > > > Take care,

> > > > > Matija

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > > > Abstract

> > > > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting

> middle-

> > > aged

> > > > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that


> > > > rosacea

> > > > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> > > treatments

> > > > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin

> > > changes.

> > > > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > > > pathophysiology,

> > > > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched

> using

> > > the

> > > > > key search

> > > > >

terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by

> > physician

> > > > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of

> > rosacea

> > > > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea

> > includes

> > > > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy,

> > both

> > > > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C


> > and

> > > > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > > > Introduction

> > > > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers

> > increasingly

> > > > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the red

> > face.

> > > > Of

> > > > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the

> diagnosis

> > > for

> > > > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a life-

> > > > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous facial

> > > redness

> > > > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's


> > > > esteem

> > > > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent feature

> of

> > > > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with

> > alcoholism,

> > > > as

> > > > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> > > patients.

> > > > A

> > > > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75% of

> > > rosacea

> > > > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment, 69%

> > report

> > > > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of


> or

> > > > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected their

> > > > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it


> > > > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that


> > be

> > > > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > > > Methods

> > > > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> > > diagnosis,

> > > > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > > > >

> > included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > Diagnosis

> > > > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that


> > > suffer

> > > > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the


> > > > facial

> > > > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind

> > burn,

> > > > or

> > > > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early

> treatment

> > of

> > > > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea


> > > > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.[3]

> > > cea

> > > > is

> > > > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that

> > > follows

> > > > a

> > > > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally

> > involves

> > > > the

> > > > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for


> > > nose

> > > > in

> > > > > men.[4]

> > > > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea.


> I

> > > can

> > > > be

> > > > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by

> > frequent

> > > > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history of

> > > rosacea.

> > > > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,

> > although

> > > > the

> > > > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5]


> > > might

> > > > be

> > > > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of

> > burning,

> > > > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care products


> > > > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is


> At

> > > > this

> > > > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> > > midfacial

> > > > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.


> > In

> > > > the

> > > > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper


> > > > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and


> > > begin

> > > > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > > > conjunctivitis

> > > > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the

> > region

> > > > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> > > continued

> > > > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular

> inflammation

> > > can

> > > > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision.


> > > > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It is

> at

> > > this

> > > > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the


> > > > produces

> > > > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> > > rosacea.

> > > > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and

> > localized

> > > > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> > > Seborrheic

> > > > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of


> > can

> > > > all

> > > > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not produce

> the

> > > > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and

> pustules

> > > of

> > > > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by

> producing

> > > red

> > > > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually manifest

> > itself

> > > > in

> > > > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show


> > > > > granulomas.[7]

> > > > >

> > > > > Pathophysiology

> > > > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the

> > > > pathologic

> > > > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is


> by

> > > > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1] It


> > > > thought

> > > > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can


> > as

> > > a

> > > > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> > > vasculature.

> > > > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia


> > > > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter


> > > > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally

> > implicated

> > > as

> > > > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been

> associated

> > > with

> > > > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren

> syndrome.

> > In

> > > a

> > > > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no

> > benefit

> > > > in

> > > > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> > > treatment

> > > > of

> > > > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > > > improvement

> > > > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in


> > > > remains

> > > > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > > > Treatment

> > > > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea


> > the

> > > > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and

> > situations

> > > > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin changes


> > > > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea

> > patients

> > > > must

> > > > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block

> > when

> > > > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also

> > increase

> > > > the

> > > > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in itself,

> can

> > > > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation.

> Spicy

> > > > foods

> > > > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through


> > > > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those

> > facial

> > > > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to

> > > > mitigate

> > > > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible


> > > > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first


> > of

> > > > > therapy, although their success is considered to be


> > due

> > > > to

> > > > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.


> > > > Topical

> > > > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II

> > > rosacea

> > > > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is


> > > first-

> > > > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-


> > > > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-daily

> > 1.0%

> > > > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has

> been

> > > > found

> > > > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily

> 0.75%

> > > > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in


> of

> > > > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might be

> less

> > > > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting


> > > with

> > > > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial

> prominent

> > > > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is


> > and

> > > > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> > > continued

> > > > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks, whichever

> > comes

> > > > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic

> > prescribed

> > > > for

> > > > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into


> > to

> > > 4

> > > > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> > > acceptable

> > > > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable

> alternative,

> > > > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg

> > once

> > > > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > > > gastrointestinal

> > > > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14] Clarithromycin,

> 250

> > mg

> > > > to

> > > > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > > > doxycycline

> > > > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > > > New Therapies

> > > > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> > > possessing

> > > > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and


> > > > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne


> > In

> > > > 1999

> > > > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic acid

> > with

> > > > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of

> > papulopustular

> > > > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were equally

> > > > effective

> > > > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the

> > associated

> > > > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'

> > rating

> > > of

> > > > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the


> > acid

> > > > was

> > > > > considered to be considerably more effective. The patients

> > > involved

> > > > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial

> > effect

> > > on

> > > > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of

> > retinoic

> > > > acid

> > > > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> > > erythema,

> > > > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate in

> the

> > > > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and


> > > acid,

> > > > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of the

> > > > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily


> of

> > a

> > > > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> > > positive

> > > > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those

> patients

> > > > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were

> found

> > > in

> > > > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of

> > rosacea.

> > > > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied


> > the

> > > > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an

> over-

> > > the-

> > > > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)


> > was

> > > > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study.

> Nine

> > of

> > > > the

> > > > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > > > improvement

> > > > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > > > production

> > > > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of rosacea,

> and

> > > that

> > > > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be

> responsible

> > > for

> > > > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still need


> > be

> > > > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin

> therapy.

> > In

> > > a

> > > > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate rosacea,

> > major

> > > > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were

> noted

> > > by

> > > > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the

> size

> > of

> > > > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant

> cases

> > of

> > > > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d of

> > > > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious side-

> > > > effects,

> > > > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients of

> > > > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use effective

> > birth

> > > > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible


> > > > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to


> > > > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred for

> > > cosmetic

> > > > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly


> > > > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical

> > effects,

> > > > the

> > > > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields intense

> > > > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of rosacea


> > > > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be


> > > > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > > > >

> > > > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> > > Physicians

> > > > of

> > > > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

I'm sorry. I realize that I was wrong about the role of the papillary

dermis in rosacea. I should have looked it up instead of relying on

my faulty memory. I've heard that the skin can thin and broken blood

vessels can show through. I didn't know it was the papillary dermis

that was being thinned.

If this article is not on the cutting-edge of accuracy, even in its

abridged form, why is it being used as a study guide, dated May

2002? It doesn't take a lot of words to summarize the new

classification of rosacea. If these are Cliff Notes for rosacea, why

do they miss the current facts? The facts of Hamlet remain the same

year after year because it was written around 1600 and he's the

prince of Denmark. I don't think that we're going to find out that he

was actually the prince of Albania and it was written 50 years ago.

If it's not a serious article, why is Medline placing it in the US

Library of Medicine's database? I assume that Medline has some sort

of criteria in choosing publications and articles that have some

scholarly merit. It's not like my local library stocking MAD magazine

and the New York Times to try to appeal to the general public. These

are articles that address an audience of professionals who dedicate

their lives to the practice of medicine. I assume that the bar is

raised high in that case.

How do us non-physicians know when an article on rosacea written in a

medical journal and stored in the Medline database is cutting-edge

accurate. Are there signs to look for? Are there some journals that

are better than others? It would be good to have some direct

information on what to look for, so we know if an article is accurate

or if it's something that physicians don't take seriously.

Take care,


> > > > > > Hi,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May


> > It's

> > > > > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old

> news

> > > and

> > > > > some

> > > > > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like


> > > Retin

> > > > A

> > > > > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me,


> > > > least)

> > > > > on

> > > > > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this


> > will

> > > > > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Take care,

> > > > > > Matija

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > > > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > > > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > > > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > > > > Abstract

> > > > > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting

> > middle-

> > > > aged

> > > > > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that

> early

> > > > > rosacea

> > > > > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> > > > treatments

> > > > > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring


> > > > changes.

> > > > > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > > > > pathophysiology,

> > > > > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched

> > using

> > > > the

> > > > > > key search

> > > > > >

> terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by

> > > physician

> > > > > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of

> > > rosacea

> > > > > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea

> > > includes

> > > > > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic


> > > both

> > > > > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C

> therapy,

> > > and

> > > > > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > > > > Introduction

> > > > > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers

> > > increasingly

> > > > > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the


> > > face.

> > > > > Of

> > > > > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the

> > diagnosis

> > > > for

> > > > > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a


> > > > > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous


> > > > redness

> > > > > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's

> self-

> > > > > esteem

> > > > > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent


> > of

> > > > > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with

> > > alcoholism,

> > > > > as

> > > > > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> > > > patients.

> > > > > A

> > > > > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75%


> > > > rosacea

> > > > > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment,


> > > report

> > > > > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of

> pleasure

> > or

> > > > > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected


> > > > > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it

> adversely

> > > > > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > > > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that

> can

> > > be

> > > > > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > > > > Methods

> > > > > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> > > > diagnosis,

> > > > > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > > > > >

> > >

included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > > Diagnosis

> > > > > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that

> they

> > > > suffer

> > > > > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the

> intermittent

> > > > > facial

> > > > > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or


> > > burn,

> > > > > or

> > > > > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early

> > treatment

> > > of

> > > > > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea

> can

> > > > > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.


> > > > cea

> > > > > is

> > > > > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms


> > > > follows

> > > > > a

> > > > > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally

> > > involves

> > > > > the

> > > > > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for

> the

> > > > nose

> > > > > in

> > > > > > men.[4]

> > > > > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea.

> Stage

> > I

> > > > can

> > > > > be

> > > > > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by

> > > frequent

> > > > > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history


> > > > rosacea.

> > > > > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,

> > > although

> > > > > the

> > > > > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5]

> There

> > > > might

> > > > > be

> > > > > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of

> > > burning,

> > > > > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care


> or

> > > > > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is

> vascular.

> > At

> > > > > this

> > > > > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> > > > midfacial

> > > > > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.

> [4]

> > > In

> > > > > the

> > > > > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper

> and

> > > > > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and

> pustules

> > > > begin

> > > > > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > > > > conjunctivitis

> > > > > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the

> > > region

> > > > > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> > > > continued

> > > > > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular

> > inflammation

> > > > can

> > > > > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision.

> Multiple

> > > > > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It


> > at

> > > > this

> > > > > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the

> skin

> > > > > produces

> > > > > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > > > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> > > > rosacea.

> > > > > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and

> > > localized

> > > > > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > > > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> > > > Seborrheic

> > > > > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of

> lupus

> > > can

> > > > > all

> > > > > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not


> > the

> > > > > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and

> > pustules

> > > > of

> > > > > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by

> > producing

> > > > red

> > > > > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually


> > > itself

> > > > > in

> > > > > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show

> sarcoid

> > > > > > granulomas.[7]

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Pathophysiology

> > > > > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown,


> > > > > pathologic

> > > > > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is

> caused

> > by

> > > > > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1]


> is

> > > > > thought

> > > > > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > > > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can

> develop

> > > as

> > > > a

> > > > > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> > > > vasculature.

> > > > > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia

> and

> > > > > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter

> pylori

> > > > > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally

> > > implicated

> > > > as

> > > > > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been

> > associated

> > > > with

> > > > > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren

> > syndrome.

> > > In

> > > > a

> > > > > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no

> > > benefit

> > > > > in

> > > > > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> > > > treatment

> > > > > of

> > > > > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > > > > improvement

> > > > > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in

> rosacea

> > > > > remains

> > > > > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > > > > Treatment

> > > > > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea

> is

> > > the

> > > > > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and

> > > situations

> > > > > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin


> in

> > > > > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea

> > > patients

> > > > > must

> > > > > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun


> > > when

> > > > > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also

> > > increase

> > > > > the

> > > > > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in


> > can

> > > > > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation.

> > Spicy

> > > > > foods

> > > > > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through

> autonomic

> > > > > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only


> > > facial

> > > > > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > > > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > > > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations


> > > > > mitigate

> > > > > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible

> fibrosis.

> > > > > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first

> line

> > > of

> > > > > > therapy, although their success is considered to be

> primarily

> > > due

> > > > > to

> > > > > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.

> [4]

> > > > > Topical

> > > > > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage


> > > > rosacea

> > > > > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is

> considered

> > > > first-

> > > > > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-

> daily

> > > > > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-


> > > 1.0%

> > > > > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has

> > been

> > > > > found

> > > > > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily

> > 0.75%

> > > > > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in

> place

> > of

> > > > > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might


> > less

> > > > > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > > > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting

> treatment

> > > > with

> > > > > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial

> > prominent

> > > > > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is

> discontinued,

> > > and

> > > > > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> > > > continued

> > > > > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks,


> > > comes

> > > > > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic

> > > prescribed

> > > > > for

> > > > > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided


> 2

> > > to

> > > > 4

> > > > > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> > > > acceptable

> > > > > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable

> > alternative,

> > > > > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100


> > > once

> > > > > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > > > > gastrointestinal

> > > > > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14]


> > 250

> > > mg

> > > > > to

> > > > > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > > > > doxycycline

> > > > > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > > > > New Therapies

> > > > > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> > > > possessing

> > > > > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream


> is

> > > > > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne

> vulgaris.

> > > In

> > > > > 1999

> > > > > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic


> > > with

> > > > > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of

> > > papulopustular

> > > > > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were


> > > > > effective

> > > > > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the

> > > associated

> > > > > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'

> > > rating

> > > > of

> > > > > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the

> azelaic

> > > acid

> > > > > was

> > > > > > considered to be considerably more effective. The


> > > > involved

> > > > > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > > > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial

> > > effect

> > > > on

> > > > > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of

> > > retinoic

> > > > > acid

> > > > > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> > > > erythema,

> > > > > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate


> > the

> > > > > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and

> retinoic

> > > > acid,

> > > > > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of


> > > > > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily

> application

> > of

> > > a

> > > > > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> > > > positive

> > > > > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those

> > patients

> > > > > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were

> > found

> > > > in

> > > > > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of

> > > rosacea.

> > > > > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied

> in

> > > the

> > > > > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an

> > over-

> > > > the-

> > > > > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)

> preparation

> > > was

> > > > > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study.

> > Nine

> > > of

> > > > > the

> > > > > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > > > > improvement

> > > > > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > > > > production

> > > > > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of


> > and

> > > > that

> > > > > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be

> > responsible

> > > > for

> > > > > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still


> to

> > > be

> > > > > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > > > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > > > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin

> > therapy.

> > > In

> > > > a

> > > > > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate


> > > major

> > > > > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were

> > noted

> > > > by

> > > > > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the

> > size

> > > of

> > > > > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant

> > cases

> > > of

> > > > > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d


> > > > > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious


> > > > > effects,

> > > > > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients


> > > > > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use


> > > birth

> > > > > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible

> fibrotic

> > > > > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to

> medical

> > > > > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred


> > > > cosmetic

> > > > > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > > > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly

> common

> > > > > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical

> > > effects,

> > > > > the

> > > > > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields


> > > > > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of


> is

> > > > > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be

> readily

> > > > > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> > > > Physicians

> > > > > of

> > > > > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > > > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

I'm sorry. I realize that I was wrong about the role of the papillary

dermis in rosacea. I should have looked it up instead of relying on

my faulty memory. I've heard that the skin can thin and broken blood

vessels can show through. I didn't know it was the papillary dermis

that was being thinned.

If this article is not on the cutting-edge of accuracy, even in its

abridged form, why is it being used as a study guide, dated May

2002? It doesn't take a lot of words to summarize the new

classification of rosacea. If these are Cliff Notes for rosacea, why

do they miss the current facts? The facts of Hamlet remain the same

year after year because it was written around 1600 and he's the

prince of Denmark. I don't think that we're going to find out that he

was actually the prince of Albania and it was written 50 years ago.

If it's not a serious article, why is Medline placing it in the US

Library of Medicine's database? I assume that Medline has some sort

of criteria in choosing publications and articles that have some

scholarly merit. It's not like my local library stocking MAD magazine

and the New York Times to try to appeal to the general public. These

are articles that address an audience of professionals who dedicate

their lives to the practice of medicine. I assume that the bar is

raised high in that case.

How do us non-physicians know when an article on rosacea written in a

medical journal and stored in the Medline database is cutting-edge

accurate. Are there signs to look for? Are there some journals that

are better than others? It would be good to have some direct

information on what to look for, so we know if an article is accurate

or if it's something that physicians don't take seriously.

Take care,


> > > > > > Hi,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I found this article on Medscape which was dated May


> > It's

> > > > > > geared towards primary care physicians and has some old

> news

> > > and

> > > > > some

> > > > > > stuff that really irritates some of our skin (like


> > > Retin

> > > > A

> > > > > > and Vitamin C). It also has some new information (to me,


> > > > least)

> > > > > on

> > > > > > the mechanisms behind edema. I don't know if this


> > will

> > > > > > be " Marjorie-approved " but it looks like a good one.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Take care,

> > > > > > Matija

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Diagnosis and Treatment of cea

> > > > > > from Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

> > > > > > F. Cohen, MD, D. Tiemstra, MD

> > > > > > Abstract and Introduction

> > > > > > Abstract

> > > > > > Background: cea is a common skin disorder affecting

> > middle-

> > > > aged

> > > > > > and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that

> early

> > > > > rosacea

> > > > > > is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective

> > > > treatments

> > > > > > exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring


> > > > changes.

> > > > > > Methods: The medical literature was reviewed on the

> > > > > pathophysiology,

> > > > > > diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched

> > using

> > > > the

> > > > > > key search

> > > > > >

> terms " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > > Results and Conclusions: cea is easily diagnosed by

> > > physician

> > > > > > observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of

> > > rosacea

> > > > > > treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea

> > > includes

> > > > > > avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic


> > > both

> > > > > > topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C

> therapy,

> > > and

> > > > > > cosmetic surgery.

> > > > > > Introduction

> > > > > > As the general population ages and the baby boomers

> > > increasingly

> > > > > > dominate clinical practice, a frequent complaint is the


> > > face.

> > > > > Of

> > > > > > the many causes of the red face, rosacea will be the

> > diagnosis

> > > > for

> > > > > > approximately 13 million Americans.[1] Although not a


> > > > > > threatening condition, rosacea produces conspicuous


> > > > redness

> > > > > > and blemishes that can have a deep impact on a patient's

> self-

> > > > > esteem

> > > > > > and quality of life. Rhinophyma, the most prominent


> > of

> > > > > > advanced rosacea, is often mistakenly associated with

> > > alcoholism,

> > > > > as

> > > > > > caricatured by W.C. Fields, further stigmatizing rosacea

> > > > patients.

> > > > > A

> > > > > > survey by the National cea Society reported that 75%


> > > > rosacea

> > > > > > patients felt low self-esteem, 70% felt embarrassment,


> > > report

> > > > > > frustration, 56% felt that they had been " robbed of

> pleasure

> > or

> > > > > > happiness, " 60% felt the disorder negatively affected


> > > > > > professional interactions, and 57% believed that it

> adversely

> > > > > > affected their social lives.[2] Much of this suffering is

> > > > > > unnecessary, however, because rosacea is a condition that

> can

> > > be

> > > > > > easily diagnosed and effectively treated in most patients.

> > > > > > Methods

> > > > > > We undertook a literature review on the pathophysiology,

> > > > diagnosis,

> > > > > > and treatment of rosacea using MEDLINE. Key search terms

> > > > > >

> > >

included " rosacea, " " rhinophyma, " " metronidazole, " " Helicobacter

> > > > > > pylori, " and " facial redness. "

> > > > > > Diagnosis

> > > > > > cea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that

> they

> > > > suffer

> > > > > > from a treatable skin condition, assume that the

> intermittent

> > > > > facial

> > > > > > flushing, papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or


> > > burn,

> > > > > or

> > > > > > normal effects of aging. Correct diagnosis and early

> > treatment

> > > of

> > > > > > rosacea are important because, if left untreated, rosacea

> can

> > > > > > progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.


> > > > cea

> > > > > is

> > > > > > a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms


> > > > follows

> > > > > a

> > > > > > remarkably homogenous clinical course. cea generally

> > > involves

> > > > > the

> > > > > > cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, with a predilection for

> the

> > > > nose

> > > > > in

> > > > > > men.[4]

> > > > > > There are four acknowledged general stages of rosacea.

> Stage

> > I

> > > > can

> > > > > be

> > > > > > described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by

> > > frequent

> > > > > > blushing, especially in those who have a family history


> > > > rosacea.

> > > > > > Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood,

> > > although

> > > > > the

> > > > > > typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years.[5]

> There

> > > > might

> > > > > be

> > > > > > increased frequency of facial flushing or complaints of

> > > burning,

> > > > > > redness, and stinging when using common skin care


> or

> > > > > > antiacne therapies. The second stage of rosacea is

> vascular.

> > At

> > > > > this

> > > > > > point in the disease progression, transitory erythema of

> > > > midfacial

> > > > > > areas, as well as slight telangiectasias, become apparent.

> [4]

> > > In

> > > > > the

> > > > > > third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper

> and

> > > > > > permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and

> pustules

> > > > begin

> > > > > > to develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as

> > > > > conjunctivitis

> > > > > > and blepharitis, can develop.[6] Edema can develop in the

> > > region

> > > > > > above the nasolabial folds. In the fourth stage, there is

> > > > continued

> > > > > > and increased skin and ocular inflammation. Ocular

> > inflammation

> > > > can

> > > > > > progress to keratitis and result in loss of vision.

> Multiple

> > > > > > telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region. It


> > at

> > > > this

> > > > > > point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the

> skin

> > > > > produces

> > > > > > the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.[4]

> > > > > > Several skin conditions share some clinical features with

> > > > rosacea.

> > > > > > Acne vulgaris causes comedones, papules, pustules, and

> > > localized

> > > > > > inflammatory nodules but not the generalized erythema,

> > > > > > telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea.

> > > > Seborrheic

> > > > > > dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of

> lupus

> > > can

> > > > > all

> > > > > > cause mild erythema, but these conditions will not


> > the

> > > > > > characteristic flushing, telangiectasias, papules, and

> > pustules

> > > > of

> > > > > > rosacea.[1] Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by

> > producing

> > > > red

> > > > > > papules on the face, but the disease will usually


> > > itself

> > > > > in

> > > > > > other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will show

> sarcoid

> > > > > > granulomas.[7]

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Pathophysiology

> > > > > > Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown,


> > > > > pathologic

> > > > > > process is well described. The erythema of rosacea is

> caused

> > by

> > > > > > dilation of the superficial vasculature of the face.[1]


> is

> > > > > thought

> > > > > > that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for easier

> > > > > > visualization of the dermal capillaries.[9] Edema can

> develop

> > > as

> > > > a

> > > > > > result of the increased blood flow in the superficial

> > > > vasculature.

> > > > > > This edema might contribute to the late-stage fibroplasia

> and

> > > > > > rhinophyma.[1] It has been suggested that Helicobacter

> pylori

> > > > > > infection is a cause of rosacea. H pylori, originally

> > > implicated

> > > > as

> > > > > > the cause of gastric ulcers, has more recently been

> > associated

> > > > with

> > > > > > urticaria, Henoch-Schödonlein purpura, and Sjödogren

> > syndrome.

> > > In

> > > > a

> > > > > > 1999 study, however, Bamford et al[10] found there was no

> > > benefit

> > > > > in

> > > > > > the eradication of H pylori compared with placebo in the

> > > > treatment

> > > > > of

> > > > > > rosacea, although both subjects and controls experienced

> > > > > improvement

> > > > > > in the rosacea symptoms. Thus the role of H pylori in

> rosacea

> > > > > remains

> > > > > > uncertain, and the cause of rosacea remains elusive.

> > > > > > Treatment

> > > > > > The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea

> is

> > > the

> > > > > > avoidance of triggers. Triggers are both exposures and

> > > situations

> > > > > > that can cause a flare-up of the flushing and skin


> in

> > > > > > rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. cea

> > > patients

> > > > > must

> > > > > > be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun


> > > when

> > > > > > outdoors. Stress, through autonomic activation, can also

> > > increase

> > > > > the

> > > > > > flushing. Alcohol consumption, while not a cause in


> > can

> > > > > > aggravate this condition through peripheral vasodilation.

> > Spicy

> > > > > foods

> > > > > > can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through

> autonomic

> > > > > > stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only


> > > facial

> > > > > > cleansers, lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating,

> > > > > > hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.

> > > > > > cea should be treated at its earliest manifestations


> > > > > mitigate

> > > > > > progression to the stages of edema and irreversible

> fibrosis.

> > > > > > Antibiotics have traditionally been considered the first

> line

> > > of

> > > > > > therapy, although their success is considered to be

> primarily

> > > due

> > > > > to

> > > > > > anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.

> [4]

> > > > > Topical

> > > > > > metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage


> > > > rosacea

> > > > > > and avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is

> considered

> > > > first-

> > > > > > line therapy.[11] Metronidazole is available in a twice-

> daily

> > > > > > application of 0.75% cream or gel and in a newer once-


> > > 1.0%

> > > > > > formulation.[4] No significant difference in efficacy has

> > been

> > > > > found

> > > > > > between the once-daily 1.0% medicine and the twice-daily

> > 0.75%

> > > > > > medicine.[12] Sulfacetamide lotion can also be used in

> place

> > of

> > > > > > metronidazole. In certain patients, sulfacetamide might


> > less

> > > > > > irritating than metronidazole.[4]

> > > > > > cea responds well to oral antibiotics. Starting

> treatment

> > > > with

> > > > > > simultaneous oral and topical therapy reduces initial

> > prominent

> > > > > > symptoms, prevents relapse when oral therapy is

> discontinued,

> > > and

> > > > > > maintains long-term control.[6] Oral therapy is generally

> > > > continued

> > > > > > until inflammatory lesions clear or for 12 weeks,


> > > comes

> > > > > > first.[12] Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic

> > > prescribed

> > > > > for

> > > > > > rosacea therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided


> 2

> > > to

> > > > 4

> > > > > > daily doses. Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an

> > > > acceptable

> > > > > > alternative.[13] Doxycycline is another acceptable

> > alternative,

> > > > > > although the monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100


> > > once

> > > > > > daily, is more consistently effective and has fewer

> > > > > gastrointestinal

> > > > > > side effects than the hyclate form.[13,14]


> > 250

> > > mg

> > > > > to

> > > > > > 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be as effective as

> > > > > doxycycline

> > > > > > but with a more benign side effect profile.[15]

> > > > > > New Therapies

> > > > > > Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid

> > > > possessing

> > > > > > antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream


> is

> > > > > > generally used as an alternative treatment for acne

> vulgaris.

> > > In

> > > > > 1999

> > > > > > Maddin[16] compared once-daily applications of azelaic


> > > with

> > > > > > topical metronidazole 0.75% cream for treatment of

> > > papulopustular

> > > > > > rosacea. Maddin concluded that both medicines were


> > > > > effective

> > > > > > in reducing the number of inflammatory lesions and the

> > > associated

> > > > > > signs and symptoms of rosacea. When the study physicians'

> > > rating

> > > > of

> > > > > > the overall improvement was considered, however, the

> azelaic

> > > acid

> > > > > was

> > > > > > considered to be considerably more effective. The


> > > > involved

> > > > > > in the study also preferred the azelaic acid.[16]

> > > > > > Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial

> > > effect

> > > > on

> > > > > > the vascular component of rosacea.[17] The drawbacks of

> > > retinoic

> > > > > acid

> > > > > > therapy include delayed onset of effectiveness, dry skin,

> > > > erythema,

> > > > > > burning, and stinging.[17] Retinaldehyde is intermediate


> > the

> > > > > > natural metabolism of retinoids, between retinal and

> retinoic

> > > > acid,

> > > > > > and is generally well tolerated while retaining most of


> > > > > > therapeutic activity of retinoic acid.[17] Daily

> application

> > of

> > > a

> > > > > > 0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months was found to yield

> > > > positive

> > > > > > and statistically significant outcomes in 75% of those

> > patients

> > > > > > undergoing treatment.[17] Specifically, improvements were

> > found

> > > > in

> > > > > > erythema and telangiectasias, the vascular components of

> > > rosacea.

> > > > > > Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied

> in

> > > the

> > > > > > reduction of the erythema of rosacea.[18] Daily use of an

> > over-

> > > > the-

> > > > > > counter cosmetic 5.0% vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)

> preparation

> > > was

> > > > > > used in an observer-blinded and placebo-controlled study.

> > Nine

> > > of

> > > > > the

> > > > > > 12 participants experienced both objective and subjective

> > > > > improvement

> > > > > > in their erythema.[18] It was suggested that free-radical

> > > > > production

> > > > > > might play a role in the inflammatory reaction of


> > and

> > > > that

> > > > > > the antioxidant effect of L-ascorbic acid might be

> > responsible

> > > > for

> > > > > > its effect. These promising preliminary results still


> to

> > > be

> > > > > > confirmed in larger, long-term studies.

> > > > > > Treatment of Advanced Disease

> > > > > > Recalcitrant rosacea can respond to oral isotretinoin

> > therapy.

> > > In

> > > > a

> > > > > > recent study of 22 patients with mild to moderate


> > > major

> > > > > > reductions in erythema, papules, and telangiectasias were

> > noted

> > > > by

> > > > > > the ninth week of treatment.[19] Isotretinoin reduces the

> > size

> > > of

> > > > > > sebaceous glands and alters keratinization. Recalcitrant

> > cases

> > > of

> > > > > > rosacea have been successfully treated with 0.5 mg/kg/d


> > > > > > isotretinoin.[12] Isotretinoin, of course, has serious


> > > > > effects,

> > > > > > most notably its teratogenic potential. Female patients


> > > > > > childbearing age must be strongly advised to use


> > > birth

> > > > > > control. Stage IV of rosacea, involving irreversible

> fibrotic

> > > > > > changes, such as rhinophyma, does not respond well to

> medical

> > > > > > therapy. At that point, the patient should be referred


> > > > cosmetic

> > > > > > surgery, such as cryosurgery and laser therapy.

> > > > > > In the aging US population, rosacea is an increasingly

> common

> > > > > > disorder. Althoug h rosacea causes only limited physical

> > > effects,

> > > > > the

> > > > > > prominent visibility of these changes often yields


> > > > > > psychosocial distress. Although the exact cause of


> is

> > > > > > unknown, its progression, signs, and symptoms can be

> readily

> > > > > > alleviated by the primary care physician.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > F. Cohen, MD, and D. Tiemstra, MD, Family

> > > > Physicians

> > > > > of

> > > > > > Naperville, Family Practice Residency Department, Provena

> > > > > > Health/Saint ph Medical Center, Naperville, Ill.

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Guest guest

It seems like someone in this group not mentioning names is a little paranoid

that anything written that's not there own is not true a lie you know what i

mean like if someone else comes up with it first its going to be wrong.

egotistical BS i prefer consulting a dermatologist for skin i mean there

field is the skin and nothing else i don't mean to discredit anybody but it

seems like everytime someone try's to be helpful to the group with good

information that makes total sense to me that another poster says that's

wrong. And try's to make the person posting feel stupid or somthing.You know

all the discussion we all have had. it still goes back to the same treatments

antibiotics and metrogel and if your really bad accutane and photoderm. I

think our group knows more about rosacea than anybody else in the world

because we have it we know what it does to us and what works for us. I think

we should look inside this group and that is where the answer will be. Not

outside Thankyou I hope i did not make anyone mad this is just my opinion

Thankyou Carla rosacea 10 years

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Guest guest

It seems like someone in this group not mentioning names is a little paranoid

that anything written that's not there own is not true a lie you know what i

mean like if someone else comes up with it first its going to be wrong.

egotistical BS i prefer consulting a dermatologist for skin i mean there

field is the skin and nothing else i don't mean to discredit anybody but it

seems like everytime someone try's to be helpful to the group with good

information that makes total sense to me that another poster says that's

wrong. And try's to make the person posting feel stupid or somthing.You know

all the discussion we all have had. it still goes back to the same treatments

antibiotics and metrogel and if your really bad accutane and photoderm. I

think our group knows more about rosacea than anybody else in the world

because we have it we know what it does to us and what works for us. I think

we should look inside this group and that is where the answer will be. Not

outside Thankyou I hope i did not make anyone mad this is just my opinion

Thankyou Carla rosacea 10 years

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