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IEP mtg - HORRIBLE!! I walked out.

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I had the mtg with the school this morning. It was me, the Help Me

Grow caseworker and the itinerant teacher (the one the school wanted

to work w/ Garret), the SLP (who tested him), the SERRC prek lady,

and both the elem and high school principals. Yes there is strength

in numbers, but it didn't help me.

So when I first walked in there was just me the HMG and itin teacher

there. The itin teacher said hi (I'd never met her) and brought

over a paper for me to sign and then asked what time would be good

for Garret to get services from her (see where I'm going with this

one?!) I asked who exactly she was. She said the itin sped

teacher. I said I'm sorry but I'd like to see what you all have

already decided for my son before we go any further. I explained my

opinion (and apparently many others as well - OH state dept of sped,

ASHA, ARC, Ohio Legal Rights, etc) that a sped teacher is not

qualified to provide speech and language therapy. She actually said

that the state says she is, I corrected her and said no the state

licensed you as a sped teacher, not a SLP. Do NOT get me started!!!

I told all involved that I would be the pain the butt parent that we

all hate, but I will get what my son needs. So then the SLP went

over Garret's results (he's 3 standard deviations below in phonology,

so the SLP feels he needs speech therapy - he doesn't qualify for

communication, just phonology). The SLP says that for each sound he

got wrong she had to write what he said (and then said " you'll see I

had to write in something for each word/sound " ). She said he

definitely needs speech and language therapy. Then they moved on the

IEP (1 speech/phonology goal) for 5 or 6 sounds with the itin teacher

providing 1 hour service per week with the SLP consulting 2x a

YEAR!!!! When I got over my shock, they asked what I wanted. A SLP

at least 30 minutes 1x weekly, plain and simple. Well they all said

we can't find one, yes I know I saw your internet listing dated Dec.

1, '07 asking for one (that was 3 weeks after our initial trans

mtg). I had given them an agency to call to try to contract a SLP,

they said they did but they had no SLPs to provide. I gave them

another name/email with possible help for them. I explained that as

a school there are ways to get the services you need - write a grant

for funding, use outside/private sources. I also said I realize that

he is probably not the only child that needs an SLP in this school I

then explained that if he doesn't get the services he needs now as a

prek child when he comes to them in kindergarten he will need more

specialized services. I've never been to a mtg where there was so

many silences. No one knew what to say. I told all of them a few

times about speaking with the various agencies that I had spoken with

and the SERRC lady said " really they said our model wasn't legal? "

(itin providing speech therapy). Yes, they all said that a related

service - speech therapy- has to be provided by a SLP, that an itin

could provide his prek program, but not the related service of speech

therapy. So I signed the IEP and checked the box where I give

consent for this IEP except for - itin services. I then waited for

my copies, while waiting they asked how my school district where I

work did this? I said they found a program for the child and gave

them the services needed. The SLP asked how big is our SLP's

caseload, hers is 150 (was she looking for pity from me?!). The itin

teacher asked if I had checked with private organizations, did anyone

even have any openings? I said yes that we actually have an appt set

up w/ one and I've already spoken w/ another. They were surprised

that any agencies can actually see him at all. I got my copies,

said it had not been a pleasure and left. I am so mad!! I called

the ARC again and he told me to call the school back next week

requesting another mtg telling them I had to speak with my

representation (ARC & Ohio Legal Rights) first, but would like

another mtg to further discuss this issue. The Legal rights rep said

to go with an agenda (secure services for him and them ask the school

to apy for them), then say if not I will file a complaint. The legal

rep said she thought an adimistrative complaint would be the first

step and then due process. I am so disappointed in our school right

now. She also stated that since I signed the IEP the school is now

legally responsible for providing my son with services! Tick tock.


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Good for you. The school district and some of the people always try to pull a

fast one on parents. I had something similar happen with my son's IEP. They were

almost shocked that I knew what they were talking about. Plus I belong to

another group that deals with the ADHD part of my sons condition,and they gave

me great sites to look up information. So I knew a few things going in. I felt a

lot of silence and anger on the people from the school districts end. That's

great you stood your ground.They need to understand that your child is more than

a test on a piece of paper. Keep up the good work.

bault123 <kault@...> wrote:

I had the mtg with the school this morning. It was me, the Help Me

Grow caseworker and the itinerant teacher (the one the school wanted

to work w/ Garret), the SLP (who tested him), the SERRC prek lady,

and both the elem and high school principals. Yes there is strength

in numbers, but it didn't help me.

So when I first walked in there was just me the HMG and itin teacher

there. The itin teacher said hi (I'd never met her) and brought

over a paper for me to sign and then asked what time would be good

for Garret to get services from her (see where I'm going with this

one?!) I asked who exactly she was. She said the itin sped

teacher. I said I'm sorry but I'd like to see what you all have

already decided for my son before we go any further. I explained my

opinion (and apparently many others as well - OH state dept of sped,

ASHA, ARC, Ohio Legal Rights, etc) that a sped teacher is not

qualified to provide speech and language therapy. She actually said

that the state says she is, I corrected her and said no the state

licensed you as a sped teacher, not a SLP. Do NOT get me started!!!

I told all involved that I would be the pain the butt parent that we

all hate, but I will get what my son needs. So then the SLP went

over Garret's results (he's 3 standard deviations below in phonology,

so the SLP feels he needs speech therapy - he doesn't qualify for

communication, just phonology). The SLP says that for each sound he

got wrong she had to write what he said (and then said " you'll see I

had to write in something for each word/sound " ). She said he

definitely needs speech and language therapy. Then they moved on the

IEP (1 speech/phonology goal) for 5 or 6 sounds with the itin teacher

providing 1 hour service per week with the SLP consulting 2x a

YEAR!!!! When I got over my shock, they asked what I wanted. A SLP

at least 30 minutes 1x weekly, plain and simple. Well they all said

we can't find one, yes I know I saw your internet listing dated Dec.

1, '07 asking for one (that was 3 weeks after our initial trans

mtg). I had given them an agency to call to try to contract a SLP,

they said they did but they had no SLPs to provide. I gave them

another name/email with possible help for them. I explained that as

a school there are ways to get the services you need - write a grant

for funding, use outside/private sources. I also said I realize that

he is probably not the only child that needs an SLP in this school I

then explained that if he doesn't get the services he needs now as a

prek child when he comes to them in kindergarten he will need more

specialized services. I've never been to a mtg where there was so

many silences. No one knew what to say. I told all of them a few

times about speaking with the various agencies that I had spoken with

and the SERRC lady said " really they said our model wasn't legal? "

(itin providing speech therapy). Yes, they all said that a related

service - speech therapy- has to be provided by a SLP, that an itin

could provide his prek program, but not the related service of speech

therapy. So I signed the IEP and checked the box where I give

consent for this IEP except for - itin services. I then waited for

my copies, while waiting they asked how my school district where I

work did this? I said they found a program for the child and gave

them the services needed. The SLP asked how big is our SLP's

caseload, hers is 150 (was she looking for pity from me?!). The itin

teacher asked if I had checked with private organizations, did anyone

even have any openings? I said yes that we actually have an appt set

up w/ one and I've already spoken w/ another. They were surprised

that any agencies can actually see him at all. I got my copies,

said it had not been a pleasure and left. I am so mad!! I called

the ARC again and he told me to call the school back next week

requesting another mtg telling them I had to speak with my

representation (ARC & Ohio Legal Rights) first, but would like

another mtg to further discuss this issue. The Legal rights rep said

to go with an agenda (secure services for him and them ask the school

to apy for them), then say if not I will file a complaint. The legal

rep said she thought an adimistrative complaint would be the first

step and then due process. I am so disappointed in our school right

now. She also stated that since I signed the IEP the school is now

legally responsible for providing my son with services! Tick tock.



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You go girl!

The amazing thing is that when you do the leg work ie.

find a contracted slp..... they never act on it. Or

give you an excuse as to why it would not work out!!!!

I went through that and it comes down to the

$$$$$$$$$$$. It did not work, or they did not have

time in their schedule- yea. Keep it up! Kath



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OK< I've lined up private therapy for my son. They've (private ST)

agreed to the school paying for them as long as they have something

in writing from the school brd. I have to call and set up another

mtg Monday with the school to propose this. If they don't accept my

proposal, I'm filing a complaint. Simple as that.

Are you saying that you did all of this too and the school still

didn't pay? I hope not. My faith in this school is gone. It's

quite sad b/c I've got 3 kids, one of whom is already attending this

school, with another to follow her next year. Now I've got to fight

this horrible fight and I don't know if I want my kids to continue

attending this school system. I'm used to working in a larger

district where when kids need a service, we ask, refer them, they get

eval'd, then if the child qualifies they get the service (probably

not as much as they need, but still they get the required service

with " qualified staff " ). Because of my son's age (prek) other area

schools don't do " open enrollment " which means my own school that I

work at would probably be the same, b/c prek is different that school

age (funding). It all comes down to the $$$ doesn't it? My question

is why the he** can't the school district do this? Why is it allows

left up to the parents to do something so simple as pick up a phone

and call someone, when it's the school's job to provide FAPE?!!!



> You go girl!


> The amazing thing is that when you do the leg work ie.

> find a contracted slp..... they never act on it. Or

> give you an excuse as to why it would not work out!!!!

> I went through that and it comes down to the

> $$$$$$$$$$$. It did not work, or they did not have

> time in their schedule- yea. Keep it up! Kath






> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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