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This past week I've been keeping myself really busy. As a kid

(age 9 compared to 19) I used to love collecting comic books. So

this week I dug all my old comics out from the basement and

sorted through them to see if I had anything that was worth any

money. I compared some of what I have to whats selling on Ebay.

I even bought a few comics off ebay to fill in some holes in my

collection etc... I guess my interest was rekindled when I heard

about a single comic book selling for a quarter of a million

dollars :) Anyway, i've kept myself really busy, and when my g/f

called me yesturday from NH (she's on vacation) and asked how my

skin was feeling, I was honestly able to answer " you know... I

haven't really thought about it in a few days.. I guess its doing

ok " . Its barely hurt at all in the last 4-5 days. Except when I

get overheated. Then it still hurts. Anyway, I cant say its

been looking any better, and it could just be a coincidence that

it hasnt been painful lately... but I wonder if the burning part

of cea is linked in any way to worrying about it etc. I

don't mean to say that the pain is in my head, but, Effexor is

used effectively for Erythromelalgia... Perhaps certain chemicals

produced when you worry can cause pain or something. (For

instance, Substance P is an important mediator of inflammation

and substance P blockers are coming to market not for

inflammation but for depression/anxiety) Anyway... I guess alot

of its in the attitude. (its probably also helped that i'm

lowering my clonidine dose.. that stuff is not my friend!)

The only problem is I think I need to find a less expensive

habit! Any suggestions? (This week I managed to max out my

credit card with this stuff!! Thank goodness I only have a $500

spending limit :)

P.S. I did use the ZNP soap that I bought for a few days. After

two days.. Holy Cow was there a serious reduction in redness! It

was like night and day. Unfortunately it dried my skin out like

crazy.. and a week later its still incredibly dry... which is

too bad.. because my skin certainly liked something in it!


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This past week I've been keeping myself really busy. As a kid

(age 9 compared to 19) I used to love collecting comic books. So

this week I dug all my old comics out from the basement and

sorted through them to see if I had anything that was worth any

money. I compared some of what I have to whats selling on Ebay.

I even bought a few comics off ebay to fill in some holes in my

collection etc... I guess my interest was rekindled when I heard

about a single comic book selling for a quarter of a million

dollars :) Anyway, i've kept myself really busy, and when my g/f

called me yesturday from NH (she's on vacation) and asked how my

skin was feeling, I was honestly able to answer " you know... I

haven't really thought about it in a few days.. I guess its doing

ok " . Its barely hurt at all in the last 4-5 days. Except when I

get overheated. Then it still hurts. Anyway, I cant say its

been looking any better, and it could just be a coincidence that

it hasnt been painful lately... but I wonder if the burning part

of cea is linked in any way to worrying about it etc. I

don't mean to say that the pain is in my head, but, Effexor is

used effectively for Erythromelalgia... Perhaps certain chemicals

produced when you worry can cause pain or something. (For

instance, Substance P is an important mediator of inflammation

and substance P blockers are coming to market not for

inflammation but for depression/anxiety) Anyway... I guess alot

of its in the attitude. (its probably also helped that i'm

lowering my clonidine dose.. that stuff is not my friend!)

The only problem is I think I need to find a less expensive

habit! Any suggestions? (This week I managed to max out my

credit card with this stuff!! Thank goodness I only have a $500

spending limit :)

P.S. I did use the ZNP soap that I bought for a few days. After

two days.. Holy Cow was there a serious reduction in redness! It

was like night and day. Unfortunately it dried my skin out like

crazy.. and a week later its still incredibly dry... which is

too bad.. because my skin certainly liked something in it!


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> P.S. I did use the ZNP soap that I bought for a few days.

Hey there, Adam!

What is ZNP soap? I'm always on the lookout for a soap or cleanser

that's a " keeper " in the ol' Jillian medicine chest (it's always

touch and go with me concerning this aspect of my skin care routine.)

Thanks, Adam!


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> P.S. I did use the ZNP soap that I bought for a few days.

Hey there, Adam!

What is ZNP soap? I'm always on the lookout for a soap or cleanser

that's a " keeper " in the ol' Jillian medicine chest (it's always

touch and go with me concerning this aspect of my skin care routine.)

Thanks, Adam!


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