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Is it just me??

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Hi ,

there are a number of articles describing how antibody titers are used to

predict remission. It's true that some thyroid antibodies such as TPO and

thyroglobulin antibodies aren't helpful, but TSI levels are a good indicator of

remission. Take care, Elaine

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Hi ,

My endo balked incredibly the first time I asked him for antibody testing.

He just about flipped his lid, told me the tests were expensive, unreliable

and meaningless.

I have to admit I told him that I thought the TSH test was unreliable and

meaningless, and he got that EVERY time so it was also expensive in the long

run, and he finally agreed to order the antibody testing. He still maintains

that it's not that reliable, but his position has mellowed considerably over

time--much of the mellowing in every way with him, I date to after I gave

him Elaine's book for Christmas 2 years ago. Or maybe he's just used to me

after 9 years...



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 16:06:01 -0400

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Is it just me??




> Hi,

> I have called many endos in my area (Manhattan), and none of them (except

> one who is not covered by my insurance) hold any credence in the antibody

> testing! Why is this?? Is it just economics? How logical is it that someone

> can have antibodies but be considered in remission? I asked the last doc I

> spoke with about whether she determines remission by absence of antibodies,

> and she said " we look at the patient and all the symptoms, and don't go by

> antibodies--they always have antibodies. " My current endo said something to

> the effect of antibodies can decrease and then increase, so it is

> unpredictable and therefore the antibody testing isn't helpful. :-(


> Maybe my expectations are too high, and I will never find a doc on my

> insurance plan who sees antibody testing as relevant.





> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list do not have the endorsement of

> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Hi -

Yep. It's frustrating, isn't it. With all the doctors I've been to, I've

found it actually easier to " bully " them into antibody testing if they

weren't specialists. I got a bunch of antibody tests done upon initial

diagnosis (since they couldn't figure out what it was at first). My GP did

anti-thyroglobulin and that was it. The endo I went to did TSI and TPO. Then

I couldn't get another antibody test after that. I finally did bully the

original GP into doing another TSI test after all my thyroid levels

suddendly came back down to normal when I wasn't on any meds. He was

completely clueless as to how this could be. At this point I knew more about

thyroid disease than he did (_not_ an exaggeration) and convinced him to do

the TSI which came back considerably lower than before and well below normal

range. I admit, I used him shamelessly and then moved on to someone who had

a clue! Since then, however, I haven't been able to get another antibody

test from the so-called " experts " . That's OK, if my thyroid levels go up

again, I plan to not consider any of their treatment options until they show

me my AB levels are back up!

I do have to agree with the one endo who told you that AB levels can

increase and decrease. However, if they're planning to stop meds, you'd

think it would make sense to _check_ the AB levels before doing so.

Apparently that just makes too much sense, though. I am considered in

" spontaneous remission " , and at that point my TSI were 73% (<125% normal).

So I still had some and this was 2 years ago almost. Love to know what they

are now, but it doesn't look like I'll ever find out either. I'm convinced

changes in AB's are what causes some of my TSH changes. But get a doctor

who'll even test that theory? Yeah right. They must subscribe to the same

script yours have!

Good luck anyway - maybe there's one out there.

Is it just me??



> Hi,

> I have called many endos in my area (Manhattan), and none of them (except

> one who is not covered by my insurance) hold any credence in the antibody

> testing! Why is this?? Is it just economics? How logical is it that


> can have antibodies but be considered in remission? I asked the last doc I

> spoke with about whether she determines remission by absence of


> and she said " we look at the patient and all the symptoms, and don't go by

> antibodies--they always have antibodies. " My current endo said something


> the effect of antibodies can decrease and then increase, so it is

> unpredictable and therefore the antibody testing isn't helpful. :-(


> Maybe my expectations are too high, and I will never find a doc on my

> insurance plan who sees antibody testing as relevant.





> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list do not have the endorsement


> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------




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Terry, Elaine, & ,

Thanks so much for answering my post. I think I mainly needed a reality

check, as I was starting to feel unsteady, given all the opposition in the

medical community (at least those I've encountered) regarding the value of

antibody testing. I guess I should consider myself lucky that so far, my GP

has allowed me to get it done (at the three-month mark), and will probably

not hassle me about it before going off meds down the road.

At 06:19 PM 9/15/2003, you wrote:

>Hi -


>Yep. It's frustrating, isn't it. With all the doctors I've been to, I've

>found it actually easier to " bully " them into antibody testing if they

>weren't specialists.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I am a healthy 35 y/o woman with a 2 1/2 and 4 y/o. I will be

six weeks post on friday, I had upper/lower/chin moved 4 mm. I am

still miserable! My sinus area is so swollen that my upper lip is

turned in and I feel like the people on " the grinch " . I had an open

bite, so my upper jaw was moved into the sinus area. I am fully

wired, and cannot talk at all! I have been taking decongestants for

my sinuses, but the problem there was, the mucus has to be coughed

up which is extremely hard to do, and I can't get it out by mouth

so I have had an upset stomach for days. In addition, this liquid

diet is just crazy. I am down 15 pounds, which is a lot for me, and

I think it is such a chore getting anything down.

Why does it seem that it is not that bad for most of you? Could it

be the wires? My face is killing me! and I have so many holiday and

family functions coming up I am dreading it!

Anyone else out there that is still swollen?

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Hi, I am a healthy 35 y/o woman with a 2 1/2 and 4 y/o. I will be

six weeks post on friday, I had upper/lower/chin moved 4 mm. I am

still miserable! My sinus area is so swollen that my upper lip is

turned in and I feel like the people on " the grinch " . I had an open

bite, so my upper jaw was moved into the sinus area. I am fully

wired, and cannot talk at all! I have been taking decongestants for

my sinuses, but the problem there was, the mucus has to be coughed

up which is extremely hard to do, and I can't get it out by mouth

so I have had an upset stomach for days. In addition, this liquid

diet is just crazy. I am down 15 pounds, which is a lot for me, and

I think it is such a chore getting anything down.

Why does it seem that it is not that bad for most of you? Could it

be the wires? My face is killing me! and I have so many holiday and

family functions coming up I am dreading it!

Anyone else out there that is still swollen?

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Don't feel bad I only had upper and genio and I am the same age you

are and the girls I work with say I look like a " Who " (from the

grinch). I still have swelling in my nose, cheeks and upper lip and

I am 4 weeks post op.

I am not wired since I only had upper, but 2 day ago when I went to

the OS he has now banded me with 3 bands, but I am still able to

talk, people just need to listen a little closer to understand me.

I also have the mucus that I am coughing up, and gaging at time

because it is so bad. I know it's going to get better, so hang in

there and it will all be a distant memory soon.


> Hi, I am a healthy 35 y/o woman with a 2 1/2 and 4 y/o. I will be

> six weeks post on friday, I had upper/lower/chin moved 4 mm. I am

> still miserable! My sinus area is so swollen that my upper lip is

> turned in and I feel like the people on " the grinch " . I had an


> bite, so my upper jaw was moved into the sinus area. I am fully

> wired, and cannot talk at all! I have been taking decongestants


> my sinuses, but the problem there was, the mucus has to be coughed

> up which is extremely hard to do, and I can't get it out by mouth

> so I have had an upset stomach for days. In addition, this liquid

> diet is just crazy. I am down 15 pounds, which is a lot for me,


> I think it is such a chore getting anything down.


> Why does it seem that it is not that bad for most of you? Could


> be the wires? My face is killing me! and I have so many holiday


> family functions coming up I am dreading it!


> Anyone else out there that is still swollen?

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Don't feel bad I only had upper and genio and I am the same age you

are and the girls I work with say I look like a " Who " (from the

grinch). I still have swelling in my nose, cheeks and upper lip and

I am 4 weeks post op.

I am not wired since I only had upper, but 2 day ago when I went to

the OS he has now banded me with 3 bands, but I am still able to

talk, people just need to listen a little closer to understand me.

I also have the mucus that I am coughing up, and gaging at time

because it is so bad. I know it's going to get better, so hang in

there and it will all be a distant memory soon.


> Hi, I am a healthy 35 y/o woman with a 2 1/2 and 4 y/o. I will be

> six weeks post on friday, I had upper/lower/chin moved 4 mm. I am

> still miserable! My sinus area is so swollen that my upper lip is

> turned in and I feel like the people on " the grinch " . I had an


> bite, so my upper jaw was moved into the sinus area. I am fully

> wired, and cannot talk at all! I have been taking decongestants


> my sinuses, but the problem there was, the mucus has to be coughed

> up which is extremely hard to do, and I can't get it out by mouth

> so I have had an upset stomach for days. In addition, this liquid

> diet is just crazy. I am down 15 pounds, which is a lot for me,


> I think it is such a chore getting anything down.


> Why does it seem that it is not that bad for most of you? Could


> be the wires? My face is killing me! and I have so many holiday


> family functions coming up I am dreading it!


> Anyone else out there that is still swollen?

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