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Re: Reflux and Omega 3-6-9 oils

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I had this with them when I started. I think it is the lemon.


> Hi. I was wondering if any of your kids have reflux and have

problems with increased

> refluxing on the omega. We use NN lemon-flavored liquid (which my

daughter, who is 19

> months old, has no trouble taking from a syringe we use to squirt

it into her mouth and

> actually seems to like the flavor) but we've noticed increased

reflux symptoms. It's possible

> this is unrelated, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience

with this.


> We don't want to stop the fish oils because just a week of them

have already led to a much

> greater willingness on her part to mimic, make sounds, and even try

some word

> approximations.


> Thanks!


> Abby


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Did you change anything up--replace the NN with something else--and

if so, what worked for you guys?

If not, did you do anything vis-a-vis timing to make the reflux

abate? We've considered trying to give it to her on a more full

stomach (I read it might be easier to digest that way) and with some

mylanta to act as a buffer (since obviously a baby who cannot swallow

cannot take a buffered pill). Anybody try this?

Our kiddo is typically a once-a-day vomiter (has been for a while)

under normal circumstances, and lately things have been under

relative control here (less vomiting, reflux clearly kept at bay with

prilosec and keeping her off of dairy, to which she is intolerant,

and anything too high in acid). We've even had a few vomit-free

days. But this past week, we've had a really rough time--three or so

vomits a day, usually after every meal (she is on purees because

she's not yet really able to chew and swallow real solids

effectively). The nanny did accidentally give her some cow dairy and

this may be part of the problem. But I suspect that some of this is

increased reflux due to the omegas.

Thanks for any tips you might have! Our non speaker repeated 'b' a

lot today, said 'ish' (for fish), something that sounded like

'cookie' (for cookie monster) and 'kittie' lots and lots. We want to

keep those words coming and get her tummy issues under control!


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Two things work better for us: The vegan DHA from Dr. Furhman and

Pharmax fish oil. Remember though, my kids and I have wacky stuff

that does not fit the standard profile here.

Mylanta I would stay away from. I am pretty sure it has aluminum in

that. Not a good thing.

Has she gotten the tests Dr. has outlined for consideration?

Any other dietary testing?


> Did you change anything up--replace the NN with something else--


> if so, what worked for you guys?


> If not, did you do anything vis-a-vis timing to make the reflux

> abate? We've considered trying to give it to her on a more full

> stomach (I read it might be easier to digest that way) and with


> mylanta to act as a buffer (since obviously a baby who cannot


> cannot take a buffered pill). Anybody try this?


> Our kiddo is typically a once-a-day vomiter (has been for a while)

> under normal circumstances, and lately things have been under

> relative control here (less vomiting, reflux clearly kept at bay


> prilosec and keeping her off of dairy, to which she is intolerant,

> and anything too high in acid). We've even had a few vomit-free

> days. But this past week, we've had a really rough time--three or


> vomits a day, usually after every meal (she is on purees because

> she's not yet really able to chew and swallow real solids

> effectively). The nanny did accidentally give her some cow dairy


> this may be part of the problem. But I suspect that some of this


> increased reflux due to the omegas.


> Thanks for any tips you might have! Our non speaker repeated 'b'


> lot today, said 'ish' (for fish), something that sounded like

> 'cookie' (for cookie monster) and 'kittie' lots and lots. We want


> keep those words coming and get her tummy issues under control!


> Abby


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Good point on the Mylanta. I hadn't really thought of that...

I'm thinking that one of the Cal-Mag liquids (I noticed that

Wholefoods had a few

in my run down their vitamin aisles yesterday) might be a good


Hallie already has a fairly high alkaline diet---she eats a lot of

fruit and veggies and very

little in the way of meat products (only what you can get into a baby

food jar and

we have her on Earth's Best organic foods rather than on gerber or


typical commercial baby food). She does drink goat milk formula (she

is intolerant

of cow milk) and this probably falls under the category of acid, but

this is also

where she gets most of her nutrition. Although she is already a

toddler (20 months

today), since she was born so prematurely (at 23 weeks), she has a

lot of problems

swallowing food that is not in a puree form and we'll probably not be

able to get her

onto more solid foods in large quantity for quite some time (I'm

thinking maybe a year

or two at the inside).

We have not done formal dietary testing -- most of this is trial and

error. We did see

a pediatric allergist who wanted to take the least invasive course

possible. We removed

cow dairy (with great improvement) and until we're on regular foods

we're not going to

do a lot of blood and RAST testing with Hallie. If it becomes clear

that there are issues

down the road, we'll obviously reconsider this.

That said, we do take care what we feed her: her entire diet (minus a

few cheerios)

is organic, we have her on a vegetarian organic baby vitamin (forget

the brand now),

and her goat milk is local and organic. She's doing great other

than speech and

the Omega 3-6-9 is improving this in a way that we find simply

remarkable. She

woke up this morning talking to me---usually she just gestures (waves

hi, etc) in

the morning. And for the first time in 6 or 8 weeks, she said

'diaper' again and mimicked

me like crazy.

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Re; baby food. Many containe fluoride in them and that is not good

for our kids. If you join Feingold they give you a list of baby foods

in your area that are low in fluoride.

Re: calmag. Do you know if she needs it in supplemental form or can

she get it through diet? I ask because all cal supplements have lead

in them. Kirkman says they have an acceptable level in

theirs...whatever that means.

Also, is your water fluoridated. If you can do it I'd reverse osmosis

filter for drinking and cooking and whole house filter water for

bathing. We learned a lot doing that. Our water had a lot of lread

and chlorine in it.

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