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male stubbornness >JIll

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Hi Jill:

Yes! it sounds like you have one of those " male Stubbornness " living in your

house. I don't know what can be done about them. :o) I don't think they ever

change. I know Fred hasn't. Took out the King size bed in what was our master

bedroom and put in Fred's hospital bed in there to give him room to drive

around it with his electric w/c. Trying to make it easy for him , so he can

use it and get pass the door's without falling. I have the whole room

arranged now, but guess what? You got it, he want's to use the walker now,

and has his electric w/c outside in the garage. You would think he would get

sick of the fall's, but I guess he likes the hard knock's.

You take Care


Hi there,

There was some 'talk' recently about male stubbornness. How about this


has 'his chair' in our house, as do we all, the occupation health people

have fitted an attachment which has hired

the chair so that can sit down and stand up easier.

He now uses another chair,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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Hi Jill:

Yes! it sounds like you have one of those " male Stubbornness " living in your

house. I don't know what can be done about them. :o) I don't think they ever

change. I know Fred hasn't. Took out the King size bed in what was our master

bedroom and put in Fred's hospital bed in there to give him room to drive

around it with his electric w/c. Trying to make it easy for him , so he can

use it and get pass the door's without falling. I have the whole room

arranged now, but guess what? You got it, he want's to use the walker now,

and has his electric w/c outside in the garage. You would think he would get

sick of the fall's, but I guess he likes the hard knock's.

You take Care


Hi there,

There was some 'talk' recently about male stubbornness. How about this


has 'his chair' in our house, as do we all, the occupation health people

have fitted an attachment which has hired

the chair so that can sit down and stand up easier.

He now uses another chair,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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You know it makes my day , anytime I can pick on you. It really makes life a

joy and always put's the biggest smile on my face. See :o)

Now about not turning the way Fred said when I took you to the air port. It

wasn't I didn't listen to him, I just wanted you to see the rest of Los

Angeles while you were here. :o). That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Do you think that all people with MSA tell the Doctor's that we caregiver's

beat them. Fred been good about doing that lately. I sure wouldn't want to

try and tell the police that I didnt' really do it. I'm one that get's

nervous and I start laughing, then for sure they would take me in thinking

that I think the whole thing is funny. I'm suprise that they haven't checked

it out ,really. As many times as his been hurt lately and there could of been

more if I hadn't got him first or yelled to tell him to watch out . They sure

can be fast when you don't watch or your not around. After two weeks Fred's

eye is now a light blue , green and yellow from the last bad fall he had.

Fred drove his electric w/c up to the store yesterday and I walked behind

him. He told me I walk pretty fast for being my age. Little does he know you

have to be , when it comes to keeping up with him. ;o) .

Takecare Vera


:-) Careful now, remember that I have met you :-) Fred is not the

only stubborn one in your family ;-) I remember that Fred told you to

turn one way to go to the airport, and you said no - it's this way - who

was stubborn then :) We did get there :)

I used to get frustrated when Charlotte would decide to sit halfway

between the bed and chair also. Charlotte also had her share of falls

often because I could not get there immediately when she decided she

needed something.

I remember once - I was at work and due home at noon, (fall day

temperature in the 60's, sun shining) the kids came over and let our dog

out (also gave her fresh water outside) at 9:30 AM and checked on

Charlotte. They left the dog out as it was so nice. The dog barked to

come in around 10 AM so Charlotte transferred to her wheelchair and went

to let the dog in, but a chair would not let Charlotte get all the way

to the door - SO rather than let the dog stay out (there was also

shade), Charlotte decided to get up and let her in. I called at 11 AM

to check on Charlotte as I needed another hour to finish an experiment,

and no answer. My daughter had gone on to work, so I hurried home. I

found Charlotte on the floor at the back door with the w/c on top of her

AND the dog was still out (sleeping peacefully in the sun). Luckily she

only had a slight rug burn on her face that time, but it could have been

a total disaster. I had to re run the entire experiment the next day (4

hours of work).

As early as 1995, she was not supposed to go down the stairs to the

laundry - but if I was not there - she would. So I went to the drug

store to pick up a prescription (already ready) and came home to find

her at the bottom of the steps on the floor. Another ER trip and two

(not one) black eyes for about two weeks - told the ER nurse and doctor

(she was just kidding) that I had beat her and I had to explain the

thing to the police. It is not just men :) You just love to pick on us :)

Take care, Bill Werre

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You know it makes my day , anytime I can pick on you. It really makes life a

joy and always put's the biggest smile on my face. See :o)

Now about not turning the way Fred said when I took you to the air port. It

wasn't I didn't listen to him, I just wanted you to see the rest of Los

Angeles while you were here. :o). That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Do you think that all people with MSA tell the Doctor's that we caregiver's

beat them. Fred been good about doing that lately. I sure wouldn't want to

try and tell the police that I didnt' really do it. I'm one that get's

nervous and I start laughing, then for sure they would take me in thinking

that I think the whole thing is funny. I'm suprise that they haven't checked

it out ,really. As many times as his been hurt lately and there could of been

more if I hadn't got him first or yelled to tell him to watch out . They sure

can be fast when you don't watch or your not around. After two weeks Fred's

eye is now a light blue , green and yellow from the last bad fall he had.

Fred drove his electric w/c up to the store yesterday and I walked behind

him. He told me I walk pretty fast for being my age. Little does he know you

have to be , when it comes to keeping up with him. ;o) .

Takecare Vera


:-) Careful now, remember that I have met you :-) Fred is not the

only stubborn one in your family ;-) I remember that Fred told you to

turn one way to go to the airport, and you said no - it's this way - who

was stubborn then :) We did get there :)

I used to get frustrated when Charlotte would decide to sit halfway

between the bed and chair also. Charlotte also had her share of falls

often because I could not get there immediately when she decided she

needed something.

I remember once - I was at work and due home at noon, (fall day

temperature in the 60's, sun shining) the kids came over and let our dog

out (also gave her fresh water outside) at 9:30 AM and checked on

Charlotte. They left the dog out as it was so nice. The dog barked to

come in around 10 AM so Charlotte transferred to her wheelchair and went

to let the dog in, but a chair would not let Charlotte get all the way

to the door - SO rather than let the dog stay out (there was also

shade), Charlotte decided to get up and let her in. I called at 11 AM

to check on Charlotte as I needed another hour to finish an experiment,

and no answer. My daughter had gone on to work, so I hurried home. I

found Charlotte on the floor at the back door with the w/c on top of her

AND the dog was still out (sleeping peacefully in the sun). Luckily she

only had a slight rug burn on her face that time, but it could have been

a total disaster. I had to re run the entire experiment the next day (4

hours of work).

As early as 1995, she was not supposed to go down the stairs to the

laundry - but if I was not there - she would. So I went to the drug

store to pick up a prescription (already ready) and came home to find

her at the bottom of the steps on the floor. Another ER trip and two

(not one) black eyes for about two weeks - told the ER nurse and doctor

(she was just kidding) that I had beat her and I had to explain the

thing to the police. It is not just men :) You just love to pick on us :)

Take care, Bill Werre

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:-) Careful now, remember that I have met you :-) Fred is not the

only stubborn one in your family ;-) I remember that Fred told you to

turn one way to go to the airport, and you said no - it's this way - who

was stubborn then :) We did get there :)

I used to get frustrated when Charlotte would decide to sit halfway

between the bed and chair also. Charlotte also had her share of falls

often because I could not get there immediately when she decided she

needed something.

I remember once - I was at work and due home at noon, (fall day

temperature in the 60's, sun shining) the kids came over and let our dog

out (also gave her fresh water outside) at 9:30 AM and checked on

Charlotte. They left the dog out as it was so nice. The dog barked to

come in around 10 AM so Charlotte transferred to her wheelchair and went

to let the dog in, but a chair would not let Charlotte get all the way

to the door - SO rather than let the dog stay out (there was also

shade), Charlotte decided to get up and let her in. I called at 11 AM

to check on Charlotte as I needed another hour to finish an experiment,

and no answer. My daughter had gone on to work, so I hurried home. I

found Charlotte on the floor at the back door with the w/c on top of her

AND the dog was still out (sleeping peacefully in the sun). Luckily she

only had a slight rug burn on her face that time, but it could have been

a total disaster. I had to re run the entire experiment the next day (4

hours of work).

As early as 1995, she was not supposed to go down the stairs to the

laundry - but if I was not there - she would. So I went to the drug

store to pick up a prescription (already ready) and came home to find

her at the bottom of the steps on the floor. Another ER trip and two

(not one) black eyes for about two weeks - told the ER nurse and doctor

(she was just kidding) that I had beat her and I had to explain the

thing to the police. It is not just men :) You just love to pick on us :)

Take care, Bill Werre


FVJAMES@... wrote:

>Hi Jill:

>Yes! it sounds like you have one of those " male Stubbornness " living in your

>house. I don't know what can be done about them. :o) I don't think they ever

>change. I know Fred hasn't. Took out the King size bed in what was our master

>bedroom and put in Fred's hospital bed in there to give him room to drive

>around it with his electric w/c. Trying to make it easy for him , so he can

>use it and get pass the door's without falling. I have the whole room

>arranged now, but guess what? You got it, he want's to use the walker now,

>and has his electric w/c outside in the garage. You would think he would get

>sick of the fall's, but I guess he likes the hard knock's.


>You take Care





>Hi there,


>There was some 'talk' recently about male stubbornness. How about this



> has 'his chair' in our house, as do we all, the occupation health people

>have fitted an attachment which has hired

>the chair so that can sit down and stand up easier.


>He now uses another chair,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,









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:-) Careful now, remember that I have met you :-) Fred is not the

only stubborn one in your family ;-) I remember that Fred told you to

turn one way to go to the airport, and you said no - it's this way - who

was stubborn then :) We did get there :)

I used to get frustrated when Charlotte would decide to sit halfway

between the bed and chair also. Charlotte also had her share of falls

often because I could not get there immediately when she decided she

needed something.

I remember once - I was at work and due home at noon, (fall day

temperature in the 60's, sun shining) the kids came over and let our dog

out (also gave her fresh water outside) at 9:30 AM and checked on

Charlotte. They left the dog out as it was so nice. The dog barked to

come in around 10 AM so Charlotte transferred to her wheelchair and went

to let the dog in, but a chair would not let Charlotte get all the way

to the door - SO rather than let the dog stay out (there was also

shade), Charlotte decided to get up and let her in. I called at 11 AM

to check on Charlotte as I needed another hour to finish an experiment,

and no answer. My daughter had gone on to work, so I hurried home. I

found Charlotte on the floor at the back door with the w/c on top of her

AND the dog was still out (sleeping peacefully in the sun). Luckily she

only had a slight rug burn on her face that time, but it could have been

a total disaster. I had to re run the entire experiment the next day (4

hours of work).

As early as 1995, she was not supposed to go down the stairs to the

laundry - but if I was not there - she would. So I went to the drug

store to pick up a prescription (already ready) and came home to find

her at the bottom of the steps on the floor. Another ER trip and two

(not one) black eyes for about two weeks - told the ER nurse and doctor

(she was just kidding) that I had beat her and I had to explain the

thing to the police. It is not just men :) You just love to pick on us :)

Take care, Bill Werre


FVJAMES@... wrote:

>Hi Jill:

>Yes! it sounds like you have one of those " male Stubbornness " living in your

>house. I don't know what can be done about them. :o) I don't think they ever

>change. I know Fred hasn't. Took out the King size bed in what was our master

>bedroom and put in Fred's hospital bed in there to give him room to drive

>around it with his electric w/c. Trying to make it easy for him , so he can

>use it and get pass the door's without falling. I have the whole room

>arranged now, but guess what? You got it, he want's to use the walker now,

>and has his electric w/c outside in the garage. You would think he would get

>sick of the fall's, but I guess he likes the hard knock's.


>You take Care





>Hi there,


>There was some 'talk' recently about male stubbornness. How about this



> has 'his chair' in our house, as do we all, the occupation health people

>have fitted an attachment which has hired

>the chair so that can sit down and stand up easier.


>He now uses another chair,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,









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Well Vera, they may not all tell the doctors that their spouse is beating

them: Ken didn't, he told 911 that his wife was poisoning him.

It was good to talk to you the other day; I am sorry i can't se you


love to you and to Fred,

Barbara smith

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Well Vera, they may not all tell the doctors that their spouse is beating

them: Ken didn't, he told 911 that his wife was poisoning him.

It was good to talk to you the other day; I am sorry i can't se you


love to you and to Fred,

Barbara smith

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Okay, I've got a stubbornness story too. Rob told his psychologist that I

was yelling at him (I know I lose patience sometimes, but not THAT much!)

and holding him prisoner.


Carol & Rob (who's been set free)

Lexington, MA

Re: male stubbornness >JIll

> Well Vera, they may not all tell the doctors that their spouse is beating

> them: Ken didn't, he told 911 that his wife was poisoning him.

> It was good to talk to you the other day; I am sorry i can't se you

> today.

> love to you and to Fred,

> Barbara smith




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Okay, I've got a stubbornness story too. Rob told his psychologist that I

was yelling at him (I know I lose patience sometimes, but not THAT much!)

and holding him prisoner.


Carol & Rob (who's been set free)

Lexington, MA

Re: male stubbornness >JIll

> Well Vera, they may not all tell the doctors that their spouse is beating

> them: Ken didn't, he told 911 that his wife was poisoning him.

> It was good to talk to you the other day; I am sorry i can't se you

> today.

> love to you and to Fred,

> Barbara smith




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Well, gals ,Ralph told me I was glad he was ill so I could take over

everything and run away with the strange man he saw driving my car. My

kids told him I was too busy for another man in my life. Illness makes

us all nuts sometimes.

Love them through it. No other way. You can't stay mad all the time but

you can't be foolish and take it all either.

I remember a trip to the bank when Ralph became so angry I had to get

him out of there. He set his feet on the floor so I could not push his

chair. I spun him around and took him out backwards. There is always a

way out.

We made quite a scene but no one called the cops.

Have a lovely day, all.


" I have held many things in my hands and lost them all; but

whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. "

Corrie Ten Boom

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Well, gals ,Ralph told me I was glad he was ill so I could take over

everything and run away with the strange man he saw driving my car. My

kids told him I was too busy for another man in my life. Illness makes

us all nuts sometimes.

Love them through it. No other way. You can't stay mad all the time but

you can't be foolish and take it all either.

I remember a trip to the bank when Ralph became so angry I had to get

him out of there. He set his feet on the floor so I could not push his

chair. I spun him around and took him out backwards. There is always a

way out.

We made quite a scene but no one called the cops.

Have a lovely day, all.


" I have held many things in my hands and lost them all; but

whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. "

Corrie Ten Boom

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