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Re: knowledge is power

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Hoi(this greeting becomes to be understand by most of the members


I agree with you that since it is difficult to find information when you

have hardly access to the internet, that collecting information for your

father might be a great help. Not so much by finding a cure or coping with

symptoms, but by knowing more people cope with this disease. The knowledge

more people are suffering with this helps with the feeling of not being

alone. At least it helped Anne a lot.

Is your father still in the denying stage or has he already accepted he

suffers from something? If he wants to talk with someone who feels similar,

he might contact Anne when she is home again. Anne is trying to find more

people with MSA in Holland who like to have more contact, but until now

unsuccesfully. The doctors are not very helpfull with that by passing the

requests for contact.

If I find some more hidden time, I will send you the links to information we

have gathered the last years.



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Hoi(this greeting becomes to be understand by most of the members


I agree with you that since it is difficult to find information when you

have hardly access to the internet, that collecting information for your

father might be a great help. Not so much by finding a cure or coping with

symptoms, but by knowing more people cope with this disease. The knowledge

more people are suffering with this helps with the feeling of not being

alone. At least it helped Anne a lot.

Is your father still in the denying stage or has he already accepted he

suffers from something? If he wants to talk with someone who feels similar,

he might contact Anne when she is home again. Anne is trying to find more

people with MSA in Holland who like to have more contact, but until now

unsuccesfully. The doctors are not very helpfull with that by passing the

requests for contact.

If I find some more hidden time, I will send you the links to information we

have gathered the last years.



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Hoi Timo & Anne,

Denial is perhaps not really the word, though I'll know more after I see

him tomorrow. But he still drives his car (only short distances, but that's

all it takes, isn't it). He has also mentioned he'd like to know 'how long

he has left' but at the same time keeps asking my sister if certain

symptoms couldn't be from some other disease. So he is having a hard time

with it, as is my mom, although in the back of his mind I think he knows

well enough.

It helped he had a 20 minute talk with the internist thursday, who was very

clear in that he thinks it's MSA and nothing else, and that we shouldn't be

looking for cures but looking for ways to make his life more comfortable.

That hit home, with my sister as well, who wasn't able to sleep all night.

Although she's known, like me, since february, this was the first time she

actually heard a doctor say it out loud.

Knowing my dad, I think in no time he'll be competing with some of the

people here in being stubborn (runs in the family, I'm just as bad, so we

have happy times ahead). I don't think he's ready to see other people yet,

I'm not even sure he'd welcome it at all, though I very much appreciate the

offer and will certainly let you know how he responds. My parents kept to

themselves most of their life, they have no friends, just their family

visiting occasionally, us and the neighbours...(well my mom has the

neighbours, my dad wouldn't mind shooting them).

How is Anne? Any progress? As you posted that message about pea/green bean

soup, I'd have thought things were improving but then I reread and saw it

wasn't really blocked to begin with. And there's the pneumonia and the

infections of course. Do they see any change there or have an idea when she

should start to improve? I'm keeping my fingers crossed here.



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Hoi Timo & Anne,

Denial is perhaps not really the word, though I'll know more after I see

him tomorrow. But he still drives his car (only short distances, but that's

all it takes, isn't it). He has also mentioned he'd like to know 'how long

he has left' but at the same time keeps asking my sister if certain

symptoms couldn't be from some other disease. So he is having a hard time

with it, as is my mom, although in the back of his mind I think he knows

well enough.

It helped he had a 20 minute talk with the internist thursday, who was very

clear in that he thinks it's MSA and nothing else, and that we shouldn't be

looking for cures but looking for ways to make his life more comfortable.

That hit home, with my sister as well, who wasn't able to sleep all night.

Although she's known, like me, since february, this was the first time she

actually heard a doctor say it out loud.

Knowing my dad, I think in no time he'll be competing with some of the

people here in being stubborn (runs in the family, I'm just as bad, so we

have happy times ahead). I don't think he's ready to see other people yet,

I'm not even sure he'd welcome it at all, though I very much appreciate the

offer and will certainly let you know how he responds. My parents kept to

themselves most of their life, they have no friends, just their family

visiting occasionally, us and the neighbours...(well my mom has the

neighbours, my dad wouldn't mind shooting them).

How is Anne? Any progress? As you posted that message about pea/green bean

soup, I'd have thought things were improving but then I reread and saw it

wasn't really blocked to begin with. And there's the pneumonia and the

infections of course. Do they see any change there or have an idea when she

should start to improve? I'm keeping my fingers crossed here.



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