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New Member Going Insane - Please Help!!! :(

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I am going INSANE with this stuff... *goes insane*

I'm only 23, but have been dealing with problem skin for years. It

started with acne in my early teen years - but sometime in high

school, I also developed this never-ending blush on my cheeks

underneath the acne. It basically looked like I'd put on too much

blusher... but I never wore the stuff! Anyhow, the redness

progressively got worse and my acne changed from large, pus-filled

zits to general all-over bumpiness and roughness - looking like

instead of having a few big zits, I'd instead planted a crop of

mini-pimples that would burst out for a bit and then disappear - all

at completely random intervals. I didn't understand it... but I

finally got myself to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with cea.

(I'm sure that's no surprise to you all, considering the fact that I'm

now here ;))

Now, I have a couple of new problems. The first of my problems is...

Should I switch dermatologists? My current doctor has put me on

MetroGel (yay) and Differin (?). I've read in several places that

Differin is supposed to be very bad for cea... So why has my

doctor put me on it? I'm also not getting much help from him besides

his prescribing these medications. He's not said a thing about

products/behaviours to avoid or to start up... he's not said a thing

about triggers or how to figure out what they are. I've learnt just

about everything I know about cea from reading messages here and

checking out other web pages. I'd rather not switch, as I actually

quite like the guy... but should I look for another doctor who might

know more about cea and how to specifically help ME? And if so...

How should I go about finding a doctor like that? *confused*

My other problem is with peeling. At first, I thought the peeling was

related to the Differin or the MetroGel - but now I'm peeling in

places were I don't put EITHER medication - so I think I might be

overwashing my face. The doctor told me to wash twice a day - although

previously, I've only ever washed my face once a day because I start

to peel. Is it alright for me to go back to once a day? Or will the

medications not work as well if I do so?

And finally... Like most women, I like to put on a bit of makeup. I've

never worn eye makeup, because it hurts my eyes and the remover is

even worse... but I feel I NEED a bit of foundation (can you blame

me?). The problem is... Every morning, when I put it on - it peels

right off. The only thing I can do that works is slap the MetroGel on,

slap moisturiser on - and then IMMEDIATELY slap the make-up on. Now, I

know this isn't the way it's supposed to go and you're supposed to let

the MetroGel soak in and dry - but whenever I do so, I can't put

make-up on AT ALL. I try to, and I end up looking like some reject

from a horror film. I end up having to wipe everything off and start

all over again - which just CAN'T be good for my skin. Some days, I

can't manage to leave the house unless I lightly exfoliate the peeling

skin off - another thing I'm sure is a big no-no :( The weird thing

is, before I put the make-up on, my face doesn't LOOK peel-y at all.

If anything, it looks shiny and smooth. So can someone please help me

figure out how to apply my make-up or even what make-up to use? I am

utterly clueless over here.

So can anyone help me?! I'm going insane!!! I'm trying to date boys

and get a start on my life... and some days I end up sitting at home

crying, because my face is a mess and I can't even cover it with

make-up so I can go out! :( It just doesn't seem right that I've been

under the care of a dermatologist for 8 months... and I'm still so

completely unhappy :(

Please, please help! :(

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I am going INSANE with this stuff... *goes insane*

I'm only 23, but have been dealing with problem skin for years. It

started with acne in my early teen years - but sometime in high

school, I also developed this never-ending blush on my cheeks

underneath the acne. It basically looked like I'd put on too much

blusher... but I never wore the stuff! Anyhow, the redness

progressively got worse and my acne changed from large, pus-filled

zits to general all-over bumpiness and roughness - looking like

instead of having a few big zits, I'd instead planted a crop of

mini-pimples that would burst out for a bit and then disappear - all

at completely random intervals. I didn't understand it... but I

finally got myself to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with cea.

(I'm sure that's no surprise to you all, considering the fact that I'm

now here ;))

Now, I have a couple of new problems. The first of my problems is...

Should I switch dermatologists? My current doctor has put me on

MetroGel (yay) and Differin (?). I've read in several places that

Differin is supposed to be very bad for cea... So why has my

doctor put me on it? I'm also not getting much help from him besides

his prescribing these medications. He's not said a thing about

products/behaviours to avoid or to start up... he's not said a thing

about triggers or how to figure out what they are. I've learnt just

about everything I know about cea from reading messages here and

checking out other web pages. I'd rather not switch, as I actually

quite like the guy... but should I look for another doctor who might

know more about cea and how to specifically help ME? And if so...

How should I go about finding a doctor like that? *confused*

My other problem is with peeling. At first, I thought the peeling was

related to the Differin or the MetroGel - but now I'm peeling in

places were I don't put EITHER medication - so I think I might be

overwashing my face. The doctor told me to wash twice a day - although

previously, I've only ever washed my face once a day because I start

to peel. Is it alright for me to go back to once a day? Or will the

medications not work as well if I do so?

And finally... Like most women, I like to put on a bit of makeup. I've

never worn eye makeup, because it hurts my eyes and the remover is

even worse... but I feel I NEED a bit of foundation (can you blame

me?). The problem is... Every morning, when I put it on - it peels

right off. The only thing I can do that works is slap the MetroGel on,

slap moisturiser on - and then IMMEDIATELY slap the make-up on. Now, I

know this isn't the way it's supposed to go and you're supposed to let

the MetroGel soak in and dry - but whenever I do so, I can't put

make-up on AT ALL. I try to, and I end up looking like some reject

from a horror film. I end up having to wipe everything off and start

all over again - which just CAN'T be good for my skin. Some days, I

can't manage to leave the house unless I lightly exfoliate the peeling

skin off - another thing I'm sure is a big no-no :( The weird thing

is, before I put the make-up on, my face doesn't LOOK peel-y at all.

If anything, it looks shiny and smooth. So can someone please help me

figure out how to apply my make-up or even what make-up to use? I am

utterly clueless over here.

So can anyone help me?! I'm going insane!!! I'm trying to date boys

and get a start on my life... and some days I end up sitting at home

crying, because my face is a mess and I can't even cover it with

make-up so I can go out! :( It just doesn't seem right that I've been

under the care of a dermatologist for 8 months... and I'm still so

completely unhappy :(

Please, please help! :(

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In some places Metronidazole (the key ingredient in Metrogel) is also

available in a cream base. This is much easier to put foundation over. My

derm also had me on Differin, which is potentially damaging to the rosacea

part of the disease. Potentially is the key word since everyone's skin

reacts slightly differently. In your case, it might help or it might harm.

Scary, isn't it?!

Like you, I found it incredibly difficult to know what to do, but have been

greatly helped by Dr Nase's book. Although not everyone agrees with his

belief that rosacea is primarily vascular, he has read up on every aspect of

the disease and in the book he gives a very clear account of all the pros

and cons of an immense body of research. (His own personal experience with

the drug, treatment or whatever is then added, which seems to annoy some

people, but I found it helpful.) In fact, I haven't been so full of hope in

years. It's like being in a jungle swamp and suddenly being handed a map!!!

Wishing you the very best of luck,


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In some places Metronidazole (the key ingredient in Metrogel) is also

available in a cream base. This is much easier to put foundation over. My

derm also had me on Differin, which is potentially damaging to the rosacea

part of the disease. Potentially is the key word since everyone's skin

reacts slightly differently. In your case, it might help or it might harm.

Scary, isn't it?!

Like you, I found it incredibly difficult to know what to do, but have been

greatly helped by Dr Nase's book. Although not everyone agrees with his

belief that rosacea is primarily vascular, he has read up on every aspect of

the disease and in the book he gives a very clear account of all the pros

and cons of an immense body of research. (His own personal experience with

the drug, treatment or whatever is then added, which seems to annoy some

people, but I found it helpful.) In fact, I haven't been so full of hope in

years. It's like being in a jungle swamp and suddenly being handed a map!!!

Wishing you the very best of luck,


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My suggestion is to let the Metrogel dry completely, wait about ten minutes

then apply some moisturizer immediately before putting your make-up on.

That way the make-up will go on properly and your skin won't feel dry. I do

this sometimes. I like the liquid foundations made by Neutrogena and Almay.

Good luck.

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My suggestion is to let the Metrogel dry completely, wait about ten minutes

then apply some moisturizer immediately before putting your make-up on.

That way the make-up will go on properly and your skin won't feel dry. I do

this sometimes. I like the liquid foundations made by Neutrogena and Almay.

Good luck.

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