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Russ/Fw: [autoimmune] diet & exercise

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This was sent by a person on the autoimmune group and thought it might help you too.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#1 best exercise for people with AI is swimming. If you can't dothat, try walking, or aerobics. The goal isn't necessarilymuscle mass, or definition; but, overall fitness and strength. Don't expect to be able to do serious workouts . . . the generalrecommendation is to start with 3-5 min of exercise every day,and work up, over 6 months to a year, to a sustained 30 minutedaily exercise session. Period; more than that will just makeyou sicker.As for diet, I'm sure you're going to HATE this one: Eat abalanced diet, with as much variety as possible, that's high inwhole grains, fruits, and vegetables, with moderate amounts ofprotein, and limited sugars and fats. In general, the lessprocessed your food is, the better . . . a salad with broiledchicken is better for you than a chicken fajita. DO make sureyou're getting adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins . . .one thing your docs may never have told you is that the medsyou're taking leach water-soluble minerals and vitamins. But,don't go taking mega-doses; that can have just as many problems,and is REALLY hard on your kidneys. Don't skip meals; especiallydon't skip breakfast. It's better to eat multiple small snacksthroughout the day that 2-3 big meals. And, stay away from'convenience' foods as much as possible; lots of people with AIshave trouble with food additives. Finally, take a careful lookat what you're eating, and see if you have any food sensitivities. . . those can make you feel rotten all by themselves.Owens

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This was sent by a person on the autoimmune group and thought it might help you too.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#1 best exercise for people with AI is swimming. If you can't dothat, try walking, or aerobics. The goal isn't necessarilymuscle mass, or definition; but, overall fitness and strength. Don't expect to be able to do serious workouts . . . the generalrecommendation is to start with 3-5 min of exercise every day,and work up, over 6 months to a year, to a sustained 30 minutedaily exercise session. Period; more than that will just makeyou sicker.As for diet, I'm sure you're going to HATE this one: Eat abalanced diet, with as much variety as possible, that's high inwhole grains, fruits, and vegetables, with moderate amounts ofprotein, and limited sugars and fats. In general, the lessprocessed your food is, the better . . . a salad with broiledchicken is better for you than a chicken fajita. DO make sureyou're getting adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins . . .one thing your docs may never have told you is that the medsyou're taking leach water-soluble minerals and vitamins. But,don't go taking mega-doses; that can have just as many problems,and is REALLY hard on your kidneys. Don't skip meals; especiallydon't skip breakfast. It's better to eat multiple small snacksthroughout the day that 2-3 big meals. And, stay away from'convenience' foods as much as possible; lots of people with AIshave trouble with food additives. Finally, take a careful lookat what you're eating, and see if you have any food sensitivities. . . those can make you feel rotten all by themselves.Owens

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