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Re: Re: IEP mtg - HORRIBLE!! I walked out. helpful information

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Hi Bonnie

I am so sorry that your IEP went badly. I have been there, many times, and

made mistakes along the way, mostly letting the county walk right over me by

telling me half truths (the latest of which is that the child can not maintain

a sdd dx after the age of 7 years of age and that the categorization had to

change-- we did over 8 hrs of IQ and academic testing for no reasons, just so

the county could change her cateogory, and the law is up to age 9 in ga. This

was the county's hope of her getting another dx, specifically a learning

disability and throwing her into ft special ed ).

I thought I would pass on a site that has been the utmost of help to us.

slaw is all about education and the IEP process and is written by

, an educational attorney.

BTW, if you feel that your child's rights have been violated, file DOE

complaints with your state department of eduation. We filed one, and it took

about 6 months, but the state of Georgia just ruled that our county did not

implement the full IEP and failed to provide the child a FAPE.

The county will snap into shape after enought DOE complaints are filed as this

ia a slap on the wrist and , as I understand it, can affect federal funding.

You do not need an attorney to do this, just go to your state's education site,

exceptional student section and ask for a DOE complaint form. Be sure to have

lots of documentation, professional opinions and data or lack thereof from the

school. We hired an independent evaluator to go in and see if the IEP was being

followed, specifially the parts regarding her use of the AAC (augmentative

communication device). The device was zipped in a backpack for the majority of

the day...The school took no real data, just sporatic data to support the usage.

I hope that helps a bit... We are just a few years ahead in the process and

are constantly learning from advocates, friends and the internet.

One more thing, there is some type of law our advocate mentioned, about

knowing a child needs services, and ignoring the issues. I can't remember the

name, and it may not apply to pre-k, but you might research it. It is a major

federal vioaltion if the county knows the child has an issue (in our case we

were referring to vision tracking), and does not evaluate the child for

services. Sorry I do not know more than this and I am sure each state has their

own ligo for it anyway. might be able to direct you.. if you send

him an email directly.

Best of luck.


Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2008. To start the new

year right, we'll help you brush up on your knowledge about special education

rights and responsibilities.

If you have a child with a disability, your child is entitled to a Free

Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Need answers to your most frequently asked questions about who is responsible

for providing your child with FAPE?

Pete and Pam have written a great article to explain:

who is responsible for providing FAPE

how to document your concerns about an inappropriate IEP

why you need to know the Rules of Adverse Assumptions

how to tape-record meetings

how to write letters to document your concerns

why FAPE does not mean " the best " education

Please don't hesitate to share this issue with other families, teachers or


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What is a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)? The purpose of

the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is " to ensure that all children

with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public

education...to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education,

employment, and independent living... " 20 U.S.C. 1400 (d)

Open your copy of slaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition to page 20.

(Click here if you need to get a copy).

Read, then re-read, the purpose of IDEA.

In Who is Responsible for Providing FAPE? Pete and Pam provide answers to your

questions about how to determine if your child's IEP is appropriate and provides


The Courts have held that in order to receive FAPE, your child must receive

" meaningful educational benefit " from services provided in the IEP.

How will you know if your child is receiving " meaningful educational benefit " ?

You must use objective information from tests that measure your child's

knowledge and skills.

Read Who is Responsible for Providing FAPE? to learn why it is essential for

parents to learn about tests and what they measure.

Read more articles about FAPE.

back to the top


Who is Responsible for Providing FAPE? " My daughter has made little

or no progress after years of special education. Her IEPs contain vague

subjective goals and objectives. If our case goes to due process, is the school

liable for not providing an appropriate education or, is this the responsibility

of the parent who signed the IEP? "

The school is responsible for providing FAPE.

Who is Responsible for Providing FAPE? discusses your child's IEP as the

roadmap that describes how the school will provide your child with FAPE. The IEP

tells how FAPE will be delivered.

Has the IEP team denied one of your requests - then suggested you have

unrealistically high expectations for your child?

Read the article for tips on successful strategies you can use if you have a

disagreement with your child's IEP team.

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What Should I Do When Goals and Objectives are too Vague?

Is your child's IEP designed to meet her unique needs?

Will the goals prepare her for the future?

Do the goals guarantee improved outcomes for your child?

Does the IEP ensure the best program for your child?

slaw Note: Parents, advocates and evaluators cannot use works like

" best " or " maximizing the child's potential " in discussions with school

personnel. You'll find out why in Who is Responsible for Providing FAPE?

This article gives you The Four Rules for Parents - a must read for getting

the appropriate services for your child.

Read this week's featured article. You'll learn what to do when the school

says you " fully participated " by agreeing to goals and objectives that were too

vague. You'll also learn what to do when they insist you must sign the IEP.

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How Do I Document my Concerns when I Disagree with the IEP Team? If

the IEP team develops a " take it, or leave it " attitude, put your concerns in


Did you know the law requires you to make your wishes, concerns and objections


In this article about FAPE, find out how to:

make your objections clear

take the Miss Manners approach to handle a difficult situation

tape-record the IEP meeting

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What Should I Do to Follow Up? Write a polite thank you letter. Yes!

A thank you letter.

1. Describe what happened during the meeting.

2. Document your concerns.

3. Note what you requested.

4. Tell how your input was received by the IEP team.

Read Who is Responsible for Providing FAPE? to learn the Rules of Adverse


In slaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training Programs,

participants learn the Rules of Adverse Assumptions.

Learning these rules and knowing how to use other tactics and strategies will

help you resolve disputes before they get out of hand.

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" Thanks for the trustworthy information and support you provide through the

slaw website and newsletter. You helped our family act when we needed to -

we are thriving now. "

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bault123 <kault@...> wrote:


OK< I've lined up private therapy for my son. They've (private ST)

agreed to the school paying for them as long as they have something

in writing from the school brd. I have to call and set up another

mtg Monday with the school to propose this. If they don't accept my

proposal, I'm filing a complaint. Simple as that.

Are you saying that you did all of this too and the school still

didn't pay? I hope not. My faith in this school is gone. It's

quite sad b/c I've got 3 kids, one of whom is already attending this

school, with another to follow her next year. Now I've got to fight

this horrible fight and I don't know if I want my kids to continue

attending this school system. I'm used to working in a larger

district where when kids need a service, we ask, refer them, they get

eval'd, then if the child qualifies they get the service (probably

not as much as they need, but still they get the required service

with " qualified staff " ). Because of my son's age (prek) other area

schools don't do " open enrollment " which means my own school that I

work at would probably be the same, b/c prek is different that school

age (funding). It all comes down to the $$$ doesn't it? My question

is why the he** can't the school district do this? Why is it allows

left up to the parents to do something so simple as pick up a phone

and call someone, when it's the school's job to provide FAPE?!!!



> You go girl!


> The amazing thing is that when you do the leg work ie.

> find a contracted slp..... they never act on it. Or

> give you an excuse as to why it would not work out!!!!

> I went through that and it comes down to the

> $$$$$$$$$$$. It did not work, or they did not have

> time in their schedule- yea. Keep it up! Kath






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