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Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

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Is it because the shoes are new and the leather is stiff??

Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called yesterday

morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't like the

socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go lol! She

was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on her at

8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed them

away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I told

her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was buckling them

up! Slept about as well as she always does...

But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started crying

and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt and she

pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I noticed

that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that it's

coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the same

side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you don't

adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear them for

nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was cranky

and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off. She's in

bed now...


OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above doesn't

refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of course. And

she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time this

morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because there's

something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the screw

won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said here

before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of their

design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly thinking

perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them to her

Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was not

enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have to

grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it could be

tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the ones we

have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of problem?

So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.

1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that are too

wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these on than

the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide. They don't

go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either. Which

is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too because I

can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?

2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is GREAT! But

being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her toes to

the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement in that

area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if mine

were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there and now

when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up and on

top of the others.

3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?

4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's the

inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a molded

thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well over the

top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a half over

the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves absolutely

no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery stuff. But

I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as AFO's. I will

take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get a

chance to for y'all to take a peek at.

5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the side the

straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me. Does no

one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard anyone say

this was difficult yet.

oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already mentioned

this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make sure it

gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will never

understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to ask

why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got switched

around on our pair?

6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms saying they

were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was painful to

the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.

7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near as much

as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was 10-15

degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these are

dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be bent a

little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more than her

non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.

I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't want to get

ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser need and

they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from when she

was fitted.

Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should be set

heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I was I

suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me a

psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm doing this

so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me to have

to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist over and

over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling me it

was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have to

argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just left. I

told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as long as

I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....

They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes newly

out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the heels are

down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel will form

and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that. Also,

about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle strap. So

at least they know that.

I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave them to

us. I sure hope he did.

I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't ordered

it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July so I

may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace shop to

help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about it... have

to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide later I


All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's done with

her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have such a

flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't have a pad

on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the floors since

the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here soon that

she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know, she's

the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age where

she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now and I

think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I love that!

Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or suggestions

for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need to do it

exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that tongue

thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle strap. Is

this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


2yo Darbi's mama

Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Is it because the shoes are new and the leather is stiff??

Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called yesterday

morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't like the

socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go lol! She

was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on her at

8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed them

away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I told

her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was buckling them

up! Slept about as well as she always does...

But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started crying

and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt and she

pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I noticed

that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that it's

coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the same

side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you don't

adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear them for

nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was cranky

and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off. She's in

bed now...


OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above doesn't

refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of course. And

she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time this

morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because there's

something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the screw

won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said here

before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of their

design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly thinking

perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them to her

Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was not

enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have to

grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it could be

tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the ones we

have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of problem?

So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.

1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that are too

wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these on than

the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide. They don't

go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either. Which

is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too because I

can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?

2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is GREAT! But

being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her toes to

the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement in that

area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if mine

were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there and now

when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up and on

top of the others.

3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?

4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's the

inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a molded

thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well over the

top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a half over

the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves absolutely

no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery stuff. But

I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as AFO's. I will

take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get a

chance to for y'all to take a peek at.

5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the side the

straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me. Does no

one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard anyone say

this was difficult yet.

oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already mentioned

this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make sure it

gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will never

understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to ask

why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got switched

around on our pair?

6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms saying they

were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was painful to

the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.

7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near as much

as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was 10-15

degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these are

dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be bent a

little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more than her

non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.

I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't want to get

ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser need and

they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from when she

was fitted.

Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should be set

heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I was I

suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me a

psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm doing this

so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me to have

to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist over and

over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling me it

was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have to

argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just left. I

told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as long as

I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....

They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes newly

out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the heels are

down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel will form

and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that. Also,

about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle strap. So

at least they know that.

I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave them to

us. I sure hope he did.

I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't ordered

it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July so I

may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace shop to

help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about it... have

to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide later I


All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's done with

her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have such a

flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't have a pad

on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the floors since

the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here soon that

she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know, she's

the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age where

she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now and I

think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I love that!

Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or suggestions

for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need to do it

exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that tongue

thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle strap. Is

this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


2yo Darbi's mama

Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Do they change the style of those shoes often? Everyone seems to have a

different type of shoes?

Re: Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

Hello Kori.

is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

about? Does Darbi's have those? That was the biggest disappointment for

me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

easier when they break in more. My DH still can't put them on right,

without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right! I also haven't

noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

or bad.

I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

other changes were made.

By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

fix it.



Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

Vienna, VA 22182




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Do they change the style of those shoes often? Everyone seems to have a

different type of shoes?

Re: Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

Hello Kori.

is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

about? Does Darbi's have those? That was the biggest disappointment for

me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

easier when they break in more. My DH still can't put them on right,

without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right! I also haven't

noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

or bad.

I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

other changes were made.

By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

fix it.



Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

Vienna, VA 22182




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called yesterday

morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't like the

socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go lol! She

was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on her at

8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed them

away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I told

her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was buckling them

up! Slept about as well as she always does...

But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started crying

and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt and she

pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I noticed

that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that it's

coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the same

side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you don't

adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear them for

nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was cranky

and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off. She's in

bed now...


OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above doesn't

refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of course. And

she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time this

morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because there's

something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the screw

won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said here

before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of their

design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly thinking

perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them to her

Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was not

enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have to

grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it could be

tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the ones we

have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of problem?

So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.

1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that are too

wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these on than

the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide. They don't

go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either. Which

is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too because I

can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?

2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is GREAT! But

being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her toes to

the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement in that

area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if mine

were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there and now

when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up and on

top of the others.

3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?

4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's the

inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a molded

thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well over the

top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a half over

the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves absolutely

no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery stuff. But

I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as AFO's. I will

take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get a

chance to for y'all to take a peek at.

5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the side the

straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me. Does no

one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard anyone say

this was difficult yet.

oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already mentioned

this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make sure it

gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will never

understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to ask

why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got switched

around on our pair?

6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms saying they

were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was painful to

the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.

7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near as much

as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was 10-15

degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these are

dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be bent a

little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more than her

non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.

I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't want to get

ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser need and

they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from when she

was fitted.

Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should be set

heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I was I

suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me a

psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm doing this

so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me to have

to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist over and

over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling me it

was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have to

argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just left. I

told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as long as

I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....

They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes newly

out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the heels are

down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel will form

and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that. Also,

about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle strap. So

at least they know that.

I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave them to

us. I sure hope he did.

I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't ordered

it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July so I

may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace shop to

help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about it... have

to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide later I


All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's done with

her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have such a

flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't have a pad

on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the floors since

the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here soon that

she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know, she's

the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age where

she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now and I

think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I love that!

Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or suggestions

for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need to do it

exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that tongue

thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle strap. Is

this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


2yo Darbi's mama

Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called yesterday

morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't like the

socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go lol! She

was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on her at

8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed them

away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I told

her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was buckling them

up! Slept about as well as she always does...

But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started crying

and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt and she

pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I noticed

that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that it's

coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the same

side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you don't

adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear them for

nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was cranky

and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off. She's in

bed now...


OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above doesn't

refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of course. And

she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time this

morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because there's

something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the screw

won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said here

before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of their

design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly thinking

perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them to her

Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was not

enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have to

grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it could be

tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the ones we

have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of problem?

So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.

1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that are too

wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these on than

the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide. They don't

go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either. Which

is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too because I

can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?

2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is GREAT! But

being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her toes to

the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement in that

area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if mine

were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there and now

when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up and on

top of the others.

3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?

4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's the

inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a molded

thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well over the

top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a half over

the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves absolutely

no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery stuff. But

I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as AFO's. I will

take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get a

chance to for y'all to take a peek at.

5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the side the

straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me. Does no

one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard anyone say

this was difficult yet.

oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already mentioned

this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make sure it

gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will never

understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to ask

why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got switched

around on our pair?

6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms saying they

were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was painful to

the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.

7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near as much

as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was 10-15

degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these are

dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be bent a

little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more than her

non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.

I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't want to get

ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser need and

they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from when she

was fitted.

Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should be set

heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I was I

suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me a

psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm doing this

so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me to have

to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist over and

over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling me it

was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have to

argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just left. I

told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as long as

I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....

They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes newly

out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the heels are

down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel will form

and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that. Also,

about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle strap. So

at least they know that.

I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave them to

us. I sure hope he did.

I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't ordered

it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July so I

may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace shop to

help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about it... have

to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide later I


All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's done with

her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have such a

flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't have a pad

on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the floors since

the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here soon that

she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know, she's

the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age where

she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now and I

think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I love that!

Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or suggestions

for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need to do it

exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that tongue

thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle strap. Is

this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


2yo Darbi's mama

Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Guest guest

Wow! Can't believe Darbi - " I don't want these shoes " after all you

went through to get them!!! LOL Go figure. It's too bad you are

having these problems. I hope they work themselves out so that the

brace works like we are hoping. We should be getting our p/m brace

here in a couple weeks and we can compare notes.


Livi 3.15.04 bi cf

> I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called


> morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't

like the

> socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go

lol! She

> was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them

on her at

> 8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed


> away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes.

I told

> her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was

buckling them

> up! Slept about as well as she always does...


> But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she

started crying

> and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt

and she

> pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I


> that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that


> coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the


> side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if

you don't

> adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear

them for

> nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was


> and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off.

She's in

> bed now...


> ***********************************************************


> OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above


> refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of

course. And

> she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full

time this

> morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because


> something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the


> won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said


> before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of


> design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly


> perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared

them to her

> Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was


> enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to

have to

> grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it

could be

> tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need


> different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than

the ones we

> have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

> socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of



> So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.


> 1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that

are too

> wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting

these on than

> the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide.

They don't

> go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily

either. Which

> is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

> Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too

because I

> can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

> buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?


> 2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is


> being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her

toes to

> the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much

movement in that

> area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if


> were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

> squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in

there and now

> when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting

up and on

> top of the others.


> 3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in


> shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?


> 4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!!

It's the

> inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a


> thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside


> leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well

over the

> top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a

half over

> the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves


> no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery

stuff. But

> I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as

AFO's. I will

> take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I

get a

> chance to for y'all to take a peek at.


> 5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

> thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

> anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the

side the

> straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me.

Does no

> one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard

anyone say

> this was difficult yet.

> oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already


> this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make

sure it

> gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will


> understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to


> why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got


> around on our pair?


> 6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms

saying they

> were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was

painful to

> the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was



> 7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near

as much

> as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

> dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was


> degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these


> dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be

bent a

> little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more

than her

> non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a


> dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

> this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.


> I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't

want to get

> ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser

need and

> they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from

when she

> was fitted.


> Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should

be set

> heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I

was I

> suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me


> psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm

doing this

> so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want

me to have

> to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

> undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

> it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist

over and

> over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept

telling me it

> was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I

have to

> argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just

left. I

> told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as

long as

> I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

> there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

> adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....


> They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the

babes newly

> out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the

heels are

> down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel

will form

> and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that.


> about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle

strap. So

> at least they know that.


> I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave

them to

> us. I sure hope he did.


> I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't


> it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of

July so I

> may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace

shop to

> help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about

it... have

> to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and

decide later I

> guess.


> All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's

done with

> her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have

such a

> flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't

have a pad

> on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the

floors since

> the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here

soon that

> she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know,


> the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age


> she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now

and I

> think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I

love that!


> Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or


> for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need

to do it

> exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of

that tongue

> thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

> dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle

strap. Is

> this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


> Kori

> 2yo Darbi's mama

> Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Guest guest

Wow! Can't believe Darbi - " I don't want these shoes " after all you

went through to get them!!! LOL Go figure. It's too bad you are

having these problems. I hope they work themselves out so that the

brace works like we are hoping. We should be getting our p/m brace

here in a couple weeks and we can compare notes.


Livi 3.15.04 bi cf

> I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called


> morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't

like the

> socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go

lol! She

> was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them

on her at

> 8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed


> away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes.

I told

> her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was

buckling them

> up! Slept about as well as she always does...


> But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she

started crying

> and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt

and she

> pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I


> that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that


> coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the


> side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if

you don't

> adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear

them for

> nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was


> and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off.

She's in

> bed now...


> ***********************************************************


> OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above


> refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of

course. And

> she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full

time this

> morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because


> something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the


> won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said


> before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of


> design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly


> perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared

them to her

> Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was


> enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to

have to

> grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it

could be

> tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need


> different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than

the ones we

> have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

> socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of



> So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.


> 1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that

are too

> wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting

these on than

> the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide.

They don't

> go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily

either. Which

> is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

> Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too

because I

> can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

> buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?


> 2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is


> being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her

toes to

> the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much

movement in that

> area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if


> were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

> squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in

there and now

> when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting

up and on

> top of the others.


> 3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in


> shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?


> 4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!!

It's the

> inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a


> thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside


> leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well

over the

> top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a

half over

> the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves


> no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery

stuff. But

> I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as

AFO's. I will

> take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I

get a

> chance to for y'all to take a peek at.


> 5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

> thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

> anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the

side the

> straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me.

Does no

> one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard

anyone say

> this was difficult yet.

> oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already


> this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make

sure it

> gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will


> understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to


> why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got


> around on our pair?


> 6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms

saying they

> were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was

painful to

> the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was



> 7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near

as much

> as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

> dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was


> degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these


> dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be

bent a

> little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more

than her

> non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a


> dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

> this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.


> I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't

want to get

> ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser

need and

> they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from

when she

> was fitted.


> Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should

be set

> heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I

was I

> suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me


> psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm

doing this

> so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want

me to have

> to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

> undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

> it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist

over and

> over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept

telling me it

> was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I

have to

> argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just

left. I

> told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as

long as

> I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

> there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

> adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....


> They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the

babes newly

> out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the

heels are

> down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel

will form

> and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that.


> about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle

strap. So

> at least they know that.


> I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave

them to

> us. I sure hope he did.


> I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't


> it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of

July so I

> may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace

shop to

> help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about

it... have

> to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and

decide later I

> guess.


> All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's

done with

> her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have

such a

> flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't

have a pad

> on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the

floors since

> the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here

soon that

> she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know,


> the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age


> she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now

and I

> think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I

love that!


> Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or


> for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need

to do it

> exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of

that tongue

> thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

> dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle

strap. Is

> this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


> Kori

> 2yo Darbi's mama

> Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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It's not stiff at all, in fact... more the opposite. Very soft suede.


At 03:59 PM 6/12/2003, you wrote:

>Is it because the shoes are new and the leather is stiff??


> Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!


>I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called yesterday

>morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't like the

>socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go lol! She

>was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on her at

>8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed them

>away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I told

>her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was buckling them

>up! Slept about as well as she always does...


>But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started crying

>and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt and she

>pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I noticed

>that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that it's

>coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the same

>side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you don't

>adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear them for

>nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was cranky

>and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off. She's in

>bed now...




>OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above doesn't

>refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of course. And

>she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time this

>morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because there's

>something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the screw

>won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said here

>before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of their

>design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly thinking

>perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them to her

>Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was not

>enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have to

>grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it could be

>tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

>different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the ones we

>have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

>socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of problem?


>So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.


>1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that are too

>wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these on than

>the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide. They don't

>go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either. Which

>is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

>Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too because I

>can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

>buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?


>2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is GREAT! But

>being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her toes to

>the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement in that

>area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if mine

>were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

>squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there and now

>when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up and on

>top of the others.


>3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

>shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?


>4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's the

>inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a molded

>thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

>leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well over the

>top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a half over

>the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves absolutely

>no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery stuff. But

>I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as AFO's. I will

>take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get a

>chance to for y'all to take a peek at.


>5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

>thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

>anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the side the

>straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me. Does no

>one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard anyone say

>this was difficult yet.

> oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already mentioned

>this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make sure it

>gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will never

>understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to ask

>why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got switched

>around on our pair?


>6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms saying they

>were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was painful to

>the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.


>7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near as much

>as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

>dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was 10-15

>degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these are

>dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be bent a

>little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more than her

>non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

>dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

>this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.


>I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't want to get

>ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser need and

>they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from when she

>was fitted.


>Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should be set

>heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I was I

>suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me a

>psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm doing this

>so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me to have

>to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

>undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

>it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist over and

>over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling me it

>was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have to

>argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just left. I

>told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as long as

>I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

>there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

>adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....


>They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes newly

>out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the heels are

>down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel will form

>and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that. Also,

>about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle strap. So

>at least they know that.


>I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave them to

>us. I sure hope he did.


>I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't ordered

>it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July so I

>may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace shop to

>help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about it... have

>to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide later I



>All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's done with

>her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have such a

>flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't have a pad

>on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the floors since

>the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here soon that

>she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know, she's

>the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age where

>she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now and I

>think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I love that!


>Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or suggestions

>for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need to do it

>exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that tongue

>thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

>dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle strap. Is

>this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.



>2yo Darbi's mama

>Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d







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Guest guest

It's not stiff at all, in fact... more the opposite. Very soft suede.


At 03:59 PM 6/12/2003, you wrote:

>Is it because the shoes are new and the leather is stiff??


> Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!


>I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called yesterday

>morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't like the

>socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go lol! She

>was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on her at

>8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed them

>away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I told

>her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was buckling them

>up! Slept about as well as she always does...


>But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started crying

>and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt and she

>pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I noticed

>that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that it's

>coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the same

>side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you don't

>adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear them for

>nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was cranky

>and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off. She's in

>bed now...




>OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above doesn't

>refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of course. And

>she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time this

>morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because there's

>something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the screw

>won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said here

>before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of their

>design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly thinking

>perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them to her

>Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was not

>enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have to

>grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it could be

>tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

>different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the ones we

>have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

>socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of problem?


>So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.


>1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that are too

>wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these on than

>the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide. They don't

>go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either. Which

>is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

>Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too because I

>can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

>buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?


>2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is GREAT! But

>being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her toes to

>the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement in that

>area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if mine

>were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

>squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there and now

>when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up and on

>top of the others.


>3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

>shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?


>4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's the

>inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a molded

>thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

>leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well over the

>top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a half over

>the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves absolutely

>no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery stuff. But

>I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as AFO's. I will

>take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get a

>chance to for y'all to take a peek at.


>5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

>thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

>anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the side the

>straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me. Does no

>one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard anyone say

>this was difficult yet.

> oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already mentioned

>this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make sure it

>gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will never

>understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to ask

>why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got switched

>around on our pair?


>6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms saying they

>were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was painful to

>the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.


>7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near as much

>as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

>dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was 10-15

>degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these are

>dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be bent a

>little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more than her

>non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

>dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

>this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.


>I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't want to get

>ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser need and

>they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from when she

>was fitted.


>Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should be set

>heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I was I

>suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me a

>psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm doing this

>so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me to have

>to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

>undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

>it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist over and

>over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling me it

>was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have to

>argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just left. I

>told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as long as

>I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

>there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

>adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....


>They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes newly

>out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the heels are

>down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel will form

>and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that. Also,

>about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle strap. So

>at least they know that.


>I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave them to

>us. I sure hope he did.


>I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't ordered

>it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July so I

>may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace shop to

>help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about it... have

>to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide later I



>All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's done with

>her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have such a

>flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't have a pad

>on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the floors since

>the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here soon that

>she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know, she's

>the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age where

>she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now and I

>think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I love that!


>Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or suggestions

>for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need to do it

>exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that tongue

>thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

>dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle strap. Is

>this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.



>2yo Darbi's mama

>Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d







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Guest guest

We are on our 4th pair of 's. Rachael went into them

straight from her last cast d/t her " petite " feet. We don't have any

experience with the Markell's. With each new pair there is a

breaking-in period. The straps always seem to be too wide but within

a short period of time they slide in and out of the buckle easily. I

was having slight problems with the tongue on her last pair but

found out it was more of a user malfunction than a problem with the

brace. When we got Rachael's new pair of sandals at her appointment

with Dr. Ponseti in May, drew a line on the tongue so I would

know where to match the middle strap and tongue up ... easier to do

when she is not wiggling around. :)

I always press down on Rachael's knee to get her heel down in the

sandal then bring the tongue over as far as possible making sure

that it is smooth across her foot and then fasten the middle buckle.

I then buckle the top and then the bottom strap. You will have an

easier time as you get more comfortable with manuevering the tongue

and straps together. Good Luck!!


Rachael 2/20/04 blcf

> > I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called

> yesterday

> > morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't

> like the

> > socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go

> lol! She

> > was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them

> on her at

> > 8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and


> them

> > away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said


> I told

> > her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was

> buckling them

> > up! Slept about as well as she always does...

> >

> > But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she

> started crying

> > and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it


> and she

> > pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I

> noticed

> > that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems


> it's

> > coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from


> same

> > side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if

> you don't

> > adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear

> them for

> > nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she


> cranky

> > and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them


> She's in

> > bed now...

> >

> > ***********************************************************

> >

> > OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above

> doesn't

> > refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of

> course. And

> > she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full

> time this

> > morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees


> there's

> > something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting


> screw

> > won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something


> here

> > before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of

> their

> > design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly

> thinking

> > perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared

> them to her

> > Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees


> not

> > enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to

> have to

> > grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if


> could be

> > tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would


> a

> > different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than

> the ones we

> > have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

> > socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind


> problem?

> >

> > So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.

> >

> > 1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps


> are too

> > wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting

> these on than

> > the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide.

> They don't

> > go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily

> either. Which

> > is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does


> > Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off


> because I

> > can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

> > buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?

> >

> > 2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is

> GREAT! But

> > being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her

> toes to

> > the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much

> movement in that

> > area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or


> mine

> > were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

> > squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in

> there and now

> > when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting

> up and on

> > top of the others.

> >

> > 3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in

> the

> > shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?

> >

> > 4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!!

> It's the

> > inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be


> molded

> > thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside

> the

> > leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended


> over the

> > top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and


> half over

> > the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves

> absolutely

> > no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery

> stuff. But

> > I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as

> AFO's. I will

> > take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I

> get a

> > chance to for y'all to take a peek at.

> >

> > 5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little


> > thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

> > anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the

> side the

> > straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to


> Does no

> > one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard

> anyone say

> > this was difficult yet.

> > oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already

> mentioned

> > this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make

> sure it

> > gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will

> never

> > understand that logic and will probably be taking that to


> ask

> > why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got

> switched

> > around on our pair?

> >

> > 6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms

> saying they

> > were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was

> painful to

> > the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was

> wondering.

> >

> > 7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere


> as much

> > as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

> > dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it


> 10-15

> > degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these

> are

> > dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to


> bent a

> > little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot,


> than her

> > non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a

> lesser

> > dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may


> > this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.

> >

> > I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't

> want to get

> > ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a


> need and

> > they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w


> when she

> > was fitted.

> >

> > Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they


> be set

> > heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and


> was I

> > suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called


> a

> > psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm

> doing this

> > so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want

> me to have

> > to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got*


> > undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

> > it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to


> over and

> > over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept

> telling me it

> > was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I

> have to

> > argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just

> left. I

> > told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be


> long as

> > I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery.


> > there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

> > adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....

> >

> > They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the

> babes newly

> > out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the

> heels are

> > down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel

> will form

> > and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that.

> Also,

> > about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle

> strap. So

> > at least they know that.

> >

> > I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they


> them to

> > us. I sure hope he did.

> >

> > I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't

> ordered

> > it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of

> July so I

> > may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the


> shop to

> > help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about

> it... have

> > to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and

> decide later I

> > guess.

> >

> > All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till


> done with

> > her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they


> such a

> > flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't

> have a pad

> > on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the

> floors since

> > the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here

> soon that

> > she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I


> she's

> > the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age

> where

> > she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by


> and I

> > think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I

> love that!

> >

> > Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or

> suggestions

> > for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you


> to do it

> > exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of

> that tongue

> > thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed


> > dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle

> strap. Is

> > this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.

> >

> > Kori

> > 2yo Darbi's mama

> > Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Guest guest

We are on our 4th pair of 's. Rachael went into them

straight from her last cast d/t her " petite " feet. We don't have any

experience with the Markell's. With each new pair there is a

breaking-in period. The straps always seem to be too wide but within

a short period of time they slide in and out of the buckle easily. I

was having slight problems with the tongue on her last pair but

found out it was more of a user malfunction than a problem with the

brace. When we got Rachael's new pair of sandals at her appointment

with Dr. Ponseti in May, drew a line on the tongue so I would

know where to match the middle strap and tongue up ... easier to do

when she is not wiggling around. :)

I always press down on Rachael's knee to get her heel down in the

sandal then bring the tongue over as far as possible making sure

that it is smooth across her foot and then fasten the middle buckle.

I then buckle the top and then the bottom strap. You will have an

easier time as you get more comfortable with manuevering the tongue

and straps together. Good Luck!!


Rachael 2/20/04 blcf

> > I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called

> yesterday

> > morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't

> like the

> > socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go

> lol! She

> > was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them

> on her at

> > 8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and


> them

> > away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said


> I told

> > her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was

> buckling them

> > up! Slept about as well as she always does...

> >

> > But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she

> started crying

> > and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it


> and she

> > pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I

> noticed

> > that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems


> it's

> > coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from


> same

> > side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if

> you don't

> > adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear

> them for

> > nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she


> cranky

> > and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them


> She's in

> > bed now...

> >

> > ***********************************************************

> >

> > OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above

> doesn't

> > refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of

> course. And

> > she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full

> time this

> > morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees


> there's

> > something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting


> screw

> > won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something


> here

> > before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of

> their

> > design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly

> thinking

> > perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared

> them to her

> > Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees


> not

> > enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to

> have to

> > grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if


> could be

> > tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would


> a

> > different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than

> the ones we

> > have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

> > socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind


> problem?

> >

> > So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.

> >

> > 1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps


> are too

> > wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting

> these on than

> > the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide.

> They don't

> > go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily

> either. Which

> > is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does


> > Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off


> because I

> > can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

> > buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?

> >

> > 2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is

> GREAT! But

> > being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her

> toes to

> > the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much

> movement in that

> > area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or


> mine

> > were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

> > squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in

> there and now

> > when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting

> up and on

> > top of the others.

> >

> > 3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in

> the

> > shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?

> >

> > 4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!!

> It's the

> > inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be


> molded

> > thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside

> the

> > leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended


> over the

> > top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and


> half over

> > the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves

> absolutely

> > no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery

> stuff. But

> > I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as

> AFO's. I will

> > take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I

> get a

> > chance to for y'all to take a peek at.

> >

> > 5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little


> > thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

> > anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the

> side the

> > straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to


> Does no

> > one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard

> anyone say

> > this was difficult yet.

> > oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already

> mentioned

> > this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make

> sure it

> > gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will

> never

> > understand that logic and will probably be taking that to


> ask

> > why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got

> switched

> > around on our pair?

> >

> > 6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms

> saying they

> > were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was

> painful to

> > the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was

> wondering.

> >

> > 7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere


> as much

> > as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

> > dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it


> 10-15

> > degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these

> are

> > dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to


> bent a

> > little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot,


> than her

> > non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a

> lesser

> > dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may


> > this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.

> >

> > I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't

> want to get

> > ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a


> need and

> > they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w


> when she

> > was fitted.

> >

> > Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they


> be set

> > heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and


> was I

> > suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called


> a

> > psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm

> doing this

> > so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want

> me to have

> > to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got*


> > undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

> > it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to


> over and

> > over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept

> telling me it

> > was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I

> have to

> > argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just

> left. I

> > told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be


> long as

> > I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery.


> > there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

> > adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....

> >

> > They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the

> babes newly

> > out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the

> heels are

> > down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel

> will form

> > and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that.

> Also,

> > about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle

> strap. So

> > at least they know that.

> >

> > I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they


> them to

> > us. I sure hope he did.

> >

> > I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't

> ordered

> > it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of

> July so I

> > may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the


> shop to

> > help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about

> it... have

> > to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and

> decide later I

> > guess.

> >

> > All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till


> done with

> > her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they


> such a

> > flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't

> have a pad

> > on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the

> floors since

> > the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here

> soon that

> > she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I


> she's

> > the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age

> where

> > she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by


> and I

> > think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I

> love that!

> >

> > Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or

> suggestions

> > for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you


> to do it

> > exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of

> that tongue

> > thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed


> > dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle

> strap. Is

> > this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.

> >

> > Kori

> > 2yo Darbi's mama

> > Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Guest guest

We are on our second pair. I did notice the changes you mentioned in

the shoe. The only problem we had was that the tongue " flap " was way

too big. It would almost wrap around her foot and then bunch up when

we buckled it. We trimmed it back about a 1/3 " it now fits more

comfortable. As far as the straps go...it's just newness, give it

time to break in.




Ava bilat atypical cf p/m 16-18/7

> I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called


> morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't

like the

> socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go

lol! She

> was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on

her at

> 8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed


> away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I


> her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was

buckling them

> up! Slept about as well as she always does...


> But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started


> and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt

and she

> pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I


> that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that


> coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the


> side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you


> adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear

them for

> nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was


> and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off.

She's in

> bed now...


> ***********************************************************


> OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above


> refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of

course. And

> she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time


> morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because


> something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the


> won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said


> before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of


> design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly


> perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them

to her

> Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was


> enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have


> grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it

could be

> tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

> different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the

ones we

> have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

> socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of



> So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.


> 1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that

are too

> wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these

on than

> the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide.

They don't

> go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either.


> is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

> Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too

because I

> can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

> buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?


> 2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is


> being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her

toes to

> the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement

in that

> area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if


> were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

> squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there

and now

> when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up

and on

> top of the others.


> 3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

> shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?


> 4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's


> inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a


> thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

> leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well

over the

> top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a

half over

> the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves


> no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery

stuff. But

> I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as

AFO's. I will

> take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get


> chance to for y'all to take a peek at.


> 5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

> thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

> anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the

side the

> straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me.

Does no

> one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard

anyone say

> this was difficult yet.

> oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already


> this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make

sure it

> gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will


> understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to


> why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got


> around on our pair?


> 6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms

saying they

> were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was

painful to

> the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.


> 7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near

as much

> as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

> dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was


> degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these


> dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be

bent a

> little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more

than her

> non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

> dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

> this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.


> I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't

want to get

> ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser

need and

> they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from

when she

> was fitted.


> Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should

be set

> heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I

was I

> suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me


> psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm

doing this

> so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me

to have

> to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

> undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

> it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist

over and

> over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling

me it

> was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have


> argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just

left. I

> told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as

long as

> I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

> there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

> adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....


> They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes


> out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the

heels are

> down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel

will form

> and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that.


> about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle

strap. So

> at least they know that.


> I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave

them to

> us. I sure hope he did.


> I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't


> it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July

so I

> may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace

shop to

> help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about

it... have

> to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide

later I

> guess.


> All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's

done with

> her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have

such a

> flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't

have a pad

> on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the

floors since

> the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here

soon that

> she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know,


> the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age


> she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now

and I

> think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I

love that!


> Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or


> for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need

to do it

> exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that


> thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

> dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle

strap. Is

> this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


> Kori

> 2yo Darbi's mama

> Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Share on other sites

Guest guest

We are on our second pair. I did notice the changes you mentioned in

the shoe. The only problem we had was that the tongue " flap " was way

too big. It would almost wrap around her foot and then bunch up when

we buckled it. We trimmed it back about a 1/3 " it now fits more

comfortable. As far as the straps go...it's just newness, give it

time to break in.




Ava bilat atypical cf p/m 16-18/7

> I had company last night, so wasn't able to post but they called


> morning and we picked her shoes up in the afternoon. She didn't

like the

> socks they made and absolutely hated the shoes from the get go

lol! She

> was cranky and tired and in a mood all evening. When I put them on

her at

> 8:30, she actually told me " I don't want these shoes " and pushed


> away. I asked her if she wanted her old shoes and she said yes. I


> her no, and put them on anyway. She fell asleep while I was

buckling them

> up! Slept about as well as she always does...


> But this morning when I was away taking Kento to school she started


> and saying ow and daddy took them off. I asked her where it hurt

and she

> pointed to the top of her foot where the tongue thingie lies. I


> that it doesn't exactly lie flat on her foot. And, it seems that


> coming from the wrong side for cinching, as it folds over from the


> side you're cinching it towards. Which tends to bunch it up if you


> adjust it. That's strange if you ask me... So I had her wear

them for

> nap today, and left again to go get Kenton. When she woke she was


> and pointed to her shoes and said ow. Daddy again took them off.

She's in

> bed now...


> ***********************************************************


> OK- since I wrote that last night but didn't send, all the above


> refer to yesterday lol... it's referring to the day before of

course. And

> she slept fine last night and even wore her shoes for the full time


> morning. BUT... I also reduced the abduction 10 degrees because


> something wrong with the screw hole for the 70 degree setting (the


> won't go in all the way) and I thought I remembered something said


> before about the P/M's being set at a lesser degree because of


> design. So, I used the other screw hole that works properly


> perhaps it was abducted too much. However... when I compared them

to her

> Markell's this morning I saw that I was wrong, and 60 degrees was


> enough. So I set them back with the bum screw and am going to have


> grind the screw off a bit so it seats properly. I asked DH if it

could be

> tapped and he said he didn't want to mess it up and it would need a

> different kind of tap (one that is not tapered at the tip) than the

ones we

> have because the part that needs tapping is so deep in the

> socket. Squashed that idea... Anyone else ever have this kind of



> So far, I have a few comments and questions about this brace.


> 1- Is it just our pair or all of these coming out with straps that

are too

> wide for the buckles? I swear, I spend way more time putting these

on than

> the Markell's and it's not easy with the straps being too wide.

They don't

> go in easily... but then again they don't come off easily either.


> is good for Darbs because she can't get them off like she does the

> Markells... but it also takes me a long time to get them off too

because I

> can't hardly get under the straps to get them loosened from the

> buckles. Thoughts?? Should I trim them? With what?


> 2- There seems to be a LOT of room in the toe box. Which is


> being that there's something like 1/4 " room on both sides of her

toes to

> the edges of the shoe, I wonder if it might allow too much movement

in that

> area. I was wondering if all these shoes came out like that or if


> were made extra wide because of our problem with the toes being

> squashed. As a side note, I'm just thrilled with the room in there

and now

> when I put her shoes on her toes sit flat instead of one lifting up

and on

> top of the others.


> 3- Even though the screws are tight, there's still some slop in the

> shoes. Just a little bit. Do others have this issue too?


> 4- I know what that part is that qualifies them for AFO's!!!! It's


> inside rubbery thing that used to be yellow. It used to just be a


> thing that served as an insole that wraps the foot a bit inside the

> leather. NOW... it's white and the heel portion is extended well

over the

> top of the heel area of leather and sticks up about an inch and a

half over

> the leather. It looks like an AFO in this respect. It serves


> no purpose that I can see because it's all floppy soft rubbery

stuff. But

> I'm pretty sure this is what he added to get them covered as

AFO's. I will

> take a picture of them and post to the CFPics list as soon as I get


> chance to for y'all to take a peek at.


> 5- (back to complaining/critiquing/wondering) - The little tongue

> thingie... Why on earth is it attached to the side you cinch on

> anyway? What a PITA to get it straight! If it pulled from the

side the

> straps are sewn to, that would make a whole lot more sense to me.

Does no

> one else have problems getting it flat because I've never heard

anyone say

> this was difficult yet.

> oops... sorry, I just read up and see that I already


> this. Well, it's irritating so I'm leaving it in twice to make

sure it

> gets noticed - love to hear any comments. I can see that I will


> understand that logic and will probably be taking that to to


> why. I wonder if he just made them so fast that something got


> around on our pair?


> 6- the soles are smooth on these now. I remembered some moms

saying they

> were ridged or had some kind of imprint on them before that was

painful to

> the parent. So that's all smooth now, in case anyone was wondering.


> 7- they're dorsiflexed, but not very much. Certainly nowhere near

as much

> as any of her other pairs have been. I have never measured the

> dorsiflexion they bend into her bars, I always just assumed it was


> degrees like it's supposed to be. Anyone know what degree these


> dorsiflexed to from the factory and if perhaps they may need to be

bent a

> little more? She has fantastic dorsiflexion in her clubfoot, more

than her

> non CF actually. I don't want to compromise this by using a lesser

> dorsiflexed brace over her last year of splinting if it may change

> this. Any thoughts on this are also very welcome.


> I sure hope Kai's shoes are on the way, because I really didn't

want to get

> ours before he got his. I feel bad now, because ours is a lesser

need and

> they came very, very soon if you ask me. Something like 3-4w from

when she

> was fitted.


> Interestingly enough, the instructions indicated that they should

be set

> heel to heel. So that's how they were set at the brace shop and I

was I

> suppose vindicated some on that one issue. Rob jokingly called me


> psychotic mom or something like that - and I mentioned that I'm

doing this

> so I don't have to come back, which he then said they don't want me

to have

> to come back either lol (joking, but kinda serious... I *got* the

> undertones even though we were both joking and laughing about

> it). Obviously in reference to the incident where I had to insist

over and

> over again that her brace was too short and that woman kept telling

me it

> was fine until I blew up and asked pretty nasty like " Why do I have


> argue about this with you? " and got frustrated and almost just

left. I

> told him I was the thorn in their side and would continue to be as

long as

> I was able to help babies have straight feet without surgery. So

> there!!! Oh, and this brace is even wider than the ones they

> adjusted/modified for me about 3w ago. Hummmm....


> They did like the shoes though, and I told them about how the babes


> out of casts who use that brace likely will not look as if the

heels are

> down all the way in the back. But after a few months, the heel

will form

> and it will come down. I thought they might want to know that.


> about the shoes ability to help correct cavus with that middle

strap. So

> at least they know that.


> I do not know if Dr. Sussman got to look at them before they gave

them to

> us. I sure hope he did.


> I couldn't get much help on toe splinting because the Dr. hasn't


> it, but we have an appointment with Dr. Sussman on the 17th of July

so I

> may wait till then and ask him to write some orders for the brace

shop to

> help me with splinting materials. I may write him sooner about

it... have

> to think about what is the best thing to do at this time and decide

later I

> guess.


> All in all, I'm glad we have them and I hope they last till she's

done with

> her splinting phase in a year or so. I really like that they have

such a

> flat bottom and she can finally stand without wobbling. I don't

have a pad

> on the bar, but it doesn't seem like it's going to damage the

floors since

> the metal doesn't touch. I am hoping to be able to report here

soon that

> she is able to walk in them unaided soon because as far as I know,


> the oldest child who has a pair of these and will be at the age


> she'll be able to do that soon. She's been walking forever by now

and I

> think she *can* walk in them unaided because they're so flat. I

love that!


> Thanks for reading if you got this far and for any comments or


> for applying them that anyone has. So far, it seems that you need

to do it

> exactly opposite from what you do with the Markells because of that


> thing bunching up. I have to point her feet a bit (as opposed to

> dorsiflexing) to get it all flat and *then* buckle the middle

strap. Is

> this right? Any and all pointers are welcome.


> Kori

> 2yo Darbi's mama

> Ponseti FAB 12-14hr/d

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Guest guest

Hello Kori.

is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

about? Does Darbi's have those? That was the biggest disappointment for

me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

easier when they break in more. My DH still can't put them on right,

without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right! I also haven't

noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

or bad.

I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

other changes were made.

By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

fix it.



Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

Vienna, VA 22182




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Guest guest

Hello Kori.

is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

about? Does Darbi's have those? That was the biggest disappointment for

me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

easier when they break in more. My DH still can't put them on right,

without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right! I also haven't

noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

or bad.

I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

other changes were made.

By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

fix it.



Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

Vienna, VA 22182




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At 04:39 AM 6/13/2005, you wrote:

>Hello Kori.

> is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

>changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

>strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

>notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

>the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

>about? Does Darbi's have those?

nope. that'd be nice though.

>That was the biggest disappointment for

>me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

>through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

>flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

>easier when they break in more.

I must not be getting the top strap tight enough because in the morning,

the flap is outside/on top of the top strap instead of tucked under it like

it's supposed to be.

> My DH still can't put them on right,

>without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

>puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

>Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right!

LOL, I can get her other shoes on in just a few minutes and these take

forever! She still insists she doesn't like them. But her toes are so

free in them, she wiggles them around and they sit flat again which is the

main reason I wanted them. So I like them, even if she doesn't.

>I also haven't

>noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

>put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

>your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

>or bad.

I will do that. If I thought I was sure about the tongue before, I'm

positive now. It just doesn't make sense for it to come from the side that

it does considering it's cinched the opposite. You could pull tighter if

it came from the same side the straps are sewn to. It gets to a point

where there's a little more stretch available but it's tight enough that

you can't smooth the flap down under the strap and any more pulling would

bunch it more. hummm...

>I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

>it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

>other changes were made.


>By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

>fix it.

OK, thanks! But I wonder what could be done all the way out here on the

west coast? If I had the right kind of tap, I'd just do it myself.

I am going to find an old pair of tennies or some kind of shoe with a

rubbery sole and tear them apart and glue the rubbery sole to the bottom of

these shoes. They're just too slick for her to stand in on the hardwood

floors. And that's about all we have other than linoleum on the first

floor. She stands up, leans a little and they slide right out from under

her. CRASH!! I figure a rubbery sole would do the trick. hummm... I may

go to a shoe repair shop and see if they have something that'd work. I

wonder if anyone else thinks more traction on the bottoms would be a good

thing for their babes?

Thanks everyone for the comments! I am looking forward to getting these

broken in more so life is a little easier. It's good to know they're made

that wide for a reason and it'll work itself out. I *was* buckling them

all the way up but last night I didn't bother. Since she can't pull them

hard enough to get the buckles undone anyway I probably won't do them

completely up ever again. I never buckled her others up all the way

either. I bet most of you buckle them up nice and proper like

huh? hehe... me lazy!







> Shook

>Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

>Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

>2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

>Vienna, VA 22182

> x374

> x374

> fax



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Guest guest

At 04:39 AM 6/13/2005, you wrote:

>Hello Kori.

> is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

>changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

>strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

>notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

>the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

>about? Does Darbi's have those?

nope. that'd be nice though.

>That was the biggest disappointment for

>me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

>through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

>flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

>easier when they break in more.

I must not be getting the top strap tight enough because in the morning,

the flap is outside/on top of the top strap instead of tucked under it like

it's supposed to be.

> My DH still can't put them on right,

>without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

>puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

>Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right!

LOL, I can get her other shoes on in just a few minutes and these take

forever! She still insists she doesn't like them. But her toes are so

free in them, she wiggles them around and they sit flat again which is the

main reason I wanted them. So I like them, even if she doesn't.

>I also haven't

>noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

>put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

>your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

>or bad.

I will do that. If I thought I was sure about the tongue before, I'm

positive now. It just doesn't make sense for it to come from the side that

it does considering it's cinched the opposite. You could pull tighter if

it came from the same side the straps are sewn to. It gets to a point

where there's a little more stretch available but it's tight enough that

you can't smooth the flap down under the strap and any more pulling would

bunch it more. hummm...

>I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

>it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

>other changes were made.


>By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

>fix it.

OK, thanks! But I wonder what could be done all the way out here on the

west coast? If I had the right kind of tap, I'd just do it myself.

I am going to find an old pair of tennies or some kind of shoe with a

rubbery sole and tear them apart and glue the rubbery sole to the bottom of

these shoes. They're just too slick for her to stand in on the hardwood

floors. And that's about all we have other than linoleum on the first

floor. She stands up, leans a little and they slide right out from under

her. CRASH!! I figure a rubbery sole would do the trick. hummm... I may

go to a shoe repair shop and see if they have something that'd work. I

wonder if anyone else thinks more traction on the bottoms would be a good

thing for their babes?

Thanks everyone for the comments! I am looking forward to getting these

broken in more so life is a little easier. It's good to know they're made

that wide for a reason and it'll work itself out. I *was* buckling them

all the way up but last night I didn't bother. Since she can't pull them

hard enough to get the buckles undone anyway I probably won't do them

completely up ever again. I never buckled her others up all the way

either. I bet most of you buckle them up nice and proper like

huh? hehe... me lazy!







> Shook

>Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

>Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

>2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

>Vienna, VA 22182

> x374

> x374

> fax



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I feel stupid asking this but what are P/M's?? Thanks! Lori


From: nosurgery4clubfoot

[mailto:nosurgery4clubfoot ] On Behalf Of frogabog

Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 11:05 AM

To: nosurgery4clubfoot

Subject: Re: Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

At 04:39 AM 6/13/2005, you wrote:

>Hello Kori.

> is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

>changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

>strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

>notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

>the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

>about? Does Darbi's have those?

nope. that'd be nice though.

>That was the biggest disappointment for

>me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

>through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

>flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

>easier when they break in more.

I must not be getting the top strap tight enough because in the morning,

the flap is outside/on top of the top strap instead of tucked under it like

it's supposed to be.

> My DH still can't put them on right,

>without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

>puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

>Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right!

LOL, I can get her other shoes on in just a few minutes and these take

forever! She still insists she doesn't like them. But her toes are so

free in them, she wiggles them around and they sit flat again which is the

main reason I wanted them. So I like them, even if she doesn't.

>I also haven't

>noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

>put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

>your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

>or bad.

I will do that. If I thought I was sure about the tongue before, I'm

positive now. It just doesn't make sense for it to come from the side that

it does considering it's cinched the opposite. You could pull tighter if

it came from the same side the straps are sewn to. It gets to a point

where there's a little more stretch available but it's tight enough that

you can't smooth the flap down under the strap and any more pulling would

bunch it more. hummm...

>I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

>it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

>other changes were made.


>By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

>fix it.

OK, thanks! But I wonder what could be done all the way out here on the

west coast? If I had the right kind of tap, I'd just do it myself.

I am going to find an old pair of tennies or some kind of shoe with a

rubbery sole and tear them apart and glue the rubbery sole to the bottom of

these shoes. They're just too slick for her to stand in on the hardwood

floors. And that's about all we have other than linoleum on the first

floor. She stands up, leans a little and they slide right out from under

her. CRASH!! I figure a rubbery sole would do the trick. hummm... I may

go to a shoe repair shop and see if they have something that'd work. I

wonder if anyone else thinks more traction on the bottoms would be a good

thing for their babes?

Thanks everyone for the comments! I am looking forward to getting these

broken in more so life is a little easier. It's good to know they're made

that wide for a reason and it'll work itself out. I *was* buckling them

all the way up but last night I didn't bother. Since she can't pull them

hard enough to get the buckles undone anyway I probably won't do them

completely up ever again. I never buckled her others up all the way

either. I bet most of you buckle them up nice and proper like

huh? hehe... me lazy!







> Shook

>Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

>Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

>2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

>Vienna, VA 22182

> x374

> x374

> fax



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Guest guest

I feel stupid asking this but what are P/M's?? Thanks! Lori


From: nosurgery4clubfoot

[mailto:nosurgery4clubfoot ] On Behalf Of frogabog

Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 11:05 AM

To: nosurgery4clubfoot

Subject: Re: Darbi got her P/M's yesterday!

At 04:39 AM 6/13/2005, you wrote:

>Hello Kori.

> is only on her second pair of P/M's. did make several of those

>changes you mentioned by her second pair. I have not experienced the

>strap being wider than the buckle. That would be rather annoying. I did

>notice, her second pair doesn't have the little rolly thing-a-majigs on

>the buckle to help pull it through easier. Do you know what I am talking

>about? Does Darbi's have those?

nope. that'd be nice though.

>That was the biggest disappointment for

>me when we got her 2nd pair. It makes it much harder to pull the strap

>through and get super tight! The middle tongue is very difficult to lay

>flat and not bunch up, especially when they are new. That will get

>easier when they break in more.

I must not be getting the top strap tight enough because in the morning,

the flap is outside/on top of the top strap instead of tucked under it like

it's supposed to be.

> My DH still can't put them on right,

>without them bunching, so I find myself redoing them everytime after he

>puts them on. I am so concerned about her feet being comfortable.

>Sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get them just right!

LOL, I can get her other shoes on in just a few minutes and these take

forever! She still insists she doesn't like them. But her toes are so

free in them, she wiggles them around and they sit flat again which is the

main reason I wanted them. So I like them, even if she doesn't.

>I also haven't

>noticed which side the middle tongue is sewn. Pretty sad considering I

>put them on everyday, LOL!!!! I think you should certainly voice all of

>your opinions to . He is always happy to hear feedback, whether good

>or bad.

I will do that. If I thought I was sure about the tongue before, I'm

positive now. It just doesn't make sense for it to come from the side that

it does considering it's cinched the opposite. You could pull tighter if

it came from the same side the straps are sewn to. It gets to a point

where there's a little more stretch available but it's tight enough that

you can't smooth the flap down under the strap and any more pulling would

bunch it more. hummm...

>I just received an impression kit for 's 3rd pair. I will be sending

>it out today. When I receive her new pair I can compare and see if any

>other changes were made.


>By the way, let know about the screw problem ASAP. He will want to

>fix it.

OK, thanks! But I wonder what could be done all the way out here on the

west coast? If I had the right kind of tap, I'd just do it myself.

I am going to find an old pair of tennies or some kind of shoe with a

rubbery sole and tear them apart and glue the rubbery sole to the bottom of

these shoes. They're just too slick for her to stand in on the hardwood

floors. And that's about all we have other than linoleum on the first

floor. She stands up, leans a little and they slide right out from under

her. CRASH!! I figure a rubbery sole would do the trick. hummm... I may

go to a shoe repair shop and see if they have something that'd work. I

wonder if anyone else thinks more traction on the bottoms would be a good

thing for their babes?

Thanks everyone for the comments! I am looking forward to getting these

broken in more so life is a little easier. It's good to know they're made

that wide for a reason and it'll work itself out. I *was* buckling them

all the way up but last night I didn't bother. Since she can't pull them

hard enough to get the buckles undone anyway I probably won't do them

completely up ever again. I never buckled her others up all the way

either. I bet most of you buckle them up nice and proper like

huh? hehe... me lazy!







> Shook

>Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

>Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

>2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

>Vienna, VA 22182

> x374

> x374

> fax



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Ponseti brace. Kori started the P/M abbreviation because writing

out s everytime is too much! LOL!!!


Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

Vienna, VA 22182




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Guest guest

Ponseti brace. Kori started the P/M abbreviation because writing

out s everytime is too much! LOL!!!


Retail Operations Manager/Baking Instructor

Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.

2070 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 500

Vienna, VA 22182




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