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Re: WOW - first DAN! appt Yesterday

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where is she located? that is awesome news!

tinayorkie <TinaT@...> wrote: We had our first DAN! appt

yesterday for (2 1/2 year old,

apraxic, no asd dx)

Earlier in the week I faxed her (Elaine Hardy, NP) a chronology of

's health from birth, with all dates, times, places, reasons,

etc for doctor visits or anything related (EI eval, ST appts, ENT

appts, peds, Vax's, illnesses, my illnesses/meds while nursing, etc).

I did this on excel and resorted by date when I was finished. WOW, I

thought it told a story. I also faxed the EI eval from April, his

SLP evals since May and his vax schedule and blood test results. The

last thing I put in there was my overall thoughts on what I

was " seeing " and " feeling. " And a list of questions and things I

wanted to make sure we covered.

When we got there she had the 22 pages I faxed her and she had tons

of highlights. She said to me in the first minute that I had already

figured it all out and that she was just there to validate my

suspisions and give us a path. I was floored - in both a good and

bad way of course. My suspicion was that he's loaded with yeast, has

sensitivities to milk and possibly some other foods, isn't absorbing

good stuff anymore (vitamins, etc) and just " needs " to be more

healthy, and maybe some metals going on.

LONG story short - I told her that in my opinion, for the past 10

months I've always felt that was " knocking on the window of

autism " and she wholeheartedly agreed. His evals from March/April

were dramatically different from the Nov/Dec updates and she felt the

interventions we did in between were what was turning a corner for

him (EI, ST, Omega 3, probiotics, regular good vitamins, no

antibiotics, no more vax's) She looked me straight in the eye and

said, " I believe you are right. He was right there but whatever

you've done since earlier this year has moved him further away. " I

was floored. My husband leaned over and said " Good job Mama " gave me

a kiss on the cheek and she started to cry and so did I.

So now we need to " have the science back up the intuition " and have

blood, urine and stool testing done. Monday at 9am we have the blood

and we'll collect the urine and stool Monday night to get sent out

Tuesday. She expects to find yeast, which we'll get rid of, she

expects to find milk/casein sensititivies, which we'll work on and

she expects to find too much " bad stuff " and not enough " good

stuff. " I wholeheartedly agree that everything starts with the GUT

and that started out DAY ONE behind the 8 ball (NICu

admission within 4 hours of birth, spent 3 days there on IV

antibiotics which eventually weren't " necessary " bc the blood

cultures were negative, then started with chronic ear infections at

age 3 months....)

Anyway, I love this woman. If ANYONE in NJ is looking to get started

with a DAN!, Elaine Hardy is great. I know I only spent an hour with

her, but you know how you just get " that feeling " about someone.

She's a mom of 2 and her entire family is holistic, organic, dye free

and healthy so I already admire what she does and who she is. she

got into this field (DAN!) because of some concerns about her son,

who is 6 now, and found a deep appreciation for the

mind/body/holistic connection.

So our plan for now is increase the Omega 3 (which I've

already seen an improvement on), change to Culturelle for probiotics,

get the right SuperNuThera vitamin (he's been getting the kirkmans

childrens wafer which I thought was SNT but its not), keep up the ST

and try to get more protein in his system however we can (she

believes he anemic too). And we document everything. I'm starting a

personal blog. My husband is over the top into this now (I really

had to spoon feed him info since I made the appt 6 weeks ago and

little by little I showed him more biomed info and he's now just

finishing McCarty's book).

Eventually we're going to do some testing on our 6 year old for food

sensitivities and such bc he gets those dark circles too but he's got

so much of a better diet and vitamin regimine than .

Anyway, thats our deal for now.....very strangely exciting!

Tina in NJ


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> where is she located? that is awesome news!


Elaine Hardy is in Hackettstown, NJ. She was about a 45 minute drive

from our house. It was about a 5 week wait for an appointment, although

she says her " initial " appointments take longer and follow ups get in

much quicker (within 2 weeks once you call).


Tina in NJ

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Great info! Thanks so much for sharing. Our 27 month old is very similar to your


except he did get a ASD label at 18 months. Just from changes in diet, ezymes


homeopathy, he is doing great and ahead for language for his age group and

developmentally right on target. I hit it immediately, when I started to see

signs at 12

months. Unfortunately, we have not 'recovered " or cured anything. We have just


most things to where we can " uncover " his autism- but we are still stuck with

this disease.

I am very curious to see 's health data from birth to current. I think

it's so

important for parents to really go over their child's history with a fine tooth

comb. There is

so much information to be found. Also, I really hope you do start a personal

blog. I want

to as well, just to fill our family and friends (most who think we are crazy for

sure) on our

success and frustations with this disease, so people have a deeper understanding

of what

autism really is. Between frantically trying to heal my lovely boy, preparing

for a new baby

and oh yeah- that thing called a career, I have not had time to prepare a blog.

I don't think

we all have to wait for recovered children to tell our stories.The public really

needs to

understand how " sick " our children are and the physical effects of this disease

instead of

just focusing on the " quirky " behavior. I feel like the more we get out of our

" inner circles "

and put our stories in the general public, more awareness, research and funding


come out of it. Your story could also help another parent help their child

before the effects

of autism takes it's awful hold. We should all pat ourselves on the back for

being such

great moms and dads and being there 100% (usually more!) for our children.

I wish your family the best of health!


, " tinayorkie " <TinaT@...> wrote:


> We had our first DAN! appt yesterday for (2 1/2 year old,

> apraxic, no asd dx)


> Earlier in the week I faxed her (Elaine Hardy, NP) a chronology of

> 's health from birth, with all dates, times, places, reasons,

> etc for doctor visits or anything related (EI eval, ST appts, ENT

> appts, peds, Vax's, illnesses, my illnesses/meds while nursing, etc).

> I did this on excel and resorted by date when I was finished. WOW, I

> thought it told a story. I also faxed the EI eval from April, his

> SLP evals since May and his vax schedule and blood test results. The

> last thing I put in there was my overall thoughts on what I

> was " seeing " and " feeling. " And a list of questions and things I

> wanted to make sure we covered.


> When we got there she had the 22 pages I faxed her and she had tons

> of highlights. She said to me in the first minute that I had already

> figured it all out and that she was just there to validate my

> suspisions and give us a path. I was floored - in both a good and

> bad way of course. My suspicion was that he's loaded with yeast, has

> sensitivities to milk and possibly some other foods, isn't absorbing

> good stuff anymore (vitamins, etc) and just " needs " to be more

> healthy, and maybe some metals going on.


> LONG story short - I told her that in my opinion, for the past 10

> months I've always felt that was " knocking on the window of

> autism " and she wholeheartedly agreed. His evals from March/April

> were dramatically different from the Nov/Dec updates and she felt the

> interventions we did in between were what was turning a corner for

> him (EI, ST, Omega 3, probiotics, regular good vitamins, no

> antibiotics, no more vax's) She looked me straight in the eye and

> said, " I believe you are right. He was right there but whatever

> you've done since earlier this year has moved him further away. " I

> was floored. My husband leaned over and said " Good job Mama " gave me

> a kiss on the cheek and she started to cry and so did I.


> So now we need to " have the science back up the intuition " and have

> blood, urine and stool testing done. Monday at 9am we have the blood

> and we'll collect the urine and stool Monday night to get sent out

> Tuesday. She expects to find yeast, which we'll get rid of, she

> expects to find milk/casein sensititivies, which we'll work on and

> she expects to find too much " bad stuff " and not enough " good

> stuff. " I wholeheartedly agree that everything starts with the GUT

> and that started out DAY ONE behind the 8 ball (NICu

> admission within 4 hours of birth, spent 3 days there on IV

> antibiotics which eventually weren't " necessary " bc the blood

> cultures were negative, then started with chronic ear infections at

> age 3 months....)


> Anyway, I love this woman. If ANYONE in NJ is looking to get started

> with a DAN!, Elaine Hardy is great. I know I only spent an hour with

> her, but you know how you just get " that feeling " about someone.

> She's a mom of 2 and her entire family is holistic, organic, dye free

> and healthy so I already admire what she does and who she is. she

> got into this field (DAN!) because of some concerns about her son,

> who is 6 now, and found a deep appreciation for the

> mind/body/holistic connection.


> So our plan for now is increase the Omega 3 (which I've

> already seen an improvement on), change to Culturelle for probiotics,

> get the right SuperNuThera vitamin (he's been getting the kirkmans

> childrens wafer which I thought was SNT but its not), keep up the ST

> and try to get more protein in his system however we can (she

> believes he anemic too). And we document everything. I'm starting a

> personal blog. My husband is over the top into this now (I really

> had to spoon feed him info since I made the appt 6 weeks ago and

> little by little I showed him more biomed info and he's now just

> finishing McCarty's book).


> Eventually we're going to do some testing on our 6 year old for food

> sensitivities and such bc he gets those dark circles too but he's got

> so much of a better diet and vitamin regimine than .


> Anyway, thats our deal for now.....very strangely exciting!



> Tina in NJ


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Go Tina!

This is good to know. My NT daughter has shiners and I think we are

missing something. I have a DAN who is further away and a little less

experienced. Since I put off the tests though I am not sure I am

right about that. I will get on those tests and move on to her if my

guy flops.

My hubby is a scientist. He is more receptive than most husbands but

the cost, the swift changes I forced upon us and my environmental

changes (I think those bug him the most) can still get to him at

times. He is great though, helps with meal prep (did most of it this

summer as I researched), great about taking the kids outside for some

fresh air (in NJ???). Still, we have fought over this a bit. I do

remember though, one time in the beginning when he said " I really do

get it and aprreciate what you are doing. " The other day he actually

told me I saved our children. Well, let's just say waterworks both


It is getting crazy now, we have a local network and a mom as crazy

as me in town is three months behind us with a much more serious kid

who is thriving because that mom really knew what she was doing. In

the end I think we did something to help both kids but I still pray

that I did not stir new problems up. You did it right and responsibly

and are to be commended. I am so glad your has you for a


Our OT asked me to speak about GFCF interventions at her hospital's

parent meetings. It scares me as I want to do it responsibly. If

anyone has any tips please say so.


> We had our first DAN! appt yesterday for (2 1/2 year old,

> apraxic, no asd dx)


> Earlier in the week I faxed her (Elaine Hardy, NP) a chronology of

> 's health from birth, with all dates, times, places,


> etc for doctor visits or anything related (EI eval, ST appts, ENT

> appts, peds, Vax's, illnesses, my illnesses/meds while nursing,


> I did this on excel and resorted by date when I was finished. WOW,


> thought it told a story. I also faxed the EI eval from April, his

> SLP evals since May and his vax schedule and blood test results.


> last thing I put in there was my overall thoughts on what I

> was " seeing " and " feeling. " And a list of questions and things I

> wanted to make sure we covered.


> When we got there she had the 22 pages I faxed her and she had tons

> of highlights. She said to me in the first minute that I had


> figured it all out and that she was just there to validate my

> suspisions and give us a path. I was floored - in both a good and

> bad way of course. My suspicion was that he's loaded with yeast,


> sensitivities to milk and possibly some other foods, isn't


> good stuff anymore (vitamins, etc) and just " needs " to be more

> healthy, and maybe some metals going on.


> LONG story short - I told her that in my opinion, for the past 10

> months I've always felt that was " knocking on the window of

> autism " and she wholeheartedly agreed. His evals from March/April

> were dramatically different from the Nov/Dec updates and she felt


> interventions we did in between were what was turning a corner for

> him (EI, ST, Omega 3, probiotics, regular good vitamins, no

> antibiotics, no more vax's) She looked me straight in the eye and

> said, " I believe you are right. He was right there but whatever

> you've done since earlier this year has moved him further away. " I

> was floored. My husband leaned over and said " Good job Mama " gave


> a kiss on the cheek and she started to cry and so did I.


> So now we need to " have the science back up the intuition " and have

> blood, urine and stool testing done. Monday at 9am we have the


> and we'll collect the urine and stool Monday night to get sent out

> Tuesday. She expects to find yeast, which we'll get rid of, she

> expects to find milk/casein sensititivies, which we'll work on and

> she expects to find too much " bad stuff " and not enough " good

> stuff. " I wholeheartedly agree that everything starts with the GUT

> and that started out DAY ONE behind the 8 ball (NICu

> admission within 4 hours of birth, spent 3 days there on IV

> antibiotics which eventually weren't " necessary " bc the blood

> cultures were negative, then started with chronic ear infections at

> age 3 months....)


> Anyway, I love this woman. If ANYONE in NJ is looking to get


> with a DAN!, Elaine Hardy is great. I know I only spent an hour


> her, but you know how you just get " that feeling " about someone.

> She's a mom of 2 and her entire family is holistic, organic, dye


> and healthy so I already admire what she does and who she is. she

> got into this field (DAN!) because of some concerns about her son,

> who is 6 now, and found a deep appreciation for the

> mind/body/holistic connection.


> So our plan for now is increase the Omega 3 (which I've

> already seen an improvement on), change to Culturelle for


> get the right SuperNuThera vitamin (he's been getting the kirkmans

> childrens wafer which I thought was SNT but its not), keep up the


> and try to get more protein in his system however we can (she

> believes he anemic too). And we document everything. I'm starting


> personal blog. My husband is over the top into this now (I really

> had to spoon feed him info since I made the appt 6 weeks ago and

> little by little I showed him more biomed info and he's now just

> finishing McCarty's book).


> Eventually we're going to do some testing on our 6 year old for


> sensitivities and such bc he gets those dark circles too but he's


> so much of a better diet and vitamin regimine than .


> Anyway, thats our deal for now.....very strangely exciting!



> Tina in NJ


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Sounds like a great appointment! It's nice to know you have been on the right

path and have done so well for your son--Good job Mama is right!

Where in NJ is she located? Would you mind sharing what she charged? I want to

get my son and daughter to a DAN as soon as we can afford to do it. It sounds

like you had a great experience with this doctor.

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " tinayorkie " <tinayorkie@...>

We had our first DAN! appt yesterday for (2 1/2 year old,

apraxic, no asd dx)

Earlier in the week I faxed her (Elaine Hardy, NP) a chronology of

's health from birth, with all dates, times, places, reasons,

etc for doctor visits or anything related (EI eval, ST appts, ENT

appts, peds, Vax's, illnesses, my illnesses/meds while nursing, etc).

I did this on excel and resorted by date when I was finished. WOW, I

thought it told a story. I also faxed the EI eval from April, his

SLP evals since May and his vax schedule and blood test results. The

last thing I put in there was my overall thoughts on what I

was " seeing " and " feeling. " And a list of questions and things I

wanted to make sure we covered.

When we got there she had the 22 pages I faxed her and she had tons

of highlights. She said to me in the first minute that I had already

figured it all out and that she was just there to validate my

suspisions and give us a path. I was floored - in both a good and

bad way of course. My suspicion was that he's loaded with yeast, has

sensitivities to milk and possibly some other foods, isn't absorbing

good stuff anymore (vitamins, etc) and just " needs " to be more

healthy, and maybe some metals going on.

LONG story short - I told her that in my opinion, for the past 10

months I've always felt that was " knocking on the window of

autism " and she wholeheartedly agreed. His evals from March/April

were dramatically different from the Nov/Dec updates and she felt the

interventions we did in between were what was turning a corner for

him (EI, ST, Omega 3, probiotics, regular good vitamins, no

antibiotics, no more vax's) She looked me straight in the eye and

said, " I believe you are right. He was right there but whatever

you've done since earlier this year has moved him further away. " I

was floored. My husband leaned over and said " Good job Mama " gave me

a kiss on the cheek and she started to cry and so did I.

So now we need to " have the science back up the intuition " and have

blood, urine and stool testing done. Monday at 9am we have the blood

and we'll collect the urine and stool Monday night to get sent out

Tuesday. She expects to find yeast, which we'll get rid of, she

expects to find milk/casein sensititivies, which we'll work on and

she expects to find too much " bad stuff " and not enough " good

stuff. " I wholeheartedly agree that everything starts with the GUT

and that started out DAY ONE behind the 8 ball (NICu

admission within 4 hours of birth, spent 3 days there on IV

antibiotics which eventually weren't " necessary " bc the blood

cultures were negative, then started with chronic ear infections at

age 3 months....)

Anyway, I love this woman. If ANYONE in NJ is looking to get started

with a DAN!, Elaine Hardy is great. I know I only spent an hour with

her, but you know how you just get " that feeling " about someone.

She's a mom of 2 and her entire family is holistic, organic, dye free

and healthy so I already admire what she does and who she is. she

got into this field (DAN!) because of some concerns about her son,

who is 6 now, and found a deep appreciation for the

mind/body/holistic connection.

So our plan for now is increase the Omega 3 (which I've

already seen an improvement on), change to Culturelle for probiotics,

get the right SuperNuThera vitamin (he's been getting the kirkmans

childrens wafer which I thought was SNT but its not), keep up the ST

and try to get more protein in his system however we can (she

believes he anemic too). And we document everything. I'm starting a

personal blog. My husband is over the top into this now (I really

had to spoon feed him info since I made the appt 6 weeks ago and

little by little I showed him more biomed info and he's now just

finishing McCarty's book).

Eventually we're going to do some testing on our 6 year old for food

sensitivities and such bc he gets those dark circles too but he's got

so much of a better diet and vitamin regimine than .

Anyway, thats our deal for now.....very strangely exciting!

Tina in NJ

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I feel like the more we get out of our " inner circles "

> and put our stories in the general public, more awareness, research

and funding could

> come out of it. Your story could also help another parent help

their child before the effects

> of autism takes it's awful hold. We should all pat ourselves on the

back for being such

> great moms and dads and being there 100% (usually more!) for our


> I wish your family the best of health!

> Dani

Hi Dani. You are so right. My cousin who's an RN with various

specialities is overwhelmed by what I've been telling her over the

past few weeks. I called her Friday night to give her the " quick and

dirty " on the appointment and ended up talking to her for over an

hour about it. I'm a self-proclaimed " med head " and would have loved

to be in the Medical Field but I'm too type A to go thru all that

damn schooling and I just wanted to get out of college, get a JOB and

make some cash! So by day I'm a Regional Sales Manager for a major

brokerage house and after 5 I'm everything else. She told me that

I " need " to do something with this information, because you're right,

there's tons of information - if you look and/are pointed in teh

direction - to help parents ONCE a dx is given, but the " pre dx "

stuff is lacking. The website with signs of autism are great too, but

there's a large gap between that and having a dx. fit, but

didn't, gained this but lost that, mastered this but lagged in that,

and he never really " fit " into any boxes so I had to do that for him

and trust my intuition. Its hard to explain, but everyone here knows

what I'm talking about. I hate to minimize things, but how EASY is

it to get on the right path from the start or how much do these

seemingly " little things " help in the long run. How much better off

would kids be if parents were empowered to know their rights about

vaccinations and exemptions. They hand you a brochure on teh vax in

the doctors office, why not hand you a brochure on what your rights

are as parents to refuse or delay? (Its a rhetorical question of

course - I know the answer why) I hate to hear stories of parents on

baby boards mentioning their kid is so cranky after their last ped

appointment, to then read they got 3 combo vax's. UGH! I don't

fault parents per se, I can't expect everyone to do volumes of

research like others do, but as parents we almost seem to have lost

our ability to make our own decisions bc we just blindly accept that

because they are the docs, they know best. Personally, I feel I

delayed and refused vax's too late, and the damage had already

started its ugly path. I look at 's chart and see 2 vax's on

a few appts and *wish* I had been stronger when I said I only wanted

1 and they subtlely guilted me into 2 instead. I wish I were

stronger then. I " grew a set " when I changed ENT's after the first

wouldn't do tubes on after 17 months of recurrent ear

infectiosn starting at 3 months and now with a dx of apraxia and an

EI eval saying he was delayed - I walked away and found a new ENT,

one who does just ped's (who is AWESOME) and was prepared NOT to

leave his office without a plan for tubes for my baby (he got them 8

days later bc he listed to ME as well as read his chart).

Unfortunately we learn the hard way. And that really sucks because

all our our experiences - as vastly different as they are - are

learnign experiences for everyone else. But by and large, if we

weren't " here " we wouldn't learn. And the learning isn't easy.

I had someone raise their eyebrows when I mentioned learning so much

from McCarty's book because she's so over the top and

commercialized. Hey, no doubt she's a bit of a kook and her story is

quick, powerful and missing chunks of time and information. BUT, I

feel like her book may be the ONLY shot some of us have about

educating others about this epidemic we have in America. Imagine

trying to give someone you care about a more clinical book and

getting the same result? It won't happen. I gave my husband her book

to read to get enough information in his head to have him be

dangerous, and it worked. He now wants more.

Anyway, best of health to you and your family too Dani.....

Tina in NJ

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> Go Tina!


> This is good to know. My NT daughter has shiners and I think we are

> missing something. I have a DAN who is further away and a little less

> experienced. You did it right and responsibly

> and are to be commended. I am so glad your has you for a

> mommy.


Thank you for the Sunday morning water works!!!

Tina in NJ

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> Sounds like a great appointment! It's nice to know you have been

on the right path and have done so well for your son--Good job Mama

is right!


> Where in NJ is she located? Would you mind sharing what she

charged? I want to get my son and daughter to a DAN as soon as we

can afford to do it. It sounds like you had a great experience with

this doctor.




Hi . Elaine Hardy is in Hackettstown, NJ. We are in

County and it was about 45 minutes away. She charges $165 per hour.

Here's her website. Thanks for the kind words!!


Tina in NJ

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Tina - I'm with you! I'm a " med head " (boy do I love that term) and would

love to go back to school too. But..at 43 2 small kids to raise with

special needs, family comes first. I'm not sure how I could manage it all

and keep my sanity without something giving. Then when it comes to getting

a job, there is no good allergist in my town nor any medical doctors here

that support autism. I feel my passions are those areas and would love to

find some one local to work with. Frustrating.

I've been talking to my mom, she tells me I need to write a book. My guy

too is not in any one mold and so different. I've had to be so proactive

from him from just being a baby and on. He had torticollis and

plagiocephaly, from inutero. Couldn't get any one to diagnoses that with

all the specialist we had to see has an infant with his funny shaped head,

smashed ear, jaw issues, all just from in inutero. He doesn't fit any one

asd diagnoses either. Interesting child, great kid.


Re: WOW - first DAN! appt Yesterday

I feel like the more we get out of our " inner circles "

> and put our stories in the general public, more awareness, research

and funding could

> come out of it. Your story could also help another parent help

their child before the effects

> of autism takes it's awful hold. We should all pat ourselves on the

back for being such

> great moms and dads and being there 100% (usually more!) for our


> I wish your family the best of health!

> Dani

Hi Dani. You are so right. My cousin who's an RN with various

specialities is overwhelmed by what I've been telling her over the

past few weeks. I called her Friday night to give her the " quick and

dirty " on the appointment and ended up talking to her for over an

hour about it. I'm a self-proclaimed " med head " and would have loved

to be in the Medical Field but I'm too type A to go thru all that

damn schooling and I just wanted to get out of college, get a JOB and

make some cash! So by day I'm a Regional Sales Manager for a major

brokerage house and after 5 I'm everything else. She told me that

I " need " to do something with this information, because you're right,

there's tons of information - if you look and/are pointed in teh

direction - to help parents ONCE a dx is given, but the " pre dx "

stuff is lacking. The website with signs of autism are great too, but

there's a large gap between that and having a dx. fit, but

didn't, gained this but lost that, mastered this but lagged in that,

and he never really " fit " into any boxes so I had to do that for him

and trust my intuition. Its hard to explain, but everyone here knows

what I'm talking about. I hate to minimize things, but how EASY is

it to get on the right path from the start or how much do these

seemingly " little things " help in the long run. How much better off

would kids be if parents were empowered to know their rights about

vaccinations and exemptions. They hand you a brochure on teh vax in

the doctors office, why not hand you a brochure on what your rights

are as parents to refuse or delay? (Its a rhetorical question of

course - I know the answer why) I hate to hear stories of parents on

baby boards mentioning their kid is so cranky after their last ped

appointment, to then read they got 3 combo vax's. UGH! I don't

fault parents per se, I can't expect everyone to do volumes of

research like others do, but as parents we almost seem to have lost

our ability to make our own decisions bc we just blindly accept that

because they are the docs, they know best. Personally, I feel I

delayed and refused vax's too late, and the damage had already

started its ugly path. I look at 's chart and see 2 vax's on

a few appts and *wish* I had been stronger when I said I only wanted

1 and they subtlely guilted me into 2 instead. I wish I were

stronger then. I " grew a set " when I changed ENT's after the first

wouldn't do tubes on after 17 months of recurrent ear

infectiosn starting at 3 months and now with a dx of apraxia and an

EI eval saying he was delayed - I walked away and found a new ENT,

one who does just ped's (who is AWESOME) and was prepared NOT to

leave his office without a plan for tubes for my baby (he got them 8

days later bc he listed to ME as well as read his chart).

Unfortunately we learn the hard way. And that really sucks because

all our our experiences - as vastly different as they are - are

learnign experiences for everyone else. But by and large, if we

weren't " here " we wouldn't learn. And the learning isn't easy.

I had someone raise their eyebrows when I mentioned learning so much

from McCarty's book because she's so over the top and

commercialized. Hey, no doubt she's a bit of a kook and her story is

quick, powerful and missing chunks of time and information. BUT, I

feel like her book may be the ONLY shot some of us have about

educating others about this epidemic we have in America. Imagine

trying to give someone you care about a more clinical book and

getting the same result? It won't happen. I gave my husband her book

to read to get enough information in his head to have him be

dangerous, and it worked. He now wants more.

Anyway, best of health to you and your family too Dani.....

Tina in NJ

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We saw Dr. , in PA, who is a great, a good listener, knows the

tests but I was unclear if he knows the supplements. To be fair, we

have a fluoride issue and is unique. He was closer to the

spectrum door a year ago, had wild detox from minor interventions and

thought I probably fixed him already. Flattering but I need to

be sure I did not harm him along the way. We need to do the tests...I

was chicken and preoccupied with mainstream testing, the diet and the

holidays. I don't want to say is bad as I think he is great.

He is just far and it may be easier to go somewhere local.

> >

> > Go Tina!

> >

> > This is good to know. My NT daughter has shiners and I think we


> > missing something. I have a DAN who is further away and a little


> > experienced. You did it right and responsibly

> > and are to be commended. I am so glad your has you for a

> > mommy.




> Thank you for the Sunday morning water works!!!


> Tina in NJ


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I am THRILLED FOR YOU! Please continue to share your info with us. This

sounds exactly like my situation. Your story gives me the chills. Thrilling.


Mother of Charlie 29 months

[ ] WOW - first DAN! appt Yesterday

We had our first DAN! appt yesterday for (2 1/2 year old,

apraxic, no asd dx)

Earlier in the week I faxed her (Elaine Hardy, NP) a chronology of

's health from birth, with all dates, times, places, reasons,

etc for doctor visits or anything related (EI eval, ST appts, ENT

appts, peds, Vax's, illnesses, my illnesses/meds while nursing, etc).

I did this on excel and resorted by date when I was finished. WOW, I

thought it told a story. I also faxed the EI eval from April, his

SLP evals since May and his vax schedule and blood test results. The

last thing I put in there was my overall thoughts on what I

was " seeing " and " feeling. " And a list of questions and things I

wanted to make sure we covered.

When we got there she had the 22 pages I faxed her and she had tons

of highlights. She said to me in the first minute that I had already

figured it all out and that she was just there to validate my

suspisions and give us a path. I was floored - in both a good and

bad way of course. My suspicion was that he's loaded with yeast, has

sensitivities to milk and possibly some other foods, isn't absorbing

good stuff anymore (vitamins, etc) and just " needs " to be more

healthy, and maybe some metals going on.

LONG story short - I told her that in my opinion, for the past 10

months I've always felt that was " knocking on the window of

autism " and she wholeheartedly agreed. His evals from March/April

were dramatically different from the Nov/Dec updates and she felt the

interventions we did in between were what was turning a corner for

him (EI, ST, Omega 3, probiotics, regular good vitamins, no

antibiotics, no more vax's) She looked me straight in the eye and

said, " I believe you are right. He was right there but whatever

you've done since earlier this year has moved him further away. " I

was floored. My husband leaned over and said " Good job Mama " gave me

a kiss on the cheek and she started to cry and so did I.

So now we need to " have the science back up the intuition " and have

blood, urine and stool testing done. Monday at 9am we have the blood

and we'll collect the urine and stool Monday night to get sent out

Tuesday. She expects to find yeast, which we'll get rid of, she

expects to find milk/casein sensititivies, which we'll work on and

she expects to find too much " bad stuff " and not enough " good

stuff. " I wholeheartedly agree that everything starts with the GUT

and that started out DAY ONE behind the 8 ball (NICu

admission within 4 hours of birth, spent 3 days there on IV

antibiotics which eventually weren't " necessary " bc the blood

cultures were negative, then started with chronic ear infections at

age 3 months....)

Anyway, I love this woman. If ANYONE in NJ is looking to get started

with a DAN!, Elaine Hardy is great. I know I only spent an hour with

her, but you know how you just get " that feeling " about someone.

She's a mom of 2 and her entire family is holistic, organic, dye free

and healthy so I already admire what she does and who she is. she

got into this field (DAN!) because of some concerns about her son,

who is 6 now, and found a deep appreciation for the

mind/body/holistic connection.

So our plan for now is increase the Omega 3 (which I've

already seen an improvement on), change to Culturelle for probiotics,

get the right SuperNuThera vitamin (he's been getting the kirkmans

childrens wafer which I thought was SNT but its not), keep up the ST

and try to get more protein in his system however we can (she

believes he anemic too). And we document everything. I'm starting a

personal blog. My husband is over the top into this now (I really

had to spoon feed him info since I made the appt 6 weeks ago and

little by little I showed him more biomed info and he's now just

finishing McCarty's book).

Eventually we're going to do some testing on our 6 year old for food

sensitivities and such bc he gets those dark circles too but he's got

so much of a better diet and vitamin regimine than .

Anyway, thats our deal for now.....very strangely exciting!

Tina in NJ

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I think McCarthy's great! it was the first time I laughed about this

insane experience

of having a child with autism. It felt really healing because her humor was

still proactive in

healing her child rather then accepting a miserable fate. My mother in law also

saw her on

Oprah, Thank God! and I think it gave my mother in law an " somewhat " of an

understanding of what we may be going through. She has done right by us mothers

and I

appreciate her public voice. This is not a disease that should be hidden any




> I feel like the more we get out of our " inner circles "

> > and put our stories in the general public, more awareness, research

> and funding could

> > come out of it. Your story could also help another parent help

> their child before the effects

> > of autism takes it's awful hold. We should all pat ourselves on the

> back for being such

> > great moms and dads and being there 100% (usually more!) for our

> children.

> > I wish your family the best of health!

> > Dani


> Hi Dani. You are so right. My cousin who's an RN with various

> specialities is overwhelmed by what I've been telling her over the

> past few weeks. I called her Friday night to give her the " quick and

> dirty " on the appointment and ended up talking to her for over an

> hour about it. I'm a self-proclaimed " med head " and would have loved

> to be in the Medical Field but I'm too type A to go thru all that

> damn schooling and I just wanted to get out of college, get a JOB and

> make some cash! So by day I'm a Regional Sales Manager for a major

> brokerage house and after 5 I'm everything else. She told me that

> I " need " to do something with this information, because you're right,

> there's tons of information - if you look and/are pointed in teh

> direction - to help parents ONCE a dx is given, but the " pre dx "

> stuff is lacking. The website with signs of autism are great too, but

> there's a large gap between that and having a dx. fit, but

> didn't, gained this but lost that, mastered this but lagged in that,

> and he never really " fit " into any boxes so I had to do that for him

> and trust my intuition. Its hard to explain, but everyone here knows

> what I'm talking about. I hate to minimize things, but how EASY is

> it to get on the right path from the start or how much do these

> seemingly " little things " help in the long run. How much better off

> would kids be if parents were empowered to know their rights about

> vaccinations and exemptions. They hand you a brochure on teh vax in

> the doctors office, why not hand you a brochure on what your rights

> are as parents to refuse or delay? (Its a rhetorical question of

> course - I know the answer why) I hate to hear stories of parents on

> baby boards mentioning their kid is so cranky after their last ped

> appointment, to then read they got 3 combo vax's. UGH! I don't

> fault parents per se, I can't expect everyone to do volumes of

> research like others do, but as parents we almost seem to have lost

> our ability to make our own decisions bc we just blindly accept that

> because they are the docs, they know best. Personally, I feel I

> delayed and refused vax's too late, and the damage had already

> started its ugly path. I look at 's chart and see 2 vax's on

> a few appts and *wish* I had been stronger when I said I only wanted

> 1 and they subtlely guilted me into 2 instead. I wish I were

> stronger then. I " grew a set " when I changed ENT's after the first

> wouldn't do tubes on after 17 months of recurrent ear

> infectiosn starting at 3 months and now with a dx of apraxia and an

> EI eval saying he was delayed - I walked away and found a new ENT,

> one who does just ped's (who is AWESOME) and was prepared NOT to

> leave his office without a plan for tubes for my baby (he got them 8

> days later bc he listed to ME as well as read his chart).

> Unfortunately we learn the hard way. And that really sucks because

> all our our experiences - as vastly different as they are - are

> learnign experiences for everyone else. But by and large, if we

> weren't " here " we wouldn't learn. And the learning isn't easy.


> I had someone raise their eyebrows when I mentioned learning so much

> from McCarty's book because she's so over the top and

> commercialized. Hey, no doubt she's a bit of a kook and her story is

> quick, powerful and missing chunks of time and information. BUT, I

> feel like her book may be the ONLY shot some of us have about

> educating others about this epidemic we have in America. Imagine

> trying to give someone you care about a more clinical book and

> getting the same result? It won't happen. I gave my husband her book

> to read to get enough information in his head to have him be

> dangerous, and it worked. He now wants more.


> Anyway, best of health to you and your family too Dani.....


> Tina in NJ


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's book opened my eyes. My husband was the one that said something is wrong

with the twins. Even after the diagnosis of PDD-NOS, I didn't understand. I kept

thinking they were delayed and stubborn. Now I am a mother on a mission and

anyone who is not with me better run or I will run you over.

I just bought 's other books. I need a break occasionally for some humor.

Too much reading on autism can be overwelming.

rathmanmom <dani@...> wrote:

I think McCarthy's great! it was the first time I laughed about

this insane experience

of having a child with autism. It felt really healing because her humor was

still proactive in

healing her child rather then accepting a miserable fate. My mother in law also

saw her on

Oprah, Thank God! and I think it gave my mother in law an " somewhat " of an

understanding of what we may be going through. She has done right by us mothers

and I

appreciate her public voice. This is not a disease that should be hidden any




> I feel like the more we get out of our " inner circles "

> > and put our stories in the general public, more awareness, research

> and funding could

> > come out of it. Your story could also help another parent help

> their child before the effects

> > of autism takes it's awful hold. We should all pat ourselves on the

> back for being such

> > great moms and dads and being there 100% (usually more!) for our

> children.

> > I wish your family the best of health!

> > Dani


> Hi Dani. You are so right. My cousin who's an RN with various

> specialities is overwhelmed by what I've been telling her over the

> past few weeks. I called her Friday night to give her the " quick and

> dirty " on the appointment and ended up talking to her for over an

> hour about it. I'm a self-proclaimed " med head " and would have loved

> to be in the Medical Field but I'm too type A to go thru all that

> damn schooling and I just wanted to get out of college, get a JOB and

> make some cash! So by day I'm a Regional Sales Manager for a major

> brokerage house and after 5 I'm everything else. She told me that

> I " need " to do something with this information, because you're right,

> there's tons of information - if you look and/are pointed in teh

> direction - to help parents ONCE a dx is given, but the " pre dx "

> stuff is lacking. The website with signs of autism are great too, but

> there's a large gap between that and having a dx. fit, but

> didn't, gained this but lost that, mastered this but lagged in that,

> and he never really " fit " into any boxes so I had to do that for him

> and trust my intuition. Its hard to explain, but everyone here knows

> what I'm talking about. I hate to minimize things, but how EASY is

> it to get on the right path from the start or how much do these

> seemingly " little things " help in the long run. How much better off

> would kids be if parents were empowered to know their rights about

> vaccinations and exemptions. They hand you a brochure on teh vax in

> the doctors office, why not hand you a brochure on what your rights

> are as parents to refuse or delay? (Its a rhetorical question of

> course - I know the answer why) I hate to hear stories of parents on

> baby boards mentioning their kid is so cranky after their last ped

> appointment, to then read they got 3 combo vax's. UGH! I don't

> fault parents per se, I can't expect everyone to do volumes of

> research like others do, but as parents we almost seem to have lost

> our ability to make our own decisions bc we just blindly accept that

> because they are the docs, they know best. Personally, I feel I

> delayed and refused vax's too late, and the damage had already

> started its ugly path. I look at 's chart and see 2 vax's on

> a few appts and *wish* I had been stronger when I said I only wanted

> 1 and they subtlely guilted me into 2 instead. I wish I were

> stronger then. I " grew a set " when I changed ENT's after the first

> wouldn't do tubes on after 17 months of recurrent ear

> infectiosn starting at 3 months and now with a dx of apraxia and an

> EI eval saying he was delayed - I walked away and found a new ENT,

> one who does just ped's (who is AWESOME) and was prepared NOT to

> leave his office without a plan for tubes for my baby (he got them 8

> days later bc he listed to ME as well as read his chart).

> Unfortunately we learn the hard way. And that really sucks because

> all our our experiences - as vastly different as they are - are

> learnign experiences for everyone else. But by and large, if we

> weren't " here " we wouldn't learn. And the learning isn't easy.


> I had someone raise their eyebrows when I mentioned learning so much

> from McCarty's book because she's so over the top and

> commercialized. Hey, no doubt she's a bit of a kook and her story is

> quick, powerful and missing chunks of time and information. BUT, I

> feel like her book may be the ONLY shot some of us have about

> educating others about this epidemic we have in America. Imagine

> trying to give someone you care about a more clinical book and

> getting the same result? It won't happen. I gave my husband her book

> to read to get enough information in his head to have him be

> dangerous, and it worked. He now wants more.


> Anyway, best of health to you and your family too Dani.....


> Tina in NJ



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I have my first DAN! appt. in NJ in two weeks and can hardly wait after

hearing your story and so many others with the success they have had with these

Dr.'s. Already with just speaking with the Dr. on the phone, she has given me

HOPE! My pediatrician has not given me any hope in the last year! The

questionnaire brought so much to light with me too! Keep us posted as I will


in NJ

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Great. I love to hear about DAN! stuff.

[ ] Re: WOW - first DAN! appt Yesterday


I have my first DAN! appt. in NJ in two weeks and can hardly wait after

hearing your story and so many others with the success they have had with

these Dr.'s. Already with just speaking with the Dr. on the phone, she has

given me HOPE! My pediatrician has not given me any hope in the last year!

The questionnaire brought so much to light with me too! Keep us posted as I

will too!

in NJ

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- I'm excited for you too! My advice is to WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING


over ahead of time if you can so your visit is much more productive. I

would be happy to send you copies of what I sent the DAn before we went

so you can see what she had to look at. Just email me privately at

tinayorkie@.... where in NJ are you? Who are you going to see?

Tina in NJ


> Tina,

> I have my first DAN! appt. in NJ in two weeks and can hardly wait

after hearing your story and so many others with the success they have

had with these Dr.'s. Already with just speaking with the Dr. on the

phone, she has given me HOPE! My pediatrician has not given me any hope

in the last year! The questionnaire brought so much to light with me

too! Keep us posted as I will too!

> in NJ



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