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Re: Public schools?? (A/C school bus)

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Just read your post where you mentioned your child could not ride the bus because they were air conditioned. Well I had a long hard fight several years ago over this and many other issues with our daughters school and the school board ending in me filing a complaint against them and getting those from the local level all the way to Washington involved.

I fought because it was 's right to be able to get to school and either they get a bus with A/C or they pay my mileage to take her to school. In the end because they lied, forged my signature and many other nasty things during this battle they were required to do both.

It took five years for them to get the handicapped bus with A/C. By that time was to ill to go to school....imagine that. They had to back pay me $2000.00 for mileage. Since has been doing better and is attending a choir class and a special needs science class with three students she has been able to use the bus. She also has a home bound teacher that comes on Fridays and they go out alot on field trips and even out to eat and shop and they go on this bus!!!! It was well worth the fight....it is a long hard battle but for and all the other children in need of this specail bus it was worth it!

Fight for what your child needs until you get it. Do it as nicely as you can and remember to try to treat them the way you want to be treated....then if they get nasty getum!

Just thought I would share my experience.



RE: Public schools??

We actually just had the same conversation with Dr. Cohen, THIS WEEK. Grace regresses alot from any type of illness, and needs admission with ANY fever or vomiting. She is now 2 1/2 and we are just starting the pre school journey. His suggestion to us was to give it a shot, with ALOT of Purell and disinfecting wipes. He also suggested informing the school (he actually has a form letter, he will send to the school to help) from the beginning how dangerous it is for a mito kid to get sick, so they can let you know if there is anything going around. He stated at worst she cannot go, but we at least gave it a try.

Grace also has a huge problem with heat intolerance. We must also have to require the school to put AC in her room and whatever else, within reason, they can. Also I will have to train the staff to help with her cooling apperal and how she reacts to heat, so they can be aware before anything bad happens. She will not be able to ride the bus, since I have heard there are none with air equipped.

It is going to be hard on everybody to adjust to her needs. But she really needs the social experience and I really want her to do well. I'm not sure it will work, but I am glad we are going to try.

Best wishes

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Wow you are really tough. I did not know I can get the milage compensated though, thanks. I don't feel comfortable putting her on the bus anywas, A/C or not. I know I can put everything in the IEP about her heat problems, but if one person makes a mistake it can kill her. Grace just goes so fast even if it is not too hot (she had a heat stroke in 20 min, on a 80 degree day, playing with the hose.) I am so scared to even send her to school, but know she needs the socialization. Do you have a protocal for her not to attend school if it is too hot outside? I want to include putting that into her IEP, but not too sure how. We never leave the house for anything if it is past 85, or so. She has a cooling vest, but it she still overheats with it.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice.

Rock, jazz, country, soul more. Find the music you love on MSN Music!

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Wow you are really tough. I did not know I can get the milage compensated though, thanks. I don't feel comfortable putting her on the bus anywas, A/C or not. I know I can put everything in the IEP about her heat problems, but if one person makes a mistake it can kill her. Grace just goes so fast even if it is not too hot (she had a heat stroke in 20 min, on a 80 degree day, playing with the hose.) I am so scared to even send her to school, but know she needs the socialization. Do you have a protocal for her not to attend school if it is too hot outside? I want to include putting that into her IEP, but not too sure how. We never leave the house for anything if it is past 85, or so. She has a cooling vest, but it she still overheats with it.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice.

Rock, jazz, country, soul more. Find the music you love on MSN Music!

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