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Re: Has anyone been on Advair?

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Hi. I have had asthma ever since I was a kid. (I am 45 now) It has worsened the older I get especially with the sarcoid & fibromyalgia diagnosed 5 yrs. ago. I have had pnuemonia quite a few times ever since I was a kid, usually ending up in the hospital. I have been on a lot of meds. in the years. Right now I am on Uniphyl (a type of long acting theophyline), singulair, ventolin (the fast acting inhaler) and also Advair (which is part of the quick acting med and a steroid together). I have been on the Advair ever since it came out. It definitely has helped with my asthma too in the past. As you said you were getting a lot of mucus up . That is a good thing, that's whats worsening the asthma. I cannot go outside in cold air either, the minute the cold air hits my lungs, they feel like they close right up. If you breathe through your nose ,

instead of your mouth, it helps . (My dr. told me that) I am sorry about all the problems your are experiencing right now. It must be hard with the closest hospital being 5 hrs away. I can't even imagine that. But it is important to have all the tests. I hope you rest up and feel better soon. Debbie Co-Moderatorwendy_cidp wrote: I live in a very rural area in British Columbia and it's a 5 hour tripto a large enough hospital for such tests. I was supposed to getairlifted to one when I first got the pneumonia but then I began torespond to the IV cocktail my doctor had started me on. We decidedthat with the superbug problems in all the large hospitals I was attoo great a risk to send away. Long-story-short I never had

thebroncoscopy done. My doctor is going to send me to the lung specialistfor tests if things don't settle down. However, she told me on Fridaythat Advair only works on asthma, nothing else, so if I am better, itmust be asthma. She thinks the asthma was caused by lung damage fromthe double pneumonia. She says it could be permanent. I have noticedmore hoarseness and mucus coming up. I haven't had any mucus untilnow. Thought it was a good sign, that it was coming up and gettingout. I've been avoiding going outside since the cold air clamps mylungs right down, even my quick action inhaler doesn't work well. ButI know walking is good for me. Silly to be afraid of a bit of cold air.-~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- FAITH CHAT: SUNDAY 4PM-5PM EASTERN TIME CHATROOM LINK: http://www.emxpc.net/chat/index.php Message

Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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Hi. I have had asthma ever since I was a kid. (I am 45 now) It has worsened the older I get especially with the sarcoid & fibromyalgia diagnosed 5 yrs. ago. I have had pnuemonia quite a few times ever since I was a kid, usually ending up in the hospital. I have been on a lot of meds. in the years. Right now I am on Uniphyl (a type of long acting theophyline), singulair, ventolin (the fast acting inhaler) and also Advair (which is part of the quick acting med and a steroid together). I have been on the Advair ever since it came out. It definitely has helped with my asthma too in the past. As you said you were getting a lot of mucus up . That is a good thing, that's whats worsening the asthma. I cannot go outside in cold air either, the minute the cold air hits my lungs, they feel like they close right up. If you breathe through your nose ,

instead of your mouth, it helps . (My dr. told me that) I am sorry about all the problems your are experiencing right now. It must be hard with the closest hospital being 5 hrs away. I can't even imagine that. But it is important to have all the tests. I hope you rest up and feel better soon. Debbie Co-Moderatorwendy_cidp wrote: I live in a very rural area in British Columbia and it's a 5 hour tripto a large enough hospital for such tests. I was supposed to getairlifted to one when I first got the pneumonia but then I began torespond to the IV cocktail my doctor had started me on. We decidedthat with the superbug problems in all the large hospitals I was attoo great a risk to send away. Long-story-short I never had

thebroncoscopy done. My doctor is going to send me to the lung specialistfor tests if things don't settle down. However, she told me on Fridaythat Advair only works on asthma, nothing else, so if I am better, itmust be asthma. She thinks the asthma was caused by lung damage fromthe double pneumonia. She says it could be permanent. I have noticedmore hoarseness and mucus coming up. I haven't had any mucus untilnow. Thought it was a good sign, that it was coming up and gettingout. I've been avoiding going outside since the cold air clamps mylungs right down, even my quick action inhaler doesn't work well. ButI know walking is good for me. Silly to be afraid of a bit of cold air.-~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- FAITH CHAT: SUNDAY 4PM-5PM EASTERN TIME CHATROOM LINK: http://www.emxpc.net/chat/index.php Message

Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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