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Adrenal support helps

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I am so fortunate to be in the hands of a healer that not only helps me with my

back pain issues, but she has spent numerous hours trying to find ways to make

it possible for me to be as comfortable as I can, even with all the medications

and the side effects. This is the protocol I use.

Pro C Ascorbate 4000 mg Vitamin C Powder

Buffered Hypoallergenic Formula

Ph Balanced at 6.5 to 6.8

Vit C is a natural anti-inflammatory. I take 1/2 tsp 4 times daily. You can

mix in juice, water, or sprinkle it on your food. I just drink mine in water.

Worse case scenario-- it may give you the runs-- if so, back down a tsp. I've

not had that problem, and it doesn't seem to upset my stomach since it is

buffered. It is also a detoxifier-- so you will feel some migrant pains that

you may not have had as the toxins are flushed out of your lymphatic system.

You will be peeing alot-- so make sure you drink extra fluids.

IsoCort herbal supplement pellets. by Bezwecken. I take 4 pellets 3 times


This is a natural cortisol support-- and helps with the severe adrenal defiency

that we all end up with from taking Prednisone and Solu-medrol. I find it does

help " calm " me down, and it helps a bit with the fatigue.

For those of you new to the group, adrenal insuffiency happens from taking

prednisone, and is one of the challenges we face when we try to stop it.

Steroids-- Prednisone, Solu-medrol, tell your adrenals to stop producing

cortisol. Cortisol is your bodies natural hormone that is sent out to defend

against inflammation in the body. Normally, we produce 15mg of cortisol daily.

Add stress, and that can skyrocket. Add steriods, and the body says 'wow! I've

got too much, so I don't need to produce anymore. " So it stops producing

cortisol. Now, you start tapering your prednisone, and you get that horrible

pain, inside your bones, your joints, your ligaments, you feel like you've been

punched in the kidneys-- (the adrenals sit directly atop the kidneys) and you

are exhausted.

Your adrenals have to learn to start producing cortisol-- and that is a very

difficult restart for a very necessary hormome. You may have hot flashes, as

the adrenals control body temperature, heart rate, they send the signals for

other hormones-- seratonin, norephinephrine, estrogen, testosterone, thyroid,

pituatary hormones and others-- and are all interconnected. that is why you

NEVER NEVER go off steriods cold turkey!!!

I also take Tyrosin-- RDA x 2. This helps with my thyroid function-- since I no

longer have a thyroid-- and i need supplemental thyroid-- this seems to help my

body assimilate the synthetic hormone better.

I use MSM Powder-- a natural mineral that is imperative to the health of our

muscle and ligament flexibility, joint health, as well as helping to keep the

arteries and blood vessels soft and flexible. This used to be in our soils, and

was naturally occurring in our foods. When we developed fertilizers, we only

thought we needed to reintroduce the top 3 minerals and nutrients. So MSM

(Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) was allowed to be depleted. I use 1 tbsp (tablespoon

per 1/4 cup water 2-3 times a day.) 1 TSP would be 4000 milligrams (4grms) and

so I'm taking 12grams 2-3x daily. What my body doesn't need, it excretes thru

the urine.

Literally, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can drink a dose-- then a

glass of water (it's a bit bitter, so you can add it to honey or juice), but I

figure drink it down, and follow with a glass of water-- and I'm back to sleep

in 10 min or so.

For those of us with Sulfa allergies-- THIS IS A NATURAL SULFONIDE. IT DOES NOT




I also use Melatonin capsules. I take 2 5mg tablets before bed-- about 20

minutes or so before I want to go to sleep, and It does relax my body and brain

so that I can get my rigid back muscles to sink into the mattress and sleep. I

have found that I have to get up and get the drapes open, the light coming in,

and if weather permits-- I step outside for a few minutes of daylight-- as that

stops the melatonin effect. If I don't do this-- I end up back in bed for a

nap-- minutes after I just got up.

The best book that I found that addresses adrenal insufficiency is THE

SCHWARZBEIN PROTOCOL. It is written by an Endocrinologist and it is her

personal story and transformation back to health. It focuses on a balanced

diet, detoxing the body of all the meds and drugs and toxins we consume-- to

come back to health. I know how far I've come from the few practices I've put

into place-- and I have alot more healing to do. And it's a start.

With anything like this-- you start slow-- so you don't put yourself into a

healing crisis. (She explains this in her book.) That is why I take only this

combination that I " ve shared-- because I know that to do more right now would

knock me out. When you first start Vit C therapy-- because it is a detoxifier--

you may actually have an increase in some pains-- but if you drink plenty of

water-- it really does clear up quickly. You may find that your lymphnodes are

hard at first, but that is because they've been so toxed out. HYDRATE!!!

With this book, as well as on her website-- you can call an 800# and talk with a

live person to find someone in your area that is trained in this protocol. I

would seriously work with someone that knows how to guide you thru this-- and

help monitor you along the way. It may surprise you to see what kind of

specialists are trained in this field-- as they may be dc's, osteopaths,

natropaths, etc. If someone tells you to start boosting your immune system--

head out the door. You need to repair your immune system, in a balanced way--

so that you don't end up with your immune system thinking that once again, it

has to go on high alert status, and start attacking healthy tissues.

I hope this helps, and remember-- l am not a doctor or medical practitioner--

I'm just me having to go down the same path that you are on-- and this is just

what has helped me. By all means-- research, read this book, and make up your

own minds. Call the professionals that are trained and get their feedback.

May small steps forward bring us closer to the big picture of better health.

Love to all,


NS Co-owner/moderator

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Guest guest

I am so fortunate to be in the hands of a healer that not only helps me with my

back pain issues, but she has spent numerous hours trying to find ways to make

it possible for me to be as comfortable as I can, even with all the medications

and the side effects. This is the protocol I use.

Pro C Ascorbate 4000 mg Vitamin C Powder

Buffered Hypoallergenic Formula

Ph Balanced at 6.5 to 6.8

Vit C is a natural anti-inflammatory. I take 1/2 tsp 4 times daily. You can

mix in juice, water, or sprinkle it on your food. I just drink mine in water.

Worse case scenario-- it may give you the runs-- if so, back down a tsp. I've

not had that problem, and it doesn't seem to upset my stomach since it is

buffered. It is also a detoxifier-- so you will feel some migrant pains that

you may not have had as the toxins are flushed out of your lymphatic system.

You will be peeing alot-- so make sure you drink extra fluids.

IsoCort herbal supplement pellets. by Bezwecken. I take 4 pellets 3 times


This is a natural cortisol support-- and helps with the severe adrenal defiency

that we all end up with from taking Prednisone and Solu-medrol. I find it does

help " calm " me down, and it helps a bit with the fatigue.

For those of you new to the group, adrenal insuffiency happens from taking

prednisone, and is one of the challenges we face when we try to stop it.

Steroids-- Prednisone, Solu-medrol, tell your adrenals to stop producing

cortisol. Cortisol is your bodies natural hormone that is sent out to defend

against inflammation in the body. Normally, we produce 15mg of cortisol daily.

Add stress, and that can skyrocket. Add steriods, and the body says 'wow! I've

got too much, so I don't need to produce anymore. " So it stops producing

cortisol. Now, you start tapering your prednisone, and you get that horrible

pain, inside your bones, your joints, your ligaments, you feel like you've been

punched in the kidneys-- (the adrenals sit directly atop the kidneys) and you

are exhausted.

Your adrenals have to learn to start producing cortisol-- and that is a very

difficult restart for a very necessary hormome. You may have hot flashes, as

the adrenals control body temperature, heart rate, they send the signals for

other hormones-- seratonin, norephinephrine, estrogen, testosterone, thyroid,

pituatary hormones and others-- and are all interconnected. that is why you

NEVER NEVER go off steriods cold turkey!!!

I also take Tyrosin-- RDA x 2. This helps with my thyroid function-- since I no

longer have a thyroid-- and i need supplemental thyroid-- this seems to help my

body assimilate the synthetic hormone better.

I use MSM Powder-- a natural mineral that is imperative to the health of our

muscle and ligament flexibility, joint health, as well as helping to keep the

arteries and blood vessels soft and flexible. This used to be in our soils, and

was naturally occurring in our foods. When we developed fertilizers, we only

thought we needed to reintroduce the top 3 minerals and nutrients. So MSM

(Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) was allowed to be depleted. I use 1 tbsp (tablespoon

per 1/4 cup water 2-3 times a day.) 1 TSP would be 4000 milligrams (4grms) and

so I'm taking 12grams 2-3x daily. What my body doesn't need, it excretes thru

the urine.

Literally, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can drink a dose-- then a

glass of water (it's a bit bitter, so you can add it to honey or juice), but I

figure drink it down, and follow with a glass of water-- and I'm back to sleep

in 10 min or so.

For those of us with Sulfa allergies-- THIS IS A NATURAL SULFONIDE. IT DOES NOT




I also use Melatonin capsules. I take 2 5mg tablets before bed-- about 20

minutes or so before I want to go to sleep, and It does relax my body and brain

so that I can get my rigid back muscles to sink into the mattress and sleep. I

have found that I have to get up and get the drapes open, the light coming in,

and if weather permits-- I step outside for a few minutes of daylight-- as that

stops the melatonin effect. If I don't do this-- I end up back in bed for a

nap-- minutes after I just got up.

The best book that I found that addresses adrenal insufficiency is THE

SCHWARZBEIN PROTOCOL. It is written by an Endocrinologist and it is her

personal story and transformation back to health. It focuses on a balanced

diet, detoxing the body of all the meds and drugs and toxins we consume-- to

come back to health. I know how far I've come from the few practices I've put

into place-- and I have alot more healing to do. And it's a start.

With anything like this-- you start slow-- so you don't put yourself into a

healing crisis. (She explains this in her book.) That is why I take only this

combination that I " ve shared-- because I know that to do more right now would

knock me out. When you first start Vit C therapy-- because it is a detoxifier--

you may actually have an increase in some pains-- but if you drink plenty of

water-- it really does clear up quickly. You may find that your lymphnodes are

hard at first, but that is because they've been so toxed out. HYDRATE!!!

With this book, as well as on her website-- you can call an 800# and talk with a

live person to find someone in your area that is trained in this protocol. I

would seriously work with someone that knows how to guide you thru this-- and

help monitor you along the way. It may surprise you to see what kind of

specialists are trained in this field-- as they may be dc's, osteopaths,

natropaths, etc. If someone tells you to start boosting your immune system--

head out the door. You need to repair your immune system, in a balanced way--

so that you don't end up with your immune system thinking that once again, it

has to go on high alert status, and start attacking healthy tissues.

I hope this helps, and remember-- l am not a doctor or medical practitioner--

I'm just me having to go down the same path that you are on-- and this is just

what has helped me. By all means-- research, read this book, and make up your

own minds. Call the professionals that are trained and get their feedback.

May small steps forward bring us closer to the big picture of better health.

Love to all,


NS Co-owner/moderator

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Thank you Tracie, That is a ton of wonderful informatiion!!! Thank you so much!! Cathytracie feldhaus wrote: I am so fortunate to be in the hands of a healer that not only helps me with my back pain issues, but she has spent numerous hours trying to find ways to make it possible for me to be as comfortable as I can, even with all the medications and the side effects. This is the protocol I use.Pro C Ascorbate 4000 mg Vitamin C PowderBuffered Hypoallergenic

FormulaPh Balanced at 6.5 to 6.8Vit C is a natural anti-inflammatory. I take 1/2 tsp 4 times daily. You can mix in juice, water, or sprinkle it on your food. I just drink mine in water. Worse case scenario-- it may give you the runs-- if so, back down a tsp. I've not had that problem, and it doesn't seem to upset my stomach since it is buffered. It is also a detoxifier-- so you will feel some migrant pains that you may not have had as the toxins are flushed out of your lymphatic system. You will be peeing alot-- so make sure you drink extra fluids.IsoCort herbal supplement pellets. by Bezwecken. I take 4 pellets 3 times daily. This is a natural cortisol support-- and helps with the severe adrenal defiency that we all end up with from taking Prednisone and Solu-medrol. I find it does help "calm" me down, and it helps a bit with the fatigue. For those of you new to the group, adrenal insuffiency happens from taking prednisone, and is one

of the challenges we face when we try to stop it. Steroids-- Prednisone, Solu-medrol, tell your adrenals to stop producing cortisol. Cortisol is your bodies natural hormone that is sent out to defend against inflammation in the body. Normally, we produce 15mg of cortisol daily. Add stress, and that can skyrocket. Add steriods, and the body says 'wow! I've got too much, so I don't need to produce anymore." So it stops producing cortisol. Now, you start tapering your prednisone, and you get that horrible pain, inside your bones, your joints, your ligaments, you feel like you've been punched in the kidneys-- (the adrenals sit directly atop the kidneys) and you are exhausted. Your adrenals have to learn to start producing cortisol-- and that is a very difficult restart for a very necessary hormome. You may have hot flashes, as the adrenals control body temperature, heart rate, they send the signals for other hormones-- seratonin, norephinephrine, estrogen, testosterone,

thyroid, pituatary hormones and others-- and are all interconnected. that is why you NEVER NEVER go off steriods cold turkey!!! I also take Tyrosin-- RDA x 2. This helps with my thyroid function-- since I no longer have a thyroid-- and i need supplemental thyroid-- this seems to help my body assimilate the synthetic hormone better. I use MSM Powder-- a natural mineral that is imperative to the health of our muscle and ligament flexibility, joint health, as well as helping to keep the arteries and blood vessels soft and flexible. This used to be in our soils, and was naturally occurring in our foods. When we developed fertilizers, we only thought we needed to reintroduce the top 3 minerals and nutrients. So MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) was allowed to be depleted. I use 1 tbsp (tablespoon per 1/4 cup water 2-3 times a day.) 1 TSP would be 4000 milligrams (4grms) and so I'm taking 12grams 2-3x daily. What my body doesn't need, it excretes thru the urine.

Literally, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can drink a dose-- then a glass of water (it's a bit bitter, so you can add it to honey or juice), but I figure drink it down, and follow with a glass of water-- and I'm back to sleep in 10 min or so. For those of us with Sulfa allergies-- THIS IS A NATURAL SULFONIDE. IT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE HIVES OR ALLERGIC REACTION THAT SULFA DRUGS GIVE YOU. I WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS ALSO-- AS I AM ALLERGIC TO SULFA. BUT I'VE NOT HAD ANY PROBLEM WITH THIS.I also use Melatonin capsules. I take 2 5mg tablets before bed-- about 20 minutes or so before I want to go to sleep, and It does relax my body and brain so that I can get my rigid back muscles to sink into the mattress and sleep. I have found that I have to get up and get the drapes open, the light coming in, and if weather permits-- I step outside for a few minutes of daylight-- as that stops the melatonin effect. If I don't do this-- I end up back in bed for a

nap-- minutes after I just got up. The best book that I found that addresses adrenal insufficiency is THE SCHWARZBEIN PROTOCOL. It is written by an Endocrinologist and it is her personal story and transformation back to health. It focuses on a balanced diet, detoxing the body of all the meds and drugs and toxins we consume-- to come back to health. I know how far I've come from the few practices I've put into place-- and I have alot more healing to do. And it's a start. With anything like this-- you start slow-- so you don't put yourself into a healing crisis. (She explains this in her book.) That is why I take only this combination that I"ve shared-- because I know that to do more right now would knock me out. When you first start Vit C therapy-- because it is a detoxifier-- you may actually have an increase in some pains-- but if you drink plenty of water-- it really does clear up quickly. You may find that your lymphnodes are hard at first, but that is

because they've been so toxed out. HYDRATE!!!With this book, as well as on her website-- you can call an 800# and talk with a live person to find someone in your area that is trained in this protocol. I would seriously work with someone that knows how to guide you thru this-- and help monitor you along the way. It may surprise you to see what kind of specialists are trained in this field-- as they may be dc's, osteopaths, natropaths, etc. If someone tells you to start boosting your immune system-- head out the door. You need to repair your immune system, in a balanced way-- so that you don't end up with your immune system thinking that once again, it has to go on high alert status, and start attacking healthy tissues. I hope this helps, and remember-- l am not a doctor or medical practitioner-- I'm just me having to go down the same path that you are on-- and this is just what has helped me. By all means-- research, read this book, and make up your own

minds. Call the professionals that are trained and get their feedback. May small steps forward bring us closer to the big picture of better health.Love to all,Tracie NS Co-owner/moderator

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Thank you Tracie, That is a ton of wonderful informatiion!!! Thank you so much!! Cathytracie feldhaus wrote: I am so fortunate to be in the hands of a healer that not only helps me with my back pain issues, but she has spent numerous hours trying to find ways to make it possible for me to be as comfortable as I can, even with all the medications and the side effects. This is the protocol I use.Pro C Ascorbate 4000 mg Vitamin C PowderBuffered Hypoallergenic

FormulaPh Balanced at 6.5 to 6.8Vit C is a natural anti-inflammatory. I take 1/2 tsp 4 times daily. You can mix in juice, water, or sprinkle it on your food. I just drink mine in water. Worse case scenario-- it may give you the runs-- if so, back down a tsp. I've not had that problem, and it doesn't seem to upset my stomach since it is buffered. It is also a detoxifier-- so you will feel some migrant pains that you may not have had as the toxins are flushed out of your lymphatic system. You will be peeing alot-- so make sure you drink extra fluids.IsoCort herbal supplement pellets. by Bezwecken. I take 4 pellets 3 times daily. This is a natural cortisol support-- and helps with the severe adrenal defiency that we all end up with from taking Prednisone and Solu-medrol. I find it does help "calm" me down, and it helps a bit with the fatigue. For those of you new to the group, adrenal insuffiency happens from taking prednisone, and is one

of the challenges we face when we try to stop it. Steroids-- Prednisone, Solu-medrol, tell your adrenals to stop producing cortisol. Cortisol is your bodies natural hormone that is sent out to defend against inflammation in the body. Normally, we produce 15mg of cortisol daily. Add stress, and that can skyrocket. Add steriods, and the body says 'wow! I've got too much, so I don't need to produce anymore." So it stops producing cortisol. Now, you start tapering your prednisone, and you get that horrible pain, inside your bones, your joints, your ligaments, you feel like you've been punched in the kidneys-- (the adrenals sit directly atop the kidneys) and you are exhausted. Your adrenals have to learn to start producing cortisol-- and that is a very difficult restart for a very necessary hormome. You may have hot flashes, as the adrenals control body temperature, heart rate, they send the signals for other hormones-- seratonin, norephinephrine, estrogen, testosterone,

thyroid, pituatary hormones and others-- and are all interconnected. that is why you NEVER NEVER go off steriods cold turkey!!! I also take Tyrosin-- RDA x 2. This helps with my thyroid function-- since I no longer have a thyroid-- and i need supplemental thyroid-- this seems to help my body assimilate the synthetic hormone better. I use MSM Powder-- a natural mineral that is imperative to the health of our muscle and ligament flexibility, joint health, as well as helping to keep the arteries and blood vessels soft and flexible. This used to be in our soils, and was naturally occurring in our foods. When we developed fertilizers, we only thought we needed to reintroduce the top 3 minerals and nutrients. So MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) was allowed to be depleted. I use 1 tbsp (tablespoon per 1/4 cup water 2-3 times a day.) 1 TSP would be 4000 milligrams (4grms) and so I'm taking 12grams 2-3x daily. What my body doesn't need, it excretes thru the urine.

Literally, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can drink a dose-- then a glass of water (it's a bit bitter, so you can add it to honey or juice), but I figure drink it down, and follow with a glass of water-- and I'm back to sleep in 10 min or so. For those of us with Sulfa allergies-- THIS IS A NATURAL SULFONIDE. IT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE HIVES OR ALLERGIC REACTION THAT SULFA DRUGS GIVE YOU. I WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS ALSO-- AS I AM ALLERGIC TO SULFA. BUT I'VE NOT HAD ANY PROBLEM WITH THIS.I also use Melatonin capsules. I take 2 5mg tablets before bed-- about 20 minutes or so before I want to go to sleep, and It does relax my body and brain so that I can get my rigid back muscles to sink into the mattress and sleep. I have found that I have to get up and get the drapes open, the light coming in, and if weather permits-- I step outside for a few minutes of daylight-- as that stops the melatonin effect. If I don't do this-- I end up back in bed for a

nap-- minutes after I just got up. The best book that I found that addresses adrenal insufficiency is THE SCHWARZBEIN PROTOCOL. It is written by an Endocrinologist and it is her personal story and transformation back to health. It focuses on a balanced diet, detoxing the body of all the meds and drugs and toxins we consume-- to come back to health. I know how far I've come from the few practices I've put into place-- and I have alot more healing to do. And it's a start. With anything like this-- you start slow-- so you don't put yourself into a healing crisis. (She explains this in her book.) That is why I take only this combination that I"ve shared-- because I know that to do more right now would knock me out. When you first start Vit C therapy-- because it is a detoxifier-- you may actually have an increase in some pains-- but if you drink plenty of water-- it really does clear up quickly. You may find that your lymphnodes are hard at first, but that is

because they've been so toxed out. HYDRATE!!!With this book, as well as on her website-- you can call an 800# and talk with a live person to find someone in your area that is trained in this protocol. I would seriously work with someone that knows how to guide you thru this-- and help monitor you along the way. It may surprise you to see what kind of specialists are trained in this field-- as they may be dc's, osteopaths, natropaths, etc. If someone tells you to start boosting your immune system-- head out the door. You need to repair your immune system, in a balanced way-- so that you don't end up with your immune system thinking that once again, it has to go on high alert status, and start attacking healthy tissues. I hope this helps, and remember-- l am not a doctor or medical practitioner-- I'm just me having to go down the same path that you are on-- and this is just what has helped me. By all means-- research, read this book, and make up your own

minds. Call the professionals that are trained and get their feedback. May small steps forward bring us closer to the big picture of better health.Love to all,Tracie NS Co-owner/moderator

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