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Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

I just wanted to welcome you to the group. Sorry we have to meet under this condition, but we are all going through the same thing. I wrote you personally because everyone in group heard all our stories a million times , not that they mind, but I find this a little more personal.

Here is my story; my first headache started when I was 16 it was so bad my parents had to take me to the dr to get a shot to kill the pain. than I all through my childhood I had what the dr's called colitus, sever in my abdomen.

at 20 I got pregnant and I was healthy throughout my pregnancy until my 38 week than my blood pressure shot up real high and I got a sever headache again like when I was 16. After I had my son he was 8months old and I got what they thought was Asthma . Than when he was about 2 yrs old the headaches started but came back with a vengence.!!! I was at the dr's and Er constantly for demoral shots to just numb the pain for a few hours. Than the dr's did a cat-scan and found a tumor in the left lobe of the brain. they put me in the hospital that night and did a mri and lots of tests, consulted a neuro-surgeron. ect.

the surgeron didn't want to touch it. so time went on and it was to the point I was at the dr's 3 times a day for demoral shots and ER over the weekends to just kill the pain until the next shot.

at 33 myself I ended up in the hospital with my heart raceing and blood pressure real high, all test regards to my heart was fine except they found I have borderline Pumanary hypertention. and another tumor found in my left adrenal gland. my liver function started to go high, I had blue lips and I was not cold, I got this RSD in my right hand. this is to list a few of the problems at the time. I saw more dr's than I wanted to in and out of state, in patient at hospital way to many times. Tests, tests tests it was so crazy. than finally I found the greatest dr He is Chief Neuro at Hershey med center in Pa. and he did 3 spinal taps and each one got worse and worse, he sent me to a rheumy, lung dr, liver dr. they did a liver biopsy, lung function test, found out I had Neurosarcoid not asthma, and NS in my liver, lungs, spleen, L-adrenal gland, brain, spnial cord.

I live with sever pain in my arms and legs where somedays I can't even get out of bed or off the sofa.

to cut this a little short .. the meds I am on; Imuran, plaquneil,senimet, oxycontin,elevil,xananx,zoloft,Vicoden ES for break through pain, and Tenormin to control my heart rate, without it , my heart goes 170 sleeping. I have learned to live with a level of pain in my head daily with a 7/10 , compared to a ten plus everyday. Im sure I am forgetting a few things, oh and that's the worse thing the short term memory loss and cognititve loss. oh and yes I was DX with secondary CNSV. along with NS.

If you have any questions feel free to email me back.

hugs and blessings and a pain free day

in PaCreate a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

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Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

I just wanted to welcome you to the group. Sorry we have to meet under this condition, but we are all going through the same thing. I wrote you personally because everyone in group heard all our stories a million times , not that they mind, but I find this a little more personal.

Here is my story; my first headache started when I was 16 it was so bad my parents had to take me to the dr to get a shot to kill the pain. than I all through my childhood I had what the dr's called colitus, sever in my abdomen.

at 20 I got pregnant and I was healthy throughout my pregnancy until my 38 week than my blood pressure shot up real high and I got a sever headache again like when I was 16. After I had my son he was 8months old and I got what they thought was Asthma . Than when he was about 2 yrs old the headaches started but came back with a vengence.!!! I was at the dr's and Er constantly for demoral shots to just numb the pain for a few hours. Than the dr's did a cat-scan and found a tumor in the left lobe of the brain. they put me in the hospital that night and did a mri and lots of tests, consulted a neuro-surgeron. ect.

the surgeron didn't want to touch it. so time went on and it was to the point I was at the dr's 3 times a day for demoral shots and ER over the weekends to just kill the pain until the next shot.

at 33 myself I ended up in the hospital with my heart raceing and blood pressure real high, all test regards to my heart was fine except they found I have borderline Pumanary hypertention. and another tumor found in my left adrenal gland. my liver function started to go high, I had blue lips and I was not cold, I got this RSD in my right hand. this is to list a few of the problems at the time. I saw more dr's than I wanted to in and out of state, in patient at hospital way to many times. Tests, tests tests it was so crazy. than finally I found the greatest dr He is Chief Neuro at Hershey med center in Pa. and he did 3 spinal taps and each one got worse and worse, he sent me to a rheumy, lung dr, liver dr. they did a liver biopsy, lung function test, found out I had Neurosarcoid not asthma, and NS in my liver, lungs, spleen, L-adrenal gland, brain, spnial cord.

I live with sever pain in my arms and legs where somedays I can't even get out of bed or off the sofa.

to cut this a little short .. the meds I am on; Imuran, plaquneil,senimet, oxycontin,elevil,xananx,zoloft,Vicoden ES for break through pain, and Tenormin to control my heart rate, without it , my heart goes 170 sleeping. I have learned to live with a level of pain in my head daily with a 7/10 , compared to a ten plus everyday. Im sure I am forgetting a few things, oh and that's the worse thing the short term memory loss and cognititve loss. oh and yes I was DX with secondary CNSV. along with NS.

If you have any questions feel free to email me back.

hugs and blessings and a pain free day

in PaCreate a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

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