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Re: Ensure/Pedia sure

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We did a label comparison ensure to pedia sure the biggest difference

was in the amount of salt (ensure was higher).

The Walmart brand of ensure is exact to the label brand of ensure and

as it grows closer to the expiration date they would have sales of it

for about 1/2 of its regular price. This is about 1/2 of ensure's

price. If you call some of the dieticians/nutritionists at your

hospital they may be able to tell you which of the insurances in your

area will cover the supplements. If you talk with the salesperson who

carries ensure as their product line you might be able to get some

samples that have come too close to the expiration date to be able to

be given away.

If you look at the product labeling the carnation instant breakfast is

very close nutritionally to the ensure.

Billy has a tube and even with that some insurances will not cover the

cost of the food.


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We did a label comparison ensure to pedia sure the biggest difference

was in the amount of salt (ensure was higher).

The Walmart brand of ensure is exact to the label brand of ensure and

as it grows closer to the expiration date they would have sales of it

for about 1/2 of its regular price. This is about 1/2 of ensure's

price. If you call some of the dieticians/nutritionists at your

hospital they may be able to tell you which of the insurances in your

area will cover the supplements. If you talk with the salesperson who

carries ensure as their product line you might be able to get some

samples that have come too close to the expiration date to be able to

be given away.

If you look at the product labeling the carnation instant breakfast is

very close nutritionally to the ensure.

Billy has a tube and even with that some insurances will not cover the

cost of the food.


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Thanks for the info!

We did a label comparison ensure to

pedia sure the biggest difference

was in the amount of salt (ensure was higher).

The Walmart brand of ensure is exact to the label brand of ensure


as it grows closer to the expiration date they would have sales of


for about 1/2 of its regular price. This is about 1/2 of


price. If you call some of the dieticians/nutritionists at


hospital they may be able to tell you which of the insurances in


area will cover the supplements. If you talk with the

salesperson who

carries ensure as their product line you might be able to get some

samples that have come too close to the expiration date to be able


be given away.

If you look at the product labeling the carnation instant breakfast


very close nutritionally to the ensure.

Billy has a tube and even with that some insurances will not cover


cost of the food.


Please contact mito-owner with any problems or



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> We did a label comparison ensure to pedia sure the biggest difference

> was in the amount of salt (ensure was higher).

You should NOT use ensure for a child under the age of ten. The osmolarity

of ensure is unsafe for children. I am not sure that you can get that info from

the label. It is NOT safe at all for younger children. Feeding difficulties can

often be helped by going to a feeding therapist. Ours helped out eat. I

am not talking about a dietician.

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Hi Debbie,

Our son Joe drinks Pediasure by mouth. He doesn't have any type of

feeding tube.

He daily drinks 2-3 pediasure with Duocal powder added for calories.

If it weren't for

the pediasure and duocal, Joe would be a walking skeleton. He intakes

orally without

the pediasure almost double the normal amount of calories a kid his age

needs, but still

couldn't keep the weight on. His appetite is now around normal, as the

pediasure seems

to fill him quite a bit.

We have private insurance through my DH's work.

We have the Support Services Waiver program which provides Medicaid

because of his

medical issues and is not based on our income. The medicaid pays for

the duocal.

We have Indiana Children's Special Health Care Services (State based

program for kids with medical

needs) and they pick up the cost of the pediasure and many things that

the other 2 insurance's won't.

Many states have programs such as these which help families supplement

financially when they

have special needs children.

Hope this helps some,

AnnMarie L. - Complex IV

Married to my best friend Rick,

Mom of (15), (12), Cassandra (6) and

Joe (5 on Dec.31) - complex IV, lactic acidosis, CP,

tethered chord syndrome, dysautonomia, and

a smile that never quits :-)

djvanaman@... wrote:

Ensure/Pedia sure was RE: a couple of ?'s about

Is there anyone out there that has a

mito child that drinks Pediasure, by mouth, not tube fed & gets it

covered by their insurance somehow? Our insurance co.denied the claim

& we are struggling paying for it because it is so expensive. Or

is there any other funding type sources out there that anyone knows

about. Any pertinant info. is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Debbie Vanaman (Mommy of

Jaleigh...complex one)

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Hi Debbie,

Our son Joe drinks Pediasure by mouth. He doesn't have any type of

feeding tube.

He daily drinks 2-3 pediasure with Duocal powder added for calories.

If it weren't for

the pediasure and duocal, Joe would be a walking skeleton. He intakes

orally without

the pediasure almost double the normal amount of calories a kid his age

needs, but still

couldn't keep the weight on. His appetite is now around normal, as the

pediasure seems

to fill him quite a bit.

We have private insurance through my DH's work.

We have the Support Services Waiver program which provides Medicaid

because of his

medical issues and is not based on our income. The medicaid pays for

the duocal.

We have Indiana Children's Special Health Care Services (State based

program for kids with medical

needs) and they pick up the cost of the pediasure and many things that

the other 2 insurance's won't.

Many states have programs such as these which help families supplement

financially when they

have special needs children.

Hope this helps some,

AnnMarie L. - Complex IV

Married to my best friend Rick,

Mom of (15), (12), Cassandra (6) and

Joe (5 on Dec.31) - complex IV, lactic acidosis, CP,

tethered chord syndrome, dysautonomia, and

a smile that never quits :-)

djvanaman@... wrote:

Ensure/Pedia sure was RE: a couple of ?'s about

Is there anyone out there that has a

mito child that drinks Pediasure, by mouth, not tube fed & gets it

covered by their insurance somehow? Our insurance co.denied the claim

& we are struggling paying for it because it is so expensive. Or

is there any other funding type sources out there that anyone knows

about. Any pertinant info. is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Debbie Vanaman (Mommy of

Jaleigh...complex one)

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I don't know what state you are in. IN Children's Special Health tried

to not

cover Joe's also. Our Doc's wrote very strongly worded letters about


error of inborn metabolism and that without the additional

supplementation this

child would have significant deterioration with the end result being


It was approved again and we haven't had any problems since.

The original problem was that children who aren't tube fed are

encouraged to

have oral/normal diets. With our children, we have very different

needs to meet.

Nutrition is one of the key issues with Joe in able to keep him at his


It also helps that he is still well below average in his weight,

although his height has

improved significantly.

As for the Carnation instant breakfast, Children's SHCS tried that one

on us too and

the ingredients and nutrients are not the same as pediasure. Our docs

recommended the

pediasure and to only use the carnation as an absolute last resort if

we couldn't get approval

on the pediasure.

Hoping that you can get it reapproved.

AnnMarie L. - Complex IV

Married to my best friend Rick,

Mom of (15), (12), Cassandra (6) and

Joe (4 1/2) - complex IV, lactic acidosis, CP,

tethered chord syndrome, dysautonomia, and

a smile that never quits :-)

djvanaman@... wrote:

Well....we had a script

& Arnett HMO will still not pay for her formula to be covered.

Also, she has Children's with Special Heathcare Insurance and they were

covering it and stopped recently...said they did not realize that she

was not tube fed & /or under the age of 5...and that if she can

still drink it that she needed to be on WIC. Well, that is the other

problem...we cannot get WIC...we make too much money to qualify....same

goes for Medicaid....she does not get that either. I may just have to

check out the Carnation Instant Breakfast...she just turned three in

September and weighs not much over 30lbs.

I just wish there was more

help out there for the middle-class people who cannot afford all of the

"extras" that we encounter with mito. I am at a loss of what to do

& was just wanting suggestions. Thanks for letting me vent....

Debbie Vanaman :)


Original Message -----





Tuesday, November 30, 2004 8:54 PM


Re: Ensure/Pedia sure was RE: a couple of ?'s about carnitine


> Ensure/Pedia sure was RE: a couple of ?'s aboutIs there

anyone out

there that has a mito child that drinks Pediasure, by mouth, not tube

fed & gets

it covered by their insurance somehow?

Insurance won't pay for it without a script. No insurance will,


medicaid. If you have a script, the rare insurance company will.

Medicaid will

also pay with a script. WIC will also pay with a script (for children

under five).

Carnation instant breakfast is less expensive and contains just about


same nutrients. I would use this instead of pediasure for a low weight


You can also add cream to boost calories.

Please contact mito-owner with any problems or


Please contact mito-owner with any problems or


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