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Re: Re: Good morning all............

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Your story is like many of ours, and gallstones although we know are common in

the general population-- are extremely common is sarc. It likes the


The fact that you are a nurse- so obviously put to greater than average exposure

to all kinds of stuff-- makes the enviromental exposure to " some " thing that

turned on your immune system that much more a component.

You say the dx the sarc by biopsy with the lungs, (I think?) and that from there

was started on prednisone. The challenge here is that pred seems to work to

bring that acute inflammation down, but they know now that when they give us

pred, even if we go into " remission " eventually we come out and have a more

systemic issue with the sarc.

Cellcept is a good medication for sarc and does seem to be gettin some great

reviews. And it is " steroid " sparing.

Since you've been off work since last September, I do hope that you are getting

the ball rolling for SSDI. This is a good time to start--even if you have LTD

from your work. The mind boggle is a real symptom, and I can tell you that with

the right medication cocktail can get better, or at least we learn to compensate

better-- but if you get into situations where you are stressed and become

exhausted-- then it is going to be " in your face " again. Part of the

compensation is to realize that, and pace yourself.

Many of us worked in the medical fields-- as nurses, admin, LVN's, labor and

deliveryor as teachers. - I don't know if it is coincidence or just a sign that

we are ones to seek out more information and not so willing to take the " just

live with it " approach that our MD's give us. Personally, educating myself on

this disease has empowered me to be able to do more even though I am disabled.

I know I still don't want to settle for the " this is it saga " .

Anyway, I'm getting off track, and right now can't find the track- it's the day

before my Remicade so I feel like my brain is turning to noodles- so I hope I'm

making sense-- but for now, i HAVE TO follow my advice and stop here for today..



NS Co-owner/moderator

Re: Good morning all............

It's a beautiful morning here in NC after two days of much-needed

rain. I haven't posted often but I've learned so much from this group

since I discovered it a couple of months ago. Welcome to all who have

recently joined and my sympathies that you had to search for us. If

you care to know any more, here is my story. I'm curious to know how

common my course has been since my doctors leave me with the

impression that they still don't quite know what to do with me.

By profession I am a nurse but had never even heard of sarcoidosis

and especially not neurosarcoidosis until I was diagnosed in Nov

of '07. Exactly one year ago yesterday, April 28,2007, I began having

fever of 101.5 & 3-4 major night sweats per night which eventually

sent me to my truly wonderful PCP. Several CAT scans and many vials

of blood later I found myself in the Infectious Disease Clinic at

Duke where they eventually told me (again after many, many vials of

blood later) they didn't know what was wrong with me. To confuse

them further, my fevers had just about gone away completely and I

really had no other real complaints.

Because of an elevated ACE and a couple of very small but

disconcerting hilar lymph nodes my PCP continued to follow me with

some degree of puzzlement. He was really afraid that I had some kind

of lymphoma but my symptoms didn't fit that diaganosis either.

Within a couple of months, I began showing some neurological symptoms

(tremors especially in my hands, balance and equilibrium issues, and

vision problems) and I told myself that when someone else noticed, I

would call my doctor. So, by September's end, my PCP ordered yet

another CAT scan and admitted me to the Neuro Unit at Duke University

Hospital. A tentative diagnosis of NS was confirmed a few weeks later

by a biopsy of the lymph nodes in my chest and I was started on 60

mg of prednisone.

Unfortunately, within a couple of weeks I developed infection in both

my pancreas and in my gallbladder so the prednisone had to be

decreased to 40 mg to prepare me for surgery to remove my gallbladder

and the gallstones causing all of the problems. That happened in

January and all went well. Since then, I have had two MRI's. the

first one (Jan '07)showed a couple of new granulomas and my doctor

decreased my pred to 30 mg mainly b/c of side effects. The second

(April '07)) showed no further changes. I have an appt with the

neurologist at Duke next month. He has mentioned decreasing my pred

to 25 and possibly adding CellCept to the mix.

I haven't worked since Sept of last year mainly b/c of the continued

balance issues as well as some visual problems. Currently, my

biggest frustrations come from my decreased ability to think clearly

and the extreme fatigue. Not to mention the difficulty in planning

ahead b/c of not knowing how I will feel from day to day.

I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds by unloading. Hopefully, my

experience will strike a common chord with someone and help you know

that you are not alone. This group is great for that.

All the best to you,

Sharon in NC

Try to laugh every day. " A merry heart doeth good like a medicine "


~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Neurosarcoidosis Community


CHATROOM LINK: http://www.emxpc.net/chat/index.php

Message Archives:-


Members Database:-

Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.


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Guest guest


Your story is like many of ours, and gallstones although we know are common in

the general population-- are extremely common is sarc. It likes the


The fact that you are a nurse- so obviously put to greater than average exposure

to all kinds of stuff-- makes the enviromental exposure to " some " thing that

turned on your immune system that much more a component.

You say the dx the sarc by biopsy with the lungs, (I think?) and that from there

was started on prednisone. The challenge here is that pred seems to work to

bring that acute inflammation down, but they know now that when they give us

pred, even if we go into " remission " eventually we come out and have a more

systemic issue with the sarc.

Cellcept is a good medication for sarc and does seem to be gettin some great

reviews. And it is " steroid " sparing.

Since you've been off work since last September, I do hope that you are getting

the ball rolling for SSDI. This is a good time to start--even if you have LTD

from your work. The mind boggle is a real symptom, and I can tell you that with

the right medication cocktail can get better, or at least we learn to compensate

better-- but if you get into situations where you are stressed and become

exhausted-- then it is going to be " in your face " again. Part of the

compensation is to realize that, and pace yourself.

Many of us worked in the medical fields-- as nurses, admin, LVN's, labor and

deliveryor as teachers. - I don't know if it is coincidence or just a sign that

we are ones to seek out more information and not so willing to take the " just

live with it " approach that our MD's give us. Personally, educating myself on

this disease has empowered me to be able to do more even though I am disabled.

I know I still don't want to settle for the " this is it saga " .

Anyway, I'm getting off track, and right now can't find the track- it's the day

before my Remicade so I feel like my brain is turning to noodles- so I hope I'm

making sense-- but for now, i HAVE TO follow my advice and stop here for today..



NS Co-owner/moderator

Re: Good morning all............

It's a beautiful morning here in NC after two days of much-needed

rain. I haven't posted often but I've learned so much from this group

since I discovered it a couple of months ago. Welcome to all who have

recently joined and my sympathies that you had to search for us. If

you care to know any more, here is my story. I'm curious to know how

common my course has been since my doctors leave me with the

impression that they still don't quite know what to do with me.

By profession I am a nurse but had never even heard of sarcoidosis

and especially not neurosarcoidosis until I was diagnosed in Nov

of '07. Exactly one year ago yesterday, April 28,2007, I began having

fever of 101.5 & 3-4 major night sweats per night which eventually

sent me to my truly wonderful PCP. Several CAT scans and many vials

of blood later I found myself in the Infectious Disease Clinic at

Duke where they eventually told me (again after many, many vials of

blood later) they didn't know what was wrong with me. To confuse

them further, my fevers had just about gone away completely and I

really had no other real complaints.

Because of an elevated ACE and a couple of very small but

disconcerting hilar lymph nodes my PCP continued to follow me with

some degree of puzzlement. He was really afraid that I had some kind

of lymphoma but my symptoms didn't fit that diaganosis either.

Within a couple of months, I began showing some neurological symptoms

(tremors especially in my hands, balance and equilibrium issues, and

vision problems) and I told myself that when someone else noticed, I

would call my doctor. So, by September's end, my PCP ordered yet

another CAT scan and admitted me to the Neuro Unit at Duke University

Hospital. A tentative diagnosis of NS was confirmed a few weeks later

by a biopsy of the lymph nodes in my chest and I was started on 60

mg of prednisone.

Unfortunately, within a couple of weeks I developed infection in both

my pancreas and in my gallbladder so the prednisone had to be

decreased to 40 mg to prepare me for surgery to remove my gallbladder

and the gallstones causing all of the problems. That happened in

January and all went well. Since then, I have had two MRI's. the

first one (Jan '07)showed a couple of new granulomas and my doctor

decreased my pred to 30 mg mainly b/c of side effects. The second

(April '07)) showed no further changes. I have an appt with the

neurologist at Duke next month. He has mentioned decreasing my pred

to 25 and possibly adding CellCept to the mix.

I haven't worked since Sept of last year mainly b/c of the continued

balance issues as well as some visual problems. Currently, my

biggest frustrations come from my decreased ability to think clearly

and the extreme fatigue. Not to mention the difficulty in planning

ahead b/c of not knowing how I will feel from day to day.

I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds by unloading. Hopefully, my

experience will strike a common chord with someone and help you know

that you are not alone. This group is great for that.

All the best to you,

Sharon in NC

Try to laugh every day. " A merry heart doeth good like a medicine "


~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Neurosarcoidosis Community


CHATROOM LINK: http://www.emxpc.net/chat/index.php

Message Archives:-


Members Database:-

Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.


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Mike you just need to cheat and use spell check, that's what I do, and I never blame anything on age :) marla

....checking in ....

I know i don't post much, but have been reading the daily

posts...even having been in remission (I think) for a time, I still

have measurable memory problems so find it difficult keeping track of

who's who - all my best thoughts for all those battling their many

battles. I, too , had wondered what had been keeping Becky from

joining us - I hope she is doing well.

I have juts been to my Nephrologist (kidney Dr - a guy who tells you

to pee in a cup, just to tell me I still add too much salt to my

food). I had been Dxd with NeuroSarcoid in Dec 1995, treated with

Pred, and Cyclosporine. As the cyclosporine is known to be toxic ro

the kidneys, I was referred to a Nephrologist to monitor renal

function. I have been in remmission since 1999, but still battle with

various 'brain blips' - memory, speech-blanks (aphasia), slight

tremors, and my eyes (both) still have some retinal scarring. If only

I could blame it all on middle age, but .....

Here in southern Ontario, we have been enjoying some warmer weather,

but not nearly enough rain. I will be taking my yearly trip to visit a

sister of mine in Yarmouth, Maine in June ( anyone in this group from

Yarmouth, or freepoert?), so hopefully will have some nice weather.


ps. I had stepped into the chat around 16:00 on Sunday - noone else

was there - maybe next week

pps. Is it the N-Sarc or middle age to blmae for my crappy spellnig ?

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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Mike you just need to cheat and use spell check, that's what I do, and I never blame anything on age :) marla

....checking in ....

I know i don't post much, but have been reading the daily

posts...even having been in remission (I think) for a time, I still

have measurable memory problems so find it difficult keeping track of

who's who - all my best thoughts for all those battling their many

battles. I, too , had wondered what had been keeping Becky from

joining us - I hope she is doing well.

I have juts been to my Nephrologist (kidney Dr - a guy who tells you

to pee in a cup, just to tell me I still add too much salt to my

food). I had been Dxd with NeuroSarcoid in Dec 1995, treated with

Pred, and Cyclosporine. As the cyclosporine is known to be toxic ro

the kidneys, I was referred to a Nephrologist to monitor renal

function. I have been in remmission since 1999, but still battle with

various 'brain blips' - memory, speech-blanks (aphasia), slight

tremors, and my eyes (both) still have some retinal scarring. If only

I could blame it all on middle age, but .....

Here in southern Ontario, we have been enjoying some warmer weather,

but not nearly enough rain. I will be taking my yearly trip to visit a

sister of mine in Yarmouth, Maine in June ( anyone in this group from

Yarmouth, or freepoert?), so hopefully will have some nice weather.


ps. I had stepped into the chat around 16:00 on Sunday - noone else

was there - maybe next week

pps. Is it the N-Sarc or middle age to blmae for my crappy spellnig ?

-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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OK you are so right, and that is not age :) it's Sarc! Marla


you're quite right...spell check...thats it...

....if only I could remember to use it :)



> > ...checking in ....

> > I know i don't post much, but have been reading the daily

> > posts...even having been in remission (I think) for a time, I still

> > have measurable memory problems so find it difficult keeping track of

> > who's who - all my best thoughts for all those battling their many

> > battles. I, too , had wondered what had been keeping Becky from

> > joining us - I hope she is doing well.

> > I have juts been to my Nephrologist (kidney Dr - a guy who tells you

> > to pee in a cup, just to tell me I still add too much salt to my

> > food). I had been Dxd with NeuroSarcoid in Dec 1995, treated with

> > Pred, and Cyclosporine. As the cyclosporine is known to be toxic ro

> > the kidneys, I was referred to a Nephrologist to monitor renal

> > function. I have been in remmission since 1999, but still battle with

> > various 'brain blips' - memory, speech-blanks (aphasia), slight

> > tremors, and my eyes (both) still have some retinal scarring. If only

> > I could blame it all on middle age, but .....

> > Here in southern Ontario, we have been enjoying some warmer weather,

> > but not nearly enough rain. I will be taking my yearly trip to visit a

> > sister of mine in Yarmouth, Maine in June ( anyone in this group from

> > Yarmouth, or freepoert?), so hopefully will have some nice weather.

> >

> > Mike

> >

> > ps. I had stepped into the chat around 16:00 on Sunday - noone else

> > was there - maybe next week

> > pps. Is it the N-Sarc or middle age to blmae for my crappy spellnig ?

> >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Marla Bramer

> I


-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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Guest guest

OK you are so right, and that is not age :) it's Sarc! Marla


you're quite right...spell check...thats it...

....if only I could remember to use it :)



> > ...checking in ....

> > I know i don't post much, but have been reading the daily

> > posts...even having been in remission (I think) for a time, I still

> > have measurable memory problems so find it difficult keeping track of

> > who's who - all my best thoughts for all those battling their many

> > battles. I, too , had wondered what had been keeping Becky from

> > joining us - I hope she is doing well.

> > I have juts been to my Nephrologist (kidney Dr - a guy who tells you

> > to pee in a cup, just to tell me I still add too much salt to my

> > food). I had been Dxd with NeuroSarcoid in Dec 1995, treated with

> > Pred, and Cyclosporine. As the cyclosporine is known to be toxic ro

> > the kidneys, I was referred to a Nephrologist to monitor renal

> > function. I have been in remmission since 1999, but still battle with

> > various 'brain blips' - memory, speech-blanks (aphasia), slight

> > tremors, and my eyes (both) still have some retinal scarring. If only

> > I could blame it all on middle age, but .....

> > Here in southern Ontario, we have been enjoying some warmer weather,

> > but not nearly enough rain. I will be taking my yearly trip to visit a

> > sister of mine in Yarmouth, Maine in June ( anyone in this group from

> > Yarmouth, or freepoert?), so hopefully will have some nice weather.

> >

> > Mike

> >

> > ps. I had stepped into the chat around 16:00 on Sunday - noone else

> > was there - maybe next week

> > pps. Is it the N-Sarc or middle age to blmae for my crappy spellnig ?

> >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Marla Bramer

> I


-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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Double Congrats , that is a lot of work and an " A " that's awesome, enjoy! Marla


Congrats - I know that it has not been the easiest thing for you to do

so bask in the glow of a well deserved " A "

Terri G.


> here checking in.. its 9:13am and Sherif, just left so I

thought I

> would stay up and work on my last bit of homework for school.. today


> my finals .... I made it through the first semester of college

guys/gals !!!!

> I got my one essay back yesterday and I got an A yes I said A lol ...


> has been so hard for me , what a struggle . going to class when I can


> get off the sofa, but as I look back over the last 3 months it went

> fast...wowww. but now after weds I am done until may 17th and my

allied health and bio

> 111 starts.

> love to all


> Many Blessings and pain free day






> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S.

used car

> listings at AOL Autos.

> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)


-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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Double Congrats , that is a lot of work and an " A " that's awesome, enjoy! Marla


Congrats - I know that it has not been the easiest thing for you to do

so bask in the glow of a well deserved " A "

Terri G.


> here checking in.. its 9:13am and Sherif, just left so I

thought I

> would stay up and work on my last bit of homework for school.. today


> my finals .... I made it through the first semester of college

guys/gals !!!!

> I got my one essay back yesterday and I got an A yes I said A lol ...


> has been so hard for me , what a struggle . going to class when I can


> get off the sofa, but as I look back over the last 3 months it went

> fast...wowww. but now after weds I am done until may 17th and my

allied health and bio

> 111 starts.

> love to all


> Many Blessings and pain free day






> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S.

used car

> listings at AOL Autos.

> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)


-- Marla BramerIndependent Beauty Consultant Kay mbramer@...www.marykay.com/mbramer

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Thank you, you give me the courage and want to go back to school. I am only going to take courses for me not to become anything. I am already something. I just want to learn more. Maybe History or Creative writing. Again I wouldn't have even thought of it without hearing how well you are doing. Congrats on the A I am sure you deserved it.


Live and Love like there is no tomorrow.

Re: Good morning all............

,Congrats - I know that it has not been the easiest thing for you to doso bask in the glow of a well deserved "A"Terri G.>> here checking in.. its 9:13am and Sherif, just left so Ithought I> would stay up and work on my last bit of homework for school.. todaystarts> my finals .... I made it through the first semester of collegeguys/gals !!!!> I got my one essay back yesterday and I got an A yes I said A lol ...this> has been so hard for me , what a struggle . going to class when I canhardly> get off the sofa, but as I look back over the last 3 months it went> fast...wowww. but now after weds I am done until may 17th and myallied health and bio> 111 starts.> love to all>> Many Blessings and pain free day>> >>>> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S.used car> listings at AOL Autos.> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)>

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Guest guest

Thank you, you give me the courage and want to go back to school. I am only going to take courses for me not to become anything. I am already something. I just want to learn more. Maybe History or Creative writing. Again I wouldn't have even thought of it without hearing how well you are doing. Congrats on the A I am sure you deserved it.


Live and Love like there is no tomorrow.

Re: Good morning all............

,Congrats - I know that it has not been the easiest thing for you to doso bask in the glow of a well deserved "A"Terri G.>> here checking in.. its 9:13am and Sherif, just left so Ithought I> would stay up and work on my last bit of homework for school.. todaystarts> my finals .... I made it through the first semester of collegeguys/gals !!!!> I got my one essay back yesterday and I got an A yes I said A lol ...this> has been so hard for me , what a struggle . going to class when I canhardly> get off the sofa, but as I look back over the last 3 months it went> fast...wowww. but now after weds I am done until may 17th and myallied health and bio> 111 starts.> love to all>> Many Blessings and pain free day>> >>>> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S.used car> listings at AOL Autos.> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)>

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I found out spell check only tells you if your spelling the word wrong. LOL Not if you are using it out of context. That is me a lot lately.


Re: Good morning all............

Marla,you're quite right...spell check...thats it......if only I could remember to use it :)mikescott> > > ...checking in ....> > I know i don't post much, but have been reading the daily> > posts...even having been in remission (I think) for a time, I still> > have measurable memory problems so find it difficult keeping track of> > who's who - all my best thoughts for all those battling their many> > battles. I, too , had wondered what had been keeping Becky from> > joining us - I hope she is doing well.> > I have juts been to my Nephrologist (kidney Dr - a guy who tells you> > to pee in a cup, just to tell me I still add too much salt to my> > food). I had been Dxd with NeuroSarcoid in Dec 1995, treated with> > Pred, and Cyclosporine. As the cyclosporine is known to be toxic ro> > the kidneys, I was referred to a Nephrologist to monitor renal> > function. I have been in remmission since 1999, but still battle with> > various 'brain blips' - memory, speech-blanks (aphasia), slight> > tremors, and my eyes (both) still have some retinal scarring. If only> > I could blame it all on middle age, but .....> > Here in southern Ontario, we have been enjoying some warmer weather,> > but not nearly enough rain. I will be taking my yearly trip to visit a> > sister of mine in Yarmouth, Maine in June ( anyone in this group from> > Yarmouth, or freepoert?), so hopefully will have some nice weather.> >> > Mike> >> > ps. I had stepped into the chat around 16:00 on Sunday - noone else> > was there - maybe next week> > pps. Is it the N-Sarc or middle age to blmae for my crappy spellnig ?> >> >> > > >> > > > -- > Marla Bramer> Independent Beauty Consultant> Kay> > mbramer@...> www.marykay.com/mbramer>

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I found out spell check only tells you if your spelling the word wrong. LOL Not if you are using it out of context. That is me a lot lately.


Re: Good morning all............

Marla,you're quite right...spell check...thats it......if only I could remember to use it :)mikescott> > > ...checking in ....> > I know i don't post much, but have been reading the daily> > posts...even having been in remission (I think) for a time, I still> > have measurable memory problems so find it difficult keeping track of> > who's who - all my best thoughts for all those battling their many> > battles. I, too , had wondered what had been keeping Becky from> > joining us - I hope she is doing well.> > I have juts been to my Nephrologist (kidney Dr - a guy who tells you> > to pee in a cup, just to tell me I still add too much salt to my> > food). I had been Dxd with NeuroSarcoid in Dec 1995, treated with> > Pred, and Cyclosporine. As the cyclosporine is known to be toxic ro> > the kidneys, I was referred to a Nephrologist to monitor renal> > function. I have been in remmission since 1999, but still battle with> > various 'brain blips' - memory, speech-blanks (aphasia), slight> > tremors, and my eyes (both) still have some retinal scarring. If only> > I could blame it all on middle age, but .....> > Here in southern Ontario, we have been enjoying some warmer weather,> > but not nearly enough rain. I will be taking my yearly trip to visit a> > sister of mine in Yarmouth, Maine in June ( anyone in this group from> > Yarmouth, or freepoert?), so hopefully will have some nice weather.> >> > Mike> >> > ps. I had stepped into the chat around 16:00 on Sunday - noone else> > was there - maybe next week> > pps. Is it the N-Sarc or middle age to blmae for my crappy spellnig ?> >> >> > > >> > > > -- > Marla Bramer> Independent Beauty Consultant> Kay> > mbramer@...> www.marykay.com/mbramer>

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That is wonderful news ! Congrats! Christyjackie wrote: Thank you, you give me the courage and want to go back to school. I am only going to take courses for me not to become anything. I am already something. I just want to learn more. Maybe History or Creative writing. Again I wouldn't have even thought of it without hearing how well you are doing. Congrats on the

A I am sure you deserved it. Jackie Live and Love like there is no tomorrow. Re: Good morning all............ ,Congrats - I know that it has not been the easiest thing for you to doso bask in the

glow of a well deserved "A"Terri G.>> here checking in.. its 9:13am and Sherif, just left so Ithought I> would stay up and work on my last bit of homework for school.. todaystarts> my finals .... I made it through the first semester of collegeguys/gals !!!!> I got my one essay back yesterday and I got an A yes I said A lol ...this> has been so hard for me , what a struggle . going to class when I canhardly> get off the sofa, but as I look back over the last 3 months it went> fast...wowww. but now after weds I am done until may 17th and myallied health and bio> 111 starts.> love to all>> Many Blessings and pain free day>> >>>> **************Need a new ride?

Check out the largest site for U.S.used car> listings at AOL Autos.> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)>

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

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That is wonderful news ! Congrats! Christyjackie wrote: Thank you, you give me the courage and want to go back to school. I am only going to take courses for me not to become anything. I am already something. I just want to learn more. Maybe History or Creative writing. Again I wouldn't have even thought of it without hearing how well you are doing. Congrats on the

A I am sure you deserved it. Jackie Live and Love like there is no tomorrow. Re: Good morning all............ ,Congrats - I know that it has not been the easiest thing for you to doso bask in the

glow of a well deserved "A"Terri G.>> here checking in.. its 9:13am and Sherif, just left so Ithought I> would stay up and work on my last bit of homework for school.. todaystarts> my finals .... I made it through the first semester of collegeguys/gals !!!!> I got my one essay back yesterday and I got an A yes I said A lol ...this> has been so hard for me , what a struggle . going to class when I canhardly> get off the sofa, but as I look back over the last 3 months it went> fast...wowww. but now after weds I am done until may 17th and myallied health and bio> 111 starts.> love to all>> Many Blessings and pain free day>> >>>> **************Need a new ride?

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Welcome, I'm sorry you are disappointed, however even though we have 500 members, there maybe only a few posting at a time. We are all sick here, and some may only read and not feel up to postings. We are happy you found us, but sad that you have this disease to deal with, we all try are best to welcome new members. Right now many of the moderators are ill, very ill, or busy with older parents, family issues and this disease, so if you count you will see that not all 500 members are postings every day, they come and go as they need to, according to the demands of there families and health. Those of us here will try our best to help you in any way we can. You have found a wonderful, supportive, informational, and loving family trying to deal with Neurosarcoidosis and share what we know with others. I for one will be working harder to meet everyone needs, Tracie who is the glue that holds us together is very ill right now, and I have encouraged her to take a break and get better, so the rest of us will do our best to take care of everyone needs. So Welcome, and I hope you will give us a chance, and in turn you may have some very valuable information you can share with us! Marla









> First of all, WELCOME to all the new members............gang, we are

now 517 strong!

> We have several new members so let's have a roll call and check

in...........I know we

> are ALL sick and most of the time it is an effort to even get online,

but PLEASE send

> in an email saying " hello, I am ok " , at least. If you want, please

bring us up to date

> on YOU! We all worry when we do not hear from you for a while and it

will help

> the new members also.


> To the new members, IF you have not posted yet, please do so and let

us get to know

> you. Tell us about yourself, your symptoms,


> There are so many knowledgeable people on the list - from all walks of

life -- so you

> will get some answers to your questions. Most are willing to share

their experiences....

> We are a tight knit group and really DO CARE about each other, so join

in and let us

> hear from you.


> I will be around all day but will be in and out. I have to help my

daughter at her

> business -- (I help answer the phones) for a while today.........so it

might be a while

> before I can answer anyone's email.


> Hope you all have a " good, pain free " day..........those are rare but

beautiful, aren't

> they?? :-)


> Hugs to all,

> Darlene

> NS Co-Owner/Moderator


-- Marla Bramer Independent Beauty Consultant Kaymbramer@... www.marykay.com

'I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you; Plans to give you a future and a hope

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