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This is a RANT, Sooo... if you're interested read on, if not its ok to skip over..

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Guys, I am sooo upset.. and sick.. I feel like someone is standing on the right side of my head, my right ear has a sound like a hard wind blowing in it, I'm so dizzy I can't stand up.. my right eye is twitching as if its having a seizure.. constantly.. then I read my MRI report from my last Emergency Room visit, where I was released at 1:30am being told that it was "NORMAL".. I saw my sorry (being nice here) Neurologist.. that proceeded to inform me that "you are overweight, you need gastric bypass surgery, and then you will be "JUST FINE"..

Now, I know none of us are radiologist.. however being a former LPN, and many of u being former RN's/current RN's does this read "FINE" to you? My MRI reports have always been 'NEGATIVE" any change would tell me that its not "FINE" and yes the caps mean I'm mad!!

I've already instructed my son.. should they meaning "VANDERBILT" lets me die.. that he is to "SUE THEM" and make his self a better life!.. yes I've said it..

This same ER visit, as it says I was having some confusion.. I had lost my blood sugar monitor, and I was also forgetting if I had taken my insulin or not at times and rather than taking this high dose a second time, I wouldn't take it.. was "INTERPERTED" She is "NOT" checking her blood sugars, and is "NOT" taking her insulin! Which could explain my confusion if my blood sugars where out of control.. I am absolutely "LIVID"

I've cried the last 2 days, yes I'm depressed.. but its because I'm "SICK"!! Damnit!!!

04/15/2008 - Brain Mri W/o Contrast Complte

MRI BRAIN WITHOUT GADOLINIUM, 04/15/2008: CLINICAL HISTORY: Neurosarcoid, altered mental status. Comparison is made to MRI brain performed at an outside facility dated ----------------02/2007. PROCEDURE: Three plane localizer, diffusion-weighted axial, ADC axial, sagittal and axial T1, T2, FE axial, FLAIR axial, T2 turbo spin echo axial and FFE axial imaging through the brain. Gadolinium was not administered. FINDINGS: A few of these T2-weighted sequences at the latter portion of the examination obscured by patient motion. No definite intracranial mass, hemorrhage or stroke is seen. There are a few scattered T2 and FLAIR hyperintense foci within the bilateral frontal and left parietal white matter as well as within the left thalamus which were not definitely present on the outside study. Although these may represent sites of small vessel disease, neurosarcoid involvement of the Virchow-Robin spaces may also be a consid

eration. No meningeal thickening is seen. Ventricular configuration is normal. IMPRESSION: 1. No evidence of acute stroke. 2. Small T2 and FLAIR hyperintense foci within the white matter thought most likely to represent foci of small vessel disease, although neurosarcoid involvement of the Virchow-Robin spaces may also be a consideration.

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Guys, I am sooo upset.. and sick.. I feel like someone is standing on the right side of my head, my right ear has a sound like a hard wind blowing in it, I'm so dizzy I can't stand up.. my right eye is twitching as if its having a seizure.. constantly.. then I read my MRI report from my last Emergency Room visit, where I was released at 1:30am being told that it was "NORMAL".. I saw my sorry (being nice here) Neurologist.. that proceeded to inform me that "you are overweight, you need gastric bypass surgery, and then you will be "JUST FINE"..

Now, I know none of us are radiologist.. however being a former LPN, and many of u being former RN's/current RN's does this read "FINE" to you? My MRI reports have always been 'NEGATIVE" any change would tell me that its not "FINE" and yes the caps mean I'm mad!!

I've already instructed my son.. should they meaning "VANDERBILT" lets me die.. that he is to "SUE THEM" and make his self a better life!.. yes I've said it..

This same ER visit, as it says I was having some confusion.. I had lost my blood sugar monitor, and I was also forgetting if I had taken my insulin or not at times and rather than taking this high dose a second time, I wouldn't take it.. was "INTERPERTED" She is "NOT" checking her blood sugars, and is "NOT" taking her insulin! Which could explain my confusion if my blood sugars where out of control.. I am absolutely "LIVID"

I've cried the last 2 days, yes I'm depressed.. but its because I'm "SICK"!! Damnit!!!

04/15/2008 - Brain Mri W/o Contrast Complte

MRI BRAIN WITHOUT GADOLINIUM, 04/15/2008: CLINICAL HISTORY: Neurosarcoid, altered mental status. Comparison is made to MRI brain performed at an outside facility dated ----------------02/2007. PROCEDURE: Three plane localizer, diffusion-weighted axial, ADC axial, sagittal and axial T1, T2, FE axial, FLAIR axial, T2 turbo spin echo axial and FFE axial imaging through the brain. Gadolinium was not administered. FINDINGS: A few of these T2-weighted sequences at the latter portion of the examination obscured by patient motion. No definite intracranial mass, hemorrhage or stroke is seen. There are a few scattered T2 and FLAIR hyperintense foci within the bilateral frontal and left parietal white matter as well as within the left thalamus which were not definitely present on the outside study. Although these may represent sites of small vessel disease, neurosarcoid involvement of the Virchow-Robin spaces may also be a consid

eration. No meningeal thickening is seen. Ventricular configuration is normal. IMPRESSION: 1. No evidence of acute stroke. 2. Small T2 and FLAIR hyperintense foci within the white matter thought most likely to represent foci of small vessel disease, although neurosarcoid involvement of the Virchow-Robin spaces may also be a consideration.

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