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Thanks to all for the good thoughts. Naa Koshie, it's actually clouds I've always wanted in my bedroom! The tricky part is that I will be gone from 6/2-6/6, which is when I will need to be finishing up the move & cleaning this house. I'm going to San for my granddaughter 's h.s. graduation. I'm so excited for that, but a little worried about getting everything done here. Some of my church family are going to help with packing & cleaning & my kids and niece will do most of the rest. Re: muscle spasms. Marla, that is why I started taking quinine several years ago & it worked great. Now that quinine is off the market, I just have to put up with these weird cramps. They come in my elbows, the outside of my ankles, my side when I reach behind me, places that I never used to get cramps. It started after the fatigue & other systemic symptoms began, so I assume it's sarc-related.

Neuropathic pain: the best relief I had came from Lyrica & Cymbalta combined, for 2 years. Then last year I slid into a severe depression & my doctor felt I needed a stronger antidepressant than Cymbalta, so I changed to Lexapro. Well, the depression got better, but the neuropathic pain has just been much worse. So a couple of months ago I switched back to Cymbalta. Within a few days I could tell a difference in my feet; unfortunately, my dry eyes got much worse. I was already on Restasis drops, OTC artificial tears, ointment at night & had gotten my tear ducts plugged last fall. Now, in spite of all that, I was having painful gritty sensations, blinking almost constantly & wearing sunglasses indoors. My opthamalogist discussed Lacriserts, which are little capsules that you poke into the lower lid every day. They gradually dissolve, releasing fake lubricant into the eye. I already poke myself in the eye all the time just putting in eye drops, even when I use the mirror, so I wasn't too keen on that. I decided to stop the Cymbalta first, after talking it over with my shrink. That seems to have helped, & I'm back on Lexapro. My feet are complaining bitterly, but I can stand that better than the eye pain. I didn't have that much trouble with my eyes when I took Cymbalta before, but my eyes have gotten drier in the last year anyway, so I guess restarting the Cymbalta just was the last straw. Unless you have very dry eyes, the Lyrica & Cymbalta is a good combination for neuropathic pain.

Well, it's late. Hope all you Mothers & mothering women out there have a lovely Mom's Day!

Ramblin' Rose

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