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Re: [SPAM]RE: swollen legs

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My right leg has been swollen since I got the sarc monster. I take water pills on a daily basis but the right one seems not to come down as far as the left. when I wake in the morn I have the skinniest legs in the world. Wait 5 min and pow. I am told it is water gain but why does it only take a couple of min to kick in? I wear Teds all the time while awake and it only helps a little. They tell me to drink more fluids but when I do my legs swell. what to do? If I don't drink my legs aren't as bad if I do wow. What a choice.

My indentation take about 15 sec. to come out.

Jackie from WI

Re: swollen legs

Hi Pomy,

I get puffynesh with my legs every couple weeks. and it even hurts at times. the one night I was going to have sherif, take me to the ER. I thought I might have had a blood clot. it hurt so bad . but by the next morning it went down. and stopped hurting. Now I have NS not MS.

Many Blessings and pain free daylove to "ALL"

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Jackie, it sounds like you have some serious lymphedema in that leg. Has anyone ever shown you how to do lymphatic massage so that you can literally massage the fluid back into the abdomen so that it is easier to void. Check with your local cancer center, generally they will have the names of some good lymphatic massage therapists that can help you out with this.

The other situation with our bodies is that if we are dehydrated, our bodies go into survival mode. So we drirnk and rehydrate, and since our body figures it will need more fluids that it is getting, it holds the fluid- and for you it is in that leg.

I know that it will swell again as you increase fluids, but continue to add more-- and eventually the signal will be that your body can start voiding the fluids, as it comes out of survival mode.

Most of us get to a place where if we get into the potato chips or nuts, and the extra salt gets retained and we feel it in our hands, fingers and feet-- but if you flush it with an extra glass of fluids the next day, the swelling goes down. If you continue to retain the fluids-- then add more fluids! Stay away from sodas---sparkling water, and even -sorry, the beer. The carbonation is hell on the body.

Vitamin C is an excellant diuretic, and if you feel that you're getting cramps - add a banana-- that will help the potassium levels come to normal. Herbal teas are also good-- and if you take the MSM tablets along with Milk Thistle capsules-- you'll find that in a couple of days, you're able to start voiding more fluids as your liver and kidneys start to clean out the old gunk.

Stay away from teas that have Ginsing and/or Ginko Bilbo. The Ginsing acts as a caffeine, and you can really get to a place of not sleeping. The Ginko seems to react with some of the immuno-suppressants, and I know for me, it makes my hands and feet contort in spasms that are nasty..

Also, adding a quarter of a lemon to your water also helps with the diuretic effect, and it covers up the taste that some tap water contains. Where I live, it's all well water, so we end up a couple of times a year with really muddy water, and they end up adding a bunch of chemicals to make sure there is no bugs in the water- so it can get some very weird flavor..

Take care,


NS Co-owner/moderator

Re: swollen legs

Hi Pomy,

I get puffynesh with my legs every couple weeks. and it even hurts at times. the one night I was going to have sherif, take me to the ER. I thought I might have had a blood clot. it hurt so bad . but by the next morning it went down. and stopped hurting. Now I have NS not MS.

Many Blessings and pain free daylove to "ALL"

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