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gluten sensitivity

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O.K. I know this is not mito related, sorry, but I do remember some of you having children with gluten sensitivities. I'm having a very hard time finding info on the internet about children and babies with it, so I came to the experts.

We think we finally figured out what has been bothering our little guy, (5 months). Since birth he has always been a fussy baby. He has always been breastfeed so I tried eliminating all the usual things like milk, caffeine, greasy foods and sweets, with no success. We started him on the normal baby foods at 4 months and nothing really changed. I always start my babies with rice cereal and he had no problems. Well, he started getting really constipated from the rice so we then changed him to oatmeal, and the same time started him on mixed dinners (containing pasta.) Wow, we went from a fussy baby to a screeming little guy. I then eliminated everything but plain fruit and breastmilk. It took about a week or so, but finally we went back to just a fussy baby. Now I am noticing that everytime I eat anything with glutens in them he is right back to screeming, with extreme gas. Obviously now I am trying to maintain a gluten free diet, but how do I know that we found the problem? I know there is bloodwork for adults to show celiac disease (I actually tested positive on bloodwork, but the biopsy was normal), but is it the same for babies? His pediatrician knows about his gas problems, but we have not seen her since we discovered the possibility of gluten problems. If there is nothing they can do about it, I would rather wait until his next well child visit in about three weeks to bring it up.

I guess my question is how did you know your child had a gluten sensitivity? Is there some sort of testing, without eventually needing to do the endoscope? Can they outgrow this?

Thanks in advance. Sorry this is long.

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My Molly has food sensitivities to wheat, peanut milk and egg. Which

is different than celiac or allergies. She has gi manifestations

(diarrhea and gas, bloating, rash) is she ingests these foods. She

is fine with these foods completely removed. We had a simple round

of blood tests done.


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Oh, but I do think it is mito related. My son is very sensitive to

gluten. Years ago, he was part of a research study that looked at

inflammatory markers after gluten exposure. Evan's were sky high. He

has been gluten free for 9 1/2 years. I think that the bloodwork is the

same for babies, but if there is no gluten in his diet he would test

negative. You could always wait til he is a year and try gluten

containing food again and then test. According to most allergy docs,

babies should not eat gluten so early. My youngest didn't eat any solid

food til he was 6 months old and he is my healthiest child.


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