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Re: Delays in crawling/walking??

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Hi Kate,

It is probably because of the lack of tummy time. Christian was a little

delayed in the head lifting thing because in the beginning I rarely put him

on his tummy. Once I started really spending time with him on the floor he

lifted up in almost no time at all. I would try and do that a little more


Delays in crawling/walking??

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

head and devoloping her neck and back.



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Kate,

Every child is different, and many of them do not lift their heads

while on their tummy till much later. 3mo's is still very young IMO

to really *expect* her to be doing this. Personally, I never really

did tummy time like I should have. I always forgot or whatever. All

of mine crawled and walked at different ages, and incidentally my CF

baby in her brace 18hr/d sat, crawled, and walked BEFORE either of my

non CF children. In fact she sat at 3mo's (tripod effect), crawled

at 5mo, and walked at 10mo's. My other children were more in the

regular schedule, sitting at 5mo, crawling at 7-8, walking at 11.5

and 14 mo's respectively. Many other children however do all this

even much later, with or without CF. The milestones are not set in

stone, and more babes than you'd think will just take their time to

get to each one. Everone *expects* great things from babies, becuse

everyone knows of one or a few that did it on time or early,

whatever. But most every time a child is a little behind in

something they make up for it with a quickness and move right onto

something new before you know it. And most all of them grow to be

fine functioning little people who one would never know didn't crawl

on time or sit... Of course we worry, but chances are it's not

anything unusual so I hope perhaps you can relax a little about this

for now :~}

If you're worried about the tummy time thing, try to direct her

attention to fun things above her head but don't worry too much if

she doesn't lift up. If she likes tummy time, she may not even

bother for a while. If she hates it, she may get her neck strength

some exercise screaming at you lol. Either way, it'll come. I think

all you really need to worry about right now is if she can hold her

head up when she's upright. As long as she's not all floppy she'll

get it. Even if she is... she's probably fine. In her own time :~}

Then again... it couldn't hurt to mention this to her ped next

visit. just for peace of mind.


At 10:23 PM 10/26/2005, you wrote:

>Hi All,

>I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

>crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

>months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

>belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

>casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

>the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

>head and devoloping her neck and back.










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Our son is 2.5 years and he has had no problems with any delay in any of

his milestones. He sat and crawled before any of the other kids and walked

at 1. He is potty trained now and you can have a normal conversation with

him. The only thing he hated was tummy time!!!! It shouldn't make any

difference to your child if she is being treated with the Ponseti Method. He

also walks around with his FAB on, he also knows that he has to crawl in the

kitchen as we have hard tiles and the bar marks them!!!!

Take care

Rach, Steve & Connor.

-- Delays in crawling/walking??

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

head and devoloping her neck and back.



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Gabe hated tummy time too. He wasn't the slightest bit interested in learning to

locomote till he was 10 months old. He learned to crawl in Iowa while casted.

Once he figured out that moving on his own was cool, there was no holding him

back. His ankles were pretty weak though. He started walking at 16 months.

Rach wrote:Our son is 2.5 years and he has had no

problems with any delay in any of

his milestones. He sat and crawled before any of the other kids and walked

at 1. He is potty trained now and you can have a normal conversation with

him. The only thing he hated was tummy time!!!! It shouldn't make any

difference to your child if she is being treated with the Ponseti Method. He

also walks around with his FAB on, he also knows that he has to crawl in the

kitchen as we have hard tiles and the bar marks them!!!!

Take care

Rach, Steve & Connor.

-- Delays in crawling/walking??

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

head and devoloping her neck and back.



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My son has been on track for everything and he was born 6 1/2 weeks

early with bilateral clubfoot. Everyone has told us he'd be delayed,

but we treat him like he wasn't early and didn't have clubfoot...he

doesn't know the difference!

He's 11 months now, and is cruising, getting ready to walk any minute


I would suggest, if you are concerned, you can look into some of the

early childhood development programs that are available in your

area. We have several available to us, and had Aleksander tested.

They confirmed that he was " normal " but if there had been a delay,

they would have suggested things we could do to help him along, and

possibly even provided free physical therapy, etc.

If you happen to live in Minnesota, I could give you the number.

Otherwise you could probably check at your local library for

information, or search for early childhood development with your

state included in the search. That's how I located the program here.


> Hi All,

> I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

> crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is


> months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on


> belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the


> casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now


> the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

> head and devoloping her neck and back.

> Thanks,

> Kate


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You have received some wonderful advice/information. I suggest either

talking to your ped or the EI program within your county/state. You

can locate the early intervention program usually through your state

website-its a federally funded state run program. We contacted them

when david was 3 months old but waited to have him evaluated until he

was 6 months old. We are currently receiving free physical therapy and

occupational therapy(not clubfoot related). Babies progress at their

own time table-much to parents chagrin! My son is in a daycare infant

room with 2 other kids-they are all 2 weeks apart in age total-1 boy,

1 girl, and my son-we call them the gang! Well, all three are not

walking yet and they are 14 months old. Its reassuring to me to know

that not walking is no big deal as these 2 other children who

were born completely healthy/problem free are in the same stage as

. All three love to cruise-none like to let go!! Enjoy your

daughter. A great toy that helped david with floor time was the Baby

einstein play mat-it even had a little pillow that you could use to

prop under the baby to help with tummy time. It played music and had

wonderful visual toys to swat at. A rolled blanket would work just the


Take care,


mom to david 8/28/04 fab 12/7


> Hi All,

> I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

> crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

> months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on


> belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

> casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now


> the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

> head and devoloping her neck and back.

> Thanks,

> Kate


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We had to work on that with Aidan as well. His physical therapist said just

keep putting him on his stomach. If she doesn't like it start out with small

intervals 3 minutes at a time and work up to 5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Even if

she cries it's important to not pick her up.

Another idea is to lay on your back and put her on your stomach. Talk to her

and that might motivate her to lift her head and look at you.

Another way to help strengthen her neck is to carry her around in the airplane

position. You can gently swing her and that will also motivate her to lift the

head. Last, carry her up on your shoulder vs baby style. This will also

motivate her to begin looking at her surroundings. Don't give up, it will come.

I hope that helps. Hang in there!!! :-)

Hugs, Jenn

morganpiglet wrote:

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

head and devoloping her neck and back.



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who is 4 months old has really picked up in holding his head up and his

neck is stonger. (less of the bobble head look) We do work with him daily -

tummy time with toys that keep his attention, my husband also does the airplane

move as mentioned below. has never received any physical therapy just

what we do at home.

Was your baby premature? was 5 weeks premature so he is behind just a

little bit in certain skills. He is more like 3 months old gestestinally than

the 4 months.

Hang in there!

Proud Mommy to 6-11-05 Corrected BL P/M 22/7

Hundley wrote:

We had to work on that with Aidan as well. His physical therapist said just

keep putting him on his stomach. If she doesn't like it start out with small

intervals 3 minutes at a time and work up to 5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Even if

she cries it's important to not pick her up.

Another idea is to lay on your back and put her on your stomach. Talk to her

and that might motivate her to lift her head and look at you.

Another way to help strengthen her neck is to carry her around in the airplane

position. You can gently swing her and that will also motivate her to lift the

head. Last, carry her up on your shoulder vs baby style. This will also

motivate her to begin looking at her surroundings. Don't give up, it will come.

I hope that helps. Hang in there!!! :-)

Hugs, Jenn

morganpiglet wrote:

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

head and devoloping her neck and back.



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My two children, one w/ CF and one not, both had very strong neck and

back muscles from very early on, but absolutely hated tummy time for a

long time.

I would check w/ your pediatrician if you feel her neck muscles are

not developing, but I doubt it has anything to do with the casts. As

Kori mentioned, I think it is mostly important if she is able to hold

her head up well when upright.



> Hi All,

> I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

> crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

> months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on her

> belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

> casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now that

> the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

> head and devoloping her neck and back.

> Thanks,

> Kate


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My daughter has serious gross motor skill delays. She will be one next

week. She just learned to pull to sitting on her own about 3 weeks

ago. She doesn't crawl yet, and we were hoping she would crawl by age

1, but it looks like she won't. Her physical therapist has just

increased her sessions to three times a week, one of those times being

in a pool. Everyone says that this is not related to her clubfeet. I

would rather it be related to her club feet than to face the idea that

there may be something else wrong with her. However, she is

developing. Very sloooooooowly, but she is making improvements. The

most important thing is to identify any delays and deal with them.

There really is no race to the finish line. The most important thing

to me has always been to stay on top of any issues that may arise and

are not related to her club feet. I have never heard of a child being

this delayed and there not being some condition related to it. Anyone

else had a baby not bearing weight and not crawling at age 1?

has not been diagnosed with any other condition, and club feet babies

do not have delays directly related to their condition, so I just have

to accept that is just going to do things in her own time. With

that being said, her verbal skills are excellent and she scored in the

13 month range for verbal when she was 9 months. She has a pretty big

vocabulary now. She appropriately responds to questions asked of her.

So maybe they can only focus on one thing at a time. I wouldn't worry

too much about the neck thing. Just keep an eye on it and stay in

close communication with the pediatrician. You can always get an

evaluation by early intervention and that will tell you a lot about

your baby's development.



> Hi All,

> I was wondering if anyone has noticed a delay in their children

> crawling or walking after doing the Ponseti method. My daughter is 3

> months old and has not shown any signs of lifting her head when on


> belly and is somewhat weak in the neck still. She had above the knee

> casts and we didn't put her on her tummy too much. I'm hoping now


> the casts are off that she will start to feel more like lifting her

> head and devoloping her neck and back.

> Thanks,

> Kate


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My CF son (now 7 1/2 years old) was somewhat delayed and didn't have

anything other than his clubfeet to contend with. About the only thing

he did around the same time as others his age was sit up (at 5 1/2

months) and that was sooner than many of the kids we were around then.

He didn't roll over until like 7 months. He crawled at 11 months and

finally walked at nearly 19 months. However, his fine motor skills were

well beyond the other kids. He was picking up the smallest crumbs by 6

months old. Now, you'd never know he was slower than many of his

peers. My younger son (now almost 15 months) without CF is on a totally

different track altogether. He doesn't crawl in the traditional sense

at all - he scoots on his butt. We say he scoots so he can carry

something while he's on the move :) He also isn't walking on his own,

but has been walking holding our hand for a long time. He is finally

starting to let go and stand up when he wants to. I know we'll really

be in trouble when he decides he can walk on his own :)

donnabrooke1 wrote:

> Kate,

> My daughter has serious gross motor skill delays. She will be one next

> week. She just learned to pull to sitting on her own about 3 weeks

> ago. She doesn't crawl yet, and we were hoping she would crawl by age

> 1, but it looks like she won't. Her physical therapist has just

> increased her sessions to three times a week, one of those times being

> in a pool. Everyone says that this is not related to her clubfeet. I

> would rather it be related to her club feet than to face the idea that

> there may be something else wrong with her. However, she is

> developing. Very sloooooooowly, but she is making improvements. The

> most important thing is to identify any delays and deal with them.

> There really is no race to the finish line. The most important thing

> to me has always been to stay on top of any issues that may arise and

> are not related to her club feet. I have never heard of a child being

> this delayed and there not being some condition related to it. Anyone

> else had a baby not bearing weight and not crawling at age 1?

> has not been diagnosed with any other condition, and club feet babies

> do not have delays directly related to their condition, so I just have

> to accept that is just going to do things in her own time. With

> that being said, her verbal skills are excellent and she scored in the

> 13 month range for verbal when she was 9 months. She has a pretty big

> vocabulary now. She appropriately responds to questions asked of her.

> So maybe they can only focus on one thing at a time. I wouldn't worry

> too much about the neck thing. Just keep an eye on it and stay in

> close communication with the pediatrician. You can always get an

> evaluation by early intervention and that will tell you a lot about

> your baby's development.


> Donna

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This sounds much like Kelsey. Before we began POnseti

method treatment at 10 months, Kelsey would scoot on

her belly but would drag her clubfoot behind her like

it was completely dead and useless. She would pull up

but would do the same thing and just drag her left leg

behind her. She went in to the FAB 23/7 at 12 months

old for 3 months and then started really walking at

about 18 months. However, her fine motor skills are

way advanced. She could put a Mr. Potato head

together inserting the pieces into those little holes

when she was 11 months old. She is still very detail

oriented and great with those fine motor things and

has pretty much caught up on everything else


--- McLaughlin wrote:

> Donna,


> My CF son (now 7 1/2 years old) was somewhat delayed

> and didn't have

> anything other than his clubfeet to contend with.

> About the only thing

> he did around the same time as others his age was

> sit up (at 5 1/2

> months) and that was sooner than many of the kids we

> were around then.

> He didn't roll over until like 7 months. He crawled

> at 11 months and

> finally walked at nearly 19 months. However, his

> fine motor skills were

> well beyond the other kids. He was picking up the

> smallest crumbs by 6

> months old. Now, you'd never know he was slower

> than many of his

> peers. My younger son (now almost 15 months)

> without CF is on a totally

> different track altogether. He doesn't crawl in the

> traditional sense

> at all - he scoots on his butt. We say he scoots so

> he can carry

> something while he's on the move :) He also isn't

> walking on his own,

> but has been walking holding our hand for a long

> time. He is finally

> starting to let go and stand up when he wants to. I

> know we'll really

> be in trouble when he decides he can walk on his own

> :)




> donnabrooke1 wrote:


> > Kate,

> > My daughter has serious gross motor skill delays.

> She will be one next

> > week. She just learned to pull to sitting on her

> own about 3 weeks

> > ago. She doesn't crawl yet, and we were hoping she

> would crawl by age

> > 1, but it looks like she won't. Her physical

> therapist has just

> > increased her sessions to three times a week, one

> of those times being

> > in a pool. Everyone says that this is not related

> to her clubfeet. I

> > would rather it be related to her club feet than

> to face the idea that

> > there may be something else wrong with her.

> However, she is

> > developing. Very sloooooooowly, but she is making

> improvements. The

> > most important thing is to identify any delays and

> deal with them.

> > There really is no race to the finish line. The

> most important thing

> > to me has always been to stay on top of any issues

> that may arise and

> > are not related to her club feet. I have never

> heard of a child being

> > this delayed and there not being some condition

> related to it. Anyone

> > else had a baby not bearing weight and not

> crawling at age 1?

> > has not been diagnosed with any other condition,

> and club feet babies

> > do not have delays directly related to their

> condition, so I just have

> > to accept that is just going to do things

> in her own time. With

> > that being said, her verbal skills are excellent

> and she scored in the

> > 13 month range for verbal when she was 9 months.

> She has a pretty big

> > vocabulary now. She appropriately responds to

> questions asked of her.

> > So maybe they can only focus on one thing at a

> time. I wouldn't worry

> > too much about the neck thing. Just keep an eye on

> it and stay in

> > close communication with the pediatrician. You can

> always get an

> > evaluation by early intervention and that will

> tell you a lot about

> > your baby's development.

> >

> > Donna




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Mom to (10/31/01) and Kelsey (11/7/03)happy girl in DBB nights only for

left clubfoot.


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