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Re: Schwarzbein Protocol

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I've got the Program book, the Vegetarian Diet Book and one other. I'm currently using the Isocort - a natural cortisol support, and it has already made a difference. I'm not as moody as I was, and I'm starting to get some sleep. I am also taking Melatonin10 mg before bed.

i'm working on the Phase 1 healing diet- I'm not seeing any weight loss yet-- but I feel a bit better.

My thyroid is majorally screwed up, my TSH is .01 and normal is .40 -4.50. Whether its the meds blowing it out-- or adrenal burnout as well as my heart being goofy right now-- I see the cardiologist this Thurs. and i'm hoping he will address the thyroid and adrenal burnout- as I am sure that is the root of the cardio problems.

The tests I've yet to do-- but I am getting as many of them run as possible so that they get covered by Medicare. I just need to have an MD order them with the right diagnosis so that they get paid. At least lab is covered 100% without deductibles.

You can order the Books online at AMazon or and Noble, and they have used ones that you can get cheaply.

My blood sugars are also totally screwed up right now- so we're taking a single issue at a time-- working on it, getting it balanced, then on to the next component.

If nothing else-- start with the diet-- and you'll be amazed at how much better you feel when you get the food toxins out of your system!

Hugs to you,


NS Co-owner/moderator

Hi Tracie,

I just noticed your reference to the Schwarzbein Protocol. I haven't been around (as noted previously) and was introduced to it by you today. Wow, did they show a lot of my symptoms, huh? I noticed the fees for stuff were pretty high . I haven't checked out the fees for her books yet. Some questions- how long have you been on it and how much improvement have you noticed? Have you mentioned it to your other drs.? (Just wondering cause they are so stubborn sometimes.)

Thanks for the info.

Debbie T.


Re: Re: hello


You sound like so many of us, spend a few years on prednisone, and the body starts atrophying, and then the signs that were there are masked-- or maybe in remission, and no one knows what to do-- so we must be "crazy", "depressed", "hormonal" or all of the above.

We all know that we're not all of the above, but that the issues and frustrations of seeing our bodies become alien to us-- is depressing on it's own. You know my lecture on depression-- it's a secondary issue to not getting adequate medical care...

I see you take Vit D injections-- can you handle getting out into the sunshine for a few minutes each day. Even in overcast skys, 10 minutes outside makes our bodies produce it's own Vit D to the amount we generally need-- add the D that we get from the foods we eat-- and it is sunshine that activates it-- and that should do the trick. It truly does help lift the "depression" fog that so many of us suffer with.

I personally am finding that the synergy of nutrients and vitamins is skewed in my body-- so it is so important to get what we can from nature to enhance what is happening to us. For me, so much of my neuropathy is from mineral defiency, and from high blood sugar. IT is true that once permanent damage has been done, it's gonna be hard to repair-- but at least if we are doing what we can nutritionally-- we're taking care of ourself in a positive way. (My take guys)

I'm fortunate in that I have a wonderful DC that has a secondary degree in nutrition, and is helping me along the way. She has introduced to a wonderful Program--THE SCHWARZBEIN PROTOCOL-- that is helping me get my adrenals back into sync, and in time, we'll get some healing going on. I already feel better with just the few changes I've made. The book is written by an Endocrinolgist, and is wonderful. It makes more sense to me than all the rest.

It sounds like it would be good for your MD's to check your spinal fluid, and see what kinds of proteins are messing with you. TNF-a and TNF-b studies would also be a good idea. These are blood tests- but if your TNF-a is high, then you know it's active auto-immune. I don't know that TNF-a is high in MS-- but it's really common in us!

So Imuran didn't work-- have they tried Methotrexate, Plaquenil or Arava? You take on one at a time, so if you do have side effects, we know what causes the problem. MTX and Plaquenil are a good combo for many of us, and if you have liver problems, you can do MTX injections and bypass the liver. Take Milk Thistle also-- along with Folic Acid, and you can help avoid liver and anemia problems.

Terri, I am glad you posted, and that you shared what is going on. And yeah, I'm even glad I asked! My heart goes out to all of us,



NS Co-owner/moderator

In a message dated 2/16/2008 4:03:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, mosaicgirl1 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com writes:

Traci,My first LP 8 years ago showed oligliclonal bands. All the rest havebeen normal. My MRI's are all negative but they have not done theL-spine and below. I have problems with mutlicranial neuropathy,neurogenic bladder, neuropathy (mostly in my feet) and spasms (mostly inmy legs). Those are the main issues and everything progresses when I amnot treated. Prednisone caused myopathy in the thigh muscles and Imurancaused a white count of 1.2 and my LFT's were increasing. I need tostart taking my vitamin D q 2 weeks because when I went to monthly itwent down by 1/2 (currently 13). I have been told I am crazy, I have MSand that I have NS. The NS comes from s Hopkins and long ago I wentto the Medical College of Virginia and he suggested NS. So that itwhere I stand.You asked! Hee hee. Of course there are all kinds of other strangethings but I think I have said enough. Thanks for the prayers andsupport. I have been having a big pity party and it is time I get overit.Love to all.Terri>>>> In a message dated 2/15/2008 1:24:27 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,> mosaicgirl1@ ... writes:>> I just have not felt like my perky self lately so it was best> just to not post.>> Terri,> It is when we aren't our "perky" self, that we need most ot post. It'sok> to reach out when we are feeling vulnerable. It's ok to say-- "guys, Ineed> some support here." I know that it's scary when we don't have a firm> diagnosis-- but sick is sick-- and that is what we have in common. Youdon't always> have to lift others up-- heck. we support the "unperky" also!>> Hugs,> Tracie>> PS. I pray that you will get that dx next week, and know how toproceed> from there. Have they done a spinal tap to see if you have the proteinbands> that show up with MS??>>>> ************ **The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at theGrammy> Awards. Go to AOL Music.> (http://music. aol.com/grammys? NCID=aolcmp00300 000002565)>

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