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Re: [SPAM]Re: Re: Need Help

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You have my prayers. I had a abusive marriage when I was feeling well I can't imagine what it must be like while sick. Right now if my husband yells I feel trapped because I can't get up and leave I am stuck in this house. I do have a lock on my bedroom and just inform him I want to be alone. You can do it too. I am offering my ear if you need it. I know the rest of the girls are taking good care to listen and empathies with you.

Take care of you, because if you don't who will?

Jackie in Wisconsin

[sPAM]Re: Re: Need Help

there is no reason why you should allow some one to call you names. I dont think its appropriate in any situation. I would tel him to stop that its not right.... First there is name calling... then what... is it going to escalate to more then verbal abuse.... You dont need a therapist he does. (Or a 9mm bullet to the private parts ( joke) ) Hang in there..... If you cant do things then dont... I used to be a CLEAN FREAK!!! Like OCD CLEAN FREAK.... After I got sick things changed... It became harder to do simple tasks. Noe I have a new philosophy.... Is the world going to end if this doesnt get done right this minuet? probably not..... I hope that you get to feeling better!

Kmosaicgirl1 <mosaicgirl1 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

Sharon,While my husband does not yell, I get this type of treatment. I go totherapy and talk to a therapist so I don't go postal on him. Let himcall you names - if you can't do it, don't do it.I will pray for you and think about going to someone who you can talkto.Terri G.>> I need help.>> My hubby is yelling at me to clean house and I just don't feel likemoving around.>> Sofar this winter hehas had me shoveling the sidewalk, runningthesnowblower and theworst of all, he has had me trying to dig out thevanafter he got it stuck.>> We have a 4x4 truck and he finallyrealized I could not dig out thevan. This was Saturday. I startedcarrying temperature and when I got upto get ready for church, I wasall in and my temp was 101.>> Why doesn't he understand I am not feeling well.>> He is now saying I am lazy and he is calling me all kinds of names.>> Sharon L. Schuckman> sharupac@...>

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