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family!!(some religious content)

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reading a few emails, I decided to chime in with my family these past two

weeks.(actually longer)  we are appealing the insurance company on there

decision of denial for the Remicade, and my doctor called my husband and said

that between the two of them they would handle things so as not to stress me

out.  Great right, it would be if my husband didn’t put me on the bottom

of his stack of things to do. Two weeks ago my husband gave our son his beloved

“green” 4Runner, and bought a newer version 2001, my son got it on Sunday

and rolled it while going skiing on Wednesday, Thank God no one was hurt, but

ever since my husband is obsessing over should he fix it or not, it’s

been totaled by the insurance company, but he just loved the car (it’s

just a car).  I have been asking him for weeks how the appeal was coming and he

would say I’m working on it, don’t worry about it, I’m very

busy at work and have a lot of things on my plate.  Then this last week I asked

him again as it’s been a long time, and we got in a fight, because I told

him that D--- car is more important to him then me!  So the next day I sent him

an email asking him where I fall in his line of priorities, he brought it home

that night and he showed me what he was doing and said “don’t worry

we still have plenty of time”,  he doesn’t get it, he has plenty of

time, but I don’t, I see my legs getting worse, and now the weakness is

in my right leg too, I’ve decided that it is by the grace of God that I walk, 

some days just walking it too much, but he doesn’t get it, nor do my boys

who at their age listen to everything we say, and told me “Mom he’s

taking time so he does it right, he loves you, blah, blah………

He thinks

he has 60 days to respond, I wish I could tell my legs, “hey hang in

there another 60 days, don’t be getting worse on me, we have to wait for

my husband” right!  Then the insurance company has X amount of days too. 

I lay on the floor and show my boys how much I can raise them, the left one

maybe ½ inch, the right one maybe 1 ½ inch, that’s it.  As the day goes

on my gait in walking gets smaller and smaller, then I start falling, I’ve

fallen twice, it would be more, but I am very careful and very slow.

I just

keep praying, God what should I do.  So I asked him again last night and he

said it will go in the mail Monday. 

We love

them what can we do, they see us every day and get desensitized to the way we

are. I just ordered a book, I am excited to get and start reading, it’s

called “Strong at the Broken Places” by Cohen, has anyone

heard of it?  I never watch Larry King, but was channel surfing, heard him talk

about his illness, MS, and he decided to talk to five people and write a book

about their “Chronic illness”, of course we know there isn’t

anyone in the book with Sarcoid, that would have been great, but he does have

someone in there with BiPolar and my son has that, anyway I am excited to get


It was

interesting when Larry asked his wife who is on some morning show, how she dealt

with his illness she said she didn’t, he did???  Then he added that she

is very supportive and helps when she can, but for the most part I do deal with

my illness??? 

So like I

said I am interested in this book.

I just

finished a book called “Full of Grace” a religious book, anyway God

spoke to me in this book, and change my thinking about my business, I am still

trying to run my Kay business, in order to touch other women’s life,

I thought I could only do that as a Director, which takes more energy then I can

put out, I tried and just got worse.  So I just need to step back and still do

makeovers, and touch women one at a time, instead of hundreds at a time, which

you can do at the Director level, and if God decides to lead me to Directorship

at this slower pace then he will get me there. 

We need

to take our lives just “One day at a time”, and I need to remember

that, as that is all God gives us is one day, our yesterdays are gone, and who

knows if we will ever see tomorrow!  But we have Today, and that’s all we


So know

for today, that I wish you the best day ever, God Bless, Marla


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