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a couple of ?'s about carnitine supplement

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jacob started Levocarn 10% oarl soulution like a month ago. then we

had to stop it due to tummy crapping and we havent started it again.

and another reason we stopped it cuz of his eatting/fluid decreaseing.

he weighs 18lbs 12oz's and he is 19 months old.

here are my ?'s..

what type of reactions have you of your loved ones had with the

carnitine supplement?

has your food/fluid intake decreased due to the carnitine?

what did your dr's do to help with the reactions/ decrease of

food/fluid intake?

dose it seem to increase your chance's of becomeing ill?

please help i am stuck.. cuz we are trying to get jacob to eat and he

just refuse's to eat some things and he needs more cal's to gain


thanks for the help in advance.

mommy to

- 4/18/03- cerabellum problem, possiable mito disorder,

carnitine deficency, development delays, faliure to thrive, Ebstines

Anmoaly, MVP, ASD(heart related), mild kidney problems.

Hunter- 12/18/01- development delays

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