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RE: Neck and Shoulder Pain re: Judy in pa

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I really feel your pain. and sympathise with you. I was dx with n.s a few years ago and since things have been downhill all the way. For the past few months I've been having been experiencing pain in my right elbow that at times I can't lift cup of coffee. Below my right ankle, I have a sharp pain as if someone cut into it. I finally had an x ray taken and am waiting ti see a dr for his dx. I beleive this all do to the ns and all the meds I took. It's finally taking it's toll.

Voiced pomy

To: Neurosarcoidosis From: rjbasso@...Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 07:03:14 +0000Subject: Neck and Shoulder Pain

Ever since the accident, I have had pain in my right shoulder and deep inside the right side of my neck and pain in my right shoulder.I've tried going to the chiropractor, my acupuncturist and my orthopedic doctor who thought it sounded like bursitis in my shoulder.So he injected it with steroids and lidocaine. It really didn't help much, and we had trouble getting in touch because he was on vacation during the holidays.Saw him hast week and he ordered a MRI, I almost passed out today when I read the report, I have a complete rotator cuff tear.As you all are aware we all have so much pain it sometimes becomes a joke. I have been in pain since 1971 when I had my first sarcoid attack.Because of my being in pain all the time I figured I probably had just a bruised shoulder and that I am not 21 anymore.Had the MRI, I asked them to send me a copy of the report. I almost fainted when I saw the report today, I have a complete tear of my rotator cuff.Because of this ^%$^ & $* disease I have done the following in the past because I thought it was "just Neurosarcoid Pain"Limped on a sore ankle for 7 months, turned out to be a subluxated Tales bone in my ankle.Walked on a completely fractured tibia for 2 months because I thought it was just somemore NS pain.And now with neck and shoulder pain since September 25th, 2007 when it was torn when we were in the auto accident. All I had was a small cut on the upper arm and lots of aches and pains. I told tahe doctor in the ER that I had some upper back pain, she did lots of xrays and said Bob and I were badly bruised from the accident.You know it's bad enough having N/S Pain and all the leg and back pain from the 23 surgeries on my knees when I developed the MRSA. My)(* & & ( & )(body if a total wreck.Living with all this plus the Neurosarcoid has severely messed up my bone marrow, so I have been going for weekly shots of aronesp one week and then aronesp and iron IV the next week.Well I see my ortho Wednesday, I wonder what he will do. I am not a candidate for surgery.Well thank you for letting my moan and groan. I just think that having to live with Neurosarcoid is enough for one person but all the rest of this is driving me nuts.You know we are told we are only given things we can handle but I'm not sure about me anymore. Hope everyone is having better days than I am.I could really use some prayers or good thoughts what ever is your belief. I just know I need help in handling all of this.Judy in PA Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger

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