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The Insurance Bit

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Hi Judie!

I really believe that it is the last stop before

MAJOR health considerations for the both of us. I am a

BMI 37, but my wife is easily a BMI 50, and we both

have co-morbidities that make life hard for us. My

wife is getting positive feedback about Lap DS from a

chorus she belongs to, and I am starting on the

financial angle.

ly, I'm tired of being fat, and I know my

wife is too. If all goes well, I am hoping to have the

insurance pay for both of us and I'll have her go

first. Life would really suck is we were both disabled

and trying to help/support the other.

Anyway, that's why I am here. I am glad to learn

that I have a chance with UHC, so I'll twist someone's

arm until they cry " Uncle! " .

Thanks again...good, interesting list.



I cant help you with the insurance bit but wanted to

say congrats for


you and your wife looking into getting the DS. My

husband and I both

had it

done last November and I only have 22 more lbs to go

to goal!

Hope you stick around so we can get to know you




Carl Swanson, CBRE, CEA

Broadcast Engineer, KFI AM 640

GROL: PG-GB-03704





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Hey Carl!

Youve come to the right place. Lots of caring and loving people on this

list.....humor too!! (and of course an occasional outburst but that happens

in all families, right?)

My husband and I had it done within 2 days of each other. I went first.

Becuz I was so out of it I completely forgot he was having surgery until Dr

Welker came in to tell me everything had gone well! I was discharged on a

sunday and Mike on Monday. Gave me one night to rest up before he got

there. We stayed in a motel in Portland, not far from the hospital and

Welker called every day to check up on us and in addition we had help every

day in the form of an angel I had met online 2 yrs previous! She came over

every day after work, made sure we had everything we needed in foods, etc

and even cooked thanksgiving dinner and brought us over some!

We had to fight our secondary insurance so it took us 9 months from the day

we found out about wls to when we actually got a date. It was a time of

tension as we knew we wanted this badly and were so afraid we might not get

it. As luck would have it, if medicare covers a surgical procedure then by

law, the secondary has to pay too. They balked and hemed and hawed but once

it went to medicare review board they lost! I cant tell you the pleasure we

had in calling them and telling them to get on the ball and get things going

for us!

Mikes co morbs were sleep apnea, mild congestive heart failure, swelling of

the leg and ankle, borderline diabetes etc so it was just a matter of time.

I was very afraid he would not live for another 5 yrs if we didnt do

something. My comorbs were arthritis of the weight bearing joints and back

pain, high blood pressure (mild.....Mikes was under control with meds though

but it was pallative)....basically our lives were really non existant....we

didnt go anywhere or do much of anything except watch tv all the

time......and EAT since that was all there was to do. A vicious cycle,

indeed! My BMI was 42 and Mikes was 48.....

You WILL NOT regret the DS.....we love it! For the first time in our lives

we do not have to diet....ever! We eat anything we want only in smaller

portions than we did before simply becuz we get full faster.

Glad you are here.......you will find alot of help and fellowship amongst

those of us who are post op and those still waiting....we have lots to offer

you. Just ask if there is anything you want to know.

Where are you from?



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