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Re: [SPAM] Ended up in ER .... uhgggggg

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I am glad that you got the pain taken care of. Be careful with all those pain killers. I know it is hard but we want you around for a long time.

My weekend was pretty much normal except that I was able to drive to the outlet mall and meet my daughter in law and grandaughter. we went shopping and I got to spoil Abby. That is always fun.

Happy pain free days.

Jackie from WI

[sPAM] Ended up in ER .... uhgggggg

Good morning all,

Oh what a weekend I had, Well I stated earlier in the week, I was having this terrible headache.

Well no matter what I took it just would not do anygood, I was taking two Vicoden es. And 3 advil at the same time, and it wouldn’t even numb the pain for a few mins…grrrrr

Yesterday I finally told Sherif, that I had to go to the ER for an injection of something strong to kick this…. Now sheriff is new to this we have been together now going on 3 years and I’ve only had to go to the ER 3 times since we’ve met. So he was like try this try that… just rest, I finally said when the pain got to the point of being sick.. that I really need to go to the ER. They have my records and are aware of my NS and know what Dr Ross has told them to give me.

So we got there and they were sooooo full. But since they put me in the fast tract, I waited umm just about 20 mins until they took me back, The dr came in and went over everything asked me what works for me,,and I told him,, Daluden and visteral.

And the nurse came in shortly and gave me a rather high dose and visteral. And sent me on my way, by the time we got home I was numb… oh you don’t know how good that felt… well I am sure you all know how the pain feels and when your given something strong how much relief I felt. Normally they give it to me through IV, but this time they gave it IM. And it seemed to last longer and helped me sleep right through he nite last night.

And today…Yeppie the pain is gone!!!! Thank Goodness.

Just in time too because I start my one phlebotomy class at 6pm -9:10pm so I wouldn’t have wanted to go to class with that pain..

Well that’s my update on the week long headpain…. Thank you all for your support..

I do love you all,, and thank you for being there…

Many Blessings Abouhamama

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